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Добро пожаловать на сайт дистанционного обучения преподавателя английского языка Мнацаканян К.Г. ! В разделе "НОВОСТИ" Вы найдете материалы к занятиям, домашние задания и прочий необходимый материал для своей группы в рамках дистанционного обучения. 


M-yan Christy G

Группа 724 11.04.20 

Задание 1. Прочитать статью о 10 основных преимуществах учебных заведений СПО (на этом занятии разберем только 5 из них), перевести и выписать новые слова и выражения. 

Задание 2. Используя новую лексику описать основные отличия обучения в учреждении среднего профессионального образования , рассказав про практическое обучение в мастерских.


10 Benefits of Attending a Vocational School


Choosing a career early in life is imperative. However, the path towards achieving that career goal is not often straightforward. That dream to become an artist, accountant, medical assistant, computer technician, nurse, business analyst, or paralegal is available for those that attend a vocational school. Before making that decision to go to college, evaluate the full impact of that decision. One must evaluate all the options first. The choice can be between choosing vocational school or a traditional 4-year college. A vocational school offers hands-on skills applicable in a work situation while a traditional 4-year college offers relevant knowledge mixed with elective courses. Vocational schools prepare their students for a specific trade, making them better prepared for the workforce.

Benefit #1: Vocational Schools Have Higher Employment Rate Vocational schools prepare a person for the job market. This means graduates are prepared to accept a job immediately after graduation. Most vocational schools also work with employers in the industry to give students an education within their technical field. When the graduate is ready to transition to the job, vocational school graduates have seamless transitions. This is thanks to a vocational school’s training approach. Since the vocational school trains with real-life examples and equipment, the graduate can adapt. Traditional 4-year colleges depend on theoretical frameworks. Vocational schools rely on specific industry situations, better equipping the workforce with technical job skills.

Benefit #2: The Student Transitions to Their Career Choice Directly A traditional 4-year college degree equips the student with general skills. There is little guidance on the career path with limited interaction by career services. While this is ok for some, it does not translate to a specific job title or career path. Students go to vocational schools because they have decided what they want to do in life. After one to two years of vocational education, the student has a definite career path. Students come out of vocational school and join a specific trade. The graduate will not waste time thinking what to do after college. This is common among traditional 4-year college graduates. Many vocational school graduates go through externship programs for them to gain industry experience.

Benefit #3: Relevant Skills in Less Time Vocational schools offer opportunities to high school students and adults switching jobs. Most vocational programs take less than two years to complete. Once completed, the classes give graduates enough skills for an entry-level position in their given trade. A graduate can start earning right away. If they have a student loan, they can start repayments as soon as possible.

Benefit #4: The Chances of Graduating Are High Did you know that 40 percent of students who enroll in traditional 4-year colleges do not graduate within the 4-year duration? This is reported by the National Center for Education Statistics. On the other hand, approximately 2 percent of vocational school students fail to graduate within the course duration. The chances of graduating and joining the workforce are better when a student graduates from a vocational school. The vocational programs are short, which encourages maximum concentration and performance. Students who attempt college education and don’t graduate are not ready for the job market. They may also have to service their student loans.

Benefit #5: The Future for Trades Is Bright Research shows that some of the fastest growing career paths lie in the technical fields. Some of the trades with high job growths include medical assistants and massage therapists. Surprisingly, many people who go to traditional 4-year colleges can end up working in positions that don’t require a degree. Their salaries will reflect this.

M-yan Christy G

Группа 964 11.04.20 

Задание. Прочитать и перевести текст по теме "Географическое положение России".


Geographical position of Russia


With a total area of seventeen million square kilometers and population of about one hundred and fifty million, Russia, officially called the Russian Federation, is considered to be the largest country in the world. The Russian Federation is divided into eighty five federal subjects, twenty two of which are republics (Kalmykia, Komi, Dagestan, Ingushetia and others). The republics represent areas of non-Russian ethnicity and entitled to set their own official languages and establish their own constitutions. The capital of the country is Moscow.

Russia occupies the eastern half of Europe and the northern part of Asia. It borders on many countries, which had earlier been Soviet Republics, as well as with China, Japan, Korea, Finland and other countries. Russia is washed by twelve seas (the Black Sea, the White Sea, the Barents Sea, the Baltic Sea and some others) and three oceans (the Pacific, the Atlantic and the Arctic).

Russia is rather rich in water resources. However, at present due to overpopulation, agricultural intensification, industrial development and the expansion of the new cities there is a shortage of fresh water in our country. So, there are lots of rivers in Russia. The longest rivers are the Volga in Europe and the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena in Asia. The largest lakes are Ladoga and Baikal which is considered to be the deepest fresh-water lake in the world.

The plains occupy about sixty percent of the country’s territory. There are two major plains in Russia: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Lowland.
The most important mountain chains are the Caucasus, the Altai, the Urals, which are generally seen as the dividing line between Europe and Asia, and some others.
About eleven percent of Russia is tundra, a vast treeless region in which the subsoil is permanently frozen. The zone is known for its white nights in summer, and for days of total darkness in winter. However, less than one percent of Russia’s population lives in this zone.

Taiga, the most extensive natural area of Russia, stretches from the western borders of Russia to the Pacific. It is famous for its fir-wood forests and rich vegetation. There are lots of bushes, such as currants, juniper, cowberries, as well as fir-trees, pines and other plants. The typical representatives of the fauna are sables, lynxes, squirrels, as well as deer and roes.

Since Russia is a huge country, its climate differs from one region to another: there is a cold arctic climate in the north Siberia and a sub-tropical hot climate near the Black Sea coast. So, winters in Russia vary from cool along Black Sea coast to frigid in Siberia. As for summers, they tend to be warm in the steppes and cool along the Arctic coast.

In fact, Russia is rich in natural and mineral resources of natural gas, manganese, coal, iron ore, copper, lead, gold and many others.

M-yan Christy G

Группа 874 11.04.20

Задание. Прочитать и перевести текст по теме "Международная торговля. Рынок поставщиков". Выпишите новые слова и словосочетания.

Trade is the buying and selling of goods and services. The products that are exchanged are things that people grow or make, like food to eat, machines to work with or clothes to wear. Services are things that people do for others, like working in bank, caring for old people or teaching pupils.
Why do we trade?
Trade happens because people need or want things that they don't have. We also trade for work that we cannot do ourselves. Trade between countries happens for the same reason. Some countries, for example, have natural resources, like coal, oil or wood which other countries might want to buy. They try to sell the goods, products or services that they have too much of to other countries. They earn money from these sales and then can buy the things that they themselves need and cannot produce on their own.
Both producers and consumers profit from international trade. If countries can produce goods more cheaply than others because they specialize on them why not let them. They make more money on one side and consumers in other countries can buy goods that are cheaper.
Even though many nations have a lot of different goods to export there are countries that depend only on one or two products to get money. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other countries of the Middle East depend on oil exports, because it is pretty much the only thing that they can sell. Poor countries in Africa depend largely on the export of tropical farm products to get money.
Each year goods and services worth about 11 trillion dollars ($ 11 000 000 000 000) are traded all over the world. The biggest exporting nations are The United States, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada and Japan.
The difference between what a country exports and what it imports is called the balance of trade. If a country exports more than it imports we call this a trade surplus. And if a country pays more for its imports than it gets for its exports it has a trade deficit.
How trade is limited
In some countries the government controls all trade and in others it allows companies and firms to trade freely. However, all governments control trade in some way.
Sometimes a government forbids companies to buy or sell dangerous or illegal products, or military technology. When companies expand and get bigger they often take over others and form a monopoly. Governments pass laws to prevent companies from becoming too strong and powerful and from controlling the market.
Many governments try to help their own industries by making it more difficult to import foreign products. They put import taxes on foreign goods to make products more expensive and their own products cheaper. A government may also limit the number of products that it will buy from another nation. European countries, for example, may limit the number of cars that are imported from Japan or the USA. They want their people to buy European cars. We call this strategy protectionism because governments want to protect their companies and industries.
History of trade
Trading is as old as mankind. The early civilizations of Mesopotamia or Egypt traded among themselves and with other people. Gradually, trade routes developed over land and sea. These were used to transport spices, salt, minerals and jewels over great distances.
In the 15th century Europeans started exploring the seas to find new trade routes to Asia. The Portuguese explored the coast of Africa, the Spanish, English and French set across the Atlantic and founded colonies in the New World.
In the 1700s the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain. During the following two centuries it became the most powerful trading nation in the world. The British sold goods to its colonies and received raw materials from them.
During this era governments did not interfere much with free trade. As a result many owners became very rich. They kept all the money themselves and paid workers badly. In the first half of the 20th century World War I and the Great Depression led to the decline of world trade. Many governments introduced new plans to help their own companies' workers.
After the Second World War the big countries of the free world tried to improve free trade. Some have formed trading blocs that trade freely. The biggest of them are the European Union, NAFTA and South America's Mercosur. About 150 countries are members of the World Trade Organization, an institution that sets up rules for world trade.


M-yan Christy G

Группа 964 10.04.20 

Задание по теме "Видовременные формы глагола"
Раскройте скобки. Употребите глагол в одном из настоящих времен и переведите предложения.
1. Look! She ( wear) the same shoes as me.
2. Vegetarians are people who (not eat) meat.
3. Someone (take) my bicycle.
4. I often (see) him but I never (speak) to him.
5. I (buy) a new carpet. Come and look at it.
6. It (not rain) here since March.
7. My friends (like) meat but (not like) fish.
8. Where is Tom? - He (lie) under the car.
9. She’s a school teacher. She (teach) Maths.
10. How long you (live) here?
11. How often you (fall) in love?
12. The postman usually (come) at 9 in the morning.
13. Hey! Somebody (drink) my coffee! My cup was full.
14. I (sit) here in the park for an hour, and I (meet) three friends of mine.
15. I already (break) two plates. Shall I go on washing up?
16. I have a car but I (not use) it very often.
17. They (talk) so loudly that we can’t really hear your words.
18. Phil is happy. He (find) a new job.
19. Alice never (go) to work by bus.
20. I (lose) my key. I must look for it in my bag.
21. You (make) a lot of noise. Please, be quiet.
22. Look! The man (try) to open the door of your car.
23. What time the children (come) out of school, as a rule?
24. I (ask) you to mend this window since summer. When are you going to do it?
25. It’s a lovely day. The sun (shine) and the birds (sing).
M-yan Christy G

Группа 874 10.04.20

Задание 1. Повторить материал по теме "Степени сравнения прилагательных", выписать примеры и сделать конспект. Далее приступить к закреплению  материала

( см. задание 2)

Степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке

Часто нужно сравнить какие-то вещи – например, сказать, что один объект лучше или хуже другого, или вообще самый лучший или самый худший, красивей другого или самый красивый, легче или самый лёгкий и т.д.

Сравнительная степень, это когда мы сравниваем – «легче», «труднее», «зеленее», и т.д.

Если слово короткое (один иди два слога), мы просто добавляем окончание -er:

soft (мягкий) – softer (мягче)
new (новый) – newer (новее)
tender (нежный) – tenderer (нежнее)
grey (серый) – greyer (серее)
hard (твёрдый) – harder (твёрже)
narrow (узкий) – narrower (уже)

Если слово уже заканчивается на , то прибавляем только -r:

large (большой) – larger (больше)
polite (вежливый) – politer (вежливее)
white (белый) – whiter (белее)

Если слово заканчивается на согласную, а перед ней стоит гласная, то согласная удваивается:

big (большой) – bigger (больше)
fat (жирный) – fatter (жирнее)
hot (горячий) – hotter (горячее)
thin (тонкий) – thinner (тоньше)

Если в конце слова стоит -y, а перед ней согласная, то -y меняется на -i:

easy (простой) – easier (проще)
dirty (грязный) – dirtier (грязнее)
happy (счастливый) – happier (счастливее)

I can't understand which tablecloth is larger, the green one or the blue one. – Не могу понять, какая скатерть больше, зелёная или синяя.
Who is bigger, an elephant or a whale? Who is heavier? – Кто больше, слон или кит? Кто тяжелее?

Для длинных прилагательных действует другое правило. Само слово никак не изменяется, но перед ним мы ставим more (более):

beautiful (красивый) – more beautiful (более красивый)
difficult (сложный) – more difficult (более сложный)
interesting (интересный) – more interesting (более интересный)
effective (эффективный) – more effective (более эффективный)
dangerous (опасный) – more dangerous (более опасный)
useful (полезный) – more useful (более полезный)

I don't think it to be more difficult. – Не думаю, что это более сложно.
I believe novels will be more interesting for your mother than detectives. – Думаю, романы будут более интересны твоей маме, чем детективы.

Превосходная степень: мы говорим о предмете, что он самый-самый – «самый красивый», «самый простой», «самый опасный», либо «наименее простой, красивый, опасный» и т.д.

К коротким словам добавляем -est. С такими словами почти всегда идёт артикль the.

soft (мягкий) – the softest (самый мягкий, мягчайший)
new (новый) – the newest (самый новый, новейший)
tender (нежный) – the tenderest (самый нежный, нежнейший)
grey (серый) – the greyest (самый серый)
hard (твёрдый) – the hardest (самый твёрдый, твердейший)
narrow (узкий) – the narrowest (самый узкий)

Если слово уже заканчивается на , то прибавляем только -st:

large (большой) – the largest (самый большой, наибольший)
polite (вежливый) – the politest (самый вежливый)
white (белый) – the whitest (самый белый, белейший)

Если слово заканчивается на согласную, а перед ней стоит гласная, то согласная удваивается:

big (большой) – the biggest (самый большой, наибольший)
fat (жирный) – the fattest (самый жирный)
hot (горячий) – the hottest (самый горячий)
thin (тонкий) – the thinnest (самый тонкий, тончайший)

Если в конце слова стоит -y, а перед ней согласная, то -y меняется на -i:

easy (простой) – the easiest (проще)
dirty (грязный) – the dirtiest (грязнее)
happy (счастливый) – the happiest (счастливее)

I'm the happiest man in the world today! – Сегодня я самый счастливый человек в мире!
It's made of the thinnest lace. – Это сделано из тончайшего кружева.

Длинные слова не изменяем, но ставим перед словом most (наиболее):

beautiful (красивый) – the most beautiful (самый красивый, красивейший)
difficult (сложный) – the most difficult (самый сложный, сложнейший)
interesting (интересный) – the most interesting (самый интересный, интереснейший)
effective (эффективный) – the most effective (самый эффективный, эффективнейший)
dangerous (опасный) – the most dangerous (самый опасный, опаснейший)
useful (полезный) – the most useful (самый полезный, полезнейший)

This information is the most interesting for me. – Эта информация наиболее интересна для меня.
You have chosen the most dangerous way to do it. – Ты выбрал сделать это самым опасным способом.

Бывает, нужно сказать, что предмет не более красивый, умный, и т.д., а менее. Тогда перед словом ставим less (для сравнительной степени) или the least (для превосходной):

beautiful (красивый) – less beautiful (менее красивый) – the least beautiful (наименее красивый)
difficult (сложный) – less difficult (менее сложный) – the least difficult (наименее сложный)
interesting (интересный) – less interesting (менее интересный) – the least interesting (наименее интересный)
hot (горячий) – less hot (менее горячий) – the least hot (наименее горячий)
busy (занятой) – less busy (менее занятой) – the least busy (наименее занятой)

This exam was less difficult that the exam I had last year. – Этот экзамен был менее сложный, чем тот, который я сдавал в прошлом году.
Sunday is the least busy day for me. – Воскресенье для меня наименее занятой день.

Если слово сложное, состоит их двух элементов, то используем more / most или less / least.

light-minded (легкомысленный) – more light-minded (более легкомысленный) – the most light-minded (самый легкомысленный)
hard-working (трудоспособный) – less hard-working (менее трудоспособный) – the least hard-working (наименее трудоспособный)

She was the most light-minded girl I have ever met. – Она была самой легкомысленной девушкой из всех, которых я когда-либо встречал.

Слова-исключения, у которых свои формы

Слово Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень
good (хороший) better (лучше) (the) best (самый лучший)
bad (плохой) worse (хуже) (the) worst (самый плохой, худший)
little (маленький) less (меньше) (the) least (наименьший, самый маленький)
much (много – с неисчисл.)
many (многие – с исчисл.)
more (больше) (the) most (больше всего)
far (далёкий) farther (дальше – в значении физического расстояния)
further (дальше – в более широком смысле)
(the) farthest (самый дальний)
(the) furthest (самый дальний)
old (старый) older (старше, старее по возрасту)
elder (старше, старее по старшинству в семье)
(the) oldest (самый старый)
(the) eldest (самый старший)
late later (более поздний – о времени)
latter (последний из двух упомянутых)
(the) latest (самый поздний)
(the) last (самый последний по порядку)

It's the oldest tree in our garden. – Это самое старое дерево в нашем саду.
I need more money. – Мне нужно больше денег.
Yesterday's game was better than the day before yesterday's, but today's one is the best. – Вчерашняя игра была лучше позавчерашней, но сегодняшняя – лучше всех.
It was the worst hotel in my life, it's difficult to find a worse one. – Это был самый плохой отель в моей жизни, сложно найти хуже.
Tomorrow is our last day in this village. – Завтра наш последний день в этой деревне.

Если слово составное и одна его часть является исключением (из этого списка), то нужно использовать формы этого слова:

good-looking (красивый) – better-looking (красивее) – the best-looking (самый красивый)
little-significant (малозначимый) – less-significant (менее значимый) – the least-significant (наименее значимый)

There is a least-significant difference between these two models. – Между этими двумя моделями существует малозначимое различие.

Задание 2. Выполните упражнение на закрепление темы.


Поставьте прилагательное в правильную форму

  1. Мой лучший друг живёт в этом доме. My  friend lives in this house. (good – хороший; friend – друг; to live – жить; house – дом)
  2. Кит больше и тяжелее чем слон. A whale is  and  than an elephant. (whale – кит; big – большой; heavy – тяжёлый; than – чем; elephant – слон)
  3. Задайте мне более сложный вопрос, пожалуйста. Ask me a  question please. (to ask a question – задать вопрос; difficult – сложный, трудный; please – пожалуйста)
  4. Зимой дни короче, а ночи длиннее. In winter the days are  and nights are (in winter – зимой; day – день; short – короткий; night – ночь; long – длинный)
  5. Какое самое опасное животное на планете? What is  animal on the planet? (what – какое; dangerous – опасный; animal – животное; planet – планета)
  6. Обычно наш начальник менее занят по четвергам. Usually our boss is  on Thursdays. (usually – обычно; boss – начальник; Thursday – четверг)
  7. Это самое старое здание в нашем городе. This is  building in our city. (old – старый; building – здание; city – город)
  8. Моя машина дороже и быстрее чем ваш мотоцикл. My car is  and  than your motorcycle. (car – машина; expensive – дорогой; fast – быстрый; than – чем; motorcycle – мотоцикл)
  9. Мой старший брат немного выше и сильнее меня. My  brother is a bit  and  than me. (old – старый; brother – брат; a bit – немного; tall – высокий; strong – сильный; than – чем)
  10. Это были самые счастливые дни в её жизни. Those were  days in her life. (happy – счастливый; day – день; life – жизнь)
  11. Вы выбрали наименее эффективное решение этой проблемы. You chose  solution to this problem. (to choose – выбирать; effective – эффективный; solution – решение)
  12. Этот студент самый внимательный в нашей группе. This student is  in our group. (student – студент; attentive – внимательный; group – группа)
  13. В море плавать легче, чем в реке. It is  to swim in the sea than in the river. (easy – легко; to swim – плавать; sea – море; than – чем; river – река)
  14. Я недавно посетил одно из самых красивых мест в нашей стране. I have recently visited one of  places in our country. (recently – недавно; to visit – посещать; one of – один из; beautiful – красивый; place – место; country – страна)
  15. Ей следует быть более осторожной здесь ночью. She should be  here at night. (careful – осторожный; here – здесь; at night – ночью)
  16. Это худшая книга, которую я когда-либо читал. This is  book I have ever read. (bad – плохой; book – книга; ever – когда-либо; to read – читать)
  17. Кто самый опытный работник в вашей компании? Who is  worker in your company? (who – кто; experienced – опытный; worker – работник)
  18. Я говорю по-английски хуже, чем мой лучший друг. I speak English  than my  friend. (to speak – говорить; bad – плохо; than – чем; good – хороший; friend – друг)
  19. Сегодня я мой брат чувствует себя намного лучше. Today my brother feels much (today – сегодня; brother – брат; to feel – чувствовать (себя); much – намного; good – хорошо)
  20. Это самая смешная история, которую я когда-либо слышал. This is  story I have ever heard. (funny – смешной; story – история; ever – когда-либо; to hear – слышать)
  21. Фильм менее интересный, книги (чем книга). The movie is  than the book. (movie – фильм; interesting – интересный; than – чем; book – книга)
  22. Январь – самый холодный месяц в году. January is  month of the year. (January – январь; cold – холодный; month – месяц; year – год)
  23. Собаки обычно умнее кошек. Dogs are usually  than cats. (dog – собака; usually – обычно; smart – умный; than – чем; cat – кошка)
  24. Этот роман более увлекательный, чем тот. This novel is  than that one. (novel – роман; exciting – увлекательный; than – чем; that – тот)
  25. Я хочу купить самый новый мобильный телефон для своей жены. I want to buy  cell phone for my wife. (to want – хотеть; to buy – купить; new – новый; cell phone – мобильный телефон; for – для; wife – жена)
  26. Вам следует быть более вежливым с клиентами. You should be  to clients. (to be – быть; polite – вежливый; client – клиент)
  27. Мой кофе менее горячий, чем ваш. My coffee is  than yours. (hot – горячий; than – чем)
  28. Мне нужно больше времени. I need  time. (need – нуждаться; many – много; time – время)
  29. Он был самым трудолюбивым молодым человеком, которого я когда-либо встречал. He was  young man I have ever met. (hardworking – трудолюбивый; young man – молодой человек; ever – когда-либо; to meet – встречать)
  30. Это последнее предложение упражнения. This is  sentence of the exercise. (sentence – предложение; exercise – упражнение)


M-yan Christy G

Группа 874  09.04.20

Задание. Прочитать и перевести письменно текст по теме "Интернет как источник информации". Выписать новые слова и словосочетания по теме.

Just a century ago we didn’t even know about computers and the Internet. But today we take them for granted and can’t imagine our life without these inventions. I think that the Internet (or WorldWideWeb) is the greatest invention ever and it has made a significant impact on our lives.

Nowadays the Internet is affordable almost for anyone and it connects people all around the world. You can stay in touch with your friends, relatives and colleagues. Our modern life will stop without the net because it helps to make on-line business transactions, manage our bank accounts, pay our gas or electricity bills and send important e-mails, for example.

The Internet is the largest source of information. There are millions of Internet sites storing plenty of useful data about everything: science, history, psychology, sports, fashion, music, cooking and many other subjects. We can also download our favourite movies or songs, listen to radio channels or play games. Learning or practising foreign languages is possible with the Internet too.

The Internet saves our time and money. We can do on-line shopping choosing the desirable thing at the best price. And then we just click “Order the delivery”. By the way, we can also sell various things in the net. We often don’t need to go to the library: surfing the net can easily help us to find and open the book we need. Buying stamps and envelopes isn’t required if you’re going to send an e-mail. It takes just a few seconds to send an instant message by e-mail.

The Internet helps shy people or those with low-esteem to find each other on dating sites. On-line chatting through social networking websites is more comfortable for Internet users with the lack of social skills.

I am sure that the Internet has changed our life for the better. There is only one disadvantage about it: some people become rather addicted to it and spend all days long surfing the net, on-line dating or playing games. Over-using the net can be dangerous because new technology victims start neglecting their families, friends, work and real hobbies.


M-yan Christy G

Группа 724 09.04.20

Текущий контроль - контрольная работа 

Задание 1.

Прочитайте текст и переведите в письменной абзацы (1-5).

1. Michel Faraday, English experimental physicist, was born in 1791 in a poor family. The boy began to work as an apprentice at a bookbinder’s shop at an early age. One day a man entered the shop and found the boy studying an article on electricity. The man was surprised to see a boy so interested in such a difficult subject and gave him four tickets for the lectures at the Royal Institutions.

2. The boy went to the lectures and, made notes of what he heard. At the end of the lecture he came to Sir Humphry Davy, the great English scientist, and showed him his notes. Davy was surprised. Later he made Faraday his assistant and helped him in his education.

3.  Faraday had many important discoveries. Among his works are the concept of the magnetic field and the magnetic “lines of force”, production of new kinds of optical glass, and research on electrolysis.

4. Faraday produced the first mechanical motion by means of a permanent magnet and an electric current. This is the principle upon which the modern electric motor is based.

5. Faraday was very modest and he loved his work more than honours. He refused to become President of the Royal Society and also refused to be knighted.

Задание № 2.

Заполните пропуски соответствующей активной или пассивной формой глагола и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The unit of electricity “farad”(was named, named) after M. Faraday.

2. The first lighting rod (was invented, invented) by B. Franklin, the outstanding American scientist.

3. At Cambridge, Newton (was read, read) with great interest the writing of Galeleo.

Задание № 3.

Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитивные обороты.

1. Faraday is believed to be a great English physicist.

2. We consider Tsiolkovsky to be the father of astronautics.

3. Popov is known to be the inventor of radio in Russia.

M-yan Christy G

Группа 974  08.04.20

Задание. Прочитать и перевести текст по теме "Shops and shopping" ("Магазины и покупки"). Выписать новую лексику по теме (слова и выражения, связанные с покупками).

Going shopping is a part of our everyday life. For some people it’s a pleasant pastime while for others it’s an everyday routine. Some people love doing the shopping and they are happy if they can pick up a bargain in the sales. But whether you like shopping or not you have to do it because it’s a necessity. In big cities and even many small towns there are all kinds of shops and stores as well as supermarkets. Supermarkets are primarily food stores which sell all kinds of food: fresh, frozen and canned meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, dairy products and bread. Practically everything a family needs can be found in a supermarket. There the customer serves himself and pays at the cash-desk on leaving the shop. Department stores carry clothing for men, women and children, china and glassware, household electric appliances, furniture and other goods. However, many people don’t like to shop in big department stores as they are often overcrowded. In my city we also have got a great number of shops. Most of them open at 9 a.m. and close at 8 or 9 at night. Smaller shops normally have a lunch break. Nearly all shops are closed on Sundays. I should say that all the shops are equally popular with customers, though some of them are really expensive. But they are not always quality shops. That’s why many people these days prefer to do the shopping at the market where the prices are more reasonable. In our family it’s my father who does most of the shopping. He usually shops in the supermarket, where he goes to the grocery department, the greengrocery, the meat and fish counters and buys all the stuff we need for our large family. He usually does it once a week. For me and my mother on the other hand going shopping is a kind of pastime and even entertainment. We can spend hours and hours dropping in at one shop after another in search of something special or unusual. More than often we buy things that we practically don’t need. I love shopping for clothes. The last shopping round I made with my friend a few days ago. We set out midmorning and managed to go round all the shops in the city which where worth visiting. First we went to the central department store but the goods there were the same as everywhere else and more expensive. Besides we didn’t see any fashion clothes for the young. The only good thing about such stores is that they normally have a good selection of cosmetics and perfumery. So we didn’t miss a chance to pick up some mascara and hair spray. After that we had a quick look at the footwear, haberdashery and ready-made clothes and were ready for a snack at McDonalds. Then we dropped in at some small shops which offer fashionable clothes and a half-price sale is a usual thing there. After going through the latest cuts of shirts and skirts I found a lovely little dress for myself but they didn’t have my size. So I told myself that next time I wouldn’t wait for amazing items to go on sale — it’s not worth the disappointment when they disappear before you can make your purchase. Then we moved on to another shop that had «А Huge Sale» sign on the door. After making our way through the crowd each of us grabbed piles of clothes and waited in the line for the fitting rooms. We tried on the selected items but didn’t buy anything as even the sale prices were too high for us. Indeed, shopping is a pleasant pastime when you can afford to buy the things you like.

M-yan Christy G

Группа 724 06.04.20 

Задание . Прочитать внимательно эссе по теме "Природа и человек", перевести и написать свой собственный рассказ - эссе по теме.

Human Being And Nature

Since their emerging on earth, human beings immediately began to actively explore the environment. They used natural resources to produce their own food and water, to build homes, to sew clothes and to create tools.
Naturally, because of this interaction with nature, reserves of wood, fresh water and minerals started to deplete, and some animals and fish as food for people began to disappear from the face of the Earth. In addition, the active pollution of environment occurs as a result of industrial development. Global warming, ozone holes, melting of glaciers are just few negative effects of human impact on nature.
Therefore, today people do a lot to save it. In 1948, an organization called the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources was created. Today such activities as land restoration, wood conservation, creation of reserves and national parks, fishing restriction, limitation of emission of harmful substances, etc. are held in all countries under the control of this organization. There are various environmental actions organized by the society for the protection of nature every day. These activities engage people, who are not indifferent to the fate of our planet. For example, not long ago, in May 2015 year, Moscow hosted the famous campaign «Pant a Grove of Hundred Words». It was dedicated to the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. In honor of these people, various trees were planted in the natural-historical park «Serebryanyi bor».
To take care of nature and to protect it is the duty of every human being. If each of us tries to do something small, for example, to plant trees, to clean streams of debris during out-of-town trips or to put stones on the river banks to prevent soil erosion, then maybe the people on Earth will live long in harmony with the world around them.
M-yan Christy G

Группа 823 06.04.20

Задание. Прочитать эссе на тему "Моя повседневная жизнь", перевести и написать свой собственный рассказ по теме.

My daily routine

My daily routine starts pretty early, at 6 a.m. I get up and go outside to do some exercise or ride a bike. When I finish I go home, have a shower and get dressed. My clothes and my bag are always ready from the night before. Then I generally make a cup of coffee, check my e-mail inbox and have a look at the news in the Internet. I eat my breakfast. Sometimes I oversleep and if so – I skip my breakfast and rush to the university. I leave my home at half past 8, take a bus and normally get to the university at 8.50 as there are no traffic jams on my way.The lectures start at 9 in the morning, so I have some time to talk to my fellow-students. I like the atmosphere at my college: the teachers are cool and I meet my friends there. We go for lunch to our university canteen at 2 o’clock. I usually finish my studies at about 4 p.m. Though sometimes we need to stay late to do some laboratory research or work in the library. Then I go home, make myself some dinner, switch my laptop on and surf the net. I do my homework if I didn’t manage to do that during my free periods at the university. I also try to read for a bit every evening. I go to bed at about midnight. That’s my typical day. The best part of my day is the evening when I eat my dinner, watch TV, play computer games or go out with my friends, watch football at a sports bar and just relax after a busy day. That’s my favourite time of the day.




M-yan Christy G

Группа 923 06.04.20

Задание. Внимательно прочитать текст по теме "Мы путешествуем охотно" , сделать письменный перевод (или в формате Word), выписать новые слова и выражения. Найдите и подчеркните известную пословицу.


The best way to break the monotony of our life and learn a lot about different places and cultures in the world is travelling. I think that our modern life is impossible without travelling. People get tired of their daily routine, they need to change the surroundings. So they go to a travel agency, buy tickets to some nice place, pack their suitcases and set off on a journey.

Travelling has a great educational value because it is a chance to meet new people, visit museums and ancient sights, discover different ways of life, taste national cuisines and practice foreign languages. It makes us more appreciative of other cultures. The best way to study geography is to go to distant countries and cities.

We can travel by different means of transport: by plane, by ship, by train, by car and even on foot. It depends on our plans and preferences. Plane is the fastest but the most expensive means of transport. Travelling in a modern train can be very comfortable and enjoyable. We can admire picturesque landscapes from the window and communicate with our companions. When we travel by car we don’t have to buy any tickets or book a hotel, we can stop wherever we want and stay there as long as we like. Travelling on foot (or hiking) is quite popular among young people. It’s really exciting to walk in the countryside enjoying the beauty of hills and valleys, lakes and forests.

My parents spend their holidays travelling too. I was only 4 years old when they first took me to Turkey. That was an unforgettable holiday by the sea. We swam and sunbathed, went sailing and fishing. And we took plenty of beautiful pictures there.

Travelling is great! It can give you a great deal of pleasant emotions and memories. It’s the time for relaxation and thinking. People often return home with a fresh outlook on life and a fantastic zeal to do something good. And they usually say: “East or West – home is best.”

M-yan Christy G

Группа 964 06.04.20

Задание 1. Прочитать теоретический материал по теме "Дробные числа в нглийском", сделать конспект письменно. Выполнить упражнение после правила.
Дробные числа в английском языке.
Простые дроби
Простые дроби состоят из количественного числителя и порядкового знаменателя:
1/12 – one-twelfth
1/7 – one-seventh
Исключениями являются 1/2 и 1/4, которые читаются «one half» и «one quarter».
Если числитель больше одного, знаменатель используется в форме множественного числа:
5/6 – five-sixths
8/10 – eight-tenths
В смешанных числах дробная часть присоединяется к целой союзом and:
5 1/3 – five and one-third
Существительные, связанные с дробным числом, используются в единственном числе и с предлогом of:
1/4 mile – one quarter of a mile
Существительные, связанные со смешанной дробью, используются во множественном числе и без предлога of:
5 1/7 kilograms – five and one seventh kilograms
Десятичные дроби
В десятичных дробях дробная часть присоединяется к целой словами point или decimal:
0.6 – zero point six
8.2 – eight point two
Обратите внимание – в английском языке в десятичных дробях используется точка, а в русском – запятая.
Если целая часть равна нулю, то она может не читаться:
0.75 (.75) – point seventy five
Упражнение по теме 
Напишите дроби словами.
Например:   5/6 – five sixths,  2/3 – two thirds
1) 1/2                               5) 9/10
2) 5/8                              6) 11/12
3) 1/3                              7)  2/5
4) 4/7                              8)  3/4
Задание 2. Ознакомиться с теоретическим материалом по теме "Даты в английском языке", законспектировать письменно. Затем выполнить упражнение на закрепление темы.
Как пишутся даты на английском языке
Даты на английском языке можно написать разными способами, между которыми нет особой разницы. Важно помнить, что в США и Великобритании даты пишут в разных форматах:

Вот несколько способов написания даты.

  Великобритания: день / месяц / год США: месяц / день / год
1 the Fifteenth of May, 2016 May the Fifteenth, 2016
2 15th May 2016 May 15th, 2016
3 15 May 2016 May 15, 2016
4 15/5/2016 5/15/2016
5 15/5/16 5/15/16
6 15/05/16 05/15/16

Как сокращаются названия месяцев, указано в этой таблице.

Месяц Сокращение
January Jan
February Feb
March Mar
April Apr
May May
June Jun
July Jul
August Aug
September Sep
October Oct
November Nov
December Dec

Как читаются даты на английском

Назвать дату на английском языке вслух можно несколькими способами. Разницы между ними нет – это дело привычки. Единственное различие в том, что американцам привычнее называть дату, начиная с месяца, а британцам – начиная с числа.

При чтении дат нужно знать несколько нюансов:

  • Годы до 2000 читаются как два двузначные числа:

1989 – nineteen eighty nine,

1978 – nineteen seventy eight.

  • После года (то есть после числа, обозначающего год) не ставится слово “year”, как слово “год” в русском:

Правильно: I was born in 1958. – Я родился в 1958 году.

Неправильно: I was born in 1958 year.

Допустимо, но звучит “книжно”: I was born in the year 1958.

  • Годы после 2000 читаются тоже “половинками” либо полностью:

2016 – twenty sixteen, two thousand sixteen.

2009 – twenty o-nine, two thousand nine.

2000 – two thousand.

  • В дате число всегда обозначается порядковым числительным:

1st, 2nd, 3rd, 19th (first, second, third, nineteenth).

  • Год обозначается количественным числительным:

twenty sixteen (а не twenty sixteenth).


Упражнение по теме


 Напишите указанные в скобках даты словами.


Например:   I was born on …… (13.05.1976). (Я родился ……) – I was born on the thirteenth of May, nineteen seventy-six.

  1. My son was born on …… (02.12.2000).
  2. Our dog was born on …… (21.08.2008).
  3. My granddad was born on …… (23.06.1900).
  4. My granny was born on …… (18.02.1910).


M-yan Christy G

Группа 921 06.04.20

Задание . Прочитайте и переведите текст по теме "Excursions in the native land" ("Экскурсии по родному краю"). Выпишите новые слова и словосочетания.

Saratov region history
In the middle of the 13th century, prisoners captured by the Mongols from various conquered countries built in the area of present Saratov one of the first and largest towns of the Golden Horde - Uvek. Marco Polo mentioned the Venetians visiting this town in 1262.
In 1334, the Arab traveler Ibn Battuta visited Uvek and recorded that it was a town of “medium size, but beautifully built, with abundant blessings and severe cold”. At the end of the 14th century, the town was destroyed by Tamerlane.
In the next 200 years, a sparse population of the Wild Fields (the steppe to the north of the Black Sea and Azov Sea) was represented by the Nogai and Kalmyk nomads, Cossacks and fishing cooperatives of Russian monasteries. In the meantime, after the collapse of the Golden Horde, the Kazan Khanate was formed on the territory of the Kazan ulus, which, in 1552, was conquered by the Russian Tsar Ivan IV.
Saratov oblast, located in the south-eastern part of European Russia, stretches from west to east for 575 km, from north to south - for 330 km. In the east of the region there is the state border of Russia with Kazakhstan. The total length of the border is over 3,500 km.
Saratov region conditions
The climate is moderately continental, summers are long, dry and hot, winters are frosty. The average temperature in January is minus 12 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 23 degrees Celsius. Such natural resources as oil, natural gas, shale oil, phosphorites, various sands and stones are presented.
Saratov oblast is the only region in Russia that combines three natural and climatic zones: the forest-steppe, the steppe and the semidesert. About 80% of the region is located in the steppe zone. The Volga, dividing the region into two parts, is the main river. The largest cities and towns are Saratov (842,000), Engels (224,000), Balakovo (192,000), Balashov (78,000), Volsk (64,000).
In Saratov, on the bank of the Volga, the member of Saratov aviation club and industrial college graduate Yuri Gagarin made his first flight. It is interesting that after his legendary space flight he landed on the territory of the Saratov region. The second spaceman - Herman Titov - landed on this territory too.
A lot of prominent figures of science and culture are associated with the Saratov region. This is the homeland of Russian writers and public figures N.G. Chernyshevsky, K.A. Fedin, L.A. Kassil, artists V.E. Borisov-Musatov, K.S. Petrov-Vodkin, composer A.G. Schnittke, inventor P.N. Yablochkov.
Saratov region economy
In terms of the level and scale of industrial development, the Saratov region occupies one of the leading places in the Volga economic region. In the structure of industry, the largest shares belong to the fuel and energy complex, machine building, chemical and petrochemical, and food industries.
Local industry includes more than 2,000 large and medium-sized enterprises producing trolleybuses (Trolza), railway equipment (Engels transport machine building plant, Engels locomotive plant), power tools, precision instruments, refrigerators and freezers, liquid fuel and petrochemical products (Saratov Refinery), mineral fertilizers, copper rolling, building glass, cement.
Such large power plants as the Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant (4,000 MWt) and the Saratov Hydroelectric Power Plant (1,360 MWt) are located in the region producing about 25% of power in the Volga region and 3% of power in Russia.
Railway is the leading transportation in the province, over 90% of freight and about 40% of passenger turnover is made by railway. River transportation is developed fairly good, Saratov is the largest river port on the Volga River.
Tourism in Saratov region
Tourism in the Saratov region is represented by visits to natural and cultural attractions. Eleven cities and towns are included in the list of historical towns of Russia: Atkarsk, Balakovo, Balashov, Volsk, Marx, Novouzensk, Pugachev, Petrovsk, Saratov, Khvalynsk, Engels.
Local nature delights visitors with its beauty. The Volga with its sandy beaches, hundreds of islands, the possibility of fishing and hunting is the main treasure of the region. On the territory of Samara oblast there are 124 nature monuments, zoological reserves, the Khvalynsky National Park, the Saratov and Volgograd reservoirs.
Ethnic tourism is associated with the culture of the Germans, who lived in the Volga region. In the town of Marx (former Ekaterinenstadt) there is a Lutheran Cathedral, built in the early 20th century, there are preserved German houses. There is an ethnographic museum in Engels.
Saratov region has more than 300 monuments of architecture, over 3 thousand monuments of archeology, 18 old estates, 27 state museums. The main places of interest are:
- Museum of Local Lore, Art Museum, Museum of Military Glory on Sokolova Hill, Limonarium, House Museum of Chernyshevsky in Saratov,
- Local history museums in Balashov, Volsk, Petrovsk, Khvalynsk, Engels,
- Memorial House Museum of Chapaev in Pugachev,
- Museum of Long-Range Aviation, Literary Museum of Kassil in Engels,
- The landing site of Yuri Gagarin in Engels district,
- Ostrich farm in Lysogorsky district
- Stepan Razin’s cliff on the bank of the Volga, where according to legend Razin drowned the Persian princess,
- Pottery in the village of Zolotoye,
- Khvalynsky ski resort in the Khvalynsky National Park,
- Stolypin’s mineral waters (the resort named after Chapayev).


M-yan Christy G

Группа 923 04.04.20

Задание . Прочитайте и переведите текст по теме "Excursions in the native land" ("Экскурсии по родному краю"). Выпишите новые слова и словосочетания.

Saratov region history
In the middle of the 13th century, prisoners captured by the Mongols from various conquered countries built in the area of present Saratov one of the first and largest towns of the Golden Horde - Uvek. Marco Polo mentioned the Venetians visiting this town in 1262.
In 1334, the Arab traveler Ibn Battuta visited Uvek and recorded that it was a town of “medium size, but beautifully built, with abundant blessings and severe cold”. At the end of the 14th century, the town was destroyed by Tamerlane.
In the next 200 years, a sparse population of the Wild Fields (the steppe to the north of the Black Sea and Azov Sea) was represented by the Nogai and Kalmyk nomads, Cossacks and fishing cooperatives of Russian monasteries. In the meantime, after the collapse of the Golden Horde, the Kazan Khanate was formed on the territory of the Kazan ulus, which, in 1552, was conquered by the Russian Tsar Ivan IV.
Saratov oblast, located in the south-eastern part of European Russia, stretches from west to east for 575 km, from north to south - for 330 km. In the east of the region there is the state border of Russia with Kazakhstan. The total length of the border is over 3,500 km.
Saratov region conditions
The climate is moderately continental, summers are long, dry and hot, winters are frosty. The average temperature in January is minus 12 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 23 degrees Celsius. Such natural resources as oil, natural gas, shale oil, phosphorites, various sands and stones are presented.
Saratov oblast is the only region in Russia that combines three natural and climatic zones: the forest-steppe, the steppe and the semidesert. About 80% of the region is located in the steppe zone. The Volga, dividing the region into two parts, is the main river. The largest cities and towns are Saratov (842,000), Engels (224,000), Balakovo (192,000), Balashov (78,000), Volsk (64,000).
In Saratov, on the bank of the Volga, the member of Saratov aviation club and industrial college graduate Yuri Gagarin made his first flight. It is interesting that after his legendary space flight he landed on the territory of the Saratov region. The second spaceman - Herman Titov - landed on this territory too.
A lot of prominent figures of science and culture are associated with the Saratov region. This is the homeland of Russian writers and public figures N.G. Chernyshevsky, K.A. Fedin, L.A. Kassil, artists V.E. Borisov-Musatov, K.S. Petrov-Vodkin, composer A.G. Schnittke, inventor P.N. Yablochkov.
Saratov region economy
In terms of the level and scale of industrial development, the Saratov region occupies one of the leading places in the Volga economic region. In the structure of industry, the largest shares belong to the fuel and energy complex, machine building, chemical and petrochemical, and food industries.
Local industry includes more than 2,000 large and medium-sized enterprises producing trolleybuses (Trolza), railway equipment (Engels transport machine building plant, Engels locomotive plant), power tools, precision instruments, refrigerators and freezers, liquid fuel and petrochemical products (Saratov Refinery), mineral fertilizers, copper rolling, building glass, cement.
Such large power plants as the Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant (4,000 MWt) and the Saratov Hydroelectric Power Plant (1,360 MWt) are located in the region producing about 25% of power in the Volga region and 3% of power in Russia.
Railway is the leading transportation in the province, over 90% of freight and about 40% of passenger turnover is made by railway. River transportation is developed fairly good, Saratov is the largest river port on the Volga River.
Tourism in Saratov region
Tourism in the Saratov region is represented by visits to natural and cultural attractions. Eleven cities and towns are included in the list of historical towns of Russia: Atkarsk, Balakovo, Balashov, Volsk, Marx, Novouzensk, Pugachev, Petrovsk, Saratov, Khvalynsk, Engels.
Local nature delights visitors with its beauty. The Volga with its sandy beaches, hundreds of islands, the possibility of fishing and hunting is the main treasure of the region. On the territory of Samara oblast there are 124 nature monuments, zoological reserves, the Khvalynsky National Park, the Saratov and Volgograd reservoirs.
Ethnic tourism is associated with the culture of the Germans, who lived in the Volga region. In the town of Marx (former Ekaterinenstadt) there is a Lutheran Cathedral, built in the early 20th century, there are preserved German houses. There is an ethnographic museum in Engels.
Saratov region has more than 300 monuments of architecture, over 3 thousand monuments of archeology, 18 old estates, 27 state museums. The main places of interest are:
- Museum of Local Lore, Art Museum, Museum of Military Glory on Sokolova Hill, Limonarium, House Museum of Chernyshevsky in Saratov,
- Local history museums in Balashov, Volsk, Petrovsk, Khvalynsk, Engels,
- Memorial House Museum of Chapaev in Pugachev,
- Museum of Long-Range Aviation, Literary Museum of Kassil in Engels,
- The landing site of Yuri Gagarin in Engels district,
- Ostrich farm in Lysogorsky district
- Stepan Razin’s cliff on the bank of the Volga, where according to legend Razin drowned the Persian princess,
- Pottery in the village of Zolotoye,
- Khvalynsky ski resort in the Khvalynsky National Park,
- Stolypin’s mineral waters (the resort named after Chapayev).


M-yan Christy G

Группа 964 04.04.20

Задание . Прочитайте и переведите текст по теме "Excursions in the native land" ("Экскурсии по родному краю"). Выпишите новые слова и словосочетания.

Saratov region history
In the middle of the 13th century, prisoners captured by the Mongols from various conquered countries built in the area of present Saratov one of the first and largest towns of the Golden Horde - Uvek. Marco Polo mentioned the Venetians visiting this town in 1262.
In 1334, the Arab traveler Ibn Battuta visited Uvek and recorded that it was a town of “medium size, but beautifully built, with abundant blessings and severe cold”. At the end of the 14th century, the town was destroyed by Tamerlane.
In the next 200 years, a sparse population of the Wild Fields (the steppe to the north of the Black Sea and Azov Sea) was represented by the Nogai and Kalmyk nomads, Cossacks and fishing cooperatives of Russian monasteries. In the meantime, after the collapse of the Golden Horde, the Kazan Khanate was formed on the territory of the Kazan ulus, which, in 1552, was conquered by the Russian Tsar Ivan IV.
Saratov oblast, located in the south-eastern part of European Russia, stretches from west to east for 575 km, from north to south - for 330 km. In the east of the region there is the state border of Russia with Kazakhstan. The total length of the border is over 3,500 km.
Saratov region conditions
The climate is moderately continental, summers are long, dry and hot, winters are frosty. The average temperature in January is minus 12 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 23 degrees Celsius. Such natural resources as oil, natural gas, shale oil, phosphorites, various sands and stones are presented.
Saratov oblast is the only region in Russia that combines three natural and climatic zones: the forest-steppe, the steppe and the semidesert. About 80% of the region is located in the steppe zone. The Volga, dividing the region into two parts, is the main river. The largest cities and towns are Saratov (842,000), Engels (224,000), Balakovo (192,000), Balashov (78,000), Volsk (64,000).
In Saratov, on the bank of the Volga, the member of Saratov aviation club and industrial college graduate Yuri Gagarin made his first flight. It is interesting that after his legendary space flight he landed on the territory of the Saratov region. The second spaceman - Herman Titov - landed on this territory too.
A lot of prominent figures of science and culture are associated with the Saratov region. This is the homeland of Russian writers and public figures N.G. Chernyshevsky, K.A. Fedin, L.A. Kassil, artists V.E. Borisov-Musatov, K.S. Petrov-Vodkin, composer A.G. Schnittke, inventor P.N. Yablochkov.
Saratov region economy
In terms of the level and scale of industrial development, the Saratov region occupies one of the leading places in the Volga economic region. In the structure of industry, the largest shares belong to the fuel and energy complex, machine building, chemical and petrochemical, and food industries.
Local industry includes more than 2,000 large and medium-sized enterprises producing trolleybuses (Trolza), railway equipment (Engels transport machine building plant, Engels locomotive plant), power tools, precision instruments, refrigerators and freezers, liquid fuel and petrochemical products (Saratov Refinery), mineral fertilizers, copper rolling, building glass, cement.
Such large power plants as the Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant (4,000 MWt) and the Saratov Hydroelectric Power Plant (1,360 MWt) are located in the region producing about 25% of power in the Volga region and 3% of power in Russia.
Railway is the leading transportation in the province, over 90% of freight and about 40% of passenger turnover is made by railway. River transportation is developed fairly good, Saratov is the largest river port on the Volga River.
Tourism in Saratov region
Tourism in the Saratov region is represented by visits to natural and cultural attractions. Eleven cities and towns are included in the list of historical towns of Russia: Atkarsk, Balakovo, Balashov, Volsk, Marx, Novouzensk, Pugachev, Petrovsk, Saratov, Khvalynsk, Engels.
Local nature delights visitors with its beauty. The Volga with its sandy beaches, hundreds of islands, the possibility of fishing and hunting is the main treasure of the region. On the territory of Samara oblast there are 124 nature monuments, zoological reserves, the Khvalynsky National Park, the Saratov and Volgograd reservoirs.
Ethnic tourism is associated with the culture of the Germans, who lived in the Volga region. In the town of Marx (former Ekaterinenstadt) there is a Lutheran Cathedral, built in the early 20th century, there are preserved German houses. There is an ethnographic museum in Engels.
Saratov region has more than 300 monuments of architecture, over 3 thousand monuments of archeology, 18 old estates, 27 state museums. The main places of interest are:
- Museum of Local Lore, Art Museum, Museum of Military Glory on Sokolova Hill, Limonarium, House Museum of Chernyshevsky in Saratov,
- Local history museums in Balashov, Volsk, Petrovsk, Khvalynsk, Engels,
- Memorial House Museum of Chapaev in Pugachev,
- Museum of Long-Range Aviation, Literary Museum of Kassil in Engels,
- The landing site of Yuri Gagarin in Engels district,
- Ostrich farm in Lysogorsky district
- Stepan Razin’s cliff on the bank of the Volga, where according to legend Razin drowned the Persian princess,
- Pottery in the village of Zolotoye,
- Khvalynsky ski resort in the Khvalynsky National Park,
- Stolypin’s mineral waters (the resort named after Chapayev).


M-yan Christy G

Группа 874 04.04.20

Задание 1. Ознакомьтесь с грамматическим материалом по теме "Причастный оборот", сделайте небольшой конспект по теме.

Формы английского причастия
Выделяются два основных вида:
1. ПРИЧАСТИЕ I (Participle I), Или причастие настоящего времени (Present Participle):
1.1. Present Participle Simple
Это – аналог нашего русского причастия или деепричастия в несовершенном виде.
Walking (шагающий, шагая)
Look at that walking man. Посмотри на того шагающего мужчину.
I can’t be serious walking with you in the street. Я не могу быть серьезной, расхаживая с тобой по улице.
1.2. Present Participle Perfect
Это – аналог русского деепричастия в совершенном виде.
Having done (сделав)
Having done the work she went home. Сделав работу, она пошла домой.
2. ПРИЧАСТИЕ II (Participle II), Или Причастие прошедшего времени (Past Participle)

Это – аналог русского страдательного причастия в прошедшем времени.
I don’t want to drink from the cracked glass. Не хочу пить из треснутого стакана.

Как образуется английское причастие

На самом деле, чтобы не писать лишнего и показать рождение причастия в действии, лучше воспользоваться таблицей причастий английского языка. Для пущей наглядности обозначим слово «глагол» буквой V (verb). А также подскажу, что III – это глагол в третьей форме (т.е. к правильному глаголу добавляем окончание –ed, а неправильные вы же уже выучили, не так ли?)

Вид Действительный залог Страдательный залог
Participle I   Simple  V+ing (eating – кушающий, кушая)  Being + III (being eaten – поедаемый, будучи поедаем)

Having+III (having eaten)
съев (действие уже произошло)

Having been + III (having been eaten) был съеден (уже)  
Participle II III (eaten) съеденный


Отличия английского причастия от английского герундия


Вас будет практически невозможно запутать, если вы усвоите одну прописную истину: герундий почти всегда можно перевести отглагольным существительным (пусть даже корявенько) или заменить русским инфинитивом, а причастие – никогда.

Еще важный момент: причастие обычно прилеплено к существительному, а герундий – сам по себе.

Вот и примеры причастия в английском языке и герундия:

Walking is so pleasant…    Ходьба – это так приятно. (герундий)
As for me I don’t like walking people near my house!    А вот мне не нравятся шастающие возле моего дома люди! (причастие)

That is why I always feel something special walking near your house.    Так вот почему я все время чувствую нечто особенное, прохаживаясь возле твоего дома. (причастие, но на русский переводим как деепричастие)

Being offended he ran out of the class.   Будучи обиженным, он выскочил из класса. (причастие)
I don’t like being offended by you.   Мне не нравится, что ты меня обижаешь. (герундий)

Having made a breakfast she went to bed again.   Сделав завтрак, она снова легла спать. (перфектное причастие)
I can’t understand your having made that mistake.   Не могу понять, как ты совершила ту ошибку. (герундий. Можно сделать корявый перевод с отглагольным существительным: Не могу понять совершение тобой той ошибки).

Задание 2. После того, как внимательно ознакомитесь с информацией , выполните тест и переведите предложения.

1. She smiled … the joke.
2. … so little in the country, I am afraid I cannot answer all your questions.
3. I felt very tired … the whole day in the sun.
4. He speaks like a man … his opinion of everything.
5. … that she could trust them she didn’t know what to do.
6. She left … us all she had found out.
7. And … this he threw himself back in the armchair.
8. By this time … to the atmosphere of the big city, he no longer felt a stranger.
9. I felt refreshed and rested … for eight hours.
10. The boy came out of the water … from top to toe.


M-yan Christy G

Группа 724 04.04.29 

Задание  1. Прочитать  внимательно и перевести текст на тему : " Weather & weather conditions" ("Погода и погодные условия"). Проследите какое внимание этой теме уделяют русские и англичане. Используйте предложенный глоссарий и выпишите новую лексику.

It seems to me that the English begin the day with conversation about the weather and finish it with the same theme. At home, at work, on the street — always: ‘Today is wonderful, isn’t it, dear?’ or ‘Awful weather today, isn’t it? Will it stop raining at last today?’ And so on… Like this arise a million conversations about various topics, starting with a short chat over breakfast or at the bus stop and finishing with a conversation with a friend or a colleague at work.

For me this was always fascinating. In Russia people at bus stops look at you like potential competition who could occupy your potential seat. There are no friendly conversations about the weather with strangers at the bus stop, you wouldn’t even think about it. Besides, there are so many people that you would have to spend no less than half an hour walking around everybody sharing your sentiments about the weather. I think people would start to recoil from the friendly questioning potential passenger and think that one was loony.
How do people usually start a conversation with friends or colleagues in Russia? ‘How are you? OK?’ or ‘How’re you feeling?’ and about feelings people talk readily and always. Not only this, but they start to share their problems, and the conversation can stretch on until dinner, starting with analysis of the problem, cigarette breaks and heaps of advice from personal experience or the experience of a friend. But with strangers…no, nobody has any dealings with strangers; everybody has ‘distressing deep thoughts’ about tomorrow’s day. For some: ‘What fur coat to wear — mink or fox?’, for others: ‘To buy a litre of milk or is it better two loaves of bread?’
So, this kind of communication and start of a conversation I am, of course, used to, for me it was civil to ask about mood. Once, when I was in college in England, where I taught language, I asked the students about their
moods, in answer I heard ‘deadly’ silence. I was lost for some seconds but recollected the advice of our lecturer in foreign languages. His main advice comprised — when entering an auditorium you need to consider yourself an actor who has walked out on stage, and be prepared for all the surprises of stage life. In his words — be spontaneous!
I immediately started talking about the weather, and it helped. I saw puzzled faces, trying to translate my questions about the weather. The English people were in a familiar situation!
From time to time I asked myself — well, from idleness of thoughts, I supposed ‘Hmm, why are English people so worried by the weather? Maybe, it’s because the weather changes several times a day?’ You can experience, in the course of one day, all the seasons of the year, depending on which sea the wind is blowing in from. The position of the sun in this does not play a significant role. It can be shining, and even brightly, but the wind from the North Sea brings to nothing all the sun’s efforts. Or in January, for example, you can get a tan and even sweat somewhere in a corner sheltered from the wind by the sea.
I think that the initial reason for the ‘passion’ for talking about the weather was precisely this bottom line. ‘No matter how you look at it’ the theme in discussion is broad; anyone and everyone can ‘blaze’ about it.
However, I came to the conclusion that there are also at least two more reasons for this chattiness.
One of them, I speculate, is hidden in the extraordinary / traditional / genetic politeness of the English. If they need to find something out then firstly they will cautiously utter one or two phrases about the weather and only after will present the question they crave to ask. Also, they consider it unbearably awkward to stand with ‘puffed out cheeks’ at the bus stop in the company of two or three people. And… they start to twitter about the weather.
The other reason again leaks from my observations — they tried to avoid gossip. They don’t like over-the-fence talk. Praise to you English! Likewise they don’t like to give advice and take upon themselves the heaviness
and responsibility of other people’s problems. In Russia, you just murmur your problem and you receive 33 happy answers and assurance that there are no unsolvable problems.
In England, no-oo-oo! Don’t even think of dropping hints about your unhappy life, especially if you’re a guest. Well, if you failed and started your monologue then you would receive a full weather forecast for the whole coming week. Hold everything inside until you fall into depression. And so I haven’t worked it out so far, which method of communication is more humane… in terms of health. Better the reader choose themselves; there are as many minds as there are readers.
So then, Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s:
Talk about the weather when we are sad….
Talk about the weather when we don’t have anything else to talk about…
Talk about the weather when everything else is too serious to talk about …
from idleness of thoughts – от праздности мыслей
to bring to nothing – свести на нет
to get a tan – загореть / загорать
bottom line – факт
with puffed out cheeks – с надутыми щеками
over-the-fence talk – сплетни
to murmur – заикнуться
full weather forecast – полный прогноз погоды
to work out – решить, разрешить 
Задание 2. Прочитайте предложенный диалог-образец о погоде и составьте свой собственный, используя новые слова и выражения.
— What is the weather like in your country in the winter? / Какая погода в вашей стране зимой?
— I live in Russia. It’s usually cold in the winter. We don’t get much sun. The streets are nasty. / Я живу в России. У нас обычно холодно зимой. Мало солнца. На улицах слякоть.
— What is the average temperature in the winter? / Какая средняя температура зимой?
— Usually around minus 10 or 15 C. What about your country? / Обычно примерно минус 10–15 по Цельсию. А как в вашей стране?
— I live in the UK, in the south of the country. The weather is usually mild due to the effect of the sea. It’s not too hot in the summer, and not too cold in the winter. The temperature in the winter never drops below freezing. / Я живу в Великобритании, на юге страны. Погода у нас обычно мягкая благодаря влиянию моря. Летом не очень жарко, а зимой не очень холодно. Температура зимой никогда не падает ниже нуля.
— Does it snow sometimes in the winter? / Зимой когда-нибудь идет снег?
— No, it never snows where I live, but it rains a lot. / Нет, снега не бывает там, где я живу, но дождь идет часто.
M-yan Christy G

Внимание, уважаемые студенты ПКТиМ!

В рамках предметной недели общеобразовательных дисциплин, которая состоится с 30.03.2020 по 04.04.2020г., проводится конкурс художественного перевода песни с английского языка на русский. Участвуют все желающие студенты 1 и 2 курсов. Условия конкурса: сделать художественный перевод, синхронизированный с музыкой для одной из заявленных песен:

1) Adele - Hello

2) LP - Lost on you

3)The Beatles - Yesterday

Приём работ продолжается до 14.00 2 апреля 2020 года включительно.

M-yan Christy G

Группа 964 28.03.20

Задание 1. Зарисовать и разгадать кроссворд по теме "Sport", выписать перевод слов под соответствующими номерами.
Задание 2. Ответить развернуто на английском языке на вопрос "Can you imagine your life without sport?" ("Можете ли Вы представить свою жизнь без спорта?")
Across (по горизонтали):
1. the small, hard, rubber object that is used in ice hockey
 3. the final result of a game, contest, etc., that does not have a winner
 6. the art or sport of fighting with swords
 8. a person who does something (such as a sport or hobby) for pleasure and not as a job
 9. a person who likes and admires someone (such as a famous person) or something (such as a sport or a sports team) in a very enthusiastic way
10. a game played on a large field by two teams of 11 players who try to score runs by hitting a small ball with a bat and then running between two
sets of wooden sticks
 12. a game in which a light feathered object (called a shuttlecock) is hit over a net by players using light rackets
Down (по вертикали):
2. an important competition that decides which player or team is the best in a particular sport, game, etc.
4. a long spear that people throw as far as they can as a sport
 5. a person who makes sure that players act according to the rules of a game or sport
 7. an area or object into which a ball or puck must be hit, kicked, etc., to score points in various games (such as soccer and hockey)
 10. a sports team or organization
 11. a group of people who compete in a sport, game, etc., against another group 
M-yan Christy G

Группа 874 28.03.20

Задание 1. Познакомиться с темой "Passive voice" (Страдательный или пассивный залог). Таблица и конспект новой темы для построения предложений по схемам прилагается. Законспектировать тему и начертить таблицу с формулами пассивного залога.


Теоретический материал для конспекта. Прочтите внимательно и законспектируйте ключевые аспекты.

Passive Voice

В английском языке, как и в русском, глаголы могут иметь два залога: действительный (Active Voice) и страдательный (Passive voice).

Действительный залог:

I write a letter.
Я пишу письмо.

Страдательный залог:

The letter is written by me.
Письмо написано мною.

В действительном залоге ПОДЛЕЖАЩЕЕ (существительное или местоимение) выражает ЛИЦО (или ПРЕДМЕТ), которое СОВЕРШАЕТ ДЕЙСТВИЕ. Действие направлено на лицо (или предмет), выраженное существительным или местоимением в функции дополнения.

В страдательном залоге ПОДЛЕЖАЩЕЕ (существительное или местоимение) выражает ЛИЦО (или ПРЕДМЕТ), НА КОТОРОЕ НАПРАВЛЕНО ДЕЙСТВИЕ, выраженное глаголом-сказуемым Действие производит лицо или предмет, выраженный существительным или местоимением в функции дополнения с предлогом by (кем). Но дополнение в страдательном залоге часто отсутствует, поскольку основное внимание направлено не на лицо (или предмет), совершающее действие, а на объект действия и его результат.


Непереходные глаголы, т. е. глаголы, которые не могут иметь при себе прямого дополнения (to live, to arrive и др.), не могут употребляться в форме страдательного залога.

Образование Passive Voice

Страдательный залог (Passive Voice) образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем времени и Participle II смыслового глагола (или третьей формы смыслового глагола).

to be (изменяемая часть) + Participle II (неизменяемая часть)

В зависимости от употребляемой временной формы изменяется глагол to be, который является показателем лица, числа и времени.

The letter is written. Письмо написано.
The letter was written. Письмо было написано.
The letter will be written. Письмо будет написано.

Глагол to write в Passive Voice (в утвердительной форме)

  Indefinite Continuous Perfect
Present The book is written. The book is being written. The book has been written.
Past The book was written. The book was being written. The book had been written.
Future The book will be written.   The book will have been written.
Future in the Past  The book would be written.   The book would have been written.

Глаголы в Continuous Tenses в английском языке редко употребляются в Passive Voice.

Утвердительная форма

Форма глагола to tell в страдательном залоге в Simple/Indefinite Tenses
Present I am
He (she, it) is
We (you, they) are
told… Мне говорят…
Ему (ей, ему) говорят…
Нам (вам, им) говорят…
Past I (he, she) was
We (you, they) were
Мне (ему, им) сказали…
Нам (вам, им) сказали…
Future I (we) shall be
He (she, they) will be
Мне (нам) скажут…
Ему (ей, им) скажут…


The text is written. (Present Indefinite Passive)
Текст написан.

I am sent to Moscow.(Present Indefinite Passive)
Меня посылают в Москву.

The boy was taken to the Zoo.(Past Indefinite Passive)
Мальчика повели в зоопарк.

This book was being translated by two students.(Past Continuous Passive)
Эта книга переводилась двумя студентами.

have been invited to the theatre.(Present Perfect Passive)
Меня пригласили в театр,

The work will have been finished by Sunday.(Future Perfect Passive)
Работа будет закончена к воскресенью.

Отрицательная форма

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится после первого вспомогательного глагола.

Present I am (I’m)
He is (He’s)
We are (We’re)
You are (You’re)
They are
not told… Мне
не говорят…
Past I (he, she, it)
We (you, they)
was not told…
were not told…
Мне (ему, ей)
Нам (вам, им)
не говорили…
Future I (we) shall
He (she, it, they)
will not be told… Мне (вам)
Ему (ей, им)
не скажут…


I am not sent to Moscow. (Present Indefinite Passive)
Меня не посылают в Москву.

The book was not being translated. (Past Continuous Passive)
Книга не переводилась.

The students were not shown a new text-book.(Past Indefinite Passive)
Студентам не показали новый учебник.

I have not been invited to the thearte.(Present Perfect Passive)
Меня не пригласили в театр.

The work will not have been finished by Sunday. (Future Perfect Passive)
Работа не будет закончена к воскресенью.

Вопросительная форма

Вопросительная форма образуется путем постановки первого вспомогательного глагола перед подлежащим.

Present Am I
Is he (she)
Are we (you, they)
told…? Мне
Ему (ей)
Нам (вам, им) 
Past Was I (he, she, it)
Were you (we, they)
told…? Мне (ему, ей, ему — ребенку)
Вам (нам, им)
Future Shall I (we)
Will he (she, it, they)
be told…? Мне (вам)
Ему (ей, им)


Is the text written? (Present Indefinite Passive)
Текст написан?

Am I sent to Moscow? (Present Indefinite Passive)
Меня посылают в Москву?

Was the boy taken to the Zoo? (Past Indefinite Passive)
Мальчика повели в зоопарк?

Were the students shown a new text-book? (Past Indefinite Passive)
Студентам показали новый учебник?

Have you been invited to the theatre? (Present Perfect Passive)
Тебя пригласили в театр?

Had the text been written by Sunday? (Past Perfect Passive)
Текст был написан к воскресенью?

Shall I have been invited there? (Future Perfect Passive)
Я буду приглашён туда?

Задание 2. Начинаем выполнять упражнения и применять свои знания на практике.

1. Употребите правильную форму глагола в пассивном залоге.

  1. The roads (cover) with the snow. – Дороги покрыты снегом.
  2. Chocolate (make) from cocoa. – Шоколад изготавливается из какао.
  3. The Pyramids (build) in Egypt. – Пирамиды были построены в Египте.
  4. This coat (buy) four years ago. – Это пальто было куплено 4 года назад.
  5. The stadium (open) next month. – Стадион будет открыт в следующем месяце.
  6. Your parents (invite) to a meeting. – Твои родители будут приглашены на собрание.
  7. Where is your car? – It (mend) at the moment.  – Где твоя машина? – В данный момент она ремонтируется.
  8. The books already (pack). – Книги уже упакованы.
  9. The castle can (see) from a long distance. – Замок можно увидеть издалека.
  10. The guests must (meet) at noon. - Гости должны быть встречены в полдень.

2. Измените предложения по образцу:

Н-р:   Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet”. (Шекспир написал «Ромео и Джульетту».) – “Romeo and Juliet” was written by Shakespeare. («Ромео и Джульетта» была написана Шекспиром.)

  1. Popov invented radio in Russia. (Попов изобрел радио в России.)
  2. Every four years people elect a new president in the USA. ( Каждые 4 года народ выбирает нового президента в США.)
  3. The police caught a bank robber last night. (Полиция поймала грабителя банка прошлой ночью.)
  4. Sorry, we don’t allow dogs in our safari park. (Извините, но мы не допускаем собак в наш сафари парк.)
  5. The postman will leave my letter by the door. (Почтальон оставит мое письмо у двери.)
  6. My mum has made a delicious cherry pie for dinner. (Мама приготовила вкусный вишневый пирог на ужин.)
  7. George didn’t repair my clock. (Джордж не отремонтировал мои часы.)
  8. Wait a little, my neighbor is telling an interesting story. (Подожди немного, мой сосед рассказывает интересную историю.)
  9. My son can write some more articles about football. (Мой сын может написать еще немного статей о футболе.)
  10. You must clean your bedroom tonight. (Ты должен убраться в своей спальне сегодня вечером.)

3. Превратите предложения в отрицательные и переведите.

  1. Ann was bitten by a homeless dog.
  2. The zoo is being reconstructed at the moment.
  3. The luggage must be checked at the customs.
  4. Souvenirs are sold everywhere.
  5. The job will be finished at 3 o’clock.

4. Дайте полные ответы на следующие вопросы.

  1. Are the Olympic Games held every 10 years? (Олимпийские игры проводятся каждые 10 лет?)
  2. Is bread made from flour or potatoes? (Хлеб готовят из муки или картофеля?)
  3. Was the Eifel Tower built in Moscow? (Эйфелева башня была построена в Москве?)
  4. Will the final exams be taken in summer or in winter? (Выпускные экзамены будут сдаваться летом или зимой?)
  5. When is Christmas celebrated in Europe? (Когда празднуется Рождество в Европе?)



M-yan Christy G

Группа 874 27.03.30

Выполнить группу заданий по теме "Деловая лексика и ее особенности"

 Задание 1. Прочитайте внимательно диалог, в котором  люди договариваются о назначенной встече и выпишите новые слова из представленного глоссария
Making an appointment
The three gentlemen have enjoyed their dinner and they are pre¬paring to leave the restaurant:
Pete: Thank you for the nice evening, David.
David: Likewise. I enjoyed everything very much. And I liked the orchestra. I like Russian music immensely. 
Pete: Very often they play English songs here. They sound su¬ perb.
David: Then I was lucky to listen to Russian songs tonight. They are more than beautiful....
The waiter comes up to Pete and hands the bill over to him.
David: Oh, let me pay the bill, Pete.
Pete: Oh, no. It will be my pleasure... And when can you come to our office tomorrow?
David: Will ten o'clock be convenient to you?
Pete: Fine. Then Nick will pick you up tomorrow at ten to ten in the lounge.
David: OK. See you tomorrow then.
Nick: Good-bye. See you tomorrow. I won't be late I promise.
David: I hope I won't be late either.
Pete: Have a good sleep. See you tomorrow.
Words and expressions :
six - шесть (числ.)
to make an appointment - договориться о встрече
making an appointment - договоренность о встрече
They have enjoyed their dinner. Они с удовольствием по-ужинали.
to prepare - готовить (ся)
They are preparing to leave the restaurant.
Они готовятся уходить из ресторана.
Likewise - в контексте переводится "и я благодарю вас".
orchestra оркестр
1 liked the orchestra. Мне понравился оркестр.
music -музыка
immensely - очень, чрезвычайно
often - часто
to play - играть
song - песня
to play a song - исполнять песню
to sound - звучать
superb - великолепно
They sound superb. Они исполняли это
to be lucky - быть удачливым (когда  везёт)
I was lucky. Мне повезло.
to listen - слушать
to listen to a song - слушать песню
more - более, больше
more than - больше чем
beautiful - красивый
bill - счет
to hand the bill over to ... передать счет ...
to pay - платить
Let me pay the bill. Разрешите мне оплатить счет.
pleasure - удовольствие
It will be my pleasure - Я это сделаю с большим удовольствием сам.
tomorrow - завтра
When can you come to our office tomorrow? Вы можете приехать в наш офис завтра?
ten десять (числ.)
o'clock - часов
convenient - удобный
Will ten o'clock be con¬ 10 часов вас устраивает?
venient to you?
to pick lip заезжать за ...
He will pick you up at Он заедет за вами на ма¬
ten. шине завтра в 10 часов.
See you tomorrow. До завтра.
to promise - обещать
either - тоже (в отрицат. предложениях)
I won't be late either. Я тоже не опоздаю.
I won't come either. Я тоже не приеду.
I am iiot a teacher either. Я тоже не преподаватель.
I didn't see him either. Я тоже не видел его.
sleep - сон
Have a good sleep. Спокойной ночи.
Задание 2. Translate into Russian (Переведите на рус.яз.):
The three businessmen have enjoyed their dinner and now they are preparing to leave the restaurant.
Pete thanks David for the nice evening.
David thanks him too.
He liked the Russian music at the restaurant.
Then David pays the bill.
Then they discuss when they will meet tomorrow.
They will meet at ten.
Nick will pick up David in the lounge at 10 to 10.
Задание 3. Underline the verb to be in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian (Подчеркните формы глаголы "to be" и переведите предложения):
They have been at the restaurant for some time. 
David was lucky to listen to Russian songs that night. 
The songs were more than beautiful. 
It will be my pleasure to pay the bill. 
Will ten o'clock be convenient to you? 
I won't be late.
I have never been to the Russia hotel. I have never been to London.
4. Match English and Russian equivalents:
I like Russian music im-mensely. 
They sound superb. Они звучат прекрасно. 
Они более чем красивые.
Мне посчастливилось послушать русские песни.
I was lucky to listen to Rus¬sian songs. И мне тоже (И я тоже).
They are more than beautiful. Я очень люблю русскую музыку.
Задание 4.  Translate into English the short dialogues (Переведите на английский короткие диалоги):
• — Разрешите, я заплачу по счету.
— Нет, что вы. Я сам заплачу с удовольствием.
• — Когда вы завтра сможете приехать к нам в офис?
— Вам удобно в 10 часов?
— Да, прекрасно.
Задание 5. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one (Вставьте недостающие слова в диалоге и прочитайте по ролям):
P.: Then Nick will pick ... lounge. 
D.: OK. See ... then. 
N.: Good-bye. See ... I won't... 
D.: I hope I won't ... either. 
P.: Have a good ... tomorrow.
M-yan Christy G

Группа 921 26.03.20

Задание. Разгадать и зарисовать кроссворд по теме "Inventions", в котором речь пойдет о достижениях и открытиях в области науки и техники. Записать перевод слов под соответствующими номерами.

По горизонтали:
1.  A multinational computer technology corporation, that was founded by Bill Gates 
7. A device sent up into space to travel round the Earth, used for collecting information or communicating by radio, television, etc
10. This solid explosive mixture used for throwing shells, rocket motion and for other purposes
12. They were created by scientists
15. To have fun and to entertain
18. Technical device for connecting and finishing of materials by the method of sewing
21. Gadget for cooking, defrosting, reheating pre-prepared food
25. To watch pre-recorder videos
По вертикали:
2. To receive or make calls around the home
3. Russian scientist,who ordered chemical elements and invented vodka
4. The tool helps in observation of remote objects
5. A machine with keys that you press to produce letters and numbers on paper
6. To wash the dishe
8. Vehicle, which invented by Henry Ford, and used for the carriage by road of persons or
9. The means of transmission of the signal through the wires
11. Group of antibiotics produced by many species of fungi of the genus Penicillium
13. Rotary-wing aircraft
14. To change channels
16. Not only sew but do embroidery and applique and sew on buttons
17. Electrical device that uses the phenomenon of heating water-containing substances
19. The art and methods of film photography
20. To have fun and to entertain
22. How do you clean the carpet
23. A device designed to receive copies
24. A line of plastic construction toys
M-yan Christy G

Группа 923 26.03.20

Задание 1. Зарисовать и разгадать кроссворд по теме "Sport", выписать перевод слов под соответствующими номерами.

Задание 2. Ответить развернуто на английском языке на вопрос "Can you imagine your life without sport?"


1. the small, hard, rubber object that is used in ice hockey
 3. the final result of a game, contest, etc., that does not have a winner
 6. the art or sport of fighting with swords
 8. a person who does something (such as a sport or hobby) for pleasure and not as a job
 9. a person who likes and admires someone (such as a famous person) or something (such as a sport or a sports team) in a very enthusiastic way
10. a game played on a large field by two teams of 11 players who try to score runs by hitting a small ball with a bat and then running between two
sets of wooden sticks
 12. a game in which a light feathered object (called a shuttlecock) is hit over a net by players using light rackets
2. an important competition that decides which player or team is the best in a particular sport, game, etc.
4. a long spear that people throw as far as they can as a sport
 5. a person who makes sure that players act according to the rules of a game or sport
 7. an area or object into which a ball or puck must be hit, kicked, etc., to score points in various games (such as soccer and hockey)
 10. a sports team or organization
 11. a group of people who compete in a sport, game, etc., against another group 
M-yan Christy G

Группа 823 26.03.20

Задание 1. Прочитать статью о 10 основных преимуществах учебных заведений СПО (на этом занятии разберем только 5 из них), перевести и выписать новые слова и выражения. 

Задание 2. Используя новую лексику описать основные отличия обучения в учреждении среднего профессионального образования , рассказав про практическое обучение в мастерских.


10 Benefits of Attending a Vocational School


Choosing a career early in life is imperative. However, the path towards achieving that career goal is not often straightforward. That dream to become an artist, accountant, medical assistant, computer technician, nurse, business analyst, or paralegal is available for those that attend a vocational school. Before making that decision to go to college, evaluate the full impact of that decision. One must evaluate all the options first. The choice can be between choosing vocational school or a traditional 4-year college. A vocational school offers hands-on skills applicable in a work situation while a traditional 4-year college offers relevant knowledge mixed with elective courses. Vocational schools prepare their students for a specific trade, making them better prepared for the workforce.

Benefit #1: Vocational Schools Have Higher Employment Rate Vocational schools prepare a person for the job market. This means graduates are prepared to accept a job immediately after graduation. Most vocational schools also work with employers in the industry to give students an education within their technical field. When the graduate is ready to transition to the job, vocational school graduates have seamless transitions. This is thanks to a vocational school’s training approach. Since the vocational school trains with real-life examples and equipment, the graduate can adapt. Traditional 4-year colleges depend on theoretical frameworks. Vocational schools rely on specific industry situations, better equipping the workforce with technical job skills.

Benefit #2: The Student Transitions to Their Career Choice Directly A traditional 4-year college degree equips the student with general skills. There is little guidance on the career path with limited interaction by career services. While this is ok for some, it does not translate to a specific job title or career path. Students go to vocational schools because they have decided what they want to do in life. After one to two years of vocational education, the student has a definite career path. Students come out of vocational school and join a specific trade. The graduate will not waste time thinking what to do after college. This is common among traditional 4-year college graduates. Many vocational school graduates go through externship programs for them to gain industry experience.

Benefit #3: Relevant Skills in Less Time Vocational schools offer opportunities to high school students and adults switching jobs. Most vocational programs take less than two years to complete. Once completed, the classes give graduates enough skills for an entry-level position in their given trade. A graduate can start earning right away. If they have a student loan, they can start repayments as soon as possible.

Benefit #4: The Chances of Graduating Are High Did you know that 40 percent of students who enroll in traditional 4-year colleges do not graduate within the 4-year duration? This is reported by the National Center for Education Statistics. On the other hand, approximately 2 percent of vocational school students fail to graduate within the course duration. The chances of graduating and joining the workforce are better when a student graduates from a vocational school. The vocational programs are short, which encourages maximum concentration and performance. Students who attempt college education and don’t graduate are not ready for the job market. They may also have to service their student loans.

Benefit #5: The Future for Trades Is Bright Research shows that some of the fastest growing career paths lie in the technical fields. Some of the trades with high job growths include medical assistants and massage therapists. Surprisingly, many people who go to traditional 4-year colleges can end up working in positions that don’t require a degree. Their salaries will reflect this.

M-yan Christy G

Группа 964 26.03.20

Задание 1. Прочитать и перевести текст по теме "Спорт и здоровый образ жизни", используя нижепредставленную лексику, выписать в тетрадь глоссарий.

Sports and healthy lifestyle

Sport plays an important role in the life of teenagers. Those people who go in for sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, follow a diet and control their weight tend to be more cheerful and are less susceptible to diseases. On the other hand, those people who don't participate in any physical activity and prefer junk food tend to be subjected to obesity and are at risk of heart and vascular diseases. As a matter of fact, the problem of obesity is one of the most pressing in the modern world. Today more and more teenagers are becoming overweight. One solution that can be put forward is doing sports, which can help teens not only to lose excessive weight and to stay fit, but also to feel more vigorous and spirited throughout the day. Physical exercises are also the perfect way for emotional release. To improve school performance it is essential for school children to balance mental stimulation and physical activity. Besides, it is necessary to mention that supporters of healthy life style are also at much less risk of getting involved in drinking alcohol, taking drugs and other bad habits than those who are addicted to computer games, instead. In addition, sports develop the will for victory, as well as caseharden the constitution and the spirit. Sports also create opportunities to find congenial souls with common interests and values. That feeling that you are a part of the team can help to develop your leadership skills and to boost your self-esteem. The most popular team sports for teenagers are football, volleyball, basketball and tennis. However, some youngsters prefer winter sports, such as figure-skating, ice-hockey and skiing, while others are fond of summer sports, including diving, swimming, yachting and rafting. As far as I am concerned, I do like sports. I usually wake up at 7 a.m. and go for a run or do my morning exercises indoors. Twice a week I take my fitness classes and go to the swimming pool. I am also fond of yoga which teaches me how to take care of my body properly and how to stay healthy, flexible and strong. In summer I like to play badminton and volleyball with my friends, while in winter I go to the skating rink. As for dieting, I am a follower of separate nutrition. When you eat separately you can eat almost anything but not at the same time. For instance, for breakfast I prefer a plate of oatmeal, a glass of orange juice and two apples. As is known, "an apple a day keeps a doctor away". For dinner I can eat fresh vegetables and some steamed fish. Besides, I prefer mineral water and fresh juices to fizzy drinks. In conclusion, a healthy person doesn't smoke, eats healthy food and prefer doing sports to watching them. Vocabulary:

1) to go in for sports — заниматься спортом

2) to lead a healthy lifestyle — вести здоровый образ жизни

3) to follow a diet — соблюдать диету

4) physical activity — физическая деятельность

5) to take part (in) / to participate in — принимать участие (в чем-либо)

6) junk food — нездоровая пища, фаст-фуд

7) to lose weight — худеть, сбрасывать вес

8) to keep fit — оставаться в хорошей физической форме

9) susceptible to diseases — восприимчивый к болезням

10) heart and vascular diseases — сердечно-сосудистые заболевания

11) obesity —тучность, ожирение

12) overweight people— люди с избыточным весом

13) vigorous — сильный, энергичный

14) spirited — живой, оживлённый, энергичный

15) emotional release — эмоциональная разгрузка

16) bad habit — дурная привычка

17) to caseharden the constitution — закалять тело

18) skating rink — каток

19) will for victory — воля к победе

20) to caseharden the spirit — закалять дух

21) congenial soul — близкий по духу человек

22) to boost self-esteem — повышать самооценку

23) to go for a run — выходить на пробежку

24) to do morning exercises — делать утреннюю зарядку

25) yachting (sport) — парусный спорт

26) separate nutrition — раздельное питание

27) steamed fish — рыба на пару

28) oatmeal — овсяная каша

29) fizzy drink — газированный напиток

30) flexible — гибкий

M-yan Christy G

Группа 874 26.03.20

Задание . Зарисовать кроссворд по теме "Economics" и разгадать его. Всю специальную терминологию перевести и записать под  соответствующими номерами. 


По горизонтали

3. A system that includes set of mechanisms by which a government provides money (cash) in a countrys economy

6. Taxes can be either direct or [ … ]

8. потребление

17. A financial statement that summarizes a companys assets, liabilities and shareholders equity at a specific point in time

19. A planning tool that helps management in its attempts to cope with the uncertainty of the future, relying mainly on data from the past and present and analysis of trends

21. Financial [.. . ] is the efficient and effective management of money (funds) in such a manner as to accomplish the objectives of the organization

24. Providing funds for business activities, making purchases or investing


По вертикали

1. The activity embracing all forms of the purchase and sale of goods and services

2. A system of the state executive power and acts under the Ministry of Finance

4. A system of compulsory contributions levied by a government on persons (people), businesses, and property used as a source for government expenses and other public services

5. A person who buys a product directly from the producer, and then either sells the product at retail prices to the public, or sells the product at wholesale prices to a distributor

7. производство

9. An agreement between a buyer and a seller to exchange goods, services or financial instruments

10. Systematic arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose

11. An outflow of cash from budget

12. The total amount of tax that an entity is legally obligated to pay to an authority as the result of the occurrence of a taxable event

13. A monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset will provide income in the future or appreciate and be sold at a higher price

14. The person to whom an insurance policy is issued

15. A person who makes excessive profits, esp by charging exorbitant prices for goods in short supply

16. A reasoning or emotional processes that resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternative scenarios

18. The projection of money allocation to various costs and expenses needed to run or operate the business (type of budget)

20. The insuring of risk by one insurance company with another

22. The person who works in the sphere of economy

23. розница

25. A sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time

M-yan Christy G

Группа 921 Дата 23.03.20

Задание по теме "Видовременные формы глагола"

Раскройте скобки. Употребите глагол в одном из настоящих времен и переведите предложения.

1. Look! She ( wear) the same shoes as me.

2. Vegetarians are people who (not eat) meat.

3. Someone (take) my bicycle.

4. I often (see) him but I never (speak) to him.

5. I (buy) a new carpet. Come and look at it.

6. It (not rain) here since March.

7. My friends (like) meat but (not like) fish.

8. Where is Tom? - He (lie) under the car.

9. She’s a school teacher. She (teach) Maths.

10. How long you (live) here?

11. How often you (fall) in love?

12. The postman usually (come) at 9 in the morning.

13. Hey! Somebody (drink) my coffee! My cup was full.

14. I (sit) here in the park for an hour, and I (meet) three friends of mine.

15. I already (break) two plates. Shall I go on washing up?

16. I have a car but I (not use) it very often.

17. They (talk) so loudly that we can’t really hear your words.

18. Phil is happy. He (find) a new job.

19. Alice never (go) to work by bus.

20. I (lose) my key. I must look for it in my bag.

21. You (make) a lot of noise. Please, be quiet.

22. Look! The man (try) to open the door of your car.

23. What time the children (come) out of school, as a rule?

24. I (ask) you to mend this window since summer. When are you going to do it?

25. It’s a lovely day. The sun (shine) and the birds (sing).

M-yan Christy G

Группа 964 23.03

Задание. Прочитать и перевести текст по теме "Shops and shopping" ("Магазины и покупки"). Выписать новую лексику по теме (слова и выражения, связанные с покупками).

Going shopping is a part of our everyday life. For some people it’s a pleasant pastime while for others it’s an everyday routine. Some people love doing the shopping and they are happy if they can pick up a bargain in the sales. But whether you like shopping or not you have to do it because it’s a necessity. In big cities and even many small towns there are all kinds of shops and stores as well as supermarkets. Supermarkets are primarily food stores which sell all kinds of food: fresh, frozen and canned meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, dairy products and bread. Practically everything a family needs can be found in a supermarket. There the customer serves himself and pays at the cash-desk on leaving the shop. Department stores carry clothing for men, women and children, china and glassware, household electric appliances, furniture and other goods. However, many people don’t like to shop in big department stores as they are often overcrowded. In my city we also have got a great number of shops. Most of them open at 9 a.m. and close at 8 or 9 at night. Smaller shops normally have a lunch break. Nearly all shops are closed on Sundays. I should say that all the shops are equally popular with customers, though some of them are really expensive. But they are not always quality shops. That’s why many people these days prefer to do the shopping at the market where the prices are more reasonable. In our family it’s my father who does most of the shopping. He usually shops in the supermarket, where he goes to the grocery department, the greengrocery, the meat and fish counters and buys all the stuff we need for our large family. He usually does it once a week. For me and my mother on the other hand going shopping is a kind of pastime and even entertainment. We can spend hours and hours dropping in at one shop after another in search of something special or unusual. More than often we buy things that we practically don’t need. I love shopping for clothes. The last shopping round I made with my friend a few days ago. We set out midmorning and managed to go round all the shops in the city which where worth visiting. First we went to the central department store but the goods there were the same as everywhere else and more expensive. Besides we didn’t see any fashion clothes for the young. The only good thing about such stores is that they normally have a good selection of cosmetics and perfumery. So we didn’t miss a chance to pick up some mascara and hair spray. After that we had a quick look at the footwear, haberdashery and ready-made clothes and were ready for a snack at McDonalds. Then we dropped in at some small shops which offer fashionable clothes and a half-price sale is a usual thing there. After going through the latest cuts of shirts and skirts I found a lovely little dress for myself but they didn’t have my size. So I told myself that next time I wouldn’t wait for amazing items to go on sale — it’s not worth the disappointment when they disappear before you can make your purchase. Then we moved on to another shop that had «А Huge Sale» sign on the door. After making our way through the crowd each of us grabbed piles of clothes and waited in the line for the fitting rooms. We tried on the selected items but didn’t buy anything as even the sale prices were too high for us. Indeed, shopping is a pleasant pastime when you can afford to buy the things you like.

M-yan Christy G

Группа 923 Дата 23.03.20

Задание по теме "Видовременные формы глагола"

Раскройте скобки. Употребите глагол в одном из настоящих времен и переведите предложения.

1. Look! She ( wear) the same shoes as me.

2. Vegetarians are people who (not eat) meat.

3. Someone (take) my bicycle.

4. I often (see) him but I never (speak) to him.

5. I (buy) a new carpet. Come and look at it.

6. It (not rain) here since March.

7. My friends (like) meat but (not like) fish.

8. Where is Tom? - He (lie) under the car.

9. She’s a school teacher. She (teach) Maths.

10. How long you (live) here?

11. How often you (fall) in love?

12. The postman usually (come) at 9 in the morning.

13. Hey! Somebody (drink) my coffee! My cup was full.

14. I (sit) here in the park for an hour, and I (meet) three friends of mine.

15. I already (break) two plates. Shall I go on washing up?

16. I have a car but I (not use) it very often.

17. They (talk) so loudly that we can’t really hear your words.

18. Phil is happy. He (find) a new job.

19. Alice never (go) to work by bus.

20. I (lose) my key. I must look for it in my bag.

21. You (make) a lot of noise. Please, be quiet.

22. Look! The man (try) to open the door of your car.

23. What time the children (come) out of school, as a rule?

24. I (ask) you to mend this window since summer. When are you going to do it?

25. It’s a lovely day. The sun (shine) and the birds (sing).


M-yan Christy G

Группа 823 Дата 23.03.20

Задание 1. Прочитать и перевести текст по теме "Спорт и здоровый образ жизни", используя нижепредставленную лексику, выписать в тетрадь глоссарий.

Sports and healthy lifestyle

Sport plays an important role in the life of teenagers. Those people who go in for sports, lead a healthy lifestyle, follow a diet and control their weight tend to be more cheerful and are less susceptible to diseases. On the other hand, those people who don't participate in any physical activity and prefer junk food tend to be subjected to obesity and are at risk of heart and vascular diseases. As a matter of fact, the problem of obesity is one of the most pressing in the modern world. Today more and more teenagers are becoming overweight. One solution that can be put forward is doing sports, which can help teens not only to lose excessive weight and to stay fit, but also to feel more vigorous and spirited throughout the day. Physical exercises are also the perfect way for emotional release. To improve school performance it is essential for school children to balance mental stimulation and physical activity. Besides, it is necessary to mention that supporters of healthy life style are also at much less risk of getting involved in drinking alcohol, taking drugs and other bad habits than those who are addicted to computer games, instead. In addition, sports develop the will for victory, as well as caseharden the constitution and the spirit. Sports also create opportunities to find congenial souls with common interests and values. That feeling that you are a part of the team can help to develop your leadership skills and to boost your self-esteem. The most popular team sports for teenagers are football, volleyball, basketball and tennis. However, some youngsters prefer winter sports, such as figure-skating, ice-hockey and skiing, while others are fond of summer sports, including diving, swimming, yachting and rafting. As far as I am concerned, I do like sports. I usually wake up at 7 a.m. and go for a run or do my morning exercises indoors. Twice a week I take my fitness classes and go to the swimming pool. I am also fond of yoga which teaches me how to take care of my body properly and how to stay healthy, flexible and strong. In summer I like to play badminton and volleyball with my friends, while in winter I go to the skating rink. As for dieting, I am a follower of separate nutrition. When you eat separately you can eat almost anything but not at the same time. For instance, for breakfast I prefer a plate of oatmeal, a glass of orange juice and two apples. As is known, "an apple a day keeps a doctor away". For dinner I can eat fresh vegetables and some steamed fish. Besides, I prefer mineral water and fresh juices to fizzy drinks. In conclusion, a healthy person doesn't smoke, eats healthy food and prefer doing sports to watching them.

1) to go in for sports — заниматься спортом
2) to lead a healthy lifestyle — вести здоровый образ жизни
3) to follow a diet — соблюдать диету
4) physical activity — физическая деятельность
5) to take part (in) / to participate in — принимать участие (в чем-либо)
6) junk food — нездоровая пища, фаст-фуд
7) to lose weight — худеть, сбрасывать вес
8) to keep fit — оставаться в хорошей физической форме
9) susceptible to diseases [sa'septabl] — восприимчивый к болез¬ням
10) heart and vascular diseases — сердечно-сосудистые заболе¬вания
11) obesity —тучность, ожирение
12) overweight people [.auva'weit] — люди с избыточным весом
13) vigorous  — сильный, энергичный
14) spirited  — живой, оживлённый, энергичный
15) emotional release — эмоциональная разгрузка
16) bad habit — дурная привычка
17) to caseharden the constitution — закалять тело
18) skating rink — каток
19) will for victory — воля к победе
20) to caseharden the spirit — закалять дух
21) congenial soul  — близкий по духу человек
22) to boost self-esteem — повышать самооценку
23) to go for a run — выходить на пробежку
24) to do morning exercises — делать утреннюю зарядку
25) yachting (sport)  — парусный спорт
26) separate nutrition — раздельное питание
27) steamed fish — рыба на пару
28) oatmeal — овсяная каша
29) fizzy drink — газированный напиток
30) flexible  — гибкий

Задание 2. Ответить аргументированно на вопрос "Can you imagine your life without sport?" 

M-yan Christy G

Группа 724 21.03.20

Задание 1. Прочитать и перевести научную статью по теме "Глобальные изменения в климате. Глобальное потепление"

Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal.

The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) to be the result of human activity since the mid-20th century and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over decades to millennia.1 Earth-orbiting satellites and other technological advances have enabled scientists to see the big picture, collecting many different types of information about our planet and its climate on a global scale. This body of data, collected over many years, reveals the signals of a changing climate. The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century. Their ability to affect the transfer of infrared energy through the atmosphere is the scientific basis of many instruments flown by NASA. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the Earth to warm in response. Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and tropical mountain glaciers show that the Earth’s climate responds to changes in greenhouse gas levels. Ancient evidence can also be found in tree rings, ocean sediments, coral reefs, and layers of sedimentary rocks. This ancient, or paleoclimate, evidence reveals that current warming is occurring roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.

Задание 2. Ответить на вопрос, используя англоязычную лексику "Что является основной причиной глобального потепления и кто основной виновник данного природного явления? Ответ аргументируйте.

M-yan Christy G

Группа 724 20.03.20

Задание . Прочитайте и переведите 2 текста по теме "Ecologу. Ecological Problems" и выпишите незнакомые слова, особое внимание обратите на выделенные слова (присылать в виде фото-отчета или документа word на адрес эл.почты или vk)


Help Wild Animals.

I think it is necessary to help wild animals. Many of them are in danger now. For example, pandas which live in the jungle and white bears which live in the Arctic. White bears eat fish. If people pollute rivers and seas, animals die. All woods are home to animals and birds. It is important to take care of them. If trees are damaged and flowers and grass are cut, birds and animals can become instinct. Each of us can do something to help nature. We must not frighten animals and birds. We must never break plants or baby trees. There are a lot of ways to help our planet. We must take care of it.


Climatic Changes

Climate is a weather that a certain place has over a long period of time. Climate has a very important influence on plants, animals and humans and is different in different parts of the world.

But recently the climate has changed a lot, especially in Europe. Scientists think that the reason is greenhouse effect.  It is caused by carbon dioxide (углекислый газ). Carbon dioxide is produced when we burn things. Also people and animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. As you know, trees take this gas from air and produce oxygen. But in the last few years people have cut down and burn big areas of rainforest. This means that there are fewer trees and more carbon dioxide. 

This gas in the atmosphere works like glass in a greenhouse. It lets heat get in, but it doesn’t let much heat get out. So the atmosphere becomes warmer.

Greenhouse effect is sometimes called global warming.ans that there are fewer trees and more carbon dioxide.

Задание 2. Написать список экологических угроз в нашей стране.

M-yan Christy G

Группа 923 20.03.20

Задание 1. Перевести текст письменно, выписать новую лексику(не менее 10 слов и выражений). Высылать в виде документа word или фото-отчета(понятным почерком)



The British are known to be great sports-lovers, so when they are neither playing, nor watching games, they like to talk about them. Many of the games we play now have come from Britain.

One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities, and by club teams all over the country. Summer isn’t summer without cricket. To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and the way of life.

But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game, which attracts the greatest attention, is football or soccer. There are plenty of professional and amateur soccer clubs all over Britain. International football matches and the Cup Finals take place at Wembley Stadium. Rugby football is also very popular, but it is played mainly by amateurs. Next to football, the chief spectator sport in British life is horse-racing. A lot of people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse, which they think will win. Derby is perhaps the most famous race-course competition in the whole world.

Britain is also famous for motor-car racing, dog-racing, boat-racing, and even races for donkeys. The famous boat-racing between the teams of Oxford and Cambridge attracts large crowds of people.

A great number of Englishmen play tennis. Tennis tournaments at Wimbledon are known all over the world.

The British also like to play golf, baseball, hockey, and grass-hockey. Various kinds of athletics, such as running, jumping, swimming, boxing are also popular. You can sometimes hear that there are no winter sports in England. Of course, in England it’s not always cold enough to ski, skate or toboggan, but winter is a good season for hunting and fishing.

Задание 2. Ответить письменно на следующие вопросы.


1. What do the British do when they are neither playing, nor watching games?

2. What kind of sports is especially associated with Britain ?

3. What is cricket for an Englishman ?

4. What is the most popular game in the world?

5. Where do the Cup Finals take place?

6. Is rugby played by professionals?

7. What kinds of racing are popular in Britain ?

8. What do you know about Wimbledon ?

9. What other kinds of sports do the British go in for?

10. What winter sports are popular in Britain ?


M-yan Christy G

Группа 874 20.03.20

Задание. Прочитать и перевести текст по теме "Management" письменно и выписать глоссарий с новой спец.лексикой. (Отчет в виде фото или документа word)

Management is essential for an organized life and necessary to run all types of management. Good management is the backbone of successful organizations. Managing life means getting things done to achieve life’s objectives and managing an organization means getting things done with and through other people to achieve its objectives. Whether management is an art or science, will continue to be a subject of debate. However, most management thinkers agree that some form of formal academic management background helps in managing successfully. Practically, all CEO’s are university graduates. Hence, the reason for including business degree programs in all academic institutions.

Management is a set of principles relating to the functions of planning, organizing, directing and controlling, and the application of these principles in harnessing physical, financial, human and informational resources efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals.

Management in some form or another is an integral part of living and is essential wherever human efforts are to be undertaken to achieve desired objectives. The basic ingredients of management are always at play, whether we manage our lives or our business.

For example, let us look at the managerial role of a simple housewife and how she uses the managerial ingredients in managing the home. First, she appraises her household and its needs. She forecasts the needs of the household for a period of a week or a month or longer. She takes stock of her resources and any constraints on these resources. She plans and organizes her resources to obtain the maximum benefits out of these resources. She monitors and controls the household budget and expenses and other activities. In a large household, she divides the work among other members and coordinates their activities. She encourages and motivates them to do their best in completing their activities. She is always in search of improving, mention goals, resources and in means to attain these goals. These ingredients, generally, are the basic functions of management.

Management can be defined in detail in the following categories :


M-yan Christy G

874 группа 19.03.20

Задание 1. Познакомиться с новой специальной лексикой , выписать глоссарий и выучить новые слова и выражения по теме "Менеджмент"

Англо-русский словарь по теме "Менеджмент"

1. active - эффективный

2. active task - текущая [ активная ] задача

3. activity - деятельность

4. activities - 1) деятельность, активность 2) конъюнктура 3) показатели ( в экономических исследованиях )

5. achieve - добиваться, достигать

6. active management - активный менеджмент

7. administrator - администратор, распорядитель, руководитель,управляющий

8. advise - извещать, информировать, объявлять, сообщать, уведомлять

9. administrator - администратор, распорядитель, руководитель, управляющий

10. administrative authority - административный орган

11. alternative – альтернатива, выбор; альтернативный

12. allocating - 1) локализация, определение места 2) размещение, распределение 3) назначение; ассигнование

13. appoint - назначать ( на должность ), утверждать ( в должности )

14. appointed - назначенный заранее, определенный

15. appointment - назначение

16. authority - авторитет

17. area - область, сфера деятельности

18. bank - 1) банк 2) фонд 3) общий запас 4) касса

19. banker - банкир

20. bank management – 1) банковский менеджмент, управление банком 2) управленческий персонал банка

21. be appointed to management – быть назначенным на должность руководителя

22. behavior - образ действий, манеры, поведение

23. board - правление, руководство, совет, коллегия

24. board of directors - правление директоров, совет директоров

25. business - бизнес, коммерческая деятельность

26. business's relations – деловые отношения

27. consultant - консультант, советник

28. communication - контакты, связи

29. communicating - сообщающийся, сообщение

30. company - компания, товарищество, фирма, общество

Задание 2. 

Дать на английском описание термина "Management"

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