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Ефимова Елена Дмитриевна

Для тех, кто не успел записать слова на уроке.


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Предварительный просмотр:

 Turkey Trouble


Oh we bought a Christmas turkey

In time for him to grow

We thought he'd be so good to eat

But how were we to know

That turkey's name was Trouble?

And even though we tried

The oven was not big enough

He would not go inside.

And he was...

Knocking down the Christmas tree

Eating our mince pies

Swallowing the tinsel and trying on Dad's ties

He pulled down all the holly and the decorations too

He was too quick for us to catch

We didn't know what to do.

And he was...

Pulling at a cracker

It really made him jump

He ran into the garden where a sleigh was landing


The sleigh belonged to Santa

Who laughed with such delight

And asked the turkey if he'd help

To pull the sleigh that night.

And he was...

Eating all the fairy lights

The Christmas cards as well

And as he joined the reindeer gang

The snowflakes softly fell

Old Santa took the reins and said

“My sacks are full of toys

You'll help me give my presents out

To all the girls and boys.”

So he was...

Not a Christmas dinner

Not roast nor in a pie,

Our turkey will be famous

Watch for him in the sky.

For now as Santa's helper

Along with Rudolph too,

He pulls the sleigh along the way

With gifts for me and you!

So he was...

Not a Christmas dinner,

Not roast nor in a pie.

Our turkey will be famous

Watch for him in the sky.

For now as Santa's helper

Along with Rudolph too,

He pulls the sleigh along the way

With gifts for me and you!