Урок английского языка на тему:"Интересные факты из истории культуры Санкт-Петербурга"

Открытый урок, представленный на город, проводился в "Колледже туризма и гостиничного сервиса" г.Санкт-Петербурга. Конспект урока сопровождается материалами, представленными в виде компьютерной презентации.


Microsoft Office document icon Plan-konspekt_uroka_po_angliyskomu_yazyku_-_moy.doc68.5 КБ
Office presentation icon Peterburg.ppt2.46 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

ТЕМА УРОКА: « Some interesting historical facts about Saint Petersburg foundation and its fist buildings”

ТИП УРОКА: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний по теме « Foundation of Saint Petersburg”

ФОРМА ПРОВЕДЕНИЯ:  комбинированный                                                                                                                                    

ЦЕЛЬ  УРОКА: формирование иноязычной  коммуникативной и межкультурной компетенций учащихся средствами английского языка через использование современных технологий и средств обучения; систематизация, обобщение и дальнейшее закрепление материала темы; развитие навыков монологического высказывания.    

ЗАДАЧИ УРОКА:                                                                                                                                                                  ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЙ АСПЕКТ: формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся на основе языковых, лингвострановедческих и социокультурных знаний, навыков; развитие умения воспринимать на слух и понимать краткие сообщения;  

РАЗВИВАЮЩИЙ АСПЕКТ: развитие у учащихся межкультурной компетенции; развитие языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей, ценностных ориентаций, творческого подхода к материалу , чувств, эмоций учащихся, готовности к коммуникации.

 ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНЫЙ АСПЕКТ : формирование уважительного отношения к культуре и истории страны,  любви и интереса к своему городу, развитие инициативности и самостоятельности учащихся.

ТЕХНОЛОГИИ: технология личностно-ориентированного обучения (с целью реализовать скрытые личностные и познавательные резервы учащихся и оптимально организовать формирование у учащихся коммуникативных умений), активные методы обучения «АМО»- приём составления тестового задания в программе «POWERPOIT”  (с целью повторения и систематизации большого по объёму материала, активизации познавательной деятельности учащихся и создания комфортной атмосферы); технология развития критического мышления: приём  «Составление кластера» (с целью целостного осмысления, обобщения полученной информации).      

 ФОРМЫ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ УЧАЩИХСЯ: фронтальная , индивидуальная  и парная работа, работа в команде.                                                                              ВИДЫ РЕЧЕВОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ: монологическая подготовленная речь, монологическая неподготовленная речь, диалогическая речь подготовленная и неподготовленная.

ГРАММАТИЧЕСКИЙ МАТЕРИАЛ: прошедшее простое время и настоящее простое время – активный и пассивный залоги.

МЕТОДИЧЕСКОЕ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕ УРОКА: рассылка необходимого материала учащимся по электронной почте

ОСНАЩЁННОСТЬ УРОКА:  раздаточный материал – карточки со словами и словосочетаниями,   конспекты и печатный материал.                                                                              

 ОСОБЕННОСТИ УРОКА: урок проводится в кабинете с интерактивной доской и весь урок оформлен на доске в программе “PowerPoint” . Продолжительность урока 45 мин.



  1. Коммуникативные (работа в коллективе, умение работать самостоятельно и в команде)
  2. Учебно-познавательные (общеучебная деятельность)
  3. Информационные (владение современными средствами информации)


  1. Умение работать на компьютере


М.А. Гацкевич “ Saint Ptersburg”, КАРО, 2004 г.

И.И. Георгиев, «Санкт-Петербург (занимательгые вопросы и ответы)», «ПАРИТЕТ», 2003

А.М. Михайлов «Санкт- Петербург – 100 удивительных мест и фактов, которых нет в путеводителях», «ЭКСМО», 2010

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие учителя (микробеседа с группой и сообщение об этапах работы по теме «Интересные факты из истории и культуры основания Санкт-Петербурга»)

  1. Речевая зарядка ( работа в парах – активизация лексики урока)
  2. Фронтальный опрос – повторение изученного с элементами домашнего самостоятельного задания ( смешные памятники Санкт-Петербурга, студенты должны были самостоятельно отработать архитекторов и узнать еще об одном символе Санк-Петербурга):

1) What nicknames of Saint Petersburg do you know? Look at the pictures and using your imagination try to guess what name is “behind” each picture?

  1. The city of 100 islands                h) Northern Venice
  2. Paradise                                i) Cultural capital
  3. Snow Babylon                        j) Northern Rome
  4. Cradle of the Revolution                k) The Window to Europe
  5. Leningrad
  6. Petrograd
  7. Northern Palmyra

2) What are the symbols of Saint Petersburg?

  1. The Angel with the cross                3) Draw bridges
  2. The ship        and the “apple”        4) White nights

3) What is situated to the right,         in front of the Peter׳s House,         originated from China?

4) There is the bust of Peter the         Great in front of the House.         What is there on his         shoulders?

5) What is depicted on the SPb’s coat-of-arms?

  1.         Работа в командах:

6)        There are two patrons St Petersburg has. Who are they?,

a) Paul and Peter     b) Alexander Nevsky and Paul      c) Alexander Nevsky and Peter

7)        What was Alexander Nevsky's patronymic name?

a) Nikolaevich        b) Fedorovich        c) Yaroslavovich

8)        How many cathedrals named after Alexander Nevsky were there in St- Petersburg
at Peter the Great times?

a) 20        b) 50        c) 40

9)        What icon  became the "cover” of the city and it will stand until this icon is here?,

a)  Saint Michael    b)  V'ladimirskaya God's mother c)  Kazan God's mother

10) Where did Peter move it from?

a) Vladimir        b) Suzdal        c) Konstanlinopol

11)        What are the symbols of similar legend London has?

       a) crows        b) pigeons        c) ravens

12)        How did Napoleon call Spb?

       a) heart of Russia      b) legs of Russia        c) head of Russia

13)  Where can you see more than 500 images of the scepter and crossed anchors?

        a)in grating of Potsclucv bridge

        b)In grating of Alexander Nevsky bridge

        c)in grating of Liteini bridge

14)        What does the flag of Spb look like?

        a) white panel with a scepter

        b) red panel with two anchors

        c) red panel with two anchors and a scepter

15)        How many towns with the name Spb are there in the USA?
      a) 10             b)8         c)I5

16) Who played the main role in capturing Noteburg (Oreshek)?
     a) Narishkin            b) Golitsin        c) Zotov

17)        What was the first building built on the island?

a) Peter and Paul Cathedral        b) Peter’s House        c) Peter and Paul Fortress

18) How many days did it take to build it?

a) 4                b) 3                c) a week

19) From the Peter’s House to the wharf leads a granite staircase. What is there on both sides of it? Describe them.

One  griffon and one lion                b)        two lions        c)        two angels

20)         Who         was the first architect who designed and started the construction of Peter and Paul Fortress?

a) Brenua                b) Leblon                c) Lamber

21)        Who was at the head of its reconstruction since 1706?

a) Tresins                b) Kvarengi                c) Lvov

22) Why all the elements of this fortress one can name many layered?

there are many layers of stones        

the construction took a lot of time

the fortress is very high

23) Why can it be named "a town inside the town"?

a) it was supposed to be a town

b) there are a lot of buildings inside Peter and Paul Fortress

c) it started as a town

24) Who was in charge of Peter and Paul Fortress construction?

a) Zotov             b) Narishkin               c) Menshikov

25) How many bastions does it  have?

a) 10                b) 8                        c) 6

26) Which one is named after Peter the Great?

a) the south-eastern

b) the northern

c) the south-western

27)        How long time did it take to build it?

a) 4 summer months        b) 3 months        c) one year

28) What “Strelka” supposed to be at Peter’s times?

A place where official buildings should have been built?

A place where Peter’s associates and representatives of aristocracy supposed to live

A place where a garden should have been designed

30)        The construction of Saint Petersburg started when three fortifications were finished.What are they?

31)        What kind of Fortress was Kronshtadt? What was the main aim of its construction?

32)        What is considered the architectural symbol and the core of the capital?

33)        Why is it considered to be an outstanding monument of industrial architecture?

        V        Домашнее задание (unusual funny moments)

1) What is this monument devoted to? What is the origin if its name?

2) This writer was born in Ukraine. He wrote the story, named as a part of human face.

3) In 1706 a lot of people worked at Admiralty shipyards. But there weren’t any churches to have service at. According to Peter’s order in 1707 the 1st church, made of wood, was built. What was its name?

Why do you think we are going to speak about St. Isaac’s Cathedral?

  - because it was built firstly in 1707 and then was rebuilt three times more. The last version appeared in 1858 and this year is considered to be the year of its consecration.

        VI        Конкурс на лучшего рассказчика с одновременным просмотром видео –ролика

        VII         Исполнение песни на слова Елены Ваенги «Город молй» на русском и на английском языках.

Ребята должны догадаться какие два моста в клипе показаны последними.( What are the names of two last bridges shown in video-clip to the song ‘My city’?)

        VIII        Заключительный этап урока        

  1. Итоги урока
  2. Оценки
  3. Домашнее задание ( 3 человека готовят сообщения по ранее распределенным темам, читать текст о Зимнем дворце» - вторая четверть 18 века – позднее борокко)


                                Этапы уроков



Организационный момент – сообщение темы, этапов урока

3 minutes


Активизация лексики и грамматики – парная работа с карточками

4 minutes


Фронтальный опрос – повторение имен города и его символов

5 minutes


Работа в командах – тестовая проверка знаний и лексики истории и культуры города в период его формирования

15 minutes


Смешные памятники  СПб  - монологические высказывания ( самостоятельное домашнее задание)



Видео-ролик  «Исаакиевский собор» - конкурс на лучшего рассказчика



Bидео-ролик «Петропавловская крепость» - конкурс на лучшего рассказчика



Видео-ролик «Город мой» (автор Елена Ваенга) – задание: «Как называются два последних моста, показанных в клипе к песне» , исполнение песни учащимися на русском и на английском языках.



Подведение итогов, домашнее задание




Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Some Interesting Facts about the History of Saint Petersburg

Слайд 2

1) What nicknames of Saint Petersburg do you know? Look at the pictures and using your imagination try to guess what name is “behind” each picture? The city of 100 islands Northern Venice Paradise Cultural capital Snow Babylon City of stone Cradle of the Revolution The Window to Europe Leningrad Petrograd Northern Palmyra l. Petropolis

Слайд 5

1 2 3

Слайд 7

1) What are the symbols of SPb ?

Слайд 8

A gilded Angel weather vane with a cross

Слайд 9

a ball A ship

Слайд 10

Draw Bridges

Слайд 11

White Nights

Слайд 12

2) Put the pictures in order the places were laid in SPb ?

Слайд 13

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Слайд 14

The answers: 3 ( Peter’s House – 1703) 5 (Peter and Paul Fortress – 1703 – Lamber, Tresini, military engineers) 9 (Admiralty – 1704 – Korobov, Zakharov) 4 (Summer Garden – 1704 – planned by Peter I, grating by Felten) 2 (Peter’s Summer Palace – 1710 – 1714 - Tresini) 1 ( “Strelka” on Basil’s Island – 1716 – the residential buildings construction started - Tresini) 7 ( “Kunstkamera” – 1714 – the year of museum foundation, 1718 – 1734 – years of building construction - Mattarnovi) 6 ( The twelve Collegiums Building – 1722 - Tresini) 8 ( “Gostini Dvor” – 1748- Ghan Batist Valen de la Mod)

Слайд 15

3) What is situated to the right, in front of the Peter ׳ s House, originated from China ?

Слайд 16

There are two lions – symbols of Buddhism. One lion is with his paw on the ball and a lioness is holding a lion cub.

Слайд 17

4) There is the bust of Peter the Great in front of the House. What is there on his shoulders ?

Слайд 18

There is a crying lion on one of his shoulders, symbolizing Sweden crying over lost lands, and there is a head of a ship on another shoulder.

Слайд 19

5) What is depicted on the SPb coat-of-arms ?

Слайд 20

Two anchors – sea and river with a scepter in the middle two-headed eagle and

Слайд 21

Quiz: 6) There are two patrons St Petersburg has. Who are they?, a) Paul and Peter b) Alexander Nevsky and Paul c) Alexander Nevsky and Peter 7) What was Alexander Nevsky's patronymic name? a) Nikolaevich b) Fedorovich c) Yaroslavovich 8) How many cathedrals named after Alexander Nevsky were there in St- Petersburg at Peter the Great times? a) 20 b) 50 c) 40 9) What icon became the "cover” of the city and it will stand until this icon is here?, a) Saint Michael b) V'ladimirskaya God's mother c) Kazan God's mother

Слайд 23

10) Where did Peter move it from? a) Vladimir b) Suzdal c) Konstanlinopol 11) What is the symbol of similar legend London has? a) crows b) pigeons c) ravens 12) How did Napoleon call Spb? a) heart of Russia b) legs of Russia c) head of Russia

Слайд 25

13) Where can you see more than 500 images of the scepter and crossed anchors? a) in grating of Troitski bridge b) In grating of Alexander Nevsky bridge c) in grating of Liteini bridge 14) What does the flag of Spb look like? a) white panel with a scepter b) red panel with two anchors c) red panel with two anchors and a scepter 15) How many towns with the name Spb are there in the USA? a) 10 b)8 c)I5 16) Who played the main role in capturing Noteburg (Oreshek)? a) Narishkin b) Golitsin c) Zotov

Слайд 27

17) What was the first building built on the island? a) Peter and Paul Cathedral b) Peter’s House c) Peter and Paul Fortress 18) How many days did it take to build it? a) 4 days b) 3 days c) a week

Слайд 28

19) Who was the first architect who designed and started the construction of Peter and Paul Fortress? a) Brenua b) Leblon c) Lamber

Слайд 29

20) Who was at the head of its reconstruction since 1706? a. Tresini b. Kvarengi c.Lvov 21) Why all the elements of this fortress one can name many layered? there are many layers of stones the construction took a lot of time the fortress is very high 22) Why can it be named "a town inside the town"? it was supposed to be a town there are a lot of buildings inside Peter and Paul Fortress it started as a town

Слайд 30

23) Who was in charge of Peter and Paul Fortress construction? a) Zotov b) Narishkin c) Menshikov 24) How many bastions does it have? a) 10 b) 8 c) 6 a) the south-eastern b) the northern c) the south-western 2 6) How long time did it take to build it? a) 4 summer months b) 3 months c) one year 2 5) Which one is named after Peter the Great?

Слайд 32

27) What “Strelka” supposed to be at Peter’s times? a) a place where official buildings should have been built? b) a place where Peter’s associates and representatives of aristocracy supposed to live c) a place where a garden should have been designed

Слайд 34

28) The construction of Saint Petersburg started when three fortifications were finished. What were they?

Слайд 35

Kronshtadt, Peter and Paul Fortress, Admiralteiskaya Fortress that protected Saint Petersburg form the South

Слайд 36

29) What kind of Fortress was Kronshtadt? What was the main aim of its construction?

Слайд 37

It was the sea fortress that protected the city from the south

Слайд 38

30) What is considered the architectural symbol and the core of the capital? 31) Why is it considered to be an outstanding monument of industrial architecture?

Слайд 39

30 – Admiralty 31 – it was shipbuilding shipyard

Слайд 40

Unusual funny monuments in Saint Petersburg What is this monument devoted to? What is the origin of its name?

Слайд 42

In 1885 in the building on the other side of Fontanka river according to the initiative of Prince Peter Oldenburgski, Higher Law Educational Establishment was opened. Its students wore a special uniform – yellow green form and deer-skin cap ( пыжиковая шапка ). Guardsmen officers ( гвардейские офицеры ) named them чижики-пыжики. In 1994 the monutment in honour to Chighik-Pighik during the festival “Golden Ostap” was opened . It was stolen seven times but every time it was returned back. It is considered that if you throw down a coin and it falls onto the stone – your wish will come true. Or if a groom puts down a glass filled with a drink , to a leg of which a rope is tired and touches the beak of the bird, his marriage will be extremely happy if the glass doesn’t break.

Слайд 43

This writer was born in Ukraine. He wrote the story, named as a part of human face.

Слайд 44

«Major`s Kovalev Nose» This monument devoted to character of Gogol`s «Nose». It is made of pink ukrainian marble (from Gogol`s motherland) It was stolen in 2002, and found next year, in 2003. This monument is situated on Voznesensky avenue.

Слайд 45

Do you remember any other symbols of SPb? What are the names of two last bridges shown in video-clip to the song “My city’ (Elena Vaenga)