Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку: "День Святого Валентина"
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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку: "День Святого Валентина". Для старшеклассников.


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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку  посвящено дню влюбленных и проводится в старших классах.


  1.  узнать об истории праздника;
  2. вспомнить пары известных личностей;
  3. узнать названия незначительных праздников, существующих помимо дня Св. Валентина в феврале.

Ход мероприятия:

  1. История праздника (слова подготовлены заранее и распределены между учениками 11 класса, желающими выступить)

1. Valentine’s Day is celebrated by lovers on February, 14. It is the holiday of love and friendship. People give romantic cards and gifts to those, who they are in love. Sometimes they do it secretly.

2. The saying  «Be my Valentine!» means “be my friend or be my love”. Heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, hand-made valentines, bright red paper hearts, cupids and flowers are popular gifts on this day. 

3. This holiday is traditionally celebrated in the USA. Nowadays this celebration has spread all over the world. The most popular colour of the day is red as it is associated with feelings, especially love.  The holiday has some symbols, one of them is Cupid, the Roman god of Love. The Cupid is usually drawn as a young boy with wings, who holds a bow and an arrow.

4. There are several legends that explain the origin of the holiday. Yet nobody is sure which of them is true.

The first legend tells us that three hundred years after the death of Christ, Roman Emperors still forced everyone to believe in the Roman gods. On the 14th of February there was a custom to celebrate the Day of Faun, a Roman god of forests and fields, the patron of farmers and cattle-breeders.  That god had an image of a man with a goat’s horns, ears, legs, and tail. On that day young men gathered to cast lots and thus they chose young girls to be their wives for the rest of the year. This custom was similar to the bird’s picking their mates on the same day as in early times there was a strong belief that they did it on that very day. That might explain why love-birds seem to be such popular on Valentine cards.

5. The other legend tells us about an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time. He refused to worship the Roman gods and was imprisoned because he had secretly married couples, contrary to the laws of the Roman Emperor. According to those laws young people were forbidden to marry as they had to be free to be good warriors.

6. The third legend tells us that St. Valentine was a Christian priest who lived in Rome and was thrown in prison for his teachings. He died for his faith оn the 14th of February A.D.170. He was supposed to have cured the jailer’s daughter of her blindness as well. But he was not noted for helping lovers in distress and was not the patron saint of lovers.

7. It's that time of the year when couples show their love for each other by sending cards, flowers and chocolates. But Valentine's Day is not only about public displays of affection: in recent years it has also become big business. People spent a lot of money on flowers and chocolates.
Valentine's Day has become a global industry with more than 80 million roses sold worldwide.

2. Обычаи в разных странах (рассказ ведущего)

You know that this holiday is celebrated all over the world. Each country has its own customs. I would like to tell you about some of them.
Young ladies wrote men’s names on paper, rolled each in a ball & dropped them into water. The 1st paper to appear on the surface had the name or the lady`s true love.
A young girl would stand at the window for half an hour before sunrise. The first man to appear would be her husband! If no one went by, she would not be married that year!
Girls planted onions on St. Valentine`s Day. Each onion has the man`s name. She thought she would marry the man whole onion sprouted first.
All over the world
Making special cakes!

3. Работа в парах над выданным заданием, при необходимости с обсуждениями и подсказками. (Материал в прикрепленных файлах)

4. Итог мероприятия - оформление уголка с валентинками (подготовленными учениками заранее), как символ дня Св. Валентина.

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Предварительный просмотр:

Valentine`s Day Scramble Quiz

  1. aotclhceo______________
  2. atresh_________________
  3. rowra_________________
  4. veol__________________
  5. rde___________________
  6. oers__________________
  7. arocnem_______________
  8. piduc_________________
  9. gsuh__________________
  10. wesrlfo________________
  1. - - - - - - - s are given as a sign of love on Valentine`s day.        
  2. Cupid was the son of  - - - - - .
  3. Cupid likes to shoot - - - - - s.
  4. Venus is the godness of - - - -.

  1. - - - - - - - - is a popular Valentine`s gift.

Find the right word!

A part of your body                                        Lace

A head –shaped                                                Arrow

A man who care for people                                Bouquet

A boy who shoots arrows                                Romance

A kind of flower                                                Smile

A bunch of flowers                                        Cupid                        

A friendly look                                                St.Valentine

Used with a bow                                                Valentine Heart

A fancy material                                                Chocolate

A kind of candy                                                Rose

Give synonyms:
Romance                                Love

Affection                                Wife or husband

Humorous                                 Celebration                                

Decorate                                Friend

Spouse                                 Emotions

Feelings                                 A boyfriend or a girlfriend

Companion                                Warm feelings

Festival                                 Funny

Sweetheart                                Make attractive

Men and Ladies:
Romeo                                 Cleopatra

Adam                                 Lady Di

John Lennon                         Eurydice

Napoleon                                 Scarlet O`Hara

Rhett Butter                         Josephine

Mark Antony                         Eve

Orpheus                                Juliet

Prince Chares                         Yoko Ono

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