The Earth Day

Выступление на региональной экологической конференции 


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        Выступление на региональной экологической  конференции

                                     «THE EARTH DAY”


ТНЕ Earth day is a special day around the world. The Earth Day is the time when many people show that they take care of our planet. It is a day for people to learn what they can do to save the planet EARTH.


My school is an eco-school.


This means that we try to look after the environment, because our Earth is a wonderful world and we don`t want to destroy it.


 Becoming eco- friendly is not difficult. Everyone can do something to protect nature.


 We do a lot of things. We always put our litter in a bin because litter pollutes and spoils the environment. We reuse and recycle newspapers, cans, plastic and glass bottles instead of throwing them out. Recycling saves new materials and saves energy.


We plant trees, and by planting trees we are a step closer to clean environment.

What does protecting the environment mean to us? Protecting the environment means not leaving a large ecological footprint on the earth.

Human activity damages the environment. We pollute water, air and soil, pollution destroys our environment and some parts of environment never recover. It slowly destroys the ozone layer which protects us from radiation.


What are the results of our influence on the environment? When the fire is left, the forest is destroyed. When the air is polluted, the climate is changed. When plastic bottles are thrown away, nature is damaged. When litter is left in the forests, animals are hurt. When paper isn` t recycled, trees are cut down to make new paper. When trees are broken, birds are disturbed When litter is thrown into the river, water pollution is caused. When glass bottles are left in the forests, people and animals are hurt. We damage nature!


Our main aim is the protection. Our environment must be clean. We have to control atmospheric and water pollution, to study the man's influence on the climate. The pollution of the environment influences the life of animals, plants and our human life.


Some people spend their whole lives making sure not to pollute and ruin the earth; others want to commit to a few daily routines that will protect our environment.


Air pollution

The country air, once clean and fresh, now may be polluted by power stations and factories

The electric company burns coal to produce the energy that keeps your lights on. That burning coal gives off gases that cause the greenhouse effect and acid rain.

Water pollution

Companies dump chemical wastes into water. We can even see thick foam caused by chemical waste. Some of our rivers are now empty of fish.


How can we help the environment?


-People use 2.5 million plastic every year. These bottles can't be recycled.try to use glass, aluminum and cartons instead of plastic.


-Pick up litter you see as you are walking. Throw away trash. Recycle bottles and cans.


-Walk or cycle whenever possible

-Turn off the lights when you leave the room, and turn off the lights in the room that you really don't need. In the daytime, sit closer to the window to read instead of tuning on a light. Turn off the TV or the stereo when you aren't watching or listening.


-Put out food for wild animals in winter

-Don't cut the trees down, because animals and birds loose there home

-Save wild flowers. Plants are the basis of our life on the Earth


-Help to clean up your local environment


The people do everything to protect their nature, to make their country richer, to make their life happier