Абасян Гаяне Суриковна

Сайт учителя английского языка Абасян Гаяне Суриковна

How many languages you know — that many times you are a person.

Профессия: Учитель

Профессиональные интересы: Английский язык и литература

Увлечения: Оформление цветочных клумб, миксбордеров

Регион: Самарская область

Населенный пункт: с.Ивашевка, Сызанский район

Место работы: Ивашевский филиал, ГБОУ СОШ с.Троицкое


Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
Нельсон Мандела

Welcome to my personal site!
I believe it will really become A Wonderland for you and you will find and take a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself! I hope that  you will share your  opinion about my site and some items from it. I will be happy  to make it  better for you, more interesting and vivid  to all  your satisfaction!!! Here you can get acquantanted with me closer, with my work experience as an English teacher,   with  my personal teacher's methodics  and work, to know about my hobbies and interests.  I appreciate your contribution  to the cause of my improvement!!!   I'm looking forward for your remarks and suggestions!Thank you!!!

О себе

Я, Абасян Гаяне Суриковна, работаю учителем английского языка  в  Ивашевском филиале ГБОУ СОШ с. Троицкое с 2004 года.

Образование высшее, АПИ им. Х.Абовяна.

Мой педагогический стаж составляет 11 лет.

В данный момент  являюсь классным руководителем  8-9 класса.

Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир

Everyone up on something. As there usually say? Family, school? Of course, everything leaves its mark. However, the main for me was the book that shaped my inner world that encourage empathy, feel the thoughts and feelings of the characters. Works of Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, Sergei Yesenin, Mikhail Lermontov, Anton Chekhov, Charlotte Bronte, Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, etc. shaped me for what I am, adding me a bit of good and evil, strength and weakness, humor and sadness.

Мой взгляд на мир

Win the love of children - an urgent task of the teacher , because only through love for his teacher a child enters the world of knowledge and develops the moral values ​​of society.
All teaching and educational work with children , its methods, techniques , forms, " passing through the soul of the teacher , warmed by love for children and filled with a sense of humanity, become sophisticated , flexible , targeted and because - effective " - says Amonashvili Sh .
Humanistic attitude towards the child expressed in any methods and techniques of educational work . So, do not be a child in his success or failure in the teaching (or in another case ) compared with another student. Such a comparison is unethical and inhumane. You can compare the results of today's work of the same student with the results of what it was before.
My Pedagogical activities are focused on the development of creative personality in today's education, on the development of the child's personality in a modern society. Drawing on humanistic theory of personality-oriented and developmental education , I strive reach its goals.

Моё портфолио

He who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own.

Every profession begins with calling. Thus , the teacher must first of all love children . And what does it mean? This means that contact with them should be interesting for you, that their judgment does not seem to you stupid and boring that their cases will truly excite you , and playing together and they give pleasure to you. It means seeing the children little people endowed well-defined characters with which to be reckoned with , but having , in comparison with the teacher much less knowledge and experience. And only this - small knowledge and experience small entitle the teacher to be in front of children and lead them .
But the teacher not only has this quality. After all, a good teacher - is primarily professional. Only a teacher in the classroom is really interesting , because he thinks the lessons around the clock . Any teacher - it's just a " walking encyclopedia "! Many children consult with them, share their thoughts . Many teachers create their own website in order to share their experiences and find something new for the lessons , and most importantly - be on par with the students, showing them that you come up with the times .
Now the pupil - is " the eighth wonder of the world" , equipped with a mobile phone, a laptop and enjoy listening to rap. A modern teacher must improve to match time. So, the modern teacher - a person who manages to fix all the experiences of this " eighth wonder of the world ", its time to organize , and, most surprising finding of such an ideal student , eager to knowledge.
Modern teacher - is not a profession , it is - a way of life . He must live and make their children so that students having fun going to school , his lessons. And the pleasure of opening joy of children largely depends on the teacher . This style of communication with the student , and received modern technology and organization of work in the classroom , where each child 's attitude. Teachers are also required to teach children the culture. The most authentic , the most refined . But for this they are required at the same time to learn the culture .

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