Белых Ольга Геннадьевна

"сайт учителя английского языка"

Пора учить английский!

Профессия: Учитель английского языка

Профессиональные интересы: Английский язык

Увлечения: Путешествия

Регион: Липецкая область

Населенный пункт: г.Елец

Место работы: МОУ СОШ п.Солидарность


Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:

О себе

Let me introduce myself. I`m Belykh Olga Gennadjevna.  I`m 45. I`m married. I`ve got two sons.  

I`m a teacher of English. I`ve been working at school and the kindergarten for 25years. I`m one of our teachers` dynasty. My grandfather, my mother and 2 aunts are teachers. So am I! Our pedagogical length of service is more than 120 years!I enjoy my profession very much. My pupils love and respect me because I`m a very interesting person.

I`m fond of sports. I skate, ski and sledge in winter. I can swim and shoot very well. I also like bowling and roller-skating. But I like belly dance best of all.

 I`m also a very extreme person. I jump with parachute and take part in street racing. I took part at the  championship speed maneuvering  in 2008.

My main hobby is travelling. I`ve visited a lot of countries: Finland, Sweden, Poland, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic,Portugal. Turkey and Egypt, of course. In 2020 my dream became true! I visited Great Britain, LONDON! It`s my LOVE! Next time I`ll go to Hungary, Budapest.

I always travel with my family or friends! I have a lot of them. We do everything together!

And I`m a real woman, of course! I can sew, knit, cook, draw and so on. I can do everything that any woman must do!


Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир

"Алхимик" Пауло Коэльо это книга, которая заставила пересмотреть мои взгляды на жизнь! Рекомендую!

Мой взгляд на мир

Моё портфолио

You are welcome!

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