Ученые медики и их вклад в науку
презентация к уроку

Булавина Елена Вадимовна

XIX и XX века стали эпохой прорывов в медицине от российских и советских врачей. Имена многих наших соотечественников вписаны в историю науки золотыми буквами — а мы даже не очень задумываемся над этим. Многие из них буквально открывали новую эру в мировой медицине, становясь пионерами и основателями прежде не существовавших направлений и изменяя свою профессию радикально.


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Слайд 1

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы Медицинский колледж № 7 Презентация на тему: «Ученые медики и их вклад в науку»

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Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov Pirogov was born on 25 November in 1810 in Moscow , Russia . He was a prominent Russian scientist , medical doctor , pedagogue , public figure and a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences .

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Сontribution to science : He is considered to be the founder of field surgery , and was one of the first surgeons in Europe to use ether as an anaesthetic . He was the first surgeon to use anaesthesia in a field operation (1847), invented various kinds of surgical operations , and developed his own technique of using plaster casts to treat fractured bones . He is one of the most widely recognized Russian physicians .

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Sergey Petrovich Botkin He was born on 5 Septem b er in 1832 in Moscow to the family of Russian tea trad e smen . Botkin was a famous Russian clinical , therapist , and activist , one of the founders of modern Russian medical science and education .

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Сontribution to science : Botkin introduced a triage , a pathological anatomy , and post mortem diagnostics into Russian medical practice . In 1860–1861, Sergey Botkin opened a clinical and research laboratory and in the course of his research organized systematic studies in clinical pharmacology and experimental therapy , both novelties in Russian research at the time . He was the first to suggest that catarrhal jaundice ( hepatits A) was caused by an infection .

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Botkin was at the source of women’s education in Russia . In 1874 he organized a school of paramedics , and in 1876 – « Women’s treatment courses ».

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He was born on 25 March 1836 in a small village in the south of Russia ; he was the ninth child in a family of 12. Nikolai Vasilyevich Sklifosovsky Nikolay Sklifosovsky was a well-known Russian surgeon , who loved his job so much he could actually spend up to 50 hours at the operating table without sleep , rest or food .

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Сontribution to science : Sklifosovsky developed a system of surgical treatment of certain diseases - without him it would be impossible to operate о varian cysts, treat cerebral fungi . His most important merit is that he introduced antiseptics into the surgery, with the help of which he carried out active disinfection of wounds. Also , he paid special attention to abdominal surgery .

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Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was born on September 14, in 1849 in Ryazan . When he was still a very little boy he helped his father on his farm . He was a Russian physiologist and the founder of the materialist theory of higher nervous activity .

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Сontribution to science : Pavlov won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1904, becoming the first Russian Nobel laureate . A survey in the Review of General Psychology , published in 2002, ranked Pavlov as the 24th most cited psychologist of the 20th century . Pavlov's principles of classical conditioning have been found to operate across a variety of behavior therapies and in experimental and clinical settings , such as educational classrooms and even reducing phobias with systematic desensitization .

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Nik olay Nilovich Burdenko He was born on 3 June 1876 in the village Kamenka in the Nizhnelomovsky Uyezd of Penza Governorate . Burdenko was a Russian and Soviet surgeon , the founder of Russi a n neurosurgery .

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His researches concerned shock prevention , healing of wounds and infections , surgical treatment of tuberculosis , anesthesia , blood transfusion and so on . At the time he also came to conclusion that neurosurgery must be taken as a separate specialty . Сontribution to science :

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In 1923 Burdenko moved to Moscow and became a professor of the Moscow State University where he founded a neurosurgical department ; in 1930 it was reorganized into the 1st Moscow Medical Institute . He also headed the university surgical clinic from 1924 till his death which currently bears his name

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Nikolay Burdenko was among the first to introduce surgery of the central and peripheral nervous system to clinical practice ; He investigated the reasons behind the appearance of shock and the methods of treating it , made a large contribution to the study of the processes which appear in the central and peripheral nervous system in connection with the surgical operation in the case of sharp injuries .

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