The big list of praising, encouraging and consoling classroom language.

Емелина Олеся Владимировна

Praising Nice work! /Great stuff (everybody/ team A/ this group/ Maria) (You did a) good/ great job You (all) did very well (Very) well done (all the girls/ teams that have already finished) Perfect/ (A) perfect score/ No mistakes!/ You didn’t make any mistakes (at all)/ You didn't make a single mistake. Ten out of ten/ 100% It’s a (class) record!/ That’s the best this year/ this term/ this week/ today That’s better than (all) my other classes That was (at least/ more than/ about) twice as good as your last attempt Give yourself/ yourselves a pat on the back Let me shake your hand!/ Give me five! This team was the fastest, this team was the neatest, and this team wrote the most. Well done (everybody)! (That is/ was) (really/ absolutely) excellent/ fantastic/ fabulous/ great/ superb (That's) (so/ very/ really) good! Not (too) bad (at all) That's right! / Exactly!/ That’s (exactly) the correct answer! Give him a big hand! / Give her a round of applause/ I think that is worth a round of applause/ Put your hands together for… Congratulations Bravo! Hooray! (You) got it first time!/ You did it on your first attempt! You (finally) did it! (You finished) just in time! I’m impressed/ That’s (very/ really) impressive You’ve been a great help/ I couldn’t have done it without you O.K, I’ll accept that (as an answer) That's a (very) good/ great/ original/ imaginative suggestion/ idea! I like that (very much)! I like this one best/ This one’s my favourite (because…) That's (a) nice drawing/ story/ ending/ handwriting That’s very neat/ imaginative/ carefully done/ long/ accurate/ intelligent/ creative (That is/ was) marvellous/ magnificent/ terrific/ fabulous/ superb/ fantastic Wow (that was quick)! I’ll give that a gold star 100/ 1000/ 10000/ a million points for that I’ll put this up on the wall (You are) the winner/ the champion(s)! / You have won the game! (That’s a) good/ great question You have made a lot of/ good/ excellent progress. That's more like it / That's much better/ That's a lot better You've improved (your grammar/ accuracy/ fluency/ pronunciation) a lot