Открытый урок
презентация урока для интерактивной доски (8 класс)

Паневина Елена Владимировна

Данный открытый урок был проведен мной в школе 574 Невского района для районной комиссии . 


Файл plan_uroka_panevina.docx18.94 КБ
Файл prezentatsiya.pptx1.39 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Организационный момент (2 мин.)

Good morning, girls and boys. I am glad to see you. Lets say good morning to each other and to our guests. Sit down. How are you today? Lets smile to each other and say all together “Have a good job!” Are you ready to start our lesson? What date is it today? What day is it today?

2.Этап выяснения учащимися темы урока.

 But I have one problem. I have forgotten the theme of our lesson. Lets listen a song by M. Jackson and try to guess what is this song about. Look at the screen.

Yes, you are right . This song is about ecological problems. Today we are going to talk about the protection of our planet.

  1. Этап выяснения целей урока.

What is the aim of our lesson? (to talk about ecological problems,to think together how we can help our planet?)

Why are we talking about this problem? (it is a very important problem

What will we do at the lesson today?

 (на слайде появляются картинки с различными видами деятельности на уроке, учащиеся должны ответить на вопрос учителя, опираясь на них). (We will read, listen, talk and learn new words)

Be active and attentive! If you are active and work well, I will give you points. These points will be your good marks.

And what do you think who is the best friend for our planet?

Yes, you are right. The best friend for our planet is a man.

Poem “The world needs a friend” Речевая зарядка (4 мин)

The world needs a friend

To love and depend on

In times of trouble…

The world has hope yet

If the children let it

And if we do it right

Together we can make the world

A better place

Because the worlds best friend

Is you!

Lets remember how we can create new words.

  1. Cловообразование . We can create new words with help of suffixes tion and al
  2. We have a lot of environmental problems. What are they (фото на доске)

Air pollution, sea pollution, people cut the trees down, a lot of litter, global warming, rivers are now empty of fish, people build more roads, the air is polluted by power stations and factories.

  1. Look at these words carefully and make your sentences  (начало предложения на одной бумаге, а вторая часть на другой.)

Закончи предложения:

Соединить части предложений. Чья команда правильно и быстро получает point.

Are you tired? Lets have a rest!

  1. Динамическая пауза
  2. I think, that the problem of the environment is one of the most important problems all over the world. Do you agree with me? How can we help our planet? Now we are going to listen one dialogue. Open please your books at p.57 ex.58 and answer the following questions:

Who is speaking?

What are they talking about?

Andrew and Ann are speaking about а “clean-up day” in the small park behind the school that Andrew and his friends are going to organize next weekend.

1. Анн нет дома. Эндрю оставляет её маме сообщение по телефону. (Не верно)

2. Эндрю и его друзья собираются организовать пикник в парке. (Верно)

3. В небольшом парке за школой будет небольшой «субботник» на следующие выходные. (Верно)

4. Им нужен плакат, который будет напоминать людям о проблемах молодёжи. (Не верно)

5. Может быть, люди увидят чистый парк и плакат и прекратят бросать мусор. (Верно)

6. Эндрю будет рад увидеть Джесс и Алекс на следующей неделе. (Верно)

  1.  Try to discuss some environmental problems.

Before talking about ecological problems lets learn new words.

  1. Развитие умений в говорении : монологическая речь. It is time to create. Now look please under your tables , here you can see some boxes. Take its and open these boxes . Lets imagine that we are working for Greenpiece organization and we have a task to make brochures in which you should write some facts about egolocical problems around us   and write some advises how we can  save our planet right now. You have 5 min.  And what can we do to avoid these problems. Draw some pictures. Be more creative as you can. Devide the work. And now introduce please your brochures.

Now try to tell us about some ecological problems.

You worked well today. Now we have some ideas how protect our planet. I hope you will be best friends for our home, for our planet. Lets count your points.

      10 Контрольно-оценочный этап 

Have you got any points?  How many poins has the first team? How many points has the second team ? How many points has the third team?  Well done. You have had a good work today.

  1. Рефлексия учебной деятельности (беседа учителя с учащимися о том, чему дети научились на уроке, что понравилось, что не получилось)

What were you doing at the lesson?

Complete the sentences:

Now, I know…

Now, I can…

I have learnt about… 

  1. Домашнее задание (Детям предлагаются различные варианты дом. задания)
  2. Our lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson. You worked very well today. See you soon. Good bye.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

The world needs a friend To love and depend on In times of trouble… The world has hope yet If the children let it And if we do it right Together we can make the world A better place Because the worldꞌs best friend Is you!

Слайд 3

t o protect- to predict- to collect- to pollute- to explore- to compete- nature- geography- to communicate nation- environment- music- t o introduce- to attract- history- t o destroy- to educate- biology- ecology- culture- chemistry-

Слайд 9

New words: t o trow away p ackaging t o bury t o recycle a recycling centre t o produce f umes of cars

Слайд 10

It’s time to rest !

Слайд 12

Complete the sentences: Now, I know… Now, I can… I have learnt about…

Слайд 13

Homework: SB p.54 ex.45 p. 54 ex.46

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