Упражнения для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку (словообразование).
тренажёр по английскому языку (9 класс)

Данный упражнения  являются отличным подспорьем при подготовке учащихся к ОГЭ по английскому языку. Это  разнообразные упражнения, направленные на тренировку и закрепление навыков в словообразовании. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Переделайте  слова из  рамочки  так, чтобы они подошли  по смыслу в предложения (используя  приставки  или  суффиксы).

!!!!Сначала переведите  ту форму, которая дана, потом переведите  предложения и преобразуйте  слова  в  те  части речи, которые надо.

Wealth, impress, advertise, response, decide, fortunate, music, care, vary, expected

  1. It was a wonderful ………….…. in that situation.
  2. ……….., we found the museum rather quickly.
  3. Mr Bright was a rather ………….. person and often donated money.
  4. The building looked really ……………. and we stood in excitement.
  5. My favourite ……………… is Louis Armstrong.
  6. Look at this ……………… . Isn’t it funny?
  7. The news was definitely …………….   We were embarrassed.
  8. …………….. employees are highly appreciated by employers.
  9. ………………. products can be found in this supermarket.
  10.  Be ………………… on the road after rain!

  1. Переделайте  слова из  рамочки  так, чтобы они подошли  по смыслу в предложения (используя  приставки  или  суффиксы).

!!!!Сначала переведите  ту форму, которая дана, потом переведите  предложения и преобразуйте  слова  в  те  части речи, которые надо.

Fame, excite, hunt, unfortunate, explain, especial, help, harm, own, equip

  1. Find a more reasonable ……………. You sound silly!
  2. The …………… is really lucky today. He has shot ten ducks.
  3. ………………., she couldn’t finish the test in time and was really upset.
  4. We need professional ……………… for this purpose. We won’t manage without it.
  5. Moscow is ……………… for its endless attractions.
  6. They felt …………….. in that situation with no food, no water and no hope.
  7. The ……………… of the shop was Mrs Trench, an attractive young lady.
  8. We were looking at that impressive building in ……………. when we heard someone scream.
  9. I’m fond of pastry,  …………….. cream cakes and apple pie.
  10.  Smoking is very …………….. for health.


  1. There are many ……………………….. houses in this area. (FASHION) – прил.
  2. George takes part in all ……………………………. at school. (COMPETE) – сущ.
  3. My sister is a very …………………………… girl. (ATTRACT) – прил.
  4. She is the most ………………………… person in the world! (CARE) – прил.
  5. His business is ………………………… cars. (REPAIR) - герундий
  6. Oh, it’s so …………………….. to take part in this race! (EXCITE) – прил.
  7. I …………………… with you. He is not a lazy boy. (AGREE) – глаг.  с  отриц.  приставкой

  1. I can’t stand visiting …………………… cities. (NOISE)
  2. What is the …………………………… between these men? (DIFFERENT)
  3. You are right. This picture is …………………………… (BEAUTY)
  4. Taking a cold shower in the morning is very …………………… (USE)
  5. My grandmother …………………………… living in the old house.

She wants to buy a new one. (LIKE)

  1. The …………………………. gave me very interesting book. (LIBRARY)
  2. The patient felt much better after proper ……………………….. (TREAT)
  3. There is a ……………………………………… view from the deck of the ship. (PICTURE)

  1. The weather today will be cold and ……………………… (WIND)
  2. Your blood ……………………………. Is high. You need to call a doctor. (PRESS)
  3. I’m against John’s …………………… (PROPOSE)
  4. I’m ……………………….. that I’ve been given a chance to hear this outstanding singer. (THANK)
  5. We all listened to the …………………….. with great interest. (SPEAK)
  6. They ran home ………………….. because it was raining. (QUICK)
  7. Playing volleyball is a good ……………………… for young people. (AMUSE)
  8. He is a ………………………… driver. He drives a car badly. (CARE)

  1. The food was completely ……………………………. because he was a bad cook. (SAVOR)
  2. Reading books is her ………………….. way of spending free time. (FAVOUR)
  3. He likes swimming and going on ………………………… (EXCURSE)
  4. Never jump off a ……………………. train. (MOVE)
  5. I hope you will take into …………….. what Ive told you. (CONSIDER)
  6. This new book has got a lot of colorful ……………………… (ILLUSTRATE)
  7. There are many …………………….. poems in this book. (FAME)
  8. My ……………………………. were wrong. He failed the exam. (EXPECT)

  1. He has got the best ………………….. of different stamps. (COLLECT)
  2. It is very ……………………… to buy things in the supermarket. (EXPENSE)
  3. The day was really …………………… and we went for a walk to the forest. (WONDER )
  4. My father is a very …………………….. singer. (ORIGIN)
  5. She speaks ……………………….. everywhere. (LOUD)
  6. My best friend takes part in the world …………………………. He is a great sportsman. (CHAMPION)
  7. My sister is very ……………………………….. I can trust her. (RELY)
  8. He was ………………………. to find right answer and got a bad mark. (ABLE)

  1. Thank you very much. I’m sure I’ll find it without any ……………………… (DIFFICULT)
  2. There are a lot of ………………………. projects to protect the environment. (GLOBE)
  3. Turn to the right and you’ll ………………….. see this beautiful stature. (IMMEDIATE)
  4. I’ve had some …………………………. nights, so I feel exhausted. (SLEEP)
  5. The …………………….. of the Zoo are wild animals. (INHABIT)
  6. You’ve failed the exam. You should ……………………… it. (WRITE)
  7. The question was so …………………………… that he couldn’t answer it. (DIFFICULTY)
  8. I’ve been waiting for ……………………… to go abroad for two weeks already. (PERMIT)

  1. Her ……………………… were about future trip. (THINK)
  2. On checking up the answers John found out that he had made some ……………… (TAKE)
  3. I ………………………….. do morning exercise with my little brother. (USUAL)
  4. Can you give me some more …………………… about this book? (INFORM)
  5. My necklace has ………………………… I can’t find it anywhere. (APEAR)
  6. British soldiers wounded in the …………………. battles of the war. (BLOOD)
  7. I’ve been to the theatre with my mom ………………………. (RECENT

  1. Form adjectives using suffixes –(ic)al, -ing, -ive, -able, -ible,  translate the combinations

A CHANGE discussion, NATION government, EFFECT punishment, an AMAZE difference, an ECOLOGY situation, an ATTRACT waiter, a RESPONSE manager, a CHARM musician, an IMPRESS building, ENJOY attractions, TRADITION education, a FASHION artist, EXPENSE entertainments, the GEOGRAPHY location, a SWIM championship, ORIGIN translation, PERSON equipment, a COMFORT combination, a CULTURE difference, an INTEREST player, a PRACTICE traveller, a CREATE designer, PROFESSION disagreements, a SURPRISE beginning, EXCITE popularity

  1. Form adjectives using suffixes –(t/tif)ic, -less, -ent, -ish, and prefixes –un, -im, -inter; translate the combinations

An EXPECTED visitor, the ENGLAND translation, END kindness, an LUCKY inventor, POSSIBLE connection, NATIONAL communication, a DIFFER decision, an FRIENDLY gardener, HOME people, an ENERGY trainer, HARM discomfort, FANTASY attractions, USUAL imagination, a CARE hunter, SCIENCE explanation, an FAIR competition, BASE education, FORGETTABLE meetings, a HELP player, PLEASANT owners, an HAPPY scientist

  1. Form nouns using suffixes – ment, -tion, -sion, -ing, translate the combinations

An unexpected SUGGEST, original PUNISH, the basic MEAN, an international DISCUSS, a famous ADVERTISE, a practical DECIDE, an impressive BUILD, a wonderful COMBINE, personal DISAGREE, an unforgettable COMPETE, powerful GOVERN, the unpleasant BEGIN, scientific EXPLAIN, powerful EQUIP, traditional CELEBRATE, various ENTERTAIN, friendly POPULATE, a responsible ORGANIZE, endless EXCITE, amazing IMAGINE, dangerous CONNECT, beautiful ATTRACT, comfortable LOCATE, cultural COMMUNICATE

  1. Form nouns using suffixes – er (or), -ist, -ance, -ence, -ness, -ity, -ship, translate the combinations

An interesting PERFORM, a careful HUNT, amazing KIND, a creative INVENT, a famous SCIENCE, a professional EXPLORE, unpleasant APPEAR, a fantastic WIN, a nervous RIDE, a dangerous ILL, an energetic TRAVEL, a wonderful ART, the practical OWN, the cultural DIFFER, an unexpected VISIT, a friendly SUPPORT, useful FIT, a responsible WAIT, dangerous POPULAR, a lucky REPORT, impressive FRIEND, a powerful LEAD, professional RESPONSIBLE, a cheerful TRAIN, a regular CHAMPION, a sleepy GARDEN

  1. Form adjectives, adverbs or verbs where appropriate, translate the combinations

To take everything SERIOUS, to APPROVE of punishment, a TRADITION celebration, to speak NATURAL, a REAL fantastic holiday, to LIKE spicy food, an USUAL painter, to speak Japanese FLUENT, to APPEAR unexpectedly, DAY information, to receive mail DAY, to be DEFINITE interesting, to AGREE with teachers, to phone relatives RARE, an HAPPY musician, to shout LOUD at children, to visit friends RECENT, a PERSON opinion, PERSONAL speaking, to SYMBOL freedom, an ABSOLUTE unpleasant visitor, to communicate EASY, an ESPECIAL impressive building, to be PROBABLE on vacation

  1. Give antonyms to the following words and translate them using prefixes -un, -dis, -im and the suffix –less:

Lucky, harmful, agree, friendly, like, careful, happy, usual, appear, pleasant, approve, expected, comfort, helpful, fair, forgettable, possible

  1. Form nouns from the following words using suffixes –er, -or, -ment, -ness, -tion, -sion, -ance, -ence, -ship, -ist, -ity, -ing, -ian and translate them:

Dance, friend, sing, appear, explore, perform, visit, swim, science, responsible, compete, manage, punish, music, situate, play, ill, ride, mean, equip, travel, differ, inform, disagree, wait, discuss, communicate, excite, design, begin, learn, hunt, art, advertise, translate, protect, paint, bank, entertain, popular, own, kind, invent, speak, win, govern, garden, populate, inform, locate, support, connect, lead, champion, celebrate, teach, explain, report, build, train, suggest, drive, combine, write, imagine, fit, attract, decide

  1. Form adjectives from the following words using suffixes –ful, -ing, -ly, -ive, -(ic)al, -ic, -able, -ent, -ible, -y, -ous, -less:

Sun, beauty, effect, vary, end, interest, fame, nation, science, rain, expense, enjoy, danger, risk, fantasy, ecology, tradition, colour, help, love, cheer, base, create, practice, care, comfort, amaze, taste, nerve, power, surprise, home, origin, peace, impress, geography, charm, spice, use, harm, energy, sleep, fashion, fun, person, success, attract, health, stress, excite, luck, nation, wealth, response, change, noise, swim, differ, friend, profession, wonder, culture

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