Задания для срезовой контрольной работы по английскому языку
учебно-методический материал на тему

Платонова Лариса Робертовна

В материале содержатся задания срезовой контрольной работы по английскому языку для проверки знаний обучающихся 1-3 курсов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                 Срезовая контрольная работа по английскому языку 1 курс


Вариант  первый

   1.  Вставьте соответствующий артикль

          1) a,    2)   the  ,     3 ) 0

1. There is ____    pen on the  desk.

2.  _____ boy saw  his _____ brother.

  2.  Запишите следующие выражения в притяжательном падеже.

1. the hat of the man

2. the leg of the boy

3. the home of the girl

4. the homes of the boys

5. the legs of the horses

3.  Поставьте следующие  предложения во множественное число.

1. This cup is  dirty.

2. The hotel is very expensive.

3. That is a new supermarket in  our town.

4. Вставьте одно из следующих слов:  some , any , no, the , a  или оставьте пропуски незаполненными.

1. I’m afraid  there’s ……. juice in ……fridge.

2. My friends from Chicago can’t speak ……. foreign  lanuages.

3. She  bought …….  new books  yesterday.

5. Вставьте глагол   to be  in Present Simple, Past Simple, Future  Simple.

1. The students ……  in the Russian Museum yesterday.

2. In two  weeks they …..     in the Tretyakov   Gallary.

3. Mary ……   at school  now.

Курс  1  Вариант  второй

1.   Вставьте  соответствующий  артикль

      А) the  ,    b)  a  ,    c)  0

1. My ……. name is Charlie.

2. What do  you  do in ……  evening?

2. Запишите следующие  выражения  в притяжательном падеже.

1.the  stick of John.

2.the  face of the baby.

3.the  friend of my brother.

4.the songs of the women

5.the servants of the ladies

3. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.

1.The woman is my sister.

2. He has a new suit.

3. I think I’ll have  that cake on the right.

4. Вставьте одно из следующих слов :  some , any, no, the, a или  оставьте пропуски незаполненными.

1. Did you buy …… apples when  you were in the  at ….. shop?

2. He gave me …… coffee.

3. I showed him ……. way to  …… station.

5. Вставьте глагол  to be   in  Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.

1. He ……. a pupil   twenty  years ago.

2.  ….. you ….. at home tomorrow?

3.  My friend ……. in Moscow   now.

Курс   второй

Вариант   первый

1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Future Simple, Past Simple,  Present Continuous.

1. My sister ( not to like ) coffee.

2. When  you ( to go ) to bed every day?

3. When you ( to cross ) the park  you ( to see ) the hospital.

4. If you ( to stay )  some more days  in our town I ( to call ) on you and we ( to have ) a good  Talk.

5. It ( to be ) cold in autumn. It often ( to rain).

6. Last week she ( to write ) a funny story about her pet.

7. His father ( not to watch ) TV at the moment. He ( to sleep)  because  he

     (to be ) tired.

8. Look!!  Kate  ( to dance).

9. Where your cousin (  to work)? – He  ( to work ) in the hospital.

10. She ( to work ) in the shop now?

Курс второй

Вариант второй

1.   Раскройте скобки , употребляя глагол  в Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple  Present  Continuous.

1. Look ! The baby ( to sleep) . It always ( to sleep ) after dinner.

2. What Nick ( to do )  in the evening?

3.  Who  ( to deliver ) letters now?

4. Can I come to see you tomorrow?  You ( to be ) at home ?

5. As soon as I ( to return )  from school I ( to ring )you  up.

6. Last  Tuesday I ( to get up ) at half past six.

7. Queen  Elizabeth II ( to be born)  in 1926 . She ( to become )  Queen of England in 1952.

8. I think Nelly ( to leave ) for Moscow tomorrow.

9. She  ( to help ) her mother yesterday?

10. I ( to be ) sorry  I ( to miss ) the match yesterday.


Курс  третий

Вариант  первый

1.   Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих    времен:

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect , Past Perfect.      

1. When  morning came, the storm already  ( to stop )  but the snow still ( to fall ).

2.  Yesterday by eight  o’clock he  ( to finish ) all his homework , and when  I (to come ) to his place  at nine, he  ( to read).

3. You  ( to read ) this book ? – Yes, I ( to  read )it . I ( to think ) it ( to be ) very interesting.

4. Our train starts  late in the evening, so if you  ( to come ) at seven , we  will still be packing.

5.  What you ( to do ) now? – I ( to look through) the contract.

6. I (not to sleep) when you returned.

2. Передайте следующие предложения в  Passive Voice.

1. They looked for girl everywhere.

2. Nobody listened  to the boy.

3. Mary will clean and air the room.

4. Have all the students read these books?

5. She is washing  her dress now.    

Курс  третий

Вариант второй

1.  Раскройте  скобки , употребляя глаголы в  одном из следующих времен:

Present, Past, Future Simple, Present , Past Continuous,   Present Past Perfect.

1.  Where is Nick ? – He ( not to be ) at home.  He ( to go ) to the cinema. Wait for  him , he ( to come ) in half an hour.

2.  I’ll join you  when  I ( to drink ) my tea.

3. The pupils  ( to do )  a lot of exercises  before  they  ( to learn ) to write dictations well.

4. I ( to wait )  for the postman now .  He  ( not to come ) yet.

5. What  you ( to do ) at  seven yesterday? I ( to ring ) you up  but  failed to get you  on the phone.

2.  Передайте следующие предложения в  Passive Voice.

1.I spent all my money  on books last  month.

2. Don’t leave these sweets on the table: somebody will eat them.

3. She really broke her mother’s heart when she left home.

4. The bees attacked  the  bear when it tried to take  their honey.                                

 5. The boy showed her the way.

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