The Nutcracker

Шамигуллова Раиса Рафиковна

Сценарий к сказкЕ "Щелкунчик" (The Nutcracker) 


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Owl Clock

Toys: Bella, Daisy, Trudy, 1st Soldier, 2nd Soldier, 3rd Soldier

Captain Brown

Mouse queen

Mice (2 persons)


Dear guests! You surely know the fairy tale “The Nutcracker and the King of Mice” by Ernest Theodore Amadeus Hoffmann. There are a lot of versions of this story in ballet, in animation, in films, on TV and even in jazz. Today we present our version of this romantic story.

This story begins on Christmas Eve. Do you know, dear guests, what Christmas Eve is. It is the time when your house is decorated with bells and bright ribbons. It is the time when the Christmas Tree sparkles with candles and garlands. And, of course, it is the time when all boys and girls don’t  sleep till midnight and wait for presents. And it’s just the ime for magic!

Fritz and Marie believe in magic! Fritz is a clever and brave boy. He thinks that one day his toy soldiers will ride their horses, march on the floor, and Fritz will be their general. Marie, his elder sister, likes to dream about faraway countries and imagine that she is a princess in the dolls’kingdom. And I, her Godfather, am the only one who knows about her dreams.


Занавес закрыт, из-за занавеса выглядывают головы Мари и Франца, словно они смотрят в окно.

MARY: Look! The snow is falling! I’m waiting for my godfather; I want to see him very much. His presents are always unusual and nice!

FRANZ: Is he coming?

MARY: Not yet. But he’ll be here, Franz. It’s Christmas Eve. Nothing could stop him.

FRANZ: Oh, you are right! I’m sure he’ll tell us his beautiful fairy tale.  (Пауза)

MARY: Listen! Someone is coming.

FRANZ: Maybe it’s he, our Godfather Dross! Mother, father come here! Godfather Drosselmeyer has arrived. (появляются мама и папа)

(Музыка, пауза)

(Появляется крёстный Дросс.)

DROSS: Have no fear … Dross is here! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas, everyone!

MARY AND FRANZ: Godfather Dross! (подбегают к нему)

DROSS: The one and only!

MARY: We have been waiting and waiting.

DROSS: I’m a little late, but I’ve got a surprise for you.

MARY: Oh, please, let me see your surprise.

FRANZ: I’m older. I should open it.

(Франц разворачивает коробку, там кукольный замок.)

FRANZ (разочарованно): A doll’s house, how boring! It’s for you, Mary.

MARY: It’s wonderful!

FRANZ: The toys in it look like they are alive.

(Мэри разворачивает другую коробку, там щелкунчик.)

MARY: What’s this? A soldier? It’s for you, Franz.

FRANZ: It’s not a toy soldier; it hasn’t even got a sword!

DROSS: It’s not a toy soldier, it’s a nutcracker. This toy will carefully work for you all.

FRANZ: A nutcracker! I don’t even like nuts!

Mary: Work? How?

Mother: It will crack the nuts! Look! (показывает как)

Mary: How wonderful! Such a lovely toy!

Mother: If you like it, keep it and take care of it.

Franz: Ha, I don’t think your nutcracker has good teeth, good enough for this nut. (дает большой орех и ломает его).

Mary: Oh, poor, poor little man. You are cruel.

Franz: You’re a girl and can’t understand men. Keep your nutcracker and I’d better play with my soldies.

FATHER: I don’t like your words, Franz.

MARY: As for me, I like this nutcracker, he is nice.

MOTHER: Well, kids, it’s rather late.

FATHER: It’s time to go to bed. Good night everybody.

FATHER, MOTHER, MARY, FRITZ (обращаются к Drosselmeyers): Merry Christmas.  Thank you for coming. Goodbuy.

Все уходят. Идут часы.


Звучит бой часов (занавес закрыт)


To wit, to woo

To wit, to woo.

It’s twelve o’clock

Or quarter past

I feel excitement

Coming fast.

Dross: When the сlock struck twelve, the toys under the Christmas tree started to grow and grow and then they became big and alive.


It’s twelve o’clock

It’s the end of the day

It’s time for the toys

To come out and play!

 Wake up toys, wake up, don’t sleep.

(Ожившие куклы стоят перед елкой. Танец игрушек)

BELLA: Mister, please, don’t stand on my toes. I dance on my toes.

THE 1st SOLDIER: I’m terribly sorry, Miss…

BELLA: I’m Bella the ballerina. Look, I’ve got a pretty skirt and I’ve got such pretty shoes.

The 1st SOLDIER: Oh, you are charming!

BELLA: And you have got a sword!

(Впереди 2 куклы: Дейзи и Труди.)

DAISY: How boring! The toys are dull and old. And only I… am (смотрится в зеркало) beautiful.

TRUDY: Excuse me, who are you?

DAISY: I’m Daisy; I’m Mary’s new doll. And you, who are you?

TRUDY: I’m Trudy. I’m Mary’s favourite doll. Mary always plays with me.

DAISY: You? Favourite? Now I will be her favourite doll. She will play only with me.

(Появляется Мари.)

MARY: I can’t believe my eyes. My toys can speak and move without my help. It’s great!

TOYS: Merry Christmas, Mary.

CAPTAIN BROWN: Tonight is a magic night. Dear Mary, don’t be surprised!

(Слышен громкий шорох.)

MARY: Did you hear a noise? I wonder what it is.

The 2nd SOLDIER: I’m afraid it’s the Mouse Queen.

TOYS (шепчут): the Mouse Queen… the Mouse Queen …

MARY: The Mouse Queen… Who is the Mouse Queen? (Музыка)

(Появляется Королева мышей.)

MOUSE QUEEN: Where is the Nutcracker? I came here to fight with him and his toys. I need a magic nut Cracatuck!  Mice! Come to me. (На экране светящийся орех Кракатук)

 MICE (4): Here we are, Your Majesty!

MOUSE QUEEN: Let’s go and find the Nutcracker. Follow me!

 MICE: Yes, Your Majesty!

(Мыши уходят в танце, выходит Щелкунчик.)

BELLA: Nutcracker, our prince, you have come!

CAPTAIN BROWN: Here it is dangerous for you! If the Mouse Queen takes the magic nut, you’ll never become a prince!

3rd SOLDIER: The Mouse Queen wants to kill you.

4th SOLDIER: We’ll help you.

NUTCRACKER: Thank you for your help, but I must fight with the Mouse Queen one to one. I will fight with her and his mice.

The 1st SOLDIER: You can take my sword. Here it is (подаёт щелкунчику свою шпагу).

NUTCRACKER: Thank you, Soldier. (берёт его шпагу).

SOLDIERS: We’ll help you, our prince.

(Появляется Королева мышей с мышами. )

MOUSE QUEEN: Ha, ha, you are here, the Nutcracker, you and your stupid wooden dolls. Only I will be the Queen here! Mice, go!

Идёт борьба, музыка, Королева мышей шпагой ранит Щелкунчика, он падает, вбегает Мари

MARY: Stop! No! (бросает в Королеву туфлю) Go away! Go away, the Mouse Queen!

MOUSE QUEEN: O, I’m crushed! I will never be the Mouse Queen!

Куклы стоят вокруг Щелкунчика, Мари склонилась над ним.

MARY: Nutcracker, wake up! Please, wake up! I love you, my brave Nutcracker!

Щелкунчик встаёт уже без маски.

NUTCRACKER: Dear Mary, you saved me.

MARY: But you… You are so nice. What happened to your face? You are not a nutcracker! You are the prince, the prince of toys.

NUTCRACKER: It’s a long and sad story. It happened many years ago, I took the magic nut from the Mouse Queen and she turned me into a nutcracker. And only the love of a beautiful girl could help me. And you, dear Mary, and your kind heart, did it. Thank you!

The 3rd SOLDIER: Prince, we have no time.

TRUDY: The Mouse Queen will come back soon.

NUTCRACKER: You are right, let’s go!

MARY: Where will we go?

NUTCRACKER: I will show you my land of toys. And you will be the Queen of the toyland.

MARY: The land of toys! I have dreamed of being there.

(Финальный танец)

Все уходят.

Dross: So, now, do you believe in magic ?