English Exam Revision

Welcome, everyone! Have fun and prepare for English Exams all along: ЕГЭ, TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge ESOL

Сайт создан для отработки написания эссе и писем в формате ЕГЭ и ОГЭ, а также, повышения мотивации в изучении английского языка и отработки грамматики. Надеюсь, будет полезен в практике учителей иностранного языка, для активизации творческого потенциала обучающихся и формирования ключевых компетенций для успешного прохождения экзаменов.


Sports Facilities


Is increasing sports facilities the best way to improve public health or other measures are required? 

We often feel we could do with some new material improvement that will bring miraculous changes in our health. Some people actually believe that by increasing sports facilities they get a healthier nation in no time, for example. Others are not so sure about it and suspect that we need some altogether different approach to the public health issue.
I don’t think that sports centres or gyms at an arm length can motivate anyone just for being there. And talking about sport addicts, they must be happy to jog an additional mile or two anyway, no doubt. No one from my family, myself including, goes more than once or twice a year to the wonderful stadium we’ve got just next door. I have reasons to believe that our neighbours don’t use it too often either - the place is very quiet most of the time.

Fortunately, there is always hope for the not healthy enough population.  There are some well-known measures, health benefits of which it’s hard to deny. Let’s think of imposing the Spartan lifestyle on a nation; I cannot see how that can fail to bring some increase in the health level of its citizens. Although there might be some difficulties in execution of the great plan, yet we could imagine the benefits.
No matter how much I would like to get some help on the path to health, still I have to rely on simple stimuli like a handsome friend around or at least a charismatic film star I can watch on the screen, to make me energized enough to keep fit and be happy using all available means around.

What about your exercise routine?   Do you need more sport equipment?




What is happiness for you? 

     I’ve been procrastinating for three hours before getting to this, but I’ve got an interesting idea connected with Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert. If freedom means less satisfaction in comparison with commitment, because we have all the freedom to seek better options, then it’s understandable why people are craving happiness – there is too much choice around to experience, for a price of course. They associate happiness with money as equivalent to beauty, grace and safety, looking back at aristocracy of the past. 
     The Fathers of market economy were successful in persuading everybody that possession equals happiness or satisfaction, which is usually short-lived though, as we are free to toil for the next shiny thing. I remember, even in my childhood I saw how anticipation of a thing never proved equal to having it, that is why I don’t like surprises – most of the pleasure is in anticipation so, please, don’t rob me of it. Interestingly though, that the disappointment I feel is always soon forgotten, and it takes a lot of time to learn that happiness is not there. Spending time with friends and family, drinking, travelling and possessing new things were rarely as good as I’d expected them to be, but I’m after new experiences nevertheless.
     That is not a strikingly new idea of course, the hippy movement and religion before them knew that. Meditation and mindfulness or philosophy is much more satisfying in comparison with anything external that needs effort to achieve. On the other hand, to be able to think relaxingly and with humorous detachment you have to be comfortable, alone and with plenty of time ahead. Moreover, there’s a good chance that an occasional creative work will provide the means and enough contrast to feel all the comfort.  

     I think the real happiness and satisfaction is in appreciation of the world’s beauty and humour, natural and cultural heritage and exchange of ideas with like-minded people. People who look into things have such sparkling eyes and happy smiles which business people just imitate, at least it looks like that to me. The other thing about happiness is that to feel it more it’s better not to try to explain it.    

Share your happy memories with us!


Freedom: responsibility or joy?




 What is your default mindset?   

    I was not brave enough to take responsibility for my life even in my late twenties – it’s just the truth I have to face. I’ve got it in me to embellish everything around and wear rose-tinted glasses at any time, but I think, in order to be a successful writer, I have to face some facts about my situation and be more observant of others.          Wearing eyesight-correcting lenses, paying attention to my posture are also not entirely useless activities. All I need is a bit of conscious effort and my experiences would change their flavor.  I mean, I have to make an effort to expel Russian traditional expectations for a proper woman’ senses such as self-sacrifice, suffering and victimhood from my system completely. They, probably, still influence me in no small degree. I had seen it in my mother, and since then I have been trying to get rid of those feelings. I understood how harmful conformity was to intelligence and joy, how all the effort to please others was in vain anyway. Most of the people I know always think themselves better than others and some of them envy success even of their nearest kin.
     Love and friendship must be beneficial and bring joy instead of being harmful or abusive.  By the way, the same applies to getting knowledge; it’s definitely a good idea to learn from inspiring and creative people one really likes and understand. Life is indeed short and there is a lot to enjoy in mine, I just have to brave independence, firstly of mind, and let’s see what positive changes it will bring. 

Have you ever felt the pressure to be like other people around you? What do you do about it?