Сценарий открытого урока по английскому языку для обучающихся 3х классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Тема урока - Clothes.
проект по английскому языку

Гогия Эльвира Игоревна

Данный материал включает сценарий открытого урока по английскому языку для обучающихся 3х классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка. Тема урока - "Clothes".

Презентацию и разадточный материал для проведения игры Looking for Mr X

Наглядные картинки  - the right clothes и wardrobe

Наглядные картинки для выбора гардероба (размещается на доске).

Места куда пойти  в выходной день

Варианты одежды - для зимы, лета. осени, весны



Предварительный просмотр:


4 min

Hello my dear people!

We have so many guests today.

How are you today? How is life? How is it going?

Ask me… someone?

I`m ok, thank you!

So, I`ve got one phonetic warm-up for you.



  2 min

Please, repeat after me.

Jeans and trousers

Sweaters and shirts

Socks and tights

And jackets and skirts

T-shirts, shoes

High-boots and mittens

These are the clothes

Of the kittens

But, not only kittens wear clothes! Right?!

Today we continue to talk about clothes.


   7 min

And let`s begin with our communication game “Looking for Mr. X”

We saw somebody yesterday. Yesterday means the past tense.

You have 5 minutes, 9 questions, and only one answer.

Ask as many questions as you can to know who is Mr. X

Ok. Stand up and move.


   4 min

Ok! Let`s check is that Mr. X?

….   Who was that? ….

I saw him to yesterday!! Do you know where?? In the swimming pool!

Tell me please, can we go to the swimming pool wearing a coat and a hat?

Is it comfortable to be in the swimming pool in a coat?

There are the right clothes for every place we go. Right clothes – подходящая одежда! Показать на доску на табличку.

A swimming suit is right for the swimming pool;

A coat and a hat are the right clothes for the winter park.


9 min

Well, I`ve got another task for you.

There are 5 envelopes with pictures. Please open them.

So! You have a picture and you have clothes. Choose the most comfortable and the right clothes for every place.

You have 1 minute. Let`s check.


2 min

Let`s warm up! Today we are going to make the banana shake.

First, we have to peel bananas, chop bananas, shake bananas, drink bananas, bananas, no more! Sit down, thank you!


10 min

Now I want you to make one more choice.

This is our wardrobe. Открываю доску с вещами.

Wardrobe is a new word for us today.

Показываю на слово wardrobe.

It is not only a place, where you keep your clothes. It is a set of your clothes. Показываю две картинки.

Well! Tomorrow is Saturday. You will not go to school. But I know where you will go.

Please, choose 1 card. This is the place for you to go.

Choose one or two things here to put on tomorrow.

Remember that your clothes have to be the right for the place you go.

Let`s see what you`ve got to put on.


2 min

Now I see that you understand what does it mean - to wear the right clothes.

You homework for Monday will be to choose 5 of your favorite things from your wardrobe. And tell us where do you usually go in these clothes.


3 min

There is one more lady in our classroom today. Her name is Баба Яга.

Look at her. She looks like me. We like the same color. We like the same print.

But tell me, please, is her face kind? Is she smiling now? No.

We have to wear the right clothes of course, but also our face has to be kind and we have to smile.

Then we will look just great!


2 min

Did you like our lesson?

Was it difficult?

Thank you very very much! С каким настроением вы уходите сейчас? Поставьте мне свой смайлик или грустишку!!))

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Who was that?

That was a boy.

What was his name?

His name was Fedor.

Was he happy?

Yes, he was happy.

Did he wear a hat?

Yes, he wore a grey hat.

Did he wear a sweater?

Yes, he wore a blue sweater.

Did he wear trousers?

Yes, he wore blue trousers.

Did he wear a coat?

Yes, he wore a grey coat.

Did he wear mittens?

Yes, he wore brown mittens.

Did he wear boots?

Yes, he wore grey boots.

Who was that?

That was a boy.

What was his name?

Was he happy?

Did he wear a hat?

Did he wear a sweater?

Did he wear trousers?

Did he wear a coat?

Did he wear mittens?

Did he wear boots?

Who was that?

What was his name?

His name was Fedor.

Was he happy?

Did he wear a hat?

Did he wear a sweater?

Did he wear trousers?

Did he wear a coat?

Did he wear mittens?

Did he wear boots?

Who was that?

What was his name?

Was he happy?

Yes, he was happy.

Did he wear a hat?

Did he wear a sweater?

Did he wear trousers?

Did he wear a coat?

Did he wear mittens?

Did he wear boots?

Who was that?

What was his name?

Was he happy?

Did he wear a hat?

Yes, he wore a grey hat.

Did he wear a sweater?

Did he wear trousers?

Did he wear a coat?

Did he wear mittens?

Did he wear boots?

Who was that?

What was his name?

Was he happy?

Did he wear a hat?

Did he wear a sweater?

Yes, he wore a blue sweater.

Did he wear trousers?

Did he wear a coat?

Did he wear mittens?

Did he wear boots?

Who was that?

What was his name?

Was he happy?

Did he wear a hat?

Did he wear a sweater?

Did he wear trousers?

Yes, he wore blue trousers.

Did he wear a coat?

Did he wear mittens?

Did he wear boots?

Who was that?

What was his name?

Was he happy?

Did he wear a hat?

Did he wear a sweater?

Did he wear trousers?

Did he wear a coat?

Yes, he wore a grey coat.

Did he wear mittens?

Did he wear boots?

Who was that?

What was his name?

Was he happy?

Did he wear a hat?

Did he wear a sweater?

Did he wear trousers?

Did he wear a coat?

Did he wear mittens?

Yes, he wore brown mittens.

Did he wear boots?

Who was that?

What was his name?

Was he happy?

Did he wear a hat?

Did he wear a sweater?

Did he wear trousers?

Did he wear a coat?

Did he wear mittens?

Did he wear boots?

Yes, he wore grey boots.

Предварительный просмотр:

Tomorrow I will go to the cinema.  (кино)

And I will put on ……

Tomorrow I will go to the park.  

And I will put on ……

Tomorrow I will go to the sports ground.  

And I will put on ……

Tomorrow I will go shopping.

And I will put on ……

Tomorrow I will stay at home (останусь дома).

And I will put on ……

Tomorrow I will go to the theatre.  (театр)

And I will put on ……

Tomorrow I will go to play football.  

And I will put on ……

Tomorrow I will go to the birthday party.  

And I will put on ……

Tomorrow I will go for a walk with my friends.  

And I will put on ……

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:


Предварительный просмотр:

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