мероприятие на английском языке "TEA-PARTY"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему


Интересное и познавательное мероприятие про чай, про историю чая, про страны, которые можно назвать Родиной чая!!! При этом мероприятие сопровождается разнообразными заданиями.


Предварительный просмотр:


I. Организационный момент

Good morning, dear friends and our guests! Today we have a very interesting game-feast: Tea-party. It is connected with a simple product – tea.

Today everything will be connected with it. Every day we drink tea: when it is cold, we drink hot tea; when guests come, we also drink tea. But what is it? What traditions have we got in our country and in the other countries? Where has tea comes from? Today you’ll know about it.

We have 4 teams. The titles are connected with the theme of our party: Green tea Black tea Lemon tea Mint tea

There are 4 tables. They are countries, where people like to drink tea: England Russia, Bashkortostan, China. Here you’ll know interesting information about TEA-DRINKING IN THESE countries. You have a special card, where you’ll get the results of tasks. Then we’ll count up them and know the winner of our tea-party.

So let’s begin our party. But at first let’s know the legend about this product Tea.

Thank you very much.

II. Основная часть.

Now, you may go to your table-countries. Then you’ll change the table-countries (ребята переходят от стола к столу, выполняя задания и получая баллы).



Let’s watch a very interesting film about tea in this country according to the computer and then you are to tell the main idea of the text.



The Russian like strong their tea. How to take Russian tea?  Fill the Kettle with cold Water. Boil the water and then pour a little boiling water into the teapot to warm it. Put one teaspoon of tea into the pot for each person and one extra for the pot. Pour boiling water into the teapot. Enjoy your tea!

How to make tea with milk? Pour milk and put sugar into the cups and pour the tea into the cups. Enjoy your tea with milk!

Russian people usually have scones, butter, cream, rolls, marmalade and strawberries with tea.

Answer the questions, please,

  1. What is the national drink in Russia?
  2. How to make Russian tea?
  3. What do Russian people have with tea?
  4. Do Russian people like tea or milk better?
  5. They like Indian tea, don’t they?

My dear friends, let’s have a rest (студенты проводят физкультминутку и рассказывают состав чая + стихи, песни, загадки, частушки про чай).


Tea, tea, tea.

Do you like me?

Yes, I do, of course.

What do you think?

What is it?

Tea is feast!


Разделитесь на 2 команды. Задание следующее: вы должны назвать продукты, которые мы употребляем во время чаепития. Называть нужно на английском языке и не выкрикивать. За каждый правильный ответ я даю жетон.

Назовите кухонные приборы. Продукты.


The first samples of tea reached England between 1652 and 1654, and it became popular enough to replace ale as England’s national drink. Although tea prices were kept fairly high, tea mania swept through England just as it had the other countries.

As a matter of fact, prior to the introduction of tea into Britain, breakfast and dinner were the two meals that were commonly served. Tea was made in a heated silver pot and brought to the guests and was served in the finest porcelain from China.

At this time, two types of tea services emerged, which are called High and Low Tea.

English Breakfast Tea, a fine black tea, which often includes Keenum, is blended with milk, and creates a bouquet that is reminiscent of hot toast from the oven. Lemon may be offered if milk is not preferred, but the two are never served together. It would curdle the milk in the tea. Keenum Tea is the most famous of all Chinese teas.  

1. Write the sentences and make up questions:

Tea, is, English, fine, breakfast, tea, a black.

1652 and 1654, the, reached, of, samples, between, England, first, tea.

2. Translate and write three forms of verbs.

Начинать, покупать, пить, находить, продавать, брать.


Since the ancient times Bashkirs drank a tea. They made it from different herbs. Tea was served with honey, chuck-chuck, cottage, cheese, butte, bread, berries and other national dishes.

Today at our tea-party we offer you some tasks. Task 1. You are to form new words using the letters of the word “tea”. Your words must begin with the letters “T”, “E” and “A” and be connected in some way with the theme “Tea”.

Task 2. Match the beginnings and the endings of the words which are connected with the theme.

So, thank you. Let’s go on.

No, let’s know the winner of our tea-party.

The results are …

Thank you very much. Everybody’ll get excellent marks for your preparation for our tea-party.


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