Горнова Марина Владимировна

Маслова А. Ю.

Марина Владимировна! С удовольствием побывала у вас “в гостях” на сайте! Спасибо за интересный материал. Многое взяла для работы.Надеюсь, что смогу еще не раз воспользоваться вашими наработками. Желаю дальнейших творческих успехов!

Зулитова Светлана Евгеньевна

Марина Владимировна,на Вашем сайте много интересной информации. Дальнейших Вам успехов.

Милютина Наталья Александровна

Сайт, Марина Владимировна, содержательный, грамотно оформлен, много информации как по предмету, так и внеурочной деятельности.

Анастасия Сухвалова

Сайт очень информативный и удобный в использовании. Можно найти много интересных и полезных материалов для изучения английского языка. Также очень приятно видеть достижения ваших учеников. Это показывает насколько вы хороший и замечательный педагог.

Анастасия Сухвалова

Сайт очень информативный и удобный в использовании. Можно найти много интересных и полезных материалов для изучения английского языка. Также очень приятно видеть достижения ваших учеников. Это показывает наколько вы хороший и замечательный педагог.

Мистина Анастасия

Марина Владимировна, ваш сайт очень качественный и интересный! Довольно много полезной и нужной не только ученикам, но и простым посетителям сайта информации, которая размещена очень удобно. Вы - огромный молодец!

Евстифеева Наталья

Благодаря систематическому использованию интересных и современных методов и технологий обучения Марина Владимировна добивается высоких результатов обучающихся.

Благодарю, Наталья Владимировна!

Лариса Семенычева

Марина Владимировна очень грамотный педагог

Спасибо, Лариса!

Mistina Anastasiya

My pets!
I've got a cat and two dogs. They very funny and kind!
My kitten is Markis. Markis is six months. He have got gray fur and small ears. Markis have got on the head black stripes. Paws is black. He likes plays with me! He likes catch mouse.
My dog is Nyusha. Nyusha is nine years old. She have got black fur and not big and not small ears. On the paws white is the "socks". Around a nack is white fur. Nyusha walk with father at a work. Nyusha very clever.
My dog is Dik. Dik is seven years old. He have got on the back dark brown fur. On the stomach is fair brown fur. Dik have got not very big ears. Paws is black. Dik not very clever. He sitting on the chain.

They very funny and kind!- Настя, снова нет сказуемого!
He have got-has got
Markis has got!
He likes plays -He likes to play
She has got
On the paws white is the "socks"-набор слов
nack-- с ошибкой
Nyusha very clever-нет сказуемого
He have got- с ошибкой
Dik not very clever- нет сказуемого
He sitting on the chain - нет is

Mortina Anastasiya

He favorite - at it favorite
Ryzhik playful - Ryzhik like play
far - far
playfal- playful
CET- cat

Ivan Zhulin.

Hi! I'm Ivan and I have a lot of Pets.
Guinea pig name is Misha and he is 5 years old. He's a boy. It has smooth fur of brown and white color. Little ears and eyes. He likes to eat fresh cucumbers.
The squirrel's name is Bagel and he is 3 years. He's a boy. Blowhole brown fur, a long sleek tail, small ears and eyes. He likes to eat nuts and raisins.
I have a cat Bob, he was 2 years old and he has white fur. Cat Masha she's 6, her fur is black and white. Kittens love to eat sausages.
Who else has such funny Pets?

Little ears and eyes, Blowhole brown fur, a long sleek tail, small ears and eyes- нет сказуемого и подлежащего в этих предложениях

Nikita Vorobyov.

Hi! I'm Nikita, I have a kitten and its name is Dasha. She is a girl. Dasha is 3 years old. She has sleek fur in black and white, big green eyes, and small ears. Dasha has beautiful paws and a long tail. She likes to walk and look out the window at the birds. Dasha affectionate and friendly. She likes to play with me. Who else loves kittens?

sleek fur in black and white -фраза составлена некорректно,
Dasha affectionate and friendly.- отсутствует сказуемое

Mortina Anastasiya

Hi there. I ve got a cat. Her name is Ryzhik. He is 4 moyths. He has a flufy tail and yellow eyes. Ryzhik playfal and likes to sleep. We let him go far a walk. He favorite toy is a plush bunny. Ryzhik lives to eat fish and drink milk. I LOVE CET!

Ryzhik playfal - нет сказуемого,
far,playfal,CET - ошибки в написании,
He favorite - местоимение неверное

Солодухин Александр

I want to tell you about my pet. My pet's name is Billy. This little dog is a Chihuahua. Billy is a very active and agile pet. Every morning he walks me to school and meets me after school. This mobile and small Malacky large hanging ears. It's the color of melted milk. Billy has small brown eyes. I love my dog very much. Since we got it, the house is full of fun and joy.

This mobile and small Malacky large hanging ears - предложение составлено некорректно
It's the color - фраза составлена некорректно

Malakanova Arina

Subject:New Year
Dear, Zhenya
Winter is a very good time of year. On the street everything is white and white, nature seemed to stand still waiting for a miracle. And the miracle is the New Year holiday!
Today is December 31st. What kind of weather do you have over there today? We are cold and snowing. Recently, we have set up a Christmas tree and decorated it with various Christmas toys, garlands and balls. New Year, I want to meet at home with my relatives and parents, and you? Me and my sister help mom clean the house. Mom is preparing a festive dinner. Dad went to buy fireworks and sparklers. We will have many guests! And how are you going to celebrate the New Year? Waiting for your answer! Happy New Year to you!

юля евстифеева

From: Julia
To: Vika
Subject: New Year
Hi Vika,
How do you spend your holidays? What is the weather like in your city? Decorated it? I would like to meet with you.
Now we have a lot of fun at home. Everyone is busy with his business. All are preparing for the new year. My mother is cooking chicken. Grandmother is helping to cook dishes on the table. My sister is serveing and seting the table. My brother is turning on the music and helping my sister. My dad is keeping track of everyone so that everything is correct and accurate.
What is your mood? How are you going to spend your holidays? What are your relatives doing? Happy New Year! I wish you success in everything!

new year-названия праздника пишется с заглавной буквы,serving, setting, turning on the musiс-listening to music
Оценка 5

Malakanova Arina

Dear, Zhenya
Winter is a very good time of year. On the street everything is white and white, nature seemed to stand still waiting for a miracle. And the miracle is the New Year holiday!
Today is December 31st. What kind of weather do you have over there today? We are cold and snowing. Recently, we have set up a Christmas tree and decorated it with various Christmas toys, garlands and balls. New Year, I want to meet at home with my relatives and parents, and you? Me and my sister help mom clean the house. Mom is preparing a festive dinner. Dad went to buy fireworks and sparklers. We will have many guests! And how are you going to celebrate the New Year? Waiting for your answer! Happy New Year to you!

Арина, тебе нужно еще раз прочесть письмо (образец) в учебнике.

Артём Гаврилин

Dear Piter,
How do you prepare for the New Year?Ihope you have in America is not cold like us.
We are busy at the moment . Mum is making a special dish. This is chicken with potato. I with dad carries meals on the table, helping mum and accpting guests. All this takes a long time.
How about you? I wish you and your family a Happy New Year.

Артем, тебе нужно еще раз прочесть письмо (образец) в учебнике! Ни абзацев, ни нужного времени, ни автора. Да еще и множество ошибок.

Mortina Anastasiya

hobbies are

Nikita Vorobyov

I'm Nikita. I'm 10 years old, I'm from Buturlino. I'm in school, 5th grade. I like to study at school and I go there with pleasure.
I have an ordinary family. Mom, dad, older brother and younger sister.
Mom and dad work. Mom works as a cook and dad as a driver.
Older brother Alex is studying in the 9th grade. He wants to be a gym teacher.
Younger sister Masha, a little girl. She goes to kindergarten.
I like to walk in my free time. I also like football very much. Football is my hobby.
I love my family very much.
With respect,
Nikita Vorobyov.

Ошибки: My younger sister's name is Masha, she is a little girl, We are mom, dad, older brother, younger sister and me, Nikita Vorobyov (без точки)


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