Презентация "Мир Гейнсборо"
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему

Презентация рассказывает об английском живописце, графике, портретисте и  пейзажите Томасе Гейнсборо, а также содержит иллюстрации его работ с описанием и музыкальном сопровождением .


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The 18th century was the age of classical art in Britain. Under the influence of the Flemish Antony Van Dyck, Hans Hollbein of German extraction who were the originators of the brilliant school of English painting the splendid constellation of native painters appeared. They were William Hogarth, Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough.

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Gainsborough was born in Suffolk in 1727. That native place of his was very important because he met his love there. It happened in his early twenties when he had returned from London where he had got his education. He preferred landscape painting. Group portrait of himself, his wife and their first child.

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The Painter’s Daughters Chasing a Butterfly, late 1750s.

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In 1757 Gainsborough moved to Bath. He entered the new world. Bath was England’s most fashionable winter resort, crammed with wealth and rank. While he was establishing his reputation as a first-class portraitist at Bath, Gainsborough painted his best-known work , The Blue BOY.

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William Poynts was one of his aristocratic sitters. The portrait brought the painter his first London press notice, which admired the dog as well as the owner. William Poynts,1762 Now Gainsborough started painting portraits of English aristocrats, soldiers, statesmen.

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Mary Graham posed Gainsborough about a year after she married a wealthy Scotsman. The play of light on rich texture lends the portrait a romantic quality . The Honorable Mrs.Graham,1775-1777

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Sarah Siddons, the leading tragedienne of the Drury Lane Theatre, was painted by Gainsborough . Mrs.Siddons,c.1789-1785

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The eminent actor David Garrick was painted by his friend Gainsborough no less than five times, but this portrait, showing him leaning against a bust of Shakespeare, best captured the talented man.

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Elizabeth Ann Linley was the daughter of a music teacher at Bath. She was a brilliant singer. Her beauty attracted many men. Later she eloped with the playwright Richard Brinsley Sheridan . Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, probably exhibited 1783

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William Wade, master of ceremonies and social arbiter of the resort of Bath, demanded that Gainsborough portray him in the most elegant, formal and flattering manner possible. Captain Wade,1771

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Gainsborough died believing that his finest achievement was his loving depiction of England’s countryside and the virtuous folk who peopled it. A Cottage Girl with Dog and Pitcher,1785

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Very near the end of his life, Gainsborough painted his last great ‘fancy picture’, a poetic portrait of a countryman caught beneath a darkening, thunderous sky and turning his eyes heavenward. The picture shows the communion between man and nature . The Woodman, c.1787-1788

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C ПИСОК ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ 1. Л.А.Дунельская Искусство Англии XVI - XIX веков. Очерк-путеводитель, Ленинградское отделение, 1983. 2. В.С.Кузнецова Англия. История, география, культура. Вища школа, Киев,1976. 3. Jonathan Norton Leonard The World of Gainsborough 1727-1788.TIME –LIFE INTERNATIONAL ( NIDERLAND ) B.V.,1979.

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