Презентация проектов уч-ся 7а кл.Школы № 41им.Г.А.Тарана по произведению Карло Коллоди" Приключения Пиноккио"

На данной странице представлены работы-презентации учащихся 7а класса Школы № 41им.Г.А.Тарана по произведению Карло Коллоди" Приключения Пиноккио"

 1.Климачёвой Марии

 2.Пучковой Ангелины

 3.Михайленко Стефании


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The work has done By Klimacheva Maria Carlo Collodi and his hero Pinocchio

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Carlo Lorenzini was born in Italy, in Florence in 1826. His family wasn't rich. His father was a cook and mother was a servant. As a child, he spent time in his mother's hometown of Collodi, which was chosen for his pen name. He wrote for newspapers, worked for the government, and even served in the army.

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In 1881, Carlo Collodi sent a brief story about the adventures of a wooden puppet to his friend, an editor of newspaper in Rome. The story about Pinocchio was published at was a huge success. Soon Carlo Collodi wrote other stories about the puppet. Then he united these stories into a book.

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The story about Pinocchio is a classic tale of mischance and mishief based on the original adventures. This is a clever and instructive tale. It encourages you to think. A naughty wooden puppet gets into trouble. He disobeys his father, fogets his promises. He is lazy and he doesn’t want to learn. He skips through the life looking for fun.

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But if someone doesn’t want to study and work he will become a donkey and it is really so. Until he learn that to become truly real boy, he must open his heart and this of others. He becomes kind and hardworking. In reward for his kind heart he became a real live boy!

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Reading this classic story when you are a child opens your heart. Reading this story again – anew – when you are older fills your heart to the brim. Conclusion

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P roject on the book « The Adventures of Pinocchio » A uthor : Karlo Kollodi “ The Beautiful Child with the Blue Hair helped to Pinocchio” Mikhaylenko Stefania 6 «А» From 14 to 16 Chapter

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Pinocchio Pinocchio is a living wooden toy who lived as a boy . Pinocchio had a lot of difficulties, but he was trying to find his ways out of his problem s .In this book he meets a lot of good characters who help ed Pinocchio, but I want to tell you about the Beautiful Child with Blue Hair.

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The Beautiful Child with the Blue Hair The Beautiful Child with the Blue Hair is very kind and her willing is to help. The Child is not a simple girl . She is a fairy. She helps Pinocchio. I think this book will be very small if it doesn’t conclude the scene with this give .

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The Beautiful Child saves Pinocchio She saw poor Pinocchio on the tree . The Child took him into her house . Then two doctors came: a Raven and an Owl . They didn’t know if he was alive or dead .

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Pinocchio eats sugar and takes medicine The Beautiful Child gave some sugar and medicine Pinocchio . Pinocchio was well again .

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I think this book would have ended if the girl had not saved Pinocchio. If she had not called a doctor, he would have died on the tree .

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My opinion of the book I really like this book, I think the girl wants to tell us that we need to help each other and be good. I advise this book everyone to read, it is very interesting .

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Thank s fo r attention !