план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5 класс)

Хабибуллина Альмира Семигулловна

закрепление лексики  и грамматики.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Урок-соревнование “ Who knows English best?”         Form 5

Цели: - обобщить и систематизировать лексический и грамматический материал модуля 6;

          - развивать языковую догадку;

          - воспитывать взаимопомощь и сотрудничество  в групповой работе


                                  Ход урока

  1. Оргмомент.
  2. Представление команд.
  3. Выполнение заданий.

Task 1. Fill in the missing words and then spell the words.

1. m-dni-ht                  midnight

2. r-ut-ne                     routine

3. -lwa-s                      always

4. q-a-ter                     quarter

5. p-in-er                     painter

6. r-p-ir                        repair

Task 2  Read the words and find the odd one out

  1. a) ton b) top c) stop
  2. a) read  b)ready  c) red
  3. a) know  b) go  c) now
  4. a) sing  b) pink  c) kind
  5. a) work  b) walk  c)form
  6. a) half  b) ball  c) plant

 Task 3. Match the two columns and make up the words.

  1. land  -word      landmark
  2. some –work     sometimes
  3. good  -times    goodbye
  4. cross  -night     crossword
  5. post   -mark     postman
  6. home –bye       homework
  7. mid   - man      midnight

Task 4   Guess the word and make up the sentences.

Amen  name

Etrssi   sister

Limyaf  family

Wolyel  yellow

Darnpag  grandpa

Task  5

Who reads the poem best?

Some people live in the country

Where the houses are very small,

Some people live in the city

Where the houses are very tall.

But in the country where the houses are small,

The gardens are very big,

And in the city where the houses are very tall,

There are no gardens at all.

Where do you live?

Task 6  Fill in: am, is are and read the sentences.

  1. He ... eating a banana.
  2. It ... flying.
  3. They ..dancing.
  4. She ...cooking.
  5. We ...walking.
  6. Who ... sleeping?
  7. The children  ... running.
  8. Kate and I ... reading.
  9. The women ... cooking.
  10.  I ... painting.

Task 7  Right or wrong. Correct the mistakes if there are any.

  1. diveing
  2. washing
  3. puting
  4. cleaning
  5. makeing
  6. jumping
  7. going

Task 8  Find the mistakes and correct them.

  1. The boys is running  in the park.
  2. He is swiming.
  3. She playing now.
  4. Is Ben and Tom dancing?
  5. The men  is watching TV.
  6. What you are doing?

The key

 1.The boys are running  in the park.

  1. He is swimming.
  2. She is playing now.
  3. Are Ben and Tom dancing
  4. The men  are watching TV
  5. What are you doing?

Task 9  Put the words in the correct order.

  1. reading/ she /a book/is/ now.
  2. is/his/ Tom/ room/ painting.
  3. the car/ repairing/father/ my/ is/ now.
  4. football/ not/ playing/ they/ are.

 The key        Task 9  Put the words in the correct order.

  1. She is reading a book  now.
  2. Tom is painting his room.
  3. My father is repairing the car now.
  4.  They are not playing football.

Task 10. Match the words to form the phrases.

1 do  a book

2. deliver  a taxi

3. go computer

4. have homework

5. read jogging

6. repair letters

7. drive lunch

8. work on a car

The keys:

1 do homework

2. deliver  letters

3. go jogging

4. have lunch

5. read  a book

6. repair a car

7. drive a taxi

8. work on computer

Task 11 Use these expressions in the sentences with Present Continuous.

1. m-dni-ht            

2. r-ut-ne                    

3. -lwa-s                      

4. q-a- ter

5. p-in-er                    

6. r-p-ir                      

1. midnight

2. routine

3. always

4. quarter

5. painter

6. repair

  1. He is eating a banana.
  2. It is flying.
  3. They are dancing.
  4. She is cooking.
  5. We are walking.
  6. Who is sleeping?
  7. The children  are running.
  8. Kate and I are reading.
  9. The women are cooking.
  10.  I am painting.

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