открытый урок "London Zoo"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

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Слайд 2


Слайд 3

Hello boys and girls . my name is Mr MUST . Soon I open a zoo . But I have difficulties . I don't have time to write the rules of the zoo . I invite you to help me . I will meet you at the London ZOO.

Слайд 4


Слайд 5

Tomorrow on Sunday we go to the Zoo. Tomorrow, tomorrow we go to the Zoo. There is a giraffe there and a zebra too, A bear and a monkey, and a kangaroo.

Слайд 6

MUST/ MUST NOT + s + must + v - s + must not + v ? m ust + s + v

Слайд 7

Употребление must Для выражения обязанности Для того, чтобы дать настойчивую рекомендацию I must help my mother. You must watch this film. It’s interesting.

Слайд 8

Let’s practice Children must study all school subjects. Who must study all school subjects? What must children study ?

Слайд 9

Translate into Russian 1. You must work hard at your English lessons. 2. You must learn the words. 3. Must we learn the poem today? 4. It must be very difficult to learn Chinese. 5. You must not talk at the lessons. 6. Everybody must come to school on time. 8 . You must not make notes in the books. 9. I must help my mother today. 10. Don’t worry! This is not important. – Not important! You must be joking!

Слайд 10

You must/mustn`t eat with your hands You must/mustn`t do your homework You must/mustn`t go to bed late You must/mustn`t talk in class You must/mustn`t listen to music in class You must/mustn`t help your mum You must/mustn`t play soccer in your room You must/mustn`t clean your teeth every day You must/mustn`t eat too much chocolate You must/mustn`t listen to your teacher

Слайд 12

London has a very fine old Zoo, which many children with their parents and friends visit every day. Many old trees grow in the park. The Zoo is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morning to 7 o’clock in the evening. People who wants to go there can go by bus. Many kinds of animals live there: elephants, giraffes, sea-lions and polar bears, brown bears and foxes, and big and little monkeys. There are many different kinds of birds there too. A good time to visit the animals is when they take their food. Then you can see how the sea lions catch their fish. It is also interesting to watch how the big birds eat their meat, and how the monkeys eat fruit. In the large monkeys house you can see different kinds of monkeys. They jump, run and play with each other. In the park there are camels. Children like to watch the elephant when he washes himself in the morning. He puts water on his back and men with long brushes make him very clean.

Слайд 13

What kind of animals can I see the zoo? I like monkey’s very mach. Can I see them at your zoo? Can visitors of the Zoo see the animals at feeding time? Are there some trees ? Can people visit the Zoo every day?

Слайд 14

Do not feed the animals Do not play loud music Do not use flash Leave your pet`s at home Put your rubbish in the bin Be careful about the cages

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