Открытый урок английского языка "Back to school"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Клемешова Ирина Андреевна

Участники – 2 команды по 5 человек

Оборудование: экран, электронная презентация, места для команд и жюри

Продолжительность – 45 минут

Форма проведения: соревнование знатоков английского языка

Задачи:  погружение учащихся в изучаемый язык в первые дни учебного года,  поддержание интереса к изучению языка, развитие мотивационной сферы учащихся,  развитие памяти и языковой догадки, создание условий спонтанного использования языка для решения ситуационных языковых задач.


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Предварительный просмотр:

План урока «Back to School» для  учащихся  10 -11 классов

Участники – 2 команды по 5 человек

Оборудование: экран, электронная презентация, места для команд и жюри

Продолжительность – 45 минут

Форма проведения: соревнование знатоков английского языка

Задачи:  погружение учащихся в изучаемый язык в первые дни учебного года,  поддержание интереса к изучению языка, развитие мотивационной сферы учащихся,  развитие памяти и языковой догадки, создание условий спонтанного использования языка для решения ситуационных языковых задач.

Домашнее задание:  1)подготовить описание школьного предмета без указания названия или имени учителя, преподающего этот предмет, в качестве загадки для команды-соперника, 2)подготовить общекомандное толкование одной из фраз (School is fun или School is boring) по предварительной жеребьевке

План проведения праздника


Баллы и порядок  их присуждения



Приветствие участников:

Ladies and gentlemen,

we have just begun a new school year. My congratulations! For some of you it’s the last year at school, for the others it’s the starting point of a new period in life – attending senior classes, which is at least challenging, to my mind.

Речь произносится на фоне заставки с фразой “Back to School”


Задание 1.

Let’s get started. Have a glance at the message. What does it say? What’s the key word? Sure, school! There are 4 different letters in the word? Aren’t there?

So, the 1st assignment is :

Think of the words associated with school that start with these letters. You’ll name them one by one in turn. The last word named brings a point to the team.

Ladies and gentlemen, the letter S (school, subject, science, summer,  …  ),

the letter C (class, chemistry, career, club, …)

the letter H (holidays, history, …)

the letter O (October, optimism, …)

the letter L (language, learning, …)

1 балл команде, которая назывет слово на заданную букву последней.

Появляется слово SCHOOL

Появляются буквы S, C, H, O, L по очереди


Задание 2

The task is to describe a science giving no name of the science as it is or the teacher for the rival team to guess the name of the science and the subject you study at school

3 балла за изложение «загадки», правильность речи, оригинальность.

Команды тянут жребий для определения порядка выступления. На экране следующая заставка


Задание 3.

Some people say school is fun, others suppose school is a bore.  Could you explain why?

Now each of you is to say something to support the chosen idea. Please, do not repeat things mentioned earlier, follow the thread and try to create a full and vivid picture.

5 баллов с учетом правильности речи, связности получаемого описания, согласованности действий команды.


Задание 6.


Do you know what a limerick is? It’s a funny poem no longer than 5 lines with rhyming endings. Today you’ll find some words missing. The task is to guess the word which is missing.

Обязательно привести пример перед выполнением задания. Команды прослушивают (или просматривают рифмовки по очереди)

1 балл за каждое правильно угаданное слово

На экране – «мудрая сова». Подготовить  3-4 лимерика для каждой команды. В варианте, который был выбран для проведения конкурса, лимерики предъявлялись устно, но вполне возможно предъявление их в визуальном режиме для облегчения задачи и более активного включения внимания присутствующих.


Задание 8.


Dear competitors,

At the moment you’ll be given a story to listen to. It’s an anecdote with an unexpected end. Try hard to catch the message to be able to do a small thing at the very end – to complete the story with a three-word ending.

“Johny was 9 years old, and he was a very bad boy, but his mother always hoped that he would behave better. Then one day, when he had come home from school, Johny’s teacher called his mother on the phone and said, “Did you know, Mrs Perkins, that Johny saved another boy when he fell into the river while we were out for a walk this morning?”

Mrs. Perkins was very happy to hear that. She thought, “Johny is becoming a good boy.” She turned to him and said, “That was you teacher. Why didn’t you tell me that you had been such a brave boy and saved one of your friends when he fell into the river this morning?”

But did not look very pleased  when he heard this. He blushed and said, ”Well, I really had to pull him out, because I PUSHED HIM IN

1 балл команде, которая завершит рассказ правильно (PUSHED HIM IN). Эти слова в рассказе не звучат.

Поскольку рассказ заканчивается на слове-антониме, переходим к игре со словами


Задание 9.

Ladies and gentlemen,

How do we call pairs of words such as pull out and push in. Sure, opposites, or antonyms! The next task is about antonyms and synonyms.

1 балл за каждое слово


Другие варианты парных слов тоже возможны.

Слова задаются  командам по очереди


Team 1:

Big – small (little),

Old – new (young)

Black – white

Beautiful – ugly

Crowded – deserted


Team 2:

Many – few

Long – short

Right – wrong (left)

Pure – dirty

Stressful - relaxing


Team 1:

Big – large

Different – various

Calm - reserved

Clever - bright

Spicy  - hot

Team 2:

Talented – gifted

Massive - huge

Car – vehicle

Just – fair

Territory - area


Задание 10.

Greetings and congratulations

That was the last task. The game has come to an end.  Thank you! And  to finalize the competition  your word to all those present . Welcome!

Не оценивается, а является элементом общения команд с аудиторией в то время как жюри подводит итоги.

Жюри подводит итоги



Now I’m inviting the jury to announce the results. In a second we’ll get to know the score and the winner.

Жюри объявляет результаты.


There was an Old Owl lived in an oak.

The more he heard, the less he spoke.

The less he spoke, more he heard.

Follow the example of that wise old bird.

There was a nice lady of Niger

Who smiled as she rode on a tiger.

They returned from the ride

With the lady inside,

And a smile on the face of the tiger.

There was an Old Man of the West,

Who wore a pale plum-coloured vest;

When they said: "Does it fit?"

He replied: "Not a bit!"

That uneasy Old Man of the West.

There was a young person, whose history

Was always considered a mystery;

He sat in a ditch, no one knew which,

And composed a small treatise on history.

There was an old lady of Harrow,

Whose views were exceedingly narrow.

At the end of her paths

She built two bird baths

For the different sexes of sparrow.

There was an old lady who said

When she found a thief under her bed:

"Get up from the floor;

You are too near the door,

And you may catch a cold in your head."

There was an old man of Khartum

Who kept two black sheep in his room 

"To remind me ," he said,

"Of someone who is dead,

But I never can 'recolIect whom"

There was an Old Man of Kilkenny,

Who never had more than a penny;

He spent all that money,

On onions and honey,

That wayward Old Man of Kilkenny.

There was a Young Lady whose eyes,

Were unique as to colour and size;

When she opened them wide,

People all turned aside,

And started away in surprise.

There was an Old Man on a hill,

Who seldom, if ever, stood still;

He ran up and down,

In his Grandmother's gown,

Which adorned that Old Man on a hill.

There was an Old Man of Moldavia,

Who had the most curious behaviour;

For while he was able,

He slept on a table.

That funny Old Man of Moldavia.

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