Презентация к внеклассному мероприятию по английскому языку "ЭКСКУРСИЯ ПО МОЖАЙСКУ".
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Лазарева Елена Витальевна

В программе участвуют: проектные и творческие работы учителя и учащихся, рассказывающие о той местности, где они проживают.  Презентация и обсуждение проводятся на английском языке. В конечном итоге, учащиеся увеличивают свой лексический уровень, отрабатывают произношение "на публике", знакомятся с историей, традициями и архитектурой местностей,  относящихся к Можайску и Можайскому району, а также, Рузскому району,  поселкам Туково, Дорохово и т.д. 


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ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ «ЭКСКУРСИЯ по МОЖАЙСКУ» внеклассное мероприятие в рамках «Недели иностранных языков» Разработчик данной презентации: преподаватель английского языка ГБОУ НПО ПУ № 97 МО Лазарева Елена Витальевна

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Mozhaysk is one of the most ancient towns of Moscow region. For the first time it is mentioned in the chronicle under 1231. This date conditionally also is considered as the year of foundation of the town. "Register of Mozhaysk» dated by 1775 contains interesting information: "And where exactly was this town built – there is no description, and during the war of Lithuania in Russia, it had a great destruction and desolation, but before there were 75 churches here." Wonderful historian of Mozhaysk, V. Gorokhov, added that according to a legend, saved from the XVIII century, at the same time there were 16 monasteries in the city. And really, looking through acts of Mozhaysk dated by the late XVI and early XVII centuries, analyzing other documents, topography of the city, you can find information about all the 75 churches. These temples, mostly wooden, were built by architects, carpenters of Mozhaysk with great love. They were building not just based on the needs of local residents. So many churches and temples could function in a small town only because the great number of pilgrims - pilgrims from all lands of Russia.

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Pilgrimage to the Holy. Nicolay in Mozhaysk since the end of the XV century contributed to the predominance of religious function on other functions of a small town: a craft-economic, trade, even defensive. In other hand, strongly developed a cult function respectively deformed structure of the town. So a fortress became the monastery, the number of churches, monasteries disproportionately increased, torgovistche (shopping area) expanded to serve the pilgrims, the changes were showing even in urban areas: there were sovereigns’ monastery, appeared monasteries, almshouses, etc. .. Coming , sometimes permanently, to Mozhaysk from Moscow, Moscow "power" built palaces (courtyards, churches). There was also a large village in Mozhaysk Tsarina’s yard, situated on the left bank of the Mozhayka River, near the Church of Nikita the Martyr. There was Patriarch’s settlement with the patriarchal court - near the Andrew Stratilat church, behind of it to the north there was Joachim and Anna’s monastery. It is known that the tsar Ivan the Terrible in 1576 gave an audience to Roman ambassadors in Mozhaysk.

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Stony Refectory Church of the Initiation of the Blessed Virgin. It was built in 1519. - Bell tower more than 35 meters and the monastery walls with towers . On May 26, 1999 in Luzhetsky monastery were discovered relics of miracle worker of St. Ferapont of Mozhaysk. To this day, the elder who has ended his earthly life over 470 years ago (just think about this figure), the pilgrims come and pray to him. "Father FERAPONT, pray to God for us !"

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And behind the Moskva River there is another beautiful church of the St. Elijah the Prophet. The church is located on the northern end of Mozhaysk on the bank of the Moskva River. The cross-shaped building made of bricks, with a marquee bell tower, built in pseudo-Russian style. Crowned with a massive cupola made in shape of onion. The first written mention about the church of the St. Elijah the Prophet in Mozhaysk belongs to the 1596 - 1598 years. Wooden church burned down in a fire during the War of 1812. In 1852, with the blessing of Metropolitan of Moscow Filaret (Drozdov) present brick church was built and consecrated in 1852 the same as the previous one; in honor of the St. Elijah the Prophet. In the Church of Elijah the Prophet's divine services have place on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

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Near the Elijah's Church there is an old cemetery, where not so long time ago a memorial in honor to died people during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was founded .

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In 1941 the war came into Mozhaysk again. Like their forefathers, people of our town became warriors again. They changed their working clothes on the military ones and they built fortifications of defense line in Mozhaysk, they became partisans in the known since childhood forests instilling fear in the hearts of enemies. They believed that our victory is nearly… On the ancient Russian land burned Hitler's tanks and armored cars, flow down trains with weaponry for the fascist army, were killed enemy soldiers and officers. Many people of Mozhaysk fought on various fronts of the Great Patriotic War. 12 Heroes of the Soviet Union raised land of Mozhaysk. They fought the enemy in the sky and on the ground, fighting to the last grenade, until the last bullet . In the center of the town you can see the memorial to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, opened before the 40th anniversary of the Victory, where the eternal flame burns.

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In the park there are also commemorative granite slabs inscribed with the terrible figures - the number of those who was killed in the fighting for the land, the numbers of damage for short months of fascist occupation. Here are buried V.I. Polosukhin - commander of the 32nd Infantry Division, fighter pilot A. A. Makarov, who was killed in an air battle near the town in October 1941, Hero of the Soviet Union V.D. Morozov and other heroes of the Battle for Moscow.

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In the early twentieth century on the place where you can see the House of Culture was a magnificent church of the Holy Trinity, so called the Trinity or the Holy Trinity Church. Perhaps it was one of the buildings of Trinity Monastery in the XVI-XVII centuries. It was built in the pseudo-Russian style piece by piece instead of the old stony building of the 1792. Refectory with the chapels was built in 1849, the five-domed main temple - in 1862-1873, many-tiered belfry in 1885. The church was closed in 1930, the cupolas were broken. The church had to completely blow up in the fighting in 1941-1942, in order to deprive the fascists comprehensive overlook of the roads leading to Moscow, Smolensk and Ruza ...

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Now turn to the left ... Let’s walk along the old shopping stalls, which are located here since the end of XVIII century. Merchants of Mozhaysk traded here a variety of goods. Now there are also shops, a bank and even a restaurant.

Слайд 4

The Chapel of St. Nicholas of Mozhaysk the comparatively recent construction. From here begins the celebration of the sacred liturgy of the Day of Mozhaysk (May 22). The Chapel is the culmination of an alley of Friendship - for it can be seen rows of trees planted by members of different sister - cities Mozhaysk. Perhaps, this sculpture of St. Nicholas is a kind of compensation to the town for the unique carved icon of the XV century, which is now on exhibition in the Tretyakov Gallery.

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A secret is hidden inside the large town cathedral of St. Nicholas of Mozhaysk. During its construction in the early XIX century walled up in the basement of the remains of the white stone fortress gates of the XV century. Standing above the town grand Cathedral of St. Nicholas, stands now on place of the gate- church of St. Nicholas in Mozhaysk Kremlin. Its construction began in 1802, but construction was delayed and it was only completed 12 years later, in 1814. Cathedral of St. Nicholas is the construction of the XIX century, is the most unique in its beauty and its location not only in Moscow region, but among all Russian cities. Built in the romantic style of pseudo-gothic by unknown architect, building of the cathedral is remembered by its unusual views, colorful decoration. Cathedral of St. Nicholas stands in Kremlin of Mozhaysk very well (at the top of the highest hill) and it is visible from far away, from many points of the town. The most effective view on the cathedral opened at the entrance to Mozhaysk from the west: long before you can see the high stony bell-tower of the cathedral. St. Nicholas Cathedral is the largest and most complex building construction by volume, which have been built on the foundation of the ancient temple. Divine service in the cathedral was reopened in 1995.

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On the territory of St. Nicholas Cathedral you can worship near the monument to the soldiers who died here, defending the approaches to Mozhaysk. 1,109 people are buried here .

Слайд 3

Very little will go to one of the most beautiful and ancient churches of the city. On the Yakimanskaya Street in Mozhaysk, there is one of the most interesting monuments in the city - Yakimanskaya (Joachim and Anna's Church). In the ancient times there was Yakimanskii monastery, written references of which dated back to the 1596-1598 years, when it already had a stony church. Later, in the XVII century, the monastery lost its independence, and in 1735 he was listed as a parish church. Temple of Saints Joachim and Anne, so called Yakimanskaya Church is the Orthodox Church of the XIX century in Mozhaysk, built on the foundations of white stony buildings of the late XIV century, which partially the northern part of Leontius of Rostov. They say that this church was never closed, even in the difficult times of formation of the Soviet state .

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Now, let’s go through Klimentevskaya Street to the Moskva River to see one of the oldest monasteries in Russia - Luzhetsky monastery founded by Saint Ferapont in 1408 by order of Andrew of Mozhaysk – the son of Dmitry Donskoy. Inside the monastery preserved the wonderful building of the XV century - the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the bell tower .

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The white stony Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin. Start of construction of the cathedral belongs to the XV century. Partly are preserved frescoes of the beginning of the XVI century of Dionysius’s school. In 1526 construction of a new five-headed, the majestic Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady was finished. Large five-domed temple built in the ancient Russian traditions of cathedral construction, has four round internal pillars supporting a vaulted roof and a light drums of cupolas. This ancient building is impressive in its greatness and harmony .

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On the territory of the monastery there is also: the Stony gate-church, which was built in 1547, and was rebuilt in 1602-03 years .

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