Урок английского языка в 6 классепо теме "Что едят британцы"
план-конспект урока (6 класс) на тему

Агапова Наталья Анатольевна

Данная  разработка урока  предназначена для закрепления лексического материала по теме «Еда. Что едят британцы?» в 6 классе общеобразовательной школы. Параллельно на уроке  проводится работа по введению и закреплению навыков употребления made of и made from.  Разработка создана  по  УМК «Enjoy English» 5-6 кл. (Unit 7, Section 3) М.З. Биболетовой, Н.В. Добрыниной, Н.Н. Трубаневой.


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Предварительный просмотр:

What do Еnglish people like to eat?

Учебная цель урока: обобщение лексического  материала по теме “Продукты. Блюда. Что едят британцы?”.

Задачи урока:

1) Создать условия для развития навыков подготовленной и неподготовленной устной речи по заданной теме.

2) Способствовать закреплению лексического  материала по теме “Что едят британцы?”.

3) Создать условия для развития коммуникативных способностей учащихся через различные виды речевой деятельности.

4) Способствовать развитию навыков аудирования, чтения, употребления грамматического материала.

Воспитательный аспект:

1) Создать условия для развития творческой фантазии и инициативы детей, познавательного интереса к изучаемому предмету, к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

2) Способствовать воспитанию уважительного отношения к культуре и истории другой страны.

3) Способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся.

Планируемые результаты:

А.   Личностные результаты:

1. формируют ответственное отношение к учению, мотивацию к обучению и познанию, устойчивые познавательные интересы;

2. осваивают социальную роль обучающегося;

3. получают навыки прогнозирования общественной жизни в пределах возрастной компетенции;

4. развивают основы творческой деятельности эстетического характера.

Б. Метапредметные результаты:

1. Регулятивные  УУД:


1) обозначают  учебные задачи на основе соотнесения того, что уже известно

    и  усвоено учащимся и того, что ещё неизвестно;

2) планируют собственное высказывание;

3) определяют последовательность целей с учётом конечного результата - устного сообщения;

2. Познавательные  УУД:

1. выделяют и формулируют познавательной цели;

2. ищут  и выделяют необходимую информацию;

3. выбирают наиболее эффективные способы решения задач;

4. умеют строить речевое  высказывание в устной  речи;

5. преобразуют учебный материал;      

3. Коммуникативные  УУД - владеют монологической и диалогической формами речи.

В.  Предметные  результаты:

1) расширяют  потенциальный словарный запас по теме ”Продукты. Блюда. Что едят британцы?”;

2) формируют навыки и умения в организации монологической речи по изучаемой теме с использованием наглядности;

3) развивают умения аудировать и понимать текст с общим охватом содержания текста  без словаря; совершенствуют произносительные навыки;

4) знакомятся с  грамматической темой “употребление made of, made from”;

5) развивают умения читать текст с полным пониманием содержания;

6) знакомятся с новым страноведческим материалом по теме, углубляют страноведческие знания.

Учебное пособие: УМК «Enjoy English» 5-6 кл. М.З. Биболетова, Н.В. Добрынина, Н.Н. Трубанева, изд-во «Титул».

Оснащение урока: компьютер; компьютерный проектор; экран; аудиозапись; презентация; раздаточный материал.

Ход урока:

 Организационный момент.

- Good morning! I’ m glad to see you. I hope you are fine today. Today we are going to speak about meals which are popular in Great Britain. If you are ready, let’s start our lesson. (приложение 1, слайд 1)

1. Фонетическая разминка (приложение 1, слайд 2)

Let's repeat some words after the speaker and learn to read them.

 [i:] – sweet, tea, tea-break, Easter, mean, meat, cheese, beans, pizza

[i] – biscuit, foreigner, tin, chips, Christmas, fish, milk, drink

[ai] – pie, slice, kind, type, like, knife, ice-cream, dry, nice

img1 – sandwich, salad, Valentine's Day, have, add, jam,

[ei] – cake, break, made, mayonnaise, plate, table, take

[ʌ ] - bun, Mother's Day, others, lunch, discuss, butter

[ɔ ] - shop, strong, tablecloth, sausage, teapot, foreigner

[ɔ: ] - sort, salt, fork, more, before, water

[u ] -pudding, woman, put, full, look

[u: ] - tooth, juice, spoon, food, too

[əu ] - roll, slow, rose, phone, know

Find the words for each sound: (приложение 1, слайд 3)

 [ u ]    [ai]    [ i:]    [u: ]   [ I ]   [ ei ]   [ɔ:  ]


Cake , biscuit , pudding, chips, salt,  spoon, meat , knife,  pie, plate , sweet, cheese, fork, slice, ice- cream, tea, beans, juice, food, tin, fish, milk, mayonnaise, water, put, woman. (приложение 1, слайд 4, ответ)


3. Речевая разминка.

 Answer my questions about food: (приложение 1, слайд 5)

  What do you like to eat?

  What do you like to drink?

  What would you like to eat for breakfast?

  Do you like sweets?

  What sweet things do you know?                            

  Is it healthy to eat much sweet food?

  Do you like sandwiches?

  Do you usually have coffee for breakfast?

  Do you like to eat a bar of chocolate for breakfast?
 What bread do you prefer black or white one?
 What is your favourite food?
 What is your favourite drink?
 Do you like porridge with butter?
 What fruits do you love?
Do you eat fast food?
Is fast food healthy?

 Do you eat healthy food?


 Here are some words. You should find the words for each title. (приложение 1, слайд 6)

 Sweet things, Dessert;  Snack, Fast food;  Meat products;   Sea products;  Fruits; Vegetables;  Drinks.

WORDS: apples, hamburgers, pies, jam, bananas, turkey, carrots, milk, chicken, chips, ice cream, beef, pizza, ham, potatoes, sausage, tea, oranges, cheeseburgers, rolls, duck, cakes, tomatoes, coffee, cucumbers, sandwiches, crabs, onions, mineral water, grapes, marmalade, popcorn, coke, bacon, corn flakes, cabbages, steaks, honey, fish, chocolate, lemonade . (приложение 1, слайд 7, ответ)

"What is it?" There is a list of words and their meanings. You are to match them. (приложение 1, слайд 8)
1 mineral water A ветчина              10 ham J ложка
2 biscuit B суп                                 11 bread K минеральная вода
3 potato C капуста                           12 pizza L печенье
4 carrot D хлеб                                 13 soup M каша
5 butter E пицца                               14 salt N йогурт

6 cabbage F перец                            15 yoghurt O соль
7 pepper G масло
8 spoon H морковь

9 porridge I картофель
(приложение 1, слайд 9, ответ)

 Look at the pictures and try to match the pictures and the words: (приложение 1, слайд 10)

a carton of milk, a cup of tea, a slice of cheese, a piece of cake, a bowl of rice, a loaf of bread, a glass of apple juice, a packet of spaghetti, a bottle of ketchup, a tin of pineapple, a bar of chocolate (приложение 1, слайд 11, ответ)

4. Проверка домашнего задания. (приложение 1, слайд 12)

Your homework was to write recipes of different dishes and design them. Please show and tell us about your favourite dishes.

5.  Аудирование текста. Listen to the text and then do the tasks: (приложение 1, слайд 13, незнакомая лексика)

Nowadays it is popular for British people to get a takeaway. Most towns have an Indian restaurant. Chinese restaurants are also very common. You will also find MacDonald’s, Burger King and Subway.  Many people like Italian pizza and pasta dishes.  Fish and chip shops are popular, especially in towns by the coast. There is an old tradition of eating fish on Friday. Everybody seems to have fish and chips at home at least once a week and every English town has in its streets the shop. The pieces of fish are dipped in batter and then dropped into boiling oil for a few minutes. They come out crisp and hot and then they are wrapped in grease-proof paper and handed with small wooden forks to the customer to take away. You can eat the fish and chips in the street as you walk along, or take it home. Now the traditional fish and chips is a place where you can buy other kinds of hot food to take away and eat at home, including fishcakes, sausages, roast chicken and other dishes.


1) Listen to the text and say: What is the text about? (приложение 1, слайд 14)

2) Find the right sentence for each picture: (приложение 1, слайды 15- 16)

3) Read the sentences and say: true, false or not stated (приложение 1, слайд 17)

1. MacDonald’s, Burger King and Subway are the most popular.

2. Eating fish is an old tradition.

3. The pieces of fish are very small and salty.

4. The pieces of fish are crispy and hot.

5. You can eat them with green peas and salad.

6. You can’t take them home.

7. You can buy other kinds of hot food in Fish and chip shops.

4) Choose the right answer: (приложение 1, слайд 18)

1. People in Britain like to go to

  1. MacDonald’s, Burger King and Subway
  2. Indian restaurants, Chinese restaurants
  3. Fish and chip shops
  4. Any takeaways

2. Fish and chip shops are popular because

  1. The towns are by the coast
  2. It is an old tradition of eating fish on Friday
  3. It is the only takeaway in Great Britain

3. The traditional fish and chips is a place where you can buy

  1. only hot and crisp pieces of fish
  2. any dish as in an restaurant
  3. fishcakes, sausages, roast chicken and other dishes

6. Введение выражений to be made of/ from. (приложение 1, слайд 19)


    -to be made of

          -to be made from

Продукт при обработке остаётся  неизменным.

a chair made of wood- You can still see the wood.

A pizza is made of sausages, tomatoes, cheese.

Продукт при обработке полностью видоизменяется.

Juice is made from apples, grapes.

You cannot see the grapes anymore!  

Complete the sentences: (приложение 1, слайд 20)

For example: cheese is made of milk.

Ice-cream is made of...

Salad...            A cake...

A pizza....        A hamburger...

Butter...           Yogurt...

Mars....            Omlette...

Sausage ...       Coke...

Chips....           Jam…

7. Релаксация. Let's rest and recite the poem: (приложение 1, слайд 21),



Help your mother

Set the table

With a knife and fork and spoon.

Help your mother

Set the table

Every afternoon.

Help your mother

Clear the table

Take the knife and spoon

Help your mother

Clear the table

Morning, night and noon.

8.  Работа с текстом. Read the text about British meal and do the tasks.

British meal - Британская еда. (приложение 1, слайд 22, незнакомая лексика)

British meal - Британская еда

        The usual meals in Great Britain are breakfast, lunch and supper. Breakfast (usually eaten between 7:30 and 9:00) is generally a bigger meal than on the Continent, though some English people like a 'continental' breakfast of rolls and butter and coffee. But the usual English breakfast is porridge or 'Corn Flakes' with milk and sugar, bacon and eggs; marmalade (made from oranges) with buttered toast, and tea or coffee. For a change you can have a boiled egg, cold ham, or perhaps fish.

         Many people have a tea-break at about 11:00 in the morning (elevenses). If a meal is eaten in the late morning instead of both breakfast and lunch, it is called brunch.

        All Englishmen have lunch at about one o'clock. The businessman in London usually finds it impossible to come home for lunch; but if the Englishman is making lunch at home he has cold meat, potatoes, salad and pickles, with a pudding or fruit to follow.

        Tea-time is a small meal eaten in the late afternoon (usually between 3:30 and 5:00). People may drink tea, and often eat biscuits, cakes or sandwiches or tea-cakes.  Afternoon tea you can hardly call a meal, but it is a sociable sort of thing, as friends often come in then for a chat. High tea is a light meal eaten in the early evening (for example, 6 o'clock). This is popular in north England and Scotland.         

        Supper is the most common name for the meal eaten in the evening (usually between 7:00 and 8:30). Dinner is another common name for supper, but sometimes it is also used to refer to lunch, especially when this is the main meal of the day. A dinner party is a formal evening meal to which guests have been invited.         In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. They begin with soup, followed by fish, roast chicken, potatoes and vegetables, sweets, fruit and nuts. Then they go into the sitting-room for coffee.

        In many English homes, they make the midday meal the chief one of the day, and in the evening they have the much simpler supper — an omelettes, or sausages, sometimes bacon and eggs and sometimes just bread and cheese, a cup of coffee or cocoa and fruit.

1)  Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? (приложение 1, слайд 23)

1. The usual meals in Great Britain are breakfast, lunch and supper.

2. Many people have a tea-break at about 12:00 in the morning.

3. High tea is popular in north Wales and Scotland.

4. A dinner party is a formal evening meal to which guests have been invited.

5. In some houses high tea is the biggest meal of the day.

2)  Find English equivalent in the text to the sentences: (приложение 1, слайд 24)

1. Для разнообразия вы можете съесть вареное яйцо, ветчину или рыбу.

2.Бизнесмены Лондона обычно не имеют возможности приходить домой на ланч.

3. Люди могут выпить чай, часто с печеньем, пирожным, бутербродом или кексом к чаю.

4. Ужин - обычное название еды, которую съедают вечером (обычно между 7.00 и 8.30).

5. Вечером они едят ужин намного проще - омлет или сосиски, иногда бекон и яйца, а иногда просто хлеб с сыром, чашку кофе или какао и фрукты.

3) Find the right answer: (приложение 1, слайд 25- 26)

1. The usual meals in Great Britain are

a)  breakfast, afternoon tea, supper

b)  breakfast, dinner, supper

c) breakfast, lunch and supper

2. Breakfast is generally

a) a bigger meal than on the Continent

b) the same as on the Continent

c) a smaller meal than on the Continent

3. Englishmen have lunch at about

a) three o'clock

b) two o'clock

c) one o'clock

4. High tea is

a) a light meal eaten in the early evening

b) a formal evening meal to which guests have been invited

c) a sociable sort of thing, as friends often come in then for a chat

5. For dinner they have

a) porridge or 'Corn Flakes' with milk and sugar, bacon and eggs; marmalade with buttered toast, and tea or coffee

b)  cold meat, potatoes, salad and pickles, with a pudding or fruit to follow

c) soup, fish, roast chicken, potatoes and vegetables, sweets, fruit and nuts

4) Complete the sentences: (приложение 1, слайд 27)

1. But the usual English breakfast is...

2. If a meal is eaten...

3. Afternoon tea you can hardly...

4. Dinner is another common name...

5. In many English homes...

9. Объяснение домашнего задания. Подведение итогов. (приложение 1, слайд 28)

- Now, let’s write down your   home task.                                                

St. b.  p. 134, ex. 37, p. 141, ex. 10.  Make a crossword "Food".

Today we have done a lot of different exercises. I thank everybody for the lesson. You were very active. Thank you for your answers and your creative work. Now your marks... The lesson is over.

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №6»

Конспект урока

английского языка в 6 классе

по теме «Что едят британцы?»

УМК М.З. Биболетовой, Н.В. Добрыниной,

Н.Н. Трубаневой.

«Enjoy English» 5-6 кл.


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