Dobrya Larisa Yackovlevna

foreign language teacher's website

Cogito ergo sum

Профессия: teacher of foreign languages, history and information technologies

Профессиональные интересы: integration of basic knowledge of the subject into the professional sphere

Увлечения: reading classical and modern literature, floriculture and fishing

Регион: Тюменская область

Населенный пункт: p. Kommunar, Iset district

Место работы: The State Autonomous professional educational institution of Tyumen region " Agrotechnological College"


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Example isn`t another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
Albert Einstein

William Shakespeare said: I always feel happy. Do you know why?" Because I don't expect anything from anyone.

Expectations are always a pain...

Life is short... so love your life...

Be happy... And with a smile...

Before you speak, listen...

Think before you write...

Before you spend money, you earn it...

Before you pray, forgive ...

Before you hurt, feel it...

Before you hate, love...

Before you die, live!

О себе

Like rain... it is possible to hide the tears...

Love my life ... I won't have another one...

I love people close to me with all their pros and cons... after all,

they are always there.

 Love the look in your eyes they will not be deceived...

I love being who I am... because the other be not becomes...

 I like to be funny... to see the smiles of others...

I like to seem stronger... what I really am...

I love to live without guessing or looking back...

Live in the present!

About Myself and my profession.

"Our profession is the best, like no other under the sun»

I. A. Komensky

          Who am I? Why do I live on earth? What is my purpose? I could Express my pedagogical philosophy in a simple phrase-love for children. Remember the ancient wisdom of Socrates? All professions are from people and only three from God: Teacher, Judge, Doctor. This wisdom lies at the heart of my pedagogical concept. After all, I, as a doctor, for whom the main law :" do no harm!". I observe the mental and moral health of children, treat with a kind word, advice, smile, attention.

          I, as a wise judge, unwittingly caught in the center of the eternal conflict of fathers and children, do not rule, but smooth out contradictions, weigh good and evil, deeds and actions, but do not punish, but try to warn.

           What do I consider the main thing for the teacher? Theses of my pedagogical philosophy are extremely simple. "Being surprised-to surprise, being carried away-to carry away" - here so I would formulate the basic. Any knowledge of the world begins with surprise. Surprise is an emotion, it is an interest in the upcoming case, it is a motive for action. It is in my power to turn any children's activity into a pleasure, something amazing and exciting. No wonder they say: "Creativity is the best teacher!". To raise a person in the full sense of the word is to perform a miracle, and such miracles I, an ordinary teacher, try to perform every day, every hour, every minute.

          Remember how in V. Kataev's fairy tale "flower-Semitsvetik" the girl Zhenya, the owner of a magic flower, with a trembling voice pronounced the cherished words. And a miracle happened! You will say that it is a fairy tale, and in life miracles do not happen. Believe me, it happens! My job! This is my fairy tale! And every day, every lesson I try to do miracles, and helps me love for children and a magic flower, a flower-Semitsvetik with seven petals, on which my pedagogical axioms are placed: Confidence, Success, Awesomeness, Persuasiveness, Respect, Poise, Smiles. Noticed? All on "Have", as and word Teacher. Seven words-the number of forces, magic, faith. And it helps me to keep, to create, to create.

          Confidence. To help find yourself, to Express yourself, to gain confidence, to see the good in everyone, to give everyone a chance-the main thing in my work. And when everything turns out-confidently moving forward. Only then are you a master teacher, a virtuoso. As on notes play its lesson. Craftsmanship is a craft with the stamp of perfection. I am not afraid of perfection, it is impossible to achieve it. But you can strive for it, because the goal is high! And that's what gives me confidence. I chose the right path. I do what I love

           Successfulness. The condition for the successful professional work of the teacher I see in the mastery of pedagogical technology-the art of touching the personality of the child. I chose design technology for my work. It seems to me that this technology is an effective means of personal development of the student. A training project is an opportunity to do something interesting, making the most of your opportunities; it is an activity that allows you to Express yourself, try your hand, apply your knowledge, benefit and show publicly achieved results. Designing in the classroom, we create, create, fantasize, collaborate, self-educate. And that's so great! The school makes the school teacher. Teachers are different-because they grow out of students. The artist learns to mix paints and apply strokes to the canvas. The musician is learning the etudes. Journalist and writer learn the techniques of writing. The real teacher also mixes paints, learns sketches, masters receptions, only it is pedagogical paints, sketches, receptions…

           Awesomeness. In Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary it is written: surprise is the impression of something unexpected, strange, incomprehensible. Every day the teacher should follow simple rules: to surprise the pupils, not to be boring, boring, banal, to try to be original. How much a little man can understand and learn when he is surprised. Develop your originality! Improvise!

           Persuasiveness. It seems to me that a teacher is only a teacher when he feels that his experience, his knowledge allow him to lead his students. It is necessary to convincingly teach their wards to think, work, create, create. "The secret of teaching is to show that you have known all your life what you read last night" (J. Barzen).

            Respectfulness.  I am different, children are different, time and life are different. My years at school have taught me a lot: to accept children as they are, to be tolerant of the mistakes of others, but most importantly to be demanding of myself. Only personal and professional qualities will help to win respect and trust of children. Ya. Korchak said :" I know who almost all the guys love the most. Not the most beautiful, not the most cheerful, not the most calm, but the one who is fair, sympathetic and tactful."

            Balance. The real teacher is constantly having to fight with himself. With their own ambitions, character, emotions, laziness... to beat myself, and that's the main thing. The ability to control myself is a good example of conscious imitation.

            The teacher – guardian, a Creator, a Creator. I'm a teacher. Guardian of children's souls and hearts, Creator of children's thoughts, Creator of children's lives. The flow of time washes away much. What remains is what is fixed by the knowledge of the teacher, warmed by his love. I lead the child into the world of knowledge, into the world of beauty, teach him to distinguish between good and evil, fill his soul, help him become a Creator. It is necessary to teach the laws of Goodness, Truth, Mercy, Love, Compassion, Justice. Teach so that the soul sang, flew, fluttered, rejoiced and never ceased to burn with the bright fire of life!

          Antoine de Saint-Exupery wrote: "If you want to build a ship, you do not need to call people to plan everything, divide the work, get tools and cut down trees, you need to infect them with the desire for an endless sea. Then they will build the ship themselves." These words I consider to be my motto. Every morning I am happy to enter the classroom, where my students meet me. The bell rings and the eyes of my disciples turn to me with bright, clear, pure eyes, curious, believing, kind. They expect a lot from me. I feel responsible to them. We have many challenges to overcome together over the next three and a half years. But all on a shoulder when there is mutual understanding, trust and aspiration to a victory.


I enjoy my work! It is pleasant to me to see, as around boils live business which captures entirely. I realize that it is not for nothing that forces are spent, that I am not superfluous, but the right person!


The teacher – profession - bird,

Hardly harder to find,

With what other does it compare,

Children's hearts ignite!


Following the wisdom of Plutarch, you understand: the child, indeed ,is not " an empty vessel to be filled, but a torch to be lit." And to light, you need the teacher to burn.


I love my profession for the secrets it holds; for the wisdom it gives me over time; for what makes me move forward.







Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир


Мой взгляд на мир

The sage was asked: How many kinds of friendship exist?

"Four," he said.-

There are friends like food-every day you need them.

There are friends, as the medicine, you look for their when you poorly.

There are friends as disease, they themselves seek you.

But there are friends like the air – you can't see them, but they are always with you.

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