подготовка к тестированию (8класс)

Шевель Людмила Георгиевна


Материалы для обощения лексического и грамматического материала за 8 класс.


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Предварительный просмотр:

тренировочные задания 1-4

Task 1What does each of these sets of words have in common? Are they synonyms, antonyms, lexical sets, compounds, collocations, words with prefixes or words with suffixes?

A table, chair,sofa, bed, bookcase, chest of drawers, desk – lexical sets

B old-young, bright-dark, loud-quiet, fast-slow, first-last, long-short – antonyms

C a straight road, a brilliant idea, hard work, no problem, extremely grateful –collocations

D neat-tidy, precisely-exactly,to doubt-to question, nobody- no one – synonyms

E microwave.compact disc, toothbrush, paper clip, lampshade, bottle top – compounds

F illness, badly, useless, doubtful, affordable, ability, practical - words with suffixes

G imperfect, rewrite, unable, illiterate, incorrect, ultramodern - words with prefixes

Task 2Use a dictionary or the TKT Glossary to find the meanings of these terms: affix, homophone, idiom, phrasal verb, register, collocation, chunk, homonym, prefix. Do the test

Affix - A meaningful group of letters added to the beginning or end of a word to make a new word, which can be a different part of speech from the original word, e.g. interview, interviewer.

Homophone - A word which sounds the same as another word, but has a different meaning or spelling, e.g. I knew he had won; I bought a new book.

Idiom - A group of words that are used together, in which the meaning of the whole word group is different from the meaning of each individual word, e.g. She felt under the weather means that she felt ill.

phrasal verb – A verb/any part of speech which is made up of more than one word (e.g. a verb + adverb particle or preposition) which has a different meaning from each individual word, e.g. look after A mother looks after her children.


The formality or informality of the language used in a particular situation. Formal register or language is used in serious or important situations, e.g. in a job application. Informal register or language is used in relaxed or friendly situations, e.g. with family or friends.


Words which are regularly used together. The relation between the words may be grammatical, e.g when certain verbs collocate with particular prepositions, e.g. depend on, good at or when a verb like make or do collocates with a noun, e.g. do the shopping, make a plan. Collocations may also be lexical when two content words are regularly used together, e.g. We went the wrong way NOT We went the incorrect way.


Any pair or group of words commonly found together or near one another, e.g. phrasal verbs, idioms, collocations, fixed expressions.


A word with the same spelling and pronunciation as another word, but which has a different meaning, e.g. bit (past tense of ‘bite’) and a bit (a little).

A prefix is a meaningful group of letters added to the beginning of a root/base word to make a new word which can be a different part of speech from the original word, e.g. appear – disappear.

Task 3Put these words in their right place in the first column in the table 1:

Compound words, synonyms, antonyms, collocations, denotations, lexical sets, prefix + base word, base word + suffix


care (noun)                        

to decide


sensitive attention    

to choose one option after thinking about several


love and attention, worry  

to make up your mind



to hesitate

lexical sets


to think, to hesitate, to wonder

prefix + base word



base word + suffix

careful, careless, carelessness


Compound words




great care, take care of

                      finally decide

Task 4.Do TKT practice test

For questions 1-5, match the examples of vocabulary with the categories listed A-F.There is one extra option which you do not need to use.

Examples of vocabulary

1 impossible, unhappy, disadvantage,  rename  F  words with prefixes

2  hard work, a heavy subject, a great idea  B collocations

3  wonderful, marvelous, brilliant, great  A synonyms

4  longest, director, wooden, slowly  E words with suffixes

5  oranges, apples, mangoes, bananas D lexical set


A synonyms

C compound words