Разработка урока по теме: "День Святого Валентина" для 7 класса.

Демиденко Раиса Ивановна

Разработка по теме:"День Святого Валентина" / "St. Valentine's Day "  подходит к Разделу 2, тема:"Давайте праздновать" / "Let's Celebrate " учебника "Английский язык"  7 класс, авторы: Ю.А. Камарова, И.В.Ларионова, К. Макбет

Урок начинается с говорения по теме. Ученики высказывают свое личное отношение к празднику. Здесь представлена история появления праздника для аудирования. Есть также занимательные упражнения способствующие совершенствованию лексического и грамматического умения учащихся. Завершается данная разработка развлекательной таблицей


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Предварительный просмотр:

   1           Разработка урока по теме: «День Святого Валентина»  “St. Valentine’s Day” Раздела 2 общая тема: «Давайте праздновать» “Let’s Celebrate!”  учебника «Английский язык»  7 класс, авторы: Ю.А. Комарова, И.В.Ларионова, К.Макбет  

Unit 2  the theme: “Let’s Celebrate” 

Unit objectives

in this unit, we have already talked about celebrations  and festivals: Hallowe’en, Bonfire Night, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve. We have also reviewed the present continuous, contrasted it with the present simple and used it for arrangements. We have read about these celebrations in the UK, listened to mobile conversation, written a party invitation and practised making arrangements.  


to introduce an additional material about St. Valentine’s Day that hasn’t been spoken much before.


Teacher to students:

What do you know about St. Valentine’s Day?

Possible answer: not much.

What words could you use to this very holiday?

The words are on the blackboard: carnival, birthday, cake, hearts, cards, valentines, kisses, school trip, party, lots of joy, prize- giving ceremony, secretly.

To show, and explain some new words that we need for St. Valentine’s , drill the pronunciation: clergyman, execute, to marry couples, ancient Rome, to exchange love messages, sentimental verses, exchange.

Listening to the story presented by the teacher about St. Valentine’s Day.

There are many opinions as to who was the original Valentine. One of the most popular theories is that it was a clergyman who was executed for secretly marrying couples in ancient Rome. In any event, in 496 A.D., Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine. Through the centuries, the Christian holiday became a time to exchange love messages and St. Valentine became a patron saint of lovers. In the 1840s, Esther Howland, a native of Massachusetts, is given credit for sending the first Valentine cards. The spirit of love continues as valentines are sent with sentimental verses and children exchange valentine cards at school.


Do you like this holiday? Why or why not?

What do you like most: to get valentine cards or send them?

What do young people present to each other besides valentine cards?

You know, of course, this is a catholic holiday. Do you think it is very popular in Russia?

Here are some exercises , you can show how well you can comprehend the object of our learning.

  1.       Select the word that best completes the sentence.
  1. On the classroom walls there are (celebrations, decorations).
  2. Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love and (romance, victory).
  3. Valentine’s cards have messages of (affection, humour).
  4. It is traditional to send flowers to ( spouses, friends) on Valentine’s Day.
  5. On this day people share feelings with friends and (companions, strangers).
  6. (Sweethearts, spouses, merchants) decorate their stores with red hearts and cupids on Valentine’s Day.
  7. This is a day to celebrate (feelings, humour) of friendship and love.
  8. Many people call the person they love (sweetheart, spouse)

  1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words, change into the past tense as needed.
  1. Romeo and Juliet loved each other very much: but their parents didn’t know it. They had a secret …..
  2. The young man got married. Now he was a …..
  3. Mary likes John very much. She has good ….. towards him.
  4. The grandmother asked her grandchild to go with her on the trip to Washington. She asked her to be her travelling …..
  5. The students decided to have a large party to celebrate the Spring. It was a beautiful …..
  6. The couple were very much in love. They called each other…..

  1. Select the correct word form to complete each sentence.

Noun – romance, festival, humour, decoration, affection.

Adjective – romantic, festive, humorous, decorated, affectionate.

  1. It is a (romance, romantic) poem.
  2. The Spring party was a (festival, festive) occasion.
  3. The TV comedy was full of (homour, humourous).
  4. The Christmas tree was (decorated, decoration) with coloured lights.

  1. Match the famous couples


a. Bathsheba

2. Adam

b. Josephine

3.Ladi Di

c. Jane




e.Prince Charles

6.John Lennon

f. Don Jose

7.Miss Piggy



h.Kermit the Frog

9.Grace Kelly

i.Prince Rainier

10.Rhett Butler



k.Scarlet O’Hara

12.Sophia Loren

l.Captain Pinkerton


m.Angelina Jolly

14.Bred Pitt

n.Carlo Ponti

Dear friends, nice of you that you know these famous couples and you could add some more loving people to the table.

So it’s time you should get your home task: please, write your final decision what holiday you like best and why. No less than 7 sentences. I hope you will use present simple. Get ready with your small reports for the next lesson.


Тема: День Святого Валентина.

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативной компетенции по данной теме.


Задачи урока: расширение знаний учащихся в области культуры, истории, обычаев и традиций общенациональных праздников.