Исследовательская работа по английскому языку "The family is strong with its roots"

Ефимова Татьяна Николаевна


Invaluable purchase for your family is knowledge of the roots.  Who were your ancestors   - noblemen or peasants, merchants or workers? A costly present for the person with family values – as your patrimonial name, what it’s historical and cultural roots were formed. Not any person knows, how call its great-grand mother or the great-grand father. And all the matter is that at its ancestors were not opportunities or desires to make genealogic tree. But we with you shall be clever and we shall give descendants all information necessary to them.

I’d like to tell a story about one great family living in my native place. As a title for my project I have chosen the Russian proverb «The tree is strong with its roots». I’ll try to tell about three generation of one family and their full relatives.

The Shcherbakovs are an ordinary family, but on the other hand they are absolutely unique. The main root of this family was Nina Vasiljevna Shcherbakova. Her son Nikolai Fyodorovich is the head of the family now. It is wife Antonina Petrovna is the heart of the family. Their children and grand children are the leaves and blossoms of the family tree.


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