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"Над пропастью во ржи" Селинджера, "Преступление и наказание" Достоевского, "Приключения Гекльбери Финна" Твена.

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Мои достижения

Была тьютором  школьников  IX Всероссийского конкурса «Человек в истории. Россия ХХ век», финалист.

Получила сертификаты на базе Международного центра изучения языков АГТУ по интенсивному изучению английского и французского языков.

В 2010 году выиграла Международный юридический конкурс «Прецедент» в номинации «Международное (частное) право» (1 место).

Участник Всероссийского образовательного форума  «Селигер-2010», «Селигер-2011» по направлению «Международная смена».

Участник Международного образовательного молодежного форума «СелиАс-2011».

Стипендиат специальной государственной стипендии Правительства РФ для аспирантов в 2010-2011 учебном году. 

Моё портфолио

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О создании безъядерной зоны на Ближнем Востоке на англ. языке

Contracts in according nuclear weapons mustbe «tough» and «unequivocal» that has a mandatory character.

Abstracts: Nuclear weapon-free zones,disarmament, nuclear tests, radioactive materials, Non-Proliferation Treaty.

In modern timesnuclear weapons are playing a key role in international and economic disputes, while violating international stability in the world. The conclusion from this situation, we will see the union of the states. Initially, the issue of nuclear weapons leading role played by several of the contracts: The Antarctic Treaty (1959) and Treaty of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapon (1970), Tlatelolco Treaty (1967), the  Rarotonga Treaty (1985), the  Bangkok Treaty (1995) and  Pelindaba Treaty (1996).

I am sure we should to use more intensive last documents in accordance nuclear weapons. For example, «TheConvention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material». This document  is a legally binding for States Parties to protect nuclear facilities and material in peaceful domestic use, storage as well as transport. It also provides for expanded cooperation between and among States regarding rapid measures to locate and recover stolen or smuggled nuclear material, mitigate any radiological consequences of sabotage, and prevent and combat related offences nuclear weapons.

In different years  nuclear weapons were considered to be in the armies as Libya, Iraq, South Korea, Taiwan, Syria, and now - Iran.

Middle Eastis a sensitive region (Israeli, Gaza Strip, Libya, Syria, Palestinian). We should revisit concept of a NWFZ and review the Middle East potential to contribute to a positive Middle Eastern peace process. NWFZ as an agreement with a group of states has freely established by treaty that bans the use, development, or deployment of nuclear weapons in a given area that has mechanisms of verification and control to enforce its obligations as such by the General Assembly of the UN.

Nuclear special fissionable material means  plutonium-239, uranium-233, uranium enriched in the isotopes 235 containing one or more of the material according Article XX of the Statute of the IAEA 7.  First concept was founded in 1962. This concept was about development of nuclear weapons as a danger to Israel and to peace in the Middle East. In 1995 was accepted resolution on the Middle East12. The USA, Russia and The United Kingdom are wanting to made zone free of weapons in Middle East part of our planet.

In October 2011 was announced at the UN that Finland will host the 2012 conference to be held next year on the establishment of a nuclear weapon free-zone in the Middle East.

It is difficult question for Israel. For Israel nuclear weapons are the ultimate guarantor of national survival against hostile Arab and Iranian neighbors. Only a lasting and sustainable peace could mitigate and satisfy this concern to a degree that Israel might be to put its nuclear capability on the negotiating table. Iran and Arab governments continue to condone.

As a consequence, all states in region, democratic or not, snow a considerable degree of opaqueness in military and military-industrial matters.

World's decision constitutes a Middle East NWFZ treaty: 1) renouncing nuclear weapons; 2) prohibiting the stationing of any nuclear weapons; 3) declaring any existing nuclear weapons capabilities prior to the entry into force of the treaty. Israel must already possess more than enough nuclear material for a sizable deterrent. In conclusion, governments should consider the bold possibility of joining forces in managing the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

Controlis one of those issues that cause the most serious disagreement between the negotiating parties to establish a nuclear-free zone. In our view control the execution of such contracts must be "tough" and "unequivocal" that has a mandatory character.

States and their populations must firmly believe that such changes in the states relationships are largely irreversible. This solution will be contribute considerably and both in The Middle East and in the whole world.  

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