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Хабузова Юлия Сергеевна


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New York

Every medal has two side.


Maxim Gorky called New York the city of the yellow devil. He said: " A lump of gold is the heart of that city. The beating of the heart is a whole life, the growth of it's volume is a whole meaning of it."

As for me, it's  quite unclear comparison because, fortunately, I've seen the other side of New York.

I was in the USA 4 years ago. Of course, it was an unforgettable experience. Despite bad weather we managed to visit a lot of interesting places.

I will never forget Manhattan-the heart of the night life. I'm sure that it's the most famous sightseeing in New York. It cardinally changes at night. Lots of people fall on the streets as ants. It's like a new world, absolutely different from the "day" city. Everybody tries to be alive, in contrast with the description of people by Maxim Gorky.

Of course, there are a lot of famous parks and streets in New York. One of them are the Central Park and Fifth Avenue which is leading to it. Every tree is in blossom in the park in spring. When I went through it everything seemed to be unbelievable because I had never seen such a beautiful and spellbinding  landscape  before. Fifth Avenue is an accumulation of the most luxurious and expensive boutiques in New York. Even I was there and had a chance to buy a brand- new dress.

I think Gorky was a well-known writer from the new Soviet Republic and he found that city as a capitalist monster. Anyway, I don't want to learn New York from the position of Maxim Gorky. Of course, the city of the "yellow devil" might be true but I'm too young to find out about such a cruel world.



Михеева Светлана Владимировна

Юля, очень интересный взгляд на событие.Обычно люди, которые много путешествуют, пишут много восторженного об увиденном. А ты посмотрела на это сквозь призму времени через литературу. Мне понравился твой необычный ход. С точки зрения лексики- хорошая,много прилагательных.Хорошая структура письма, есть логика и связки.

Хабузова Юлия Сергеевна

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