Тест (английский язык 5 класс) на тему "Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть в 5 классе"
тест (английский язык, 5 класс) по теме

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 1 четверть в 5 классе к учебнику И.Н. Верещагиной "English V" включает в себя контроль чтения, контроль сформированности лексико-грамматических умений и навыков по пройденной теме, а также контроль умений и навыков письменной речи.


Предварительный просмотр:

TEST (5th form, term I)

  1. Read the text

The Bird and the Elephant

In a large forest there was a big tree. In the tree there was a bird's nest. A bird lived there with her children.
One day an elephant came to the tree and began to rub his head against it. The old tree shook. The little birds looked out of their nest and cried, "Oh, Mother! What is it? We are afraid! We may fall down!"
The mother bird said to the elephant, "Please go to another tree! My children are afraid. There are many other trees in the forest!"
The elephant did not say anything. He only looked at the bird with his little eyes and went away.
The next day the elephant came again. He came to the same tree and began to rub his head against it. The old tree shook, and the little birds were very much afraid.
The mother bird cried to the elephant; "Don't shake my tree! Stop it or I shall teach you a lesson!"
The elephant laughed and said, "You are a little bird! What can you do to me, a big elephant?"
"You will see," said the bird.
The next day the elephant came again. He rubbed his head against the tree harder than before. The bird then flew into the elephant's ear.
The elephant shook his head, but the bird did not come out. He shook his big ears, but the bird did not come out.
Then the elephant said to the bird, "Please get out of my ear! I shall not come to this tree again."
The bird answered, "I, too, asked you not to shake the tree. Did you listen to me? No, I shall not get out."
The elephant was angry. He shook his head, then he shook his ears, but the little bird did not go out of his ear.
At last the elephant was so tired that he fell down and cried, "Dear little bird, come out of my ear, please! I shall not come near your tree again!"
Then the bird came out of his ear and flew back to her children. And the elephant never came to that forest again. 

  1. Finish the sentences
  1. One day an elephant came to the tree and began to rub
  1. his leg         b) his neck       c) his head
  1. The little birds were
  1. happy          b) afraid           c) funny
  1. Mother bird wanted to teach him  
  1. English        b) a lesson        c) how to fly
  1. The bird flew into the elephant’s
  1. ear               b) nose             c) mouth
  1. The elephant promised
  1. to pull out the tree  b) to come there every day  c) never to come there
  1. Fill in the correct word
  1. My friend’s hobby ____ (am, is, are) playing football.
  2. Masha ____ (like, likes,) to walk with her friends after school.
  3. Nick doesn’t ____ (play, plays) any musical instrument.
  4. We ____ (swim, swims, swam) in the river in last summer.
  5. My dad ____(goes, will go, went) to the USA next week.
  1. Choose the correct word.
  1. Granny ____ ( teach, teaches, is teaching) me now.
  2. Granny ____ (teach, taught, is teaching) me when I was seven.
  3. He ____ (use, uses, used) the computer every day.
  4. He ____ (use, is using, used) the computer now.
  5. They ____(go, went, are going) to the swimming pool on Sundays.
  1. Put the verbs into the Present Perfect
  1. (answer) I ____
  2. (listen)     They ____
  3. (do)           I ____
  4. ( eat)         It ____
  5. (go)           She ____
  1.  Fill in the form
  1. Name ____
  2. Surname ____
  3. Age ____
  4. Favourite subjects ____
  5. Hobby ____
  6. Favourite sports ____

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