Контрольная работа "Английский глагол. Простые времена "

Тест на повторение изученного материала


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Контрольная работа «Простые времена»

Вариант 1.

1. Выпиши и переведи на русский язык наречия времени – определите и запишите спутниками каких времен они являются.

Tomorrow, yesterday, always, sometimes, soon, in three days, last year, usually, every year, a month ago, next week, often, the day before yesterday.

2. Раскрой скобки, употреби глагол в нужном времени.

1. My friend …(live) in London every summer.

2. You often …(go) for a walk.

3. Yesterday Ann …(watch) TV.

4. Tomorrow I … (read) an interesting book.

5. He …(work) at school last year.

6. We … (visit) Moscow next week.

3.Впиши слова- помощники: did, do, does, will

1.… you see this film yesterday?

2.… he like chocolate?

3.… your sister sleep last night?

4.… you help your mother soon?

5.… Tom get up at 7 o‘clock every morning?

6.… they play football last Sunday?

7.… you want to go to the cinema?

8.… she finish this work tomorrow?

4. Исправь предложения.

1. Alice always come home at 3 p.m.

2. Does you speak English ?

3. My grandma doesn’t watch TV yesterday.

4. Did your cat jumped high?

5. I listened to the music every day.

Контрольная работа «Простые времена»

Вариант 2.

1. Выпиши и переведи на русский язык наречия времени – определите и запишите спутниками каких времен они являются.

Tomorrow, yesterday, always, sometimes, soon, in three days, last year, usually, every year, a month ago, next week, often, the day before yesterday.

2. Раскрой скобки, употреби глагол в нужном времени.

1. Yesterday I … (read) an interesting book.

2. Tomorrow Ann …(watch) TV.

3. He …(work) at school next year.

4. My friend …(live) in London every summer.

5. We … (visit) Moscow last week.

6. You often …(go) for a walk.

3.Впиши слова- помощники: did, do, does, will

1.… you see this film yesterday?

2.… he eat chocolate last Sunday?

3.… your sister go to the theatre last night?

4.… you help your mother yesterday?

5.… Tom get up at 7 o‘clock every morning?

6.… they play football next Sunday?

7.… you go to the cinema tomorrow?

8.… she finish this work yesterday?

4. Исправь предложения.

1. Alice always come home at 3 p.m.

2. Does you speak German?

3. My grandma doesn’t listen to music yesterday.

4. Did your cat jumped high?

5. I watched TV every day.