Сambridge English Penfriends

Софья Александровна Бычкова

Занимаясь внеурочной деятельностью по английскому языку в начальных классах, я задумалась о том, что было бы неплохо организовать переписку на английском языке для моих воспитанников, чтобы они оценили практическую значимость полученных ими знаний, причем желательно, чтобы и для "собратьев" по переписке английский язык был иностранным, не смущать никого возможностью провала перед носителями языка....Долго искала такую возможность, и вот нашла - спешу поделиться своим открытием с миром)

Welcome to Cambridge English Penfriends!

Connect with another school and exchange cards with their students. Here you can view and upload cards as well as rate your favourites.

Get started right away by registering your school or browsing cards.

Has your school joined Cambridge English Penfriends?

Help your students make friends with other English learners around the world through our fun, international Cambridge English Penfriends activity. Your students will design and share cards with learners at a school in another country. The cards are based on a theme – the current theme is ‘Where I want to live’.

At Cambridge English Language Assessment, we believe that students should learn English in a way that is practical, fun and communicative, and should always have the opportunity to practise what they have learned.

Here’s the opportunity!

Through Cambridge English Penfriends, we will connect your school with a school in another country so you can exchange cards designed by your students (please note students must be between 4-18 years of age to take part).

Why take part?

Join Cambridge English Penfriends to:

  • access new, fun classroom activities
  • help your students practise reading and writing in English
  • connect to a school in another part of the world, safely and easily
  • develop a relationship with another school, possibly by exchanging more letters, arranging a video conference or even a school exchange
  • take a break from the usual course of studying English
  • show students that English is practical, helping them communicate internationally
  • build your students’ confidence as they communicate in English with another student.

Start here! https://penfriends.cambridgeenglish.org/index.php