Ситуации для развития навыков говорения (АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК)
учебно-методический материал на тему

Пономаренко Елизавета Алексеевна

Предлагаемые в пособии ситуации предлагаются для подготовки иноязычного высказывания и являются лишь предпосылкой (заготовкой), которую можно использовать для составления собственных высказываний на ту или иную тему. При составлении собственных высказываний их следует разбавлять разговорными словами и выражениями, с помощью которых начинается, продолжается или заканчивается высказывание, например:

-In my opinion… (На мой взгляд…)

-You know… (Видите ли…)

-What I d like to stress is that… (Мне бы хотелось подчеркнуть, что…)

-Actually… (Собственно говоря…)

-As far as I know… (Насколько я знаю…)

-However… (Однако…)

-Besides = In addition to that… (Кроме того…)

-What I mean is that… (Я имею в виду, что…)

-Moreover… (Более того…)

-To conclude… (В заключение…)

-Let me close by saying… (Позвольте мне закончить тем, что…)

Данные ситуации можно использовать  как для домашней работы, так и  для самостоятельной  работы в классе. Содержимое пособия ориентировано на  развитие навыков говорения и характеризуется коммуникативной направленностью.  Пособие адресовано студентам, школьникам, учащимся различных курсов. Практическую помощь  пособие окажет и начинающим преподавателям.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Департамент образования и науки Брянской области

ГБПОУ «Суражский педагогический колледж им. А.С. Пушкина»

Ситуации для развития навыков говорения (АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК)

Подготовил преподаватель

английского языка

Пономаренко Елизавета Алексеевна

Сураж, 2016

Пояснительная записка

Предлагаемые в пособии ситуации предлагаются для подготовки иноязычного высказывания и являются лишь предпосылкой (заготовкой), которую можно использовать для составления собственных высказываний на ту или иную тему. При составлении собственных высказываний их следует разбавлять разговорными словами и выражениями, с помощью которых начинается, продолжается или заканчивается высказывание, например:

-In my opinion… (На мой взгляд…)

-You know… (Видите ли…)

-What I d like to stress is that… (Мне бы хотелось подчеркнуть, что…)

-Actually… (Собственно говоря…)

-As far as I know… (Насколько я знаю…)

-However… (Однако…)

-Besides = In addition to that… (Кроме того…)

-What I mean is that… (Я имею в виду, что…)

-Moreover… (Более того…)

-To conclude… (В заключение…)

-Let me close by saying… (Позвольте мне закончить тем, что…)

Данные ситуации можно использовать  как для домашней работы, так и  для самостоятельной  работы в классе. Содержимое пособия ориентировано на  развитие навыков говорения и характеризуется коммуникативной направленностью.  Пособие адресовано студентам, школьникам, учащимся различных курсов. Практическую помощь  пособие окажет и начинающим преподавателям.


1. You are going to live alone in a submarine under the ocean for one year. You will have a source of power and communication. Name three hobbies or activities you plan to have, and give your reasons for choosing these hobbies and activities.

What is your friend’s hobby?
What do you think about computer games?
What do you prefer to do when you stay at home over the weekend?
Have you ever come across a very strange hobby?

2. Think of a job that you think would be very difficult for you to do, and another job that you think would be very easy and the most enjoyable. Talk about the professional skills and personal qualities that are necessary for both jobs.

Is it easy to choose your future profession?
What attracts you in your future profession?
Can you check whether your choice of the profession is right?
What should you do to achieve your ambitions?

3. Think of the two most popular jobs that young people in our country would like to have as their future career (express your opinion). Talk about the features that attract young people in these jobs and try to compare and contrast them.

What is more important for success: to have natural abilities or to work hard?
What is your favourite subject?
Do you agree that doing well at school can lead to good career opportunities?
Is it easy for you to make a decision?

4. Think about a job you would like to have as your future career. Discuss why you would like to have this job, what kind of education you would need for it, and what you would say about yourself at the job interview.

Do you think you would enjoy running your own business?
What do you think are the advantages of running your own business?
What do you think are the disadvantages of running your own business?
What sort of person makes a good manager?

5. You are going to choose three people to be sent into outer space to represent the people of the planet Earth to some alien culture. Whom would you choose? Talk about the reasons for choosing these particular people and their main features of character.

What people are considered to be geniuses?
Have you ever talked to a well-known person?
What famous scientists, writers, poets, musicians in (Russia, Great Britain) are  you proud of?
Whom of the famous people would you like to take after?

6. You are given your own household robot, which you can program to do only four of the household chores necessary to be done about the house. Think about the activities you would like it to do for you. Talk about the reasons for choosing these particular activities.

What things should be done about the house every day?
Do you think that women work more about the house than men?
What is your idea of a perfect household?
Can you make a meal?

7. Your friend has turned to you for a piece of advice about his/her future career. Decide what would be the most suitable career for your friend and what kind of career would be unsuitable, if any. Try to give sound reasons for your choice.

Do you think your friend would enjoy running his/her own business?
What are, or will be, the most important things to you about your career?
How many hours a day do you think people ought to work?
Is it important to plan your day?

8. Your English teacher wants to show your class a video and has asked you to suggest a suitable film. It must be a film which everyone will enjoy and it must give the class some good practice in understanding English. Describe the film you want to suggest and say why you have chosen it.

What kind of films do you prefer: tragedies, comedies or detective stories?
What part of the language requires a great deal of practice?
Do you agree it is only possible to master a foreign language by learning lots of things by heart?
Can you learn a foreign language in a day?

9. Some English friends of yours are planning a short walking holiday in the part of the country where you live. They will sleep in cheap hotels and will carry one small bag of clothes and other equipment. Give them some information about the countryside and the weather, and some advice on what to pack.

What is your hometown famous for?
What can you say about the geographical position of your hometown?
What do you like in your country that you won’t find anywhere?
Are you a home-lover? Do you spend most of your free time at home?

10. Two people from another country are visiting the town/city/village where you live for a few days. As they are a similar age to you, you have been asked to give your ideas on what evening activities could be organized for them. Make at least three suggestions.

Do you have enough time for work and rest?
Do you make plans for your week-ends in advance?
Are you afraid to go out alone at night where you live?
What places of interest are there in your town?

11. If you could add one picture to the book which you have read lately or your favourite book, which scene from the story would it show? Describe the picture, retell the scene and try to explain why this particular scene impressed you most.

Have you got many books at home?
What helps you to choose a book for reading?
Is reading books important in modem life or can it be substituted by TV, computers?
Do you have the same tastes in books as your friends?

12. Your family is going to celebrate your mother’s / father’s birthday and you are asked to do all the necessary shopping to cook a festive dinner. What foodstuffs are you going to buy? Why? And where would you go to do the shopping?

Do you bargain when you buy things in the market?
Recommend a good place for shopping in Minsk or in your native town.
Who does most of the food shopping in your family?
What is your favourite dish? Who usually cooks it?

13. Imagine that you were given magical powers to change some features of character or habits of your relatives and best friends. What features and/or habits would you like to change? Give your reasons for choosing those features and habits.

What features do you value most in people?
Has your friend ever disappointed or deceived you?
Do you think it’s good to have many friends?
What should be done to avoid misunderstanding in the family?

14. You are going to have a holiday of you dream and money is not a consideration. What place or places would you choose to go? What would you do on your holiday? Would you take your friends or relatives or would you go alone? Give your reasons.

How did you spend your last winter holidays?
Are there any traditions of holiday-making in your family?
What attracts you most on a journey: traveling or arriving at the place of destination?
What places have you visited in Russia that impressed you most?

15. You are given a chance to meet a famous person. Whom would you like to meet? Explain why you would choose this particular person, what his or her features you find most attractive and what topics you are going to discuss with him/her.

Are geniuses born or trained?
Would you like to be popular and famous?
Who is your favourite actor (singer, artist, composer)?
What do you do to achieve the aim of your life?

16. Your school is going to have a new sports center and the pupils are asked to suggest the kind or kinds of sport that this center will specialize in. What kind or kinds of sport will you suggest? Try to discuss the advantages of these kinds of sport.

What are the ways to keep fit?
Do you believe in the effect of diets for keeping fit?
What sports are popular in Russia?
What is the role of school in modem society?

17. You have made up your mind to stick to healthy food. What would you like to change in your diet? What harmful products would you like to get rid of and why? What dishes would you cook for yourself and what foodstuffs would you use? Give your reasons for choosing them.

How important are good eating habits for a person?
Is your diet healthier than your friends’?
Do you think morning exercises enable you to do better?
Can you make a meal?

18. You know that computers gradually seem to be replacing books. Practically everything (from encyclopedias to manuals) is now available on CD-ROM. Is this new way of reading to your benefit? Be ready to discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

What is the role of science in modern society?
What does new technology enable people to do without leaving their homes?
What appliances help you do your household chores?
Do you agree that young people don’t read much these days?

19. You are given the opportunity to visit a foreign country. You can go there by plane, by train or by car. Which means of transport would you like to take, if you had a choice? Explain why you would prefer this or that kind of transport and point out the advantages.

Have you ever been to a foreign country?
Have you ever experienced homesickness?
What can spoil a holiday?
What professions involve a lot of travelling?

20. Imagine you had an opportunity to get a very short tour of London. Your stay in London is going to last no more than three hours. What places of interest would you prefer to see? Give your reasons for choosing these particular sights or landmarks.

What would attract you as a tourist in Great Britain?
Do you know any English customs and traditions?
What places of interest are there in your town?
What means of travelling do you prefer?

21. You are going to visit your friends in an English-speaking country. They ask you to make a short film about Russia to show their acquaintances. What  sights of Russia will you include and what information about our country will you provide in the film?

What places in Russia would you like to visit? Why?
Are there any traditional cultural or sport events that are held in your native town?
What places in  Russia remind you of the outstanding people of the country?
Have you ever filmed any important events in your family? Or would you like to have any events filmed?

22. Your friends, who are very fussy (привередливый) about food, are coming to Russia. They ask you to describe the eating habits of the Russian and our national cuisine. They would also like you to give them advice on the types of healthy food that they can taste in our country.

Are you fussy about food?
What is your favourite dish? Can you cook it?
What is your attitude to junk food?
Do you think that food habits depend on the country where you live?

23. You are asked to suggest one of your favourite books to be made into a film. What book would you choose? What attracts you in this particular book and in its main characters? What actors would you like to invite to play the leading roles? Why?

What kind of book would you take on a long journey?
Do you have the same tastes in books as your friends?
Do you prefer to read a book or to watch a film based on this book?
What kind of films do you prefer? Why?

24. Some people try different fashions to express their personality (dye their hair green, pierce their tongue or nose, wear torn jeans, etc.). But sometimes it may not be accepted by other people. What is acceptable for you and what isn’t? What kind of clothes do you prefer?

Do you agree that people who look different are strange?
Is it a good idea to look like your friends?
Do you try to follow the latest fashion? Why/ Why not?
Do people nowadays make clothes themselves? Why/ Why not?

25. You are showing your favourite photos to your new acquaintances. What photos of your family and friends would you choose? On what occasions were these photos taken? What would you say to describe the character the people in the photos?

Do your parents always understand you?
Do you think it’s good to have many friends?
How does your friend take your critical opinion?
What is your favourite family holiday?


1. Describe a book that produced a great impression on you.
1. How many books do you have at home?
2. How do you choose the book you want to read?
3. Who is your favourite writer?
4. Do you ever read books online?

2. Describe the person who has greatly inspired you.
1. Have you ever talked to a well-known person?
2. What are the most admirable features of character in your opinion?
3. What famous public figures of  Russia do you know?
4. If you had a choice to be rich or famous, which would you choose?

3. Speak about friendship in your life.
1. Is it possible to have many true friends?
2. What is your best friend like?
3. What makes people become friends?
4. Is it possible to have no enemies?

4. Describe your life in ten years from now.
1. What advice can you give to a person who is always busy?
2. What is your greatest ambition in life?
3. What is good education in your understanding?
4. How do you usually spend your spare time?

5. Speak about the role of hobbies in people’s lives.
1. What are your friends’ hobbies?
2. What is the strangest hobby you have heard of?
3. Is it necessary to learn how to make things with your own hands?
4. Playing computer games is not a hobby, is it?

6. Describe the house or the flat where you live.
1. How does your home reflect your personality?
2. How do you help your parents with housework every day?
3. Describe the house of your dreams.
4. If your parents left you home alone for a week, what would you do?

7. Speak about the role of education in modern life.
1. Good education doesn’t guarantee success in life, does it?
2. What is the best way to find new information you need?
3. Would you prefer to study at home or abroad?
4. How can you use foreign languages in your future career?

8. Speak about the importance of healthy lifestyle.
1. What kinds of sport do you enjoy?
2. What is the best way to keep fit?
3. Do you think you could become a vegetarian?
4. What are your school dinners like?

9. Life without planning is inefficient.
1. How do you usually plan your weekday?
2. What do you do with your free time?
3. What are your household chores?
4. Do you make plans for your week-ends in advance?

10. Speak about your favourite form of art.
1. How often do you go to the theatre?
2. Are you fond of painting?
3. What kind of music do you prefer? Why?
4. Who is your favourite actor or actress?

11. How would you describe an ideal family.
1. Do you have secrets from your parents?
2. Is it better to be an only child in the family or to have brothers and sisters?
3. What is the role of the family in the life of a person?
4. What should be done to avoid misunderstanding in the family?

12. Speak about different ways in which you save time.
1. How much time do you spend playing computer games?
2. What are the most time-consuming activities for you?
3. What do you usually do in your free time?
4. How do you usually plan your day?

13. Speak about your best friend.
1. Is it possible to be friends with your parents?
2. What kind of person would you never be friends with?
3. Do you make friends easily?
4. Do you trust your first impression of a person you meet?

14. Speak about activities you like doing together with other people.
1. If you need some advice, who do you usually go to?
2. What kind of things do you prefer to do on your own?
3. Do you think mass media can make people think alike?
4. Who do you usually share your ideas with?

15. Speak about your idea of a perfect holiday.
1. Describe the worst holiday you have had.
2. Have you ever tried to change your lifestyle?
3. What is the most tiring activity for you?
4. What is the most relaxing activity for you?

16. Speak about your future career.
1. What would be the most boring and the most exciting job for you?
2. What are the most popular jobs nowadays?
3. Would you continue to work even if you had a lot of money?
4. What advice would you give people going to a job interview?

17. Speak about your main goals in life.
1. What would be important for you — money or job satisfaction
2. What is the most effective way to remember new study material?
3. What is more important for success — natural abilities or hard work?
4. What is the most challenging thing in learning English?

18. Describe a film that produced a great impression on you.
1. What films are you ready to see more than once?
2. How do you choose the film you want to see?
3. Who is your favourite actor or actress?
4. Do you think people will ever stop going to the cinema?

19. Hardships in life only make us stronger. Do you agree?
1. Do you believe in bad luck?
2. What are the three wishes you’d like to come true?
3. What is the best way to avoid difficult situations in life?
4. How would you describe a successful person?

20. You are a tour guide. Where would you take foreign tourists?
1. What places in the world would you like to visit and why?
2. Would you be able to live or to study abroad?
3. Describe your longest  journey.
4. When on holiday, do you lie on the beach or go sightseeing?

21. Speak about the ecological situation in Russia.
1. What can be done to reduce the air pollution in big cities?
2. What do you personally do to protect the nature?
3. Why is it necessary to recycle paper, plastic and metals?
4. What do you think about eco-tourism?

22. Speak about the role of school, in your life.
1. Describe your average school day.
2. What are your favourite subjects and why?
3. What should an ideal teacher be like?
4. What will you do after you have finished school?

23. Speak about the places you would like to visit in Britain.
1. Do you like travelling alone or with companions?
2. What things do you always take with you when you travel?
3. What sights in Russia would you show to a British tourist?
4. What mode of transport do you prefer and why?

24. Describe the best way to organize a birthday party for your friend?
1. Describe the last party you went to?
2. What family traditions do you have?
3. What kinds of dishes can you cook yourself?
4. Who do you always invite to your parties and why?

25. Speak about the role of the Internet in the modern world.
1. How often do you surf the Internet?
2. What do you use your computer for?
3. How different were the lives of people when there were no computers?
4. How do you use the Internet to learn English?

26. Health is better than wealth.

1. What do you do to keep fit?
2. How would you describe a healthy diet?
3. Describe the healthiest person you know.
4. What is the most frequent cause of problems with health?

27. Better late than never.

1. Have you ever felt that you have missed your opportunities?
2. How do you see yourself in ten years’ time?
3. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?
4. What things do you usually put off as long as possible?

28. Custom is a second nature.

1. Do you have any habits you would like to get rid of?
2. What family traditions do you have?
3. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
4. What habits do you find particularly annoying?

29. East or West — home is best.

1. Is there a place where you always feel like at home?
2. If you had a chance to travel for free, where would you go?
3. Describe your longest journey.
4. How long does it take you to get homesick?

30. Every dark cloud has a silver lining.

1. Are you an optimist by nature?
2. Who do you turn to when you are in trouble?
3. Have you ever helped anyone in a really difficult situation?
4. How can one achieve success in life?

31. Good name is better than riches.

1. What is your attitude to money?
2. Would you rather be rich or famous?
3. What features of character do you find attractive in other people?
4. Who do you admire?

32. Haste makes waste.

1. What advice would you give a person who is always late?
2. Do you feel you have enough time for everything you want to do?
3. Why do you think punctuality is important?
4. How do you usually save time?

33. If you cannot have the best, make the best of what you have.

1. Do you have any regrets about lost opportunities?
2. What are the most valuable things in your life?
3. Are you an optimistic person?
4. Who usually helps you in difficult situations?

34. It takes all sorts to make a world.

1. Do you get along with your classmates and family members?
2. What features of character do you admire in people?
3. What features of character do you find annoying?
4. Is it easy or difficult for you to work in a team?

35. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

1. What should a good language specialist be like?
2. Have you ever made a serious mistake because of lack of knowledge
3. Who is the most knowledgeable person you know?
4. Is a lot of knowledge always good?

36. Lost time is never found again.

1. How do you usually save time?
2. What are the most time-consuming activities for you?
3. What do you usually do in your free time?
4. How do you usually plan your day?

37. Man is known by the company he keeps.

1. Describe your best friend.
2. What kind of person would you never be friends with?
3. Do you make friends easily?
4. Do you trust your first impression of a person you meet?

38. Never do things by halves.

1. Do you like working hard?
2. Describe the activities you enjoy doing.
3. What’s the best way to develop self-discipline?
4. What activities do you find particularly difficult to accomplish?

39. No man is wise at all times.

1. Do you often make mistakes?
2. What mistake are you most afraid to make?
3. What do your family members do if you do something seriously wrong?
4. What is the best way to become wise?

40. One lie makes many.

1. In what situations is it difficult to be honest?
2. Can you usually tell if someone is lying?
3. What do you think makes people lie?
4. Who is the most honest person you know?

41. So many men, so many minds.

1. Do you like it when people give you advice?
2. What activities do you like doing together with other people?
3. Do you think mass media can make people think alike?
4. Who do you usually share your ideas with?

42. Money makes the world go round.

1. What is your attitude to money?
2. What would you rather be — rich or famous?
3. If you were rich, how would you use your money?
4. What things in life are impossible to buy?

43. There is no place like home.

1. Describe the house of your dreams.
2. Have you ever been homesick?
3. Would you be able to live in another country?
4. What things can make your home cosy?

44. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

1. Who is your best friend?
2. What does it take to be a good friend?
3. Are your parents your friends?
4. What common interests do you have with your friends?

45. Necessity is the mother of invention.

1. Are you an inventive person?
2. What do you think is the greatest invention in the world?
3. Do you think boys are more inventive than girls?
4. When was the last time you had a clever plan?

46. A change is as good as rest.

1. What is your idea of a perfect holiday?
2.  Have you ever tried to change your lifestyle?
3. What is the most tiring activity for you?
4. What is the most relaxing activity for you?

47. Hardships in life only make us stronger.

1. What are the hardest things for you?
2. Who do you go to when you are in trouble?
3. Have you ever helped anyone in a really difficult situation?
4. How can one achieve success in life?

48. The face is no index to the heart.

1. Have you ever had to deal with two-faced people?
2. Who are the people you are always honest with?
3. Are you good at hiding your emotions?
4. Do you judge people by appearances?

49. Seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times.

1. What exotic places would you like to travel to?
2. What’s the best way to travel and why?
3. Do you prefer to travel alone or with a companion?
4. Describe one of your memorable journeys.

50. Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking.

1. When you first meet people what do you look at first? What does it tell
you about the person?
2. What features of character do you value most in people?
3. What kind of people do you dislike?
4. What unpleasant qualities of your future spouse (husband or wife) are you ready to put up with?

51. When a friend asks for help there’s no tomorrow.

1. What does it take to be a faithful friend?
2. What features do you value most in friends?
3. What makes people become friends?
4. Can you recall any difficult situation that your friend helped you to cope with?

52 Blood is thicker than water.

1. What makes a happy family?
2. Do you have a trusting relationship with your parents?
3. Who should be head of the family: mother or father?
4. What is the right age to get married?

53. Learning English is a strong requirement of modern life.

1. Why is learning English a must for every educated person?
2. What role does English play in different spheres of life?
3. Do you have to use English in your everyday life?
4. Do you think the idea of artificial languages like Esperanto has any future?

54. False friends are worse than open enemies.

1. Who is your best friend?
2. Can you confide your secrets to your friends?
3. What qualities do you think your friend appreciates about you?
4. What will you never forgive your friend?

55. Learning a language is an everlasting process.

1. What do you find most difficult in mastering a foreign language?
2. What activities do you enjoy most of all in your language class?
3. What is it necessary to do to keep up your English?
4. Do you enjoy additional means of learning English beside your school homework?

56. Work is a necessity’. No worker goes to work because he likes it.

1. What things will you take in consideration when choosing your career?
2. Would you rather take up a challenging but not very well-paid job or a monotonous well-paid job?
3. What advice would you give someone who is about to go to a job interview?
4. If you had enough money never to work would you still seek employment?

57. Generation gap between parents and children is inevitable.

1. What are your relationships with your parents like?
2. Why is adolescence considered to be a difficult age?
3. What makes a good parent?
4. Were you naughty as a child?

58. A change is as good as rest.

1. What is your idea of a perfect holiday?
2. What exotic country would you like to visit and why?
3. Have you ever experienced a culture shock when visiting another country?
4. What is the most relaxing activity for you?

59.You must be ready for anything on holiday.

1. Do you prefer to go on a package holiday or arrange your holiday yourself?
2. Have you ever had any problems on holiday?
3. What things aren’t you ready to put up with on holiday?
4. What precautions should you take to avoid holiday problems?

60.Money makes the world go round.

1. What place does money occupy in your value system?
2. What do you spend your pocket money on?
3. If you were rich, how would you use your money?
4. What would you never do for love or money?

61. Happiness is what all people seek. Speak about the things that usually make you feel happy.

1. Do you believe in bad luck?
2. What are the three wishes you’d like to come true?
3. Can you remember any amusing things that have happened to you?
4. What is «happiness» in your view?

62.When I think about the United Kingdom, I immediately think of…

1. What places in the United Kingdom attract many tourists?
2. What places would you visit first if you had a chance to be in London?
3. What traditions connected with the British monarchy attract tourists in London?
4. What places of interest, besides those found, in London would you recommend visiting?

63. A man’s home is a reflection of his personality. Is it true for your house?

1. Do you help your mother with housework every day?
2. Have you ever decorated your room/house yourself?
3. Is your room your haven or just a place you sleep in?
4. What’s a house of your dream like?

64Our life is impossible without modern inventions.

1. Does the computer play an essential role in your life?
2. How do you use your computer?
3. Is the mobile phone a blessing or a curse?
4. Do you spend more time watching TV or working/playing on the computer?

65.Success is a ladder that cannot be climbed with your hands in your pockets.

1. What is your greatest career ambition?
2. Would you like to be famous?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?
4. How can a person achieve fame?

66.Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

1. Why is reading compared to physical exercise?
2. Why do young people read less these days?
3. What book would you take with you on a long journey?
4. Why are people so keen on escapist books nowadays?

67.Travelling can’t be boring.

1. Why do people travel?
2. What means of travelling do you prefer?
3. Would you like to pursue a career which involves a lot of travelling?
4. Which is more important for you: comfort, speed or company?

68.There is no friend as faithful as a good book.

1. Why are “escapist books” popular now?
2. What helps you to choosc a book for reading?
3. Who is your favourite Russian/English/ American writer?
4. What characters from his/her books do you remember?

69.Do you agree that the best way to have a friend is to be one?

1. What features do you value most in people?
2. Has your friend ever disappointed or deceived you?
3. Can you rely on your friend?
4. Do you think it’s good to have many friends?

70.What does family happiness depend on in your opinion?

1. Do you have secrets from your parents?
2. Do children take after their parents?
3. What is the role of the family in the life of a person?
4. What should be done to avoid misunderstanding in the family?

71. Imagine that you have an opportunity to make up a television programme about art. What is it going to be about?

1. What is the most popular form of art nowadays?
2. What kind of performances/films do you prefer: tragedies, comedies or detective stories?
3. What film/theatre performance would you recommend your friend to watch?
4. What artists, actors or playwrights can our country be proud of?

72.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

1. Is there any correspondence between physical appearance and people personality?
2. Is beauty only a physical quality?
3. Do you think beautiful people are generally happier?
4. Is beauty more important for men or women?

73. The more I see of other countries the more I love my own.

1. What places do you think are most beautiful in Russia that you would like to show foreigners first of all?
2. Do you know your country well? Have travelled a lot in Russia?
3. What places in Russia remind you of outstanding people of the country?
4. Name some monuments of world national heritage.

74. A sound mind in a sound body.

1. Do you believe this proverb? Why?
2. Are you fond of keeping fit or going in for sports?
3. What’s your favourite kind of sports?
4. Do you attend any fitness centres or gyms?

75. A person you know is planning to move to Gomel. What do you think this person would like or dislike about living in Gomel?

1. What do you admire your native city for?
2. What is the dearest place in your city to you?
3. Do you know any famous people who lived or live in your city?
4. Would you like to live the whole life in your home city?

76. In some countries people are no longer allowed to smoke in many public places and office buildings. Do you think it’s a good or a bad law?

1. Why do people start and continue smoking if they know about the risks?
2. Is smoking glamourised on TV by advertisements?
3. What consequences may smoking result in? Are they necessarily bad ones?
4. Is smoking a vital problem in Russia?

77. English is everywhere.

1. For some people English is a formal, literary or technical language, for others it is an international language for communication. What is English personally for you?
2. Is it easy to master a foreign language?
3. Why are foreign languages so important nowadays?
4. Will English help you in your life?

78. Reading. My favourite writer.

1. Reading has become a useless pastime with the invention of a computer. Do you agree?
2. Some books are to be chewed, others are to be swallowed, but only some are to be digested. What’s your opinion?
3. What knowledge is more important: gained from experience or gained from books?
4. People should read only those books that are about real events, real people and facts. What do you think?

79. When people succeed, it is due to hard work, luck has nothing to do with success.

1. What three wishes of yours would you ask a fairy to make true?
2. What is necessary to be successful in life?
3. Do you agree that only people who earn a lot of money are successful?
4. Do you enjoy spending money?

80. Every nation’s art reflect its spirit, its life, its past and present and its hopes for the future.

1. Works of art and their creators are timeless values. What would you say about famous Russian artistic personalities?
2. What’s your favourite work of art?
3. Are you fond of graffiti? Should it be allowed or banned?
4. Are you for or against abstract art?

81. An early riser is sure to be in luck.

1. Is it important to plan your day?
2. Do you always do things in time or do you leave them till the last time?
3. Are you a lark or an owl?
4. Does it take you long to do your homework?

82. When a friend asks there is no tomorrow.

1. Do you remember any difficult situation that your friend helped you to overcome?
2. What’s your best friend like?
3. Do you choose friends?
4. What features do you value most in friends?

83. Treat the Earth well: it was not given to you by your parents but it was loaned to you by your children.

1. There’s great wisdom in this proverb, isn’t there?
2. Can you give advice on how to become more environment-friendly?
3. The worst danger concerns the ecological balance. Explain why environmental concerns are becoming more pressing.
4. People have created enormous problems on our planet. What should we do next: colonise other planets or protect the one we live on?

84. It is tempting to see the world when you are young.

1. “It is no use travelling abroad because one can see everything on TV.” Do you agree with the statement?
2. There are a lot of means of travelling. Which one do you usually choose?
3. Have you ever tried a package tour?
4. If you have an experience of staying abroad, talk about the problems you have had.

85. Knowledge is power.

1. Is knowledge power-creative or destructive?
2. Human inventiveness has its limits. Hardly any more inventions will be made in the near future: agree or disagree.
3. Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient, other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful/ What’s your opinion?
4. Are you a computer addict?

86. Is school a joy or a burden for you?

1. School helps us to understand ourselves better and find our place in the world, doesn’t it?
2. Does success in studying depend on how clever you are or on organization of time? Have you learnt to manage your study time?
3. Why do you want to get a higher education?
4. Does the system of education in Russia need to be reformed?

87. Everything starts in a family.

1. Do you agree with the statement?
2. What are the relations among different generations in a family?
3. Do you spend much time together with your family?
4. What is the role of family in the life of a person?
5. Each family has its values and pride. What about your family?

88. When two Englishmen meet their first talk is about weather.

1. Why do Englishmen speak so much about the weather?
2. What is the climate like in Great Britain?
3. Is the climate of Russia different from that in Great Britain?
4. Do you like when it rains in winter?

89. So many countries, so many customs.

1. What are your favourite Russian traditions and holidays?
2. Do you know any Russian food habits?
3. What tradition would you like your foreign guests to get acquainted to and why?
4. How important is it to preserve national cultural traditions and customs?
5. Say about the contribution of Russia to world culture.

90. An Englishman’s house is his castle.

1. What is an ideal home for you?
2. What is your house like?
3. What are the most important things for you about your home?
4. What are your household chores?
5. What is your dream: to live in a house or in a flat?

91. Youth and society.

1. Is it easy to be young in our country?
2. Does our youth face the same problems as young people in other countries?
3. What do you think is the most urgent social problem now?
4. What youth organizations would you like to take part in?
5. Can young people do anything for the society in which they live?

92. Self-conquest is the greatest of victories.

1. Is it hard to win your own self? Why?
2. If you want to succeed in life, will you start with your own character?
3. Are you an easy-going person?
4. Can you keep your temper under control?
5. Can you laugh at yourself?
6. Are you capable of overcoming all of your ill habits?

93. My life without English will be dull.

1. Is it possible to have a good job without mastering English?
2. What is the best way of learning English to your mind?
3. How may English as “a lingua franca” develop in the future?
4. In what areas of international communication does English play the dominant role?

94. Science has already beautified our life.

1. Do you like science?
2. What area of science are you interested in?
3. What do you think about cloning?
4. Are impressed by nanotechnology?

95. A good marriage must be created.

1. Real love is far from being a bed of roses. Do you agree?
2. What are the main things in a good family?
3. Is it a real art to be a good husband or a good wife?
4. A successful marriage depends on the qualities of both — the wife and the husband. Is it so?

96. Is it easy to be young?

1. What problems do you meet in your life now as a teenager?
2. What youth organizations do you know which help young people to find their place in the society?
3. How can we solve the problem of generation gap?
4. Does your future depend on the future of your country?

97. One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.

1. What does friendship give to you?
2. What weaknesses can you forgive in your friend?
3. Is it difficult to find a true friend nowadays?
4. Only your true friend can tell you that your face is dirty. Do you agree?

98. Your bright future will be impossible without your choice today.

1. What is more important for a good career: experience or good academic qualifications?
2. Is there anybody who can help you to make your choice?
3. Do you think you’ve got the abilities to achieve your goals?
4. What job would you choose — for money or for your interest?

99. If I had all the time in the world I would travel.

1. What way of travelling do you prefer?
2. What is the safest way of travelling to your mind?
3. What should you know before you start your trip?
4. What place in the world would you like to visit and why?

100. Is shopping a joy or a burden?

1. Are you a shopoholic?
2. Where do you prefer to buy things?
3. What shops are the most popular among the teenagers?
4. Is shopping for you a relaxing time?

101. Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

1. Do you enjoy going to school?
2. Do you consider our system of education progressive?
3. Does school help pupils to develop their personality?
4. If you had the chance what would you change in education?

102. The most vital problem of our age is the problem of environment.

1. What role should TV and newspapers play in environmental ….
2. What can you say about the ecology of our region?
3. What does it mean to be “a green visitor”?
4. Who’ must be responsible for the security of our planet?

103. So many people, so many pastimes!

1. What do hobbies and pastimes give us?
2. Can volunteer work be a hobby?
3. Can hobby become a passion?
4. What is your favourite pastime when you are on holiday?

104. Healthy way of life.

1. What are the health hazards of modem life?
2. Do you have your own attitude to health care?
3. What are the rules of being healthy and keeping fit?
4. What is the best way of reducing stress?

105. Be thankful together whatever the weather.

1. What is your favourite season of the year and why?
2. Why is it important to be weatherwise?
3. Are you often under the weather?
4. How do you think what season is the healthiest?

106. Art is more than just beauty.

1. Is all art good?
2. Does art have to say something?
3. Do you always understand art?
4. Do we need art today?

107. Ноmе is more than just a roof to protect you from rain.

1. Does your house show the person you are?
2. What houses do you prefer — modern or period? Why?
3. Would you like to live in a smart house?
4. What makes your house special?
5. What is your home for you?

108. You are what you wear.

1. It isn’t necessary to be attractive — just be fashionable! Do you agree with it?
2. Do you always follow the fashion?
3. Good clothes open all doors? Don’t they?
4. Does the fashion change quickly?

109. The city is a human “Zoo”.

1. Where would you like to build your house: in the city or in the country? Explain your choice.
2. What is the city for you?
3. City makes you a slave. Do you agree?
4. What would you like to change in your city?

110. Why do I love my country?

1. To what place in Russia would you invite your guests and why?
2. Are you fond of speaking Russian?
3. What outstanding Russians are you proud of?
4. Russia is famous for its picturesque landscapes, blue lakes and rivers. Suggest a touristic route to show the beauty of our country.

111. We are Russians.

1. There’s no such a thing as national character. All people are different. Do you agree?
2. What makes the Russians different from the Americans?
3. Do you think that national stereotypes give a true picture of national character?
4. What prominent figures can Russia be proud of?

112. What makes people happy?

1. How do you understand happiness?
2. Can love make people happy?
3. Does money bring happiness?
4. What does it mean — to be happy?

113. People are never too old to attend college or university.

1) Are you a quick learner?
2) What would you like to learn?
3) Remember the last lesson you attended. What techniques and methods did the teacher use at the lesson?
4) Why do you think people go to colleges or universities?

114. Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city.

1) What are the problems that capital cities facing already?
2) What maybe the consequences of the population growth?
3) What are the most important advantages of living in a big city?
4) Do you sometimes feel like getting away from hustle and bustle of city life?

115. People trust their first impressions about a person’s character because they believe their judgements are generally correct.

1) When you see someone in unusual clothes do you laugh at them?
2) Are you an ambitious person?
3) How much does your outlook depend on the opinion of others?
4) Do you agree that every person has the right to dress and act how he or she wants to?

116. Is it better for children to participate in team sports than individual sports?

1) Are you keen on sport?
2) Does physical education at school help you to keep fit?
3) Do you do morning exercises?
4) What is more important for you to win or to participate?

117. People listen to music for different reasons and at different times.

1) Why do you listen to music?
2) How quickly do your likes in music change?
3) Can you draw a line between popular and classical music and show the difference between them?
4) Does playing musical instrument require skills or talent?

118. Choose one of the following careers (lawyer, teacher, tour guide, airplane pilot, doctor, etc) and explain why it is important to society.

1) Could you dedicate several years of your life to studying?
2) What traits of character should a person possess to become a lawyer, a teacher?
3) Are the teachers different from people of other professions?
4) Do you think children should follow in the steps of their parents?

119. When choosing a place to live, what do you consider most important?

1) What does the word home mean for you?
2) What are the main types of houses in which people live in Great Britain?
3) What is your attitude to renovating old buildings and turning them into modern homes?
4) Can we learn anything about someone’s character from their house?

120. Some people believe that the best way of learning about life is by listening to the advice of family or friends?

1) How important is family life in today’s world?
2) Why does the preceding generation always say that the next is not as they were?
3) Do you feel you are an adult?
4) How do your parents/friends influence your major choices in life concerning career, school, choosing a university?

121. We should read only those books that are about real events, real people, and established facts.

1) What helps you choose a book for reading?
2) What Belаrusian writers make the pride of the Belаrusian literature?
3) What English writer would you recommend to read to your friend?
4) Is it important to read?

122. Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity.

1) What do you consider to be the most important environmental issue?
2) Do you agree that private companies should spend more money to clean up pollution in the environment?
3) What can we do to improve environmental problem?
4) How much should the government interfere with this problem?

123. In some countries teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea?

1) At what age are teenagers allowed to work in your country?
2) Do you work in summer time?
3) Can you prove that being a teenager today is more difficult than it was earlier?
4) Are you ready to work hard to make a career?

124. Learning a foreign language is an everlasting process.

1) How long have you been learning English?
2) Have you ever visited an English-speaking country?
3) Why is it difficult to study a foreign language?
4) What is a secret of successful language learning?

125. Life without entertainment would be boring.

1) Why do people prefer to watch films at the cinema instead of relaxing on the couch in front of their TV sets?
2) How do people spend their free time in your country?
3) What’s your idea of fun?
4) The English say: «He who knows how to work, knows how to rest». Do you agree with this saying?

126. Some people believe that weather along with politics and religion is not a proper topic for conversation.

1) With whom and when do you discuss weather?
2) Would you like four seasons to be substituted by one? Which and why?
3) What are the peculiarities of the English climate?
4) Which season possesses the greatest charm and value for you?

127. Technology and its impact.

1) In your opinion what is the greatest invention of all times?
2) How has technology improved our lives?
3) How do you define technology?
4) Would you rather live in a world with everything entirely dependent on technology or without any technology whatsoever?

128. A sense of humour can sometimes be helpful in difficult situations.

1) Are you an easy-going person?
2) Do you hide your true emotions when you meet someone you know not very well?
3) Can you keep your temper under control?
4) Can you laugh at yourself?

129. Doing shopping is a relaxing pastime.

1) Do you shop every day or buy food once in a while? Why?
2) What should a shop possess to make you return there one more time?
3) What’s your attitude to window-shopping?
4) Do you buy clothes independently or does anybody advises you on what you should buy?

130. If you overhead people talking behind your back what would you like them to say about you?

1) What kind of people appeal to you?
2) If you could have any talent that you do not already possess, what would it be?
3) Can you always tell people what you really think?
4) How do you assess and form impressions of others?

131. You are what you wear.

1) Do you agree that following the fashion you lose your individuality?
2) Do you blindly follow the fashion or do you preserve your own style and standards?
3) How quickly do your tastes in fashion change?
4) Do you agree with the proverb: «The tailor makes the man?»

132. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

1) Is it easy for you to make friends?
2) What are the qualities of the real friend?
3) Can you tell your secrets to your friend?
4) What kind of people do you get on with?

133. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

1. Is there any correspondence between physical appearance and people’s personality?
2. Is beauty only a physical quality?
3. Do you think beautiful people are generally happier?
4. Is beauty more important for men or women?

134. English is the language of modern international communication.

1. Do you think English spelling rules should be changed?
2. Should the number of borrowings from the English language be limited in any way?
3. Do you think the idea of artificial languages like Esperanto has any future?
4. What is the second most important language after English?

135. Family ties are the strongest.

1. Is the family ever likely to disappear as an institution?
2. Should the father or the mother be the head of the family?
3. Do your parents try to influence your relationships with your friends?
4. What is the right age to get married?

136. Honesty is the best policy.

1. Do you think ‘white’ lies can be justified?
2. Do you think boys cheat more than girls?
3. Do you think software pirating can be stopped?
4. What excuses do you usually give not to do something?

137. Work is a necessity. No worker goes to work because he likes it.

1. What would be the most boring and the most exciting job for you?
2. Does being a housewife count as a job?
3. If you had enough money never to have to work again, would you stop working?
4. What advice would you give someone who’s about to go to a job interview?

138. Treat others the way you want to be treated yourself.

1. Do you ever do something for nothing?
2. What kind of relationships do you have wkh your next door neighbours?
3. Do you ever take revenge on someone who has mistreated you?
4. When was the last time someone was unkind to you?

139. Hardships in life only make us stronger.

1. Do you think you are prepared for serious hardships in life?
2. Who do you turn to when you are in trouble?
3. Have you ever helped anyone in a really difficult situation?
4. How can one achieve success in life?

140. East and west — home is best.

1. Have you ever been homesick?
2. Do you think people of different nationalities feel at home in Russia?
3. What do you think unites people most — their nationality, common language or religion?
4. What makes your home homely?

141. Generation gap between parents and children is inevitable.

1. What are your relationships with your parents like?
2. Why is adolescence considered to be a difficult age?
3. What makes a good parent?
4. Were you naughty as a child?

142. So many men so many minds.

1. Who or what can influence your opinion?
2. Is there a person whose opinion you would never question?
3. Does your opinion usually coincide with the majority?
4. Do you think mass media can form public opinion?

143.  A change is as good as rest.

1. What is your idea of a perfect holiday?
2. Have you ever tried to change your lifestyle?
3. What is the most tiring activity for you?
4. What is the most relaxing activity for you?

144. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

1. Who is your best friend?
2. What does it take to be a faithful friend?
3. Are your parents your friends?
4. What common interests do you have with your friends?

145.  Money makes the world go round.

1. What place does money occupy in your value system?
2. What would you rather be — rich or famous?
3. If you were rich, how would you use your money?
4. What would you never do for love or money?

146.  Better late than never.

1. Have you ever felt that you have missed your opportunities
2. How do you see yourself in ten years’ time?
3. If you could change one thing in your past, what would it be?
4. What things do you usually put off as long as possible?

147.  An inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time.

1. Are you a time-conscious person?
2. What are the greatest time-wasters nowadays?
3. How do you occupy yourself in your free time?
4. How do you usually plan your day?

148.  Knowledge is power.

1. Is the traditional book beginning to lose ground as compared to other sources of knowledge?
2. What is the best kind of qualification in the modern day world?
3. How has the information technology changed the lives of people?
4. What are the drawbacks of the information age we live in?

149.  Seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times.

1. What exotic places would you like to travel to?
2. What’s the best way to travel and why?
3. Do you prefer to travel alone or with a companion?
4. Have you ever experienced a culture shock when visiting another country?

150. You are what you eat.

1. Do you have a sweet tooth?
2.  How would you describe a healthy diet?
3.  What’s your favourite dish?
4.  How often do you eat out?

151.  Better unborn than untaught?

1. Do you think home schooling should be allowed in Russia?
2. What do you leam from your parents that you don’t from your teachers?
3. Is it important for a teacher to have a sense of humour?
4. Can you call your school your second home?

152.  Health is better than wealth.

1. What do you do to keep fit?
2. What do you think would be the greatest breakthrough in medicine?
3. Will people live longer or shorter in the next century?
4. What is the most frequent cause of diseases?

What can you say in the following situations?

Try to speak and find pros and cons in every problem:

  1. Many people watch soap operas because they find them enjoyable and realistic. What is your opinion of soap operas?

2.It's reported that billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects every year. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth.What is your opinion? What problems should humanity solve first of all?

3.Some people prefer to eat out. However, many people still like to cook meals at home.What is your opinion about having meals at home?

      4.Some people think that life-long friendship exists only in books and films.       Others believe that it exists in real life.

5.Friendship increases in visiting friends, but in visiting them seldom.

6.The best things in life are free.

7.Education polishes good natures and corrects bad ones.

8.What is your opinion about having meals at home?

9.A university degree is a must for success in the modern world.

10.Good clothes open all doors.

11.Some people think that in the future traditional shops will disappear and all shopping will be online with home delivery.

12.A popular actor's life is always fun.

13.The life of animals in a zoo is safer and happier than in their natural habitat.

14.You shouldn't rely on your family and friends in choosing a career.

15.Young people like travelling more than senior citizens.

16.Sewing or knitting clothes at home today is a waste of time and money.              

17.The Internet is the biggest evil of our time.


  1. alleng.ru
  2. http://iloveenglish.ru/
  3. http://www.english-easy.info
  4. http://engmaster.ru
  5. http://netenglish.ru
  6. bc-english-grammar.com
  7. http://study-english.info
  8. http://ideas4el.ru
  9. Tested.ru

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Методические рекомендации для самостоятельной работы студентов по английскому языку по формированию навыков чтения адаптированных произведений английских и американских писателей на английском языке

Данные методические рекомендации ставят своей целью дальнейшее развитие навыков чтения разного вида, что обеспечит целенаправленное формирование у обучающихся  рациональных приемов работы с учебн...


Грамматика имеет первостепенное практическое значение, поскольку с ее помощью обеспечивается формирование умения устного и письменного общения.Не владея грамматическими навыками, невозможно адеква...


Данное пособие направлено на развитие навыков чтения. Взаимосвязанно с чтением развиваются умения письма- как технические навыки орфографии, построение структур по образцу, так и умения творческого пи...


Письменная речь является важным помощником при овладении  аудированием, говорением и чтением. Письменная речь помогает при  введении новой лексики, обучении грамматике и фонетики, так как не...


Роль лексики для овладения иностранным языком настолько же важна, как и роль грамматики. Содержимое пособия ориентировано на развитие лексических навыков и умений и характеризуется коммуникативной нап...

Статья "Развитие аудитивных навыков на уроках английского языка с помощью применения игровых технологий"

Данная статья посвящена такому  важному аспекту речи как аудирование. Развитие аудитивных навыков, является очень сложным процессом при изучении иностранного языка, и более того, требует сил и бо...

Обобщение опыта по теме "Развитие навыков аудирования на уроках английского языка с помощь применения игровых технологий"

В последнее время все больше и больше возрастает интерес к изучению иностранного языка, а именно английского, который признан языком профессионального общения в разных областях деятельности. И при изу...