"Степени сравнения прилагательных"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Добавляю план урока по теме "степни сравнения прилагательных" для учеников 5 класса.Разработка абсолютно нейтральна,без ссылки на какой-либо учебник.Можно адаптировать под любое УМК


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План урока по английскому языку.

Урок для 5 класса

Тема урока:The comparison degrees of adjectives (степени сравнения прилагательных)

Цели урока:

Образовательная: научить учащихся правильно использовать степени прилагательных как на теории, так и на практике.

Воспитательная: Организация дисциплины в классе. Пополнение знаний о солнечной системе.

Развивающая: пополнение лексического запаса учеников.

Метод обучения :беседа ,дискуссия

Форма обучения: фронтальная

Средства обучения: доска, учебники, наглядные пособия, таблицы, аудиозапись ,аудиопроигрыватель.

Задачи урока:

1.объяснение новой темы «сравнительная степень прилагательных»

2.закрепление пройденного материала

3.пополнение лексического запаса учащихся


Good morning ,pupils! Sit down, please! I’m glad to see you! How are you? Look at the window! What can you say about the weather? Well, who is on duty today? Who is absent?

2. Объяснение нового материала “The comparison degrees of adjectives”

Let’s begin with repeating adjectives. Please, give me examples of adjectives. Do you know that they have 3 degrees? Look at the blackboard. Let’s take an adjective small. By the way, give me translation of this word. We can see that it is a simple adjective? because it hasn’t any expiration. Well, it means that adjectives without expirations are positive degree of adjectives. Do you understand it? In Russian it sounds as основная степень прилагательных.

Let’s go on! The second degree of adjectives called a comparative degree. It formed with the help of –er. We add –er at the of adjective. E.g. the adjective small turned in smaller and it’s translated into Russian as меньше .Do you catch it? O’K.

The third degree is a superlative degree. It’s  founded with the help of –est. As a rule at the beginning of an article the is used E.g. the adjective small becomes the smallest .It is translated as самый маленький.

These adjectives are monosyllabic adjectives. What about complicated adjectives, they form a comparative degree with the help of more. E.g. a complicated adjective interesting becomes more interesting. The the superlative degree is formed with the help of the most. E.g. interesting becomes the most interesting. Do you understand it? Have you any questions? I thing it isn’t difficult.

Some adjectives make comparison degrees from different bases:

Positive degree

Comparative degree

Superlative degree



The best-самый хороший



The worst-самый плохой



The least-самый маленький



The most-самый большой



The most-самый большой

Some adjectives make a comparative and superlative degrees with different methods as a result of which meaning of words is change:

Positive degree

Comparative degree

Superlative degree


Farther-более далекий( в пространственном отношении)

The farthest-самый далекий


Further-дальше(во времени)

The furthest-дальше всех


Older-более старый

The oldest-самый старый


Elder-более старший( в семье)

The eldest-самый старший

3.Закрепление нового материала.

Работа у доски.

Let’s do some tasks. I suggest you to come to the board and put a correct answer . (The adjectives: beautiful ,large ,strict, good, calm, nice are given on the board.)Pupils should put these words in the right degree.

Работа по карточкам.

So, we’ll try to do some exercises. I’ll give you cards with sentences and you’ll have to find out and sign the comparative degree of adjectives(the cards are given for pupils).


You have just made exercises. Now let’s do some exercises that your spirit will be high. Let’s clap our hands. O’K !and now turn to each other and smile !O’K!

Вопросы по пройденной теме

Now let’s repeat our new theme and check what you’ve understood and remembered.

1. Give me the definition of comparison degrees of adjectives. Give me examples .In what cases don’t we use –er? And what do we use instead of it?

2. Now give me the definition of superlative degrees of adjectives. What examples can you give? When do we use – est? and when do we need the most?

I thing it’s enough. I see you’ve understood everything.


Let’s speak about solar system. I suggest you to listen to the text .But you mustn’t forget about our new theme .Then I’ll ask you adjectives which you hear from the text and answer some questions .Be attentively!

Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system , it is the closest one to the Sun. Apart from the Sun itself the sunny side of Mercury is the hottest place in the solar system. But the dark side of Mercury is probably even colder than the farthest planet, Pluto. It is strange to find the hottest and the coldest parts of the solar system on the same planet. The best time to see Mercury is spring.


1. Call the adjectives which you have heard from this text.

2. Put these adjectives which in 2 degrees-comparative and superlative.

3. Now about the text. What is the smallest planet?

4. What’s the best time to see Mercury?

Описывание картины

Please, look at this picture .You can see that it’s a beautiful picture. Now I want you to describe this picture.

4. Подведение итогов.

I see ,you've understood this theme very well .Now I'll give you marks.

5.Задание на  дом.

Write down your hometask. First of all, you must learn the rule and exeption to the rule by heart. And some exercises. And so I hope that this lesson wasn’t useless and you’ll use it well in practice. Thank you for attention. The lesson is over. Good Bye!

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