Correlation between daily stressors and emotional burnout among teachers during the pandemic

Пирогова Ольга Дмитриевна

Emotional burnout is a widespread term in Russian psychological studies. Nevertheless, this topic remains relevant for a long time. This phenomenon is characterized by professional deformation of the personality because of the person’s body becoming exhausted physically, emotionally and intellectually. Due to this, the quality of work can decrease, the person becomes emotionally drained and starts working in a “formal” manner. People of helping professions are exposed to emotional burnout syndrome to a greater extent, including teachers who are in the risk group. A teacher’s professional activity is based on communication and often they have to restrain their emotions, to keep calm - external conflicts can turn into internal ones. Also, the large amount of paperwork takes a lot of energy and is often accompanied by negative emotions. The education system is undergoing reforms, which forces teachers to adapt and thus requires changes in routines, teaching methods and sometimes in personality. These reasons determine to some extent the possibility of teachers’ emotional burnout. Along with this, the surrounding environment changes too, like socio-economic situation, living under the constraints of the pandemic, the transition to a distant learning format etc. All this has a significant impact on the mental health of teachers and may increase the perception of daily stressors. 


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