Заседание №10 Клуба любителей английского языка

Зимина Татьяна Александровна

Дорогие ребята!


Сегодня на заседании нашего Клуба мы анализируем ответы на вопросы Викторины“Jane Eyre ”, проводимой издательством «Титул» - https://www.englishteachers.ru/forum/index.php?showtopic=3803

Викторина проводилась c 6 октября по 15 ноября 2017 года.

Для участия в конкурсе необходимо было заполнить электронную форму с вопросами 


Правильные ответы на вопросы викторины Jane Eyre Quiz 


1) How old was Jane at the beginning of the novel? 10

2) What book did Jane look through at the very beginning of the novel? Bewick’s History of British Birds

3) What is the name of the Reeds’ family house? Gateshead Hall

 4) How many children are there in the Reeds family? 3

5) Write the date and month when Jane went to Lowood school. 19th of January

6) Find and tick off the description of Miss Temple, the superintendent of Lowood school: “a tall lady with dark hair, dark eyes, and a pale and large forehead”

7) What is the name of Jane’s friend in Lowood school? Helen Burns

8) Tick off the correct description of Mr. Rochester: He has a dark face, with stern features and a heavybrow; his eyes and gathered eyebrows looked ireful. He has a good figure in the athletic sense of the term – broad chested and thin flanked, though neither tall nor graceful.

9) Adele Varens is: Mr. Rochester’s ward

10) What is Mr. Rochester’s name? Edward

11) Why did Jane escape from Thornfield Hall? Because she knew that Mr. Rochester had a wife

12) How did Jane introduce herself to the Rivers family? Jane Elliott

13) St. John Rivers is: Jane’s cousin

14) What thing does Mr. Rochester wear as a memento of Jane? a pearl necklace

15) How many years had Mr. Rochester and Jane been married when she was writing the story of her life? 10