Презентация на английском языке :"Подвиг новокузнечан в годы Великой отечественной войны"

Руденко Татьяна Александровна

В данной презентации ребята рассказывают о героях г. Новокузнецка в годы Великой отечественной войны. Материал подбирался и переводился на английский язык.


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Слайд 1

School №91 , 10A HEROIC FEATS

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

Boys and girls of different ages and professions came to the war as voluntaries. voluntaries

Слайд 4

Kartashov Gerold and Vera Solomina were among the heroes of Stalinsk . Vera Solomina H erold Kartashov Heroes of stalinsk

Слайд 5

Twenty-five year old girl was medical staff sergeant. Vera Solomina H eroes

Слайд 6

Solomina’s feats She helped 270 soldier at the battle field near Kursk. H eroes

Слайд 7

Solomina’s awards Order of the Red Star Order of Lenin H eroes

Слайд 8

The Order of Lenin named after the leader of the Russian October Revolution, was the highest decoration bestowed by the Soviet Union. order OF LENIN http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Lenin

Слайд 9

The Order of the Red Star was awarded to soldiers of the Soviet Army, Navy, border and internal security forces, employees of the State Security Committee of the USSR, as well as NCOs and officers of the bodies of internal affair. Order of the Red Star http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_the_Red_Star

Слайд 10

He was send to the army in October 1941 and was the gunner gun. h erold Kartashov H eroes

Слайд 11

Kartashov’s feats H eroes

Слайд 12

T he title of the hero of Soviet Union Kartashov’s awards H eroes

Слайд 13

Hero of the Soviet Union The title Hero of the Soviet Union was the highest distinction in the Soviet Union awarded personally or collectively for heroic feats in service to the Soviet state and society. http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero_of_the_Soviet_Union

Слайд 14

The special memorial with the names of soldiers was erected in Novokuznetsk in the memory of our heroes . The Boulevard of Heroes H eroes

Слайд 15

Views of boulevard

Слайд 16

memory of people killed in the war

Слайд 17

Creative group: Milevskiy Ilya Nesterova Tatiana Perepelkina Tatiana Uskova Alyona Thank you for your attention Start Finish School №91 , 10A