Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по учебной дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский) «We are young people, we want peace.»
методическая разработка

                                              Цели мероприятия:

Практическая —

1.Совершенствовать навыки устной речи, аудирования и чтения.


2. Подготовить участников к составлению монологического высказывания на тему «We want peace! Lets remember our heroes! »


3.Совершенствовать навыки направленного поиска информации в ресурсах интернет. «We are young people want peace»


Воспитательная —

1. Прививать чувство патриотизма, любви к Родине.

2. Воспитывать у обучающихся чувство ответственности за судьбу Родины.

3. Воспитывать уважение и признательность к людям, отдавшим жизни за мир на земле.

4. Утверждение общечеловеческих нравственных принципов.


Развивающая —

Совершенствовать навыки работы в группе.


  • Обобщение и дополнение знаний  студентов по теме 

«Мы — молодежь , мы хотим мира».

  • Практика устной речи, аудирования и чтения.


Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, слайды, видеоролики, презентация, музыкальное оформление, плакаты, стенгазеты.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Областное государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Белгородский строительный колледж»

Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия

                                    по  учебной дисциплине

Иностранный язык


«We are young people, we want peace.»

                    «Мы — молодежь, мы хотим мира»


Козьменко И.В., Кованченко А.Н.,

преподаватели иностранного языка


                                              Цели мероприятия:

Практическая —

1.Совершенствовать навыки устной речи, аудирования и чтения.

2. Подготовить участников к составлению монологического высказывания на тему «We want peace! Let’s remember our heroes! »

3.Совершенствовать навыки направленного поиска информации в ресурсах интернет. «We are young people want peace»

Воспитательная —

1. Прививать чувство патриотизма, любви к Родине.

2. Воспитывать у обучающихся чувство ответственности за судьбу Родины.

3. Воспитывать уважение и признательность к людям, отдавшим жизни за мир на земле.

4. Утверждение общечеловеческих нравственных принципов.

Развивающая —

Совершенствовать навыки работы в группе.


  • Обобщение и дополнение знаний  студентов по теме 

«Мы — молодежь , мы хотим мира».

  • Практика устной речи, аудирования и чтения.

Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, слайды, видеоролики, презентация, музыкальное оформление, плакаты, стенгазеты.

                                      Ход мероприятия:

Student1Can you imagine what peace is and what war is? Mind map

Peace is

  • Our families
  • Our relatives
  • Friends
  • Healthy parents
  • Sport and hobbies
  • Wonderful nature
  • Clean planet
  • Happy faces

Student 2: Now watch very nice slideshow of children singing the song- “Forever young”  

Let’s read the first rhyme-

Let’s dance in style, let’s dance for a while
Heaven can wait we’re only watching the skies
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst
Are you going to drop the bomb or not?

Student 2: Hope you can recollect what you have seen?

 Pupils: Smiling faces- Playing kids- Friends - Dancing girls - Scenes of nature - Mountains and rivers!

Student 1Can we see all this at war time?

Can we feel calm and happy during the war? Can we be glad to the sun in the dark from bombs sky? Of course not!

Student 2 On May 9, 2018, we will celebrate the 73 anniversary of the Great Victory. Victory Day is one of the most important holidays in our country.

Pupil 1 — It is also a great holiday for all the countries which fought in the Second World War against fascism. We should never forget those who gave their lives for our future.

Pupil 1 — War is a terrible word. How many people were lost! Millions … Children … They were victims of the war. Many of them were lost, they lost their parents, and they were in death camps. The life of children was very difficult.

Student 2 — But we won the Great Patriotic War against a powerful enemy. The great war of liberation fought by our people against Nazism ended with total victory. And now we live in Peace. We live happily together with our family.

Pupil 3 - Nowadays we look at veterans with love, gratitude and admiration. If they didn’t protect our Motherland, we couldn’t live now! The war must never happen again!

Student 2  Imagine that we could write a letter to our great-grandfather. What would you write?

Pupil 1— A letter to great-grandfather

Dear great-grandfather, I’ve never seen you. It would be great to receive your letter. How did you live? What did you dream about? Were you happy? I’m looking at your photo, at your kind smile and I think we could be friends… 

Pupil  2—Dear great-grandfather, Soon there’ll be no people on the Earth, who saw Great Patriotic war. But we’ll keep the stories about those terrible days in memory. We’ll remember your feat. We’ll live happily and peacefully! Thank you for Great Victory and Peace!

Student 1 

Наша жизнь начинается с любви. Мы входим в этот мир, чтобы радоваться и удивляться. Ведь вокруг столько нового, интересного, прекрасного. Это вечная тема. Она проходит через века, через народы. Любовь живёт  в душе каждого человека с рождения и до смерти. Она может послать на подвиги, на большие поступки. Это чувство многогранно. Любовь к маме, любовь к родному дому и Родине, любовь к женщине и ко всем окружающим людям, любовь к свободе…Это самое великое чувство на Земле.

W.H.Davies (1871-1940.г.)

From “Leasure

Зачем мне жизнь, когда в ней нет

Минутки оглянуться вслед.

Чтобы заметить тёмный лес

И белку, что грызёт орех.

Увидеть в ясный день ручьи,

Как звёзды блещут средь ночи.

Придти в восторг, хотя б на миг,

Из-за танцующей ноги…

Бедна та жизнь, когда в ней нет

Минутки оглянуться вслед.

What is this life if, full of care
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows…

No time to see when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see in broad daylight
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty’s glance, 
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if full of care 
We have no time to stand and stare.


Student 2  People are against wars. They make museums to remind new generation about the horrors of wars; they honor and remember the heroes who saved the World and the Peace in it.

Student 1  What is war in your opinion?

Pupils: War — is death

1 War — is hunger

2 War – is sorrow

3 War – is misfortune

4 War – is disaster

5 War – is tears

The Video presentation  (О результатах войн)

Student 1 : The Earth gave a birth to beautiful nature with its green forests, to blue waters of oceans, lakes and rivers, blue sky with white clouds, to great fields with colorful flowers, to all living creatures: animals, birds, fish, insects and humans. We want to live in peace!

The Video presentation   (О красоте окружающего мира )

Pupil 4 :

All for you

The trees of the forest,

The flowers on the lea,

The birds on the branches,

 The fish of the sea

Pupil 5:

The rocks and the mountains,

The rivers that flow,

The rain and the sunshine,

The ice and the snow;

Pupil 6:

The corn-fields all yellow,

The sky of deep blue:

The sweetness and beauty

Of life are for you.

Student 2:  This song “May there always be Sunshine!” will be the loud voice for peace and friendship on the planet.

Song “May there always be Sunshine!”

Bright blue the sky,

Sun up on high-

That was the little boy’s picture.

He drew for you,

Wrote for you too,

Just to make clear what he drew-


May there always be sunshine,

May there always be blue skies,

May there always be Mummy,

May there always be me! (Twice)

My little friend,

Listen, my friend,

Peace is the dream of the people,

Hearts old and young

Never have done

Singing the song you have sung.


Down with all war!

We want no more.

People, stand up for your children!

Sing, everyone –

Peace must be won,

Dark clouds must not hide the sun.

Student 1: We share one and the same planet all together. Our planet is so wonderful and splendid. We must value and enjoy the everyday of life on it. We want to live in peace!

Student 2:   Unfortunately, wars occur in our life quite often. , I think that there is nothing worse and terrible than war. First of all, war is death, blood, starvation, cold, diseases, destruction and children’s tears. . Nothing can be compared with horrors and tragedies of the war.

Student 1:  Сейчас мы  послушаем песню, ставшую символом борьбы за мир и свободу. Где мир, там любовь. Любовь – это великое чувство. Умейте любить маму, отца, семью, РОДИНУ. И вы всё преодолеете!

Now we will listen to a song that has become a symbol of the struggle for peace and freedom. Where the world is, there is love. Love is a great feeling.  It is important to love your mother, your father, your  family, your Motherland. And you will overcome everything!


  We  shall over

We shall overcome,
We shall overcome,
We shall overcome some day.
For deep in my heart
I do believe:
We shall overcome someday!

We'll walk hand in hand,
We'll walk hand in hand,
We'll walk hand in hand some day.
For deep in my heart
I do believe:
We shall overcome someday!

We shall live in peace,
We shall live in peace,
We shall live in peace some day.
For deep in my heart
I do believe:
We shall overcome someday!

We are not afraid,
We are not afraid,
We are not afraid today.

Student 2:  

The most vivid impressions we have from childhood, when our feelings are not overshadowed and we do not know what is anger, hatred, betrayal. In the childhood, the whole world seems especially bright, and we love everything and everyone without looking back, trustingly. After becoming adults, people always remember with a smile the time when they were children.


 Thomas Hood (1798-1845)

“Past and Present”

I remember, I remember

The house where I was born,

The little window where the sun

Came peeping in at morn;

He never came a wink too soon

Nor brought to long a day;

But now, I often wish the night

Had borne my breath away.

I remember, I remember

The roses, red and white,

The violets, and the lily-cups

Those flowers made of light!

The lilacs where the robin built,

And where my brother set

The laburnum on his birth-day,

The tree is living yet!

I remember, I remember

Where I used to swing,

And thought the air must rush as fresh

To swallows on the wing;

My spirit flew in feathers then

That is so heavy now,

And summer pools could hardly cool

The fever on my brow.

I remember, I remember

The fir trees dark and high;

I used to think their slender tops

Were close against the sky:

It was childish ignorance,

But now 'tis little joy

To know I'm farther off from Heaven

Than when I was a boy.

Student 2:  Став взрослыми, мы понимаем, что живём на большой планете. Мы любим свою Землю и в ответе за неё.  Мир меняется и  мы хотим ,чтобы он был лучше год от года.

Becoming adults, we understand that we live on a large planet. We love our Earth and are responsible for it. The world is changing and we want it to be better year after year. Therefore, we have to struggle for peace and friendship between the countries

Karen and Alice Maywood “It’s a different world today”


Говорят, что было тогда:

Солнце светило ярче

И чище была вода.

Это правда,

Но стало лучше теперь.

Мир сегодня другой,

                Мир сегодня другой,

                                Мир прекраснее стал – поверь!

Different kind of people, telling me that snow was white.
In former days the grass was green, the sun was really bright.
You had to fight for freedom, that's okay.
It's a different world,
it's a different world,
it's a different world today.

Nowadays they drive a car at eighty miles an hour.
Years ago there wasn't all that traffic, so much power.
There must be some improvement anyway.

It's a different world,
it's a different world,
it's a different world today.

Don't look back,
the world has got a lot in store.
Wait and see
people always wanna have more, more, more.
With all the ups and downs along the way.

It's a different world,
it's a different world,

Student 1:  One more problems for us now are to avoid nuclear war. Still we have many trouble spots in Afganistan, Iran, Iraq, , and  Siria. We know that war is a part of political action. Moreover, it is politics that causes the war, war is an instrument of the politics. The aim of politicians, diplomats, journalists and military men try to regulate all conflicts

Journalist - Hello dear friends.  Our programme is called «Political club».  The greatest problems that have faced men throughout his history have been the problems of war and peace. Our quest today is the famous politician Ivanov Sergey Petrovich. We’ll talk today about the problems of war and peace.

Journalist - Sergey Petrovich, how do you think which human characteristics make war possible? 
Politician - I think - the human stupidity.

Journalist -What is the worst thing in a war in your opinion? 

Politician - In my opinion the worst thing in a war is that many people are killed in a war.

Journalist - The 20th century is the century which is full of international conflicts. Two world wars, the biggest and the bloodiest wars throughout the history of modern time. Politicians, diplomats, journalists, military men must regulate all conflicts. Millions of people watch TV or radio news in alarm. A wish of every citizen of every country is to live in a peaceful and protected society. What can you say about the problems of wars and conflicts?

Politician - In my opinion the problem of war is the most actual nowadays.

Every day thousands of people become participants and eyewitnesses of big and small conflicts, for many years they have been living in the atmosphere of constant stress and fight. The conflict in Syria also worries me. I don’t  want  any conflicts and wars for the people of my Motherland. We want living in Peace.

Journalist -  What is Motherland for you?

Politician - Motherland is a place where I was born and where I want to live. It is my home where I am waited for. I don’t imagine my life without motherland because it is a ground I was grown up and which I am ready to protect at any time. I love my Motherland. Russia is the best country in the world.

Journalist -Thank you. I see you are a patriot of your country.

 Listen to a song  В руках автомат    

Student 2:  Все люди на планете хотят жить в мире. Так  давайте же откроем  наши сердца благородным и светлым мыслям о мире  и дружбе между людьми разных наций и стран. Чтобы стать настоящим человеком, надо уметь думать, мечтать, прощать и любить свою Родину.

Послушайте фрагмент поэмы английского писателя  Киплинга. Эту заповедь  он написал как завещание сыну.

Поэма Киплинга (1865-1936)  «Если»   

Владей собой среди толпы смятенной,

Тебя клянущей за смятенье всех.

Верь сам в себя наперекор вселенной,

И маловерным отпусти их грех.

Пусть час не пробил, жди, не уставая,

Пусть лгут лжецы, не снисходи до них.

Умей прощать и не кажись, прощая,

Великодушней и мудрей других.

Умей мечтать, не став рабом мечтанья,

И мыслить, мысли не обожествив.

Равно встречай успех и поруганье,

He забывая, что их голос лжив.

Останься тих, когда твое же слово

Калечит плут, чтоб уловлять глупцов,

Когда вся жизнь разрушена и снова

Ты должен все воссоздавать c основ.

Останься прост, беседуя c царями,

Будь честен, говоря c толпой.

Будь прям и тверд c врагами и друзьями.

Пусть все в свой час считаются c тобой!

Наполни смыслом каждое мгновенье

Часов и дней неуловимый бег -

Тогда весь мир ты примешь как владенье

Тогда, мой сын, ты будешь Человек!

Listen to a song  «Every day and every night»

 Student 1

In conclusion I would like to stress once again that modern wars are dangerous and threaten the humanity. There are not winners in war, only losers and all countries should come to the conclusion that we must not use war as an instrument of policy. I believe that all people on our planet must act against wars. We should live as one big family in peace and love.

Let us say together: «NO WAR!»


Итоговый ролик с песней  «Мир без войны»

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