Развитие личности ребенка средствами театрального искусства, как основа формирования интереса к обучению иностранного языка.

Кархардина Елена Ивановна

О работе театральной студии.


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Предварительный просмотр:

                                                         Театр-это волшебный мир ,в котором ребенок радуется,

                                                          а играя, познает окружающее…


Развитие личности ребенка средствами

Театрального искусства, как основа формирования интереса к обучению иностранного языка.

Цель: используя различные виды культурно-творческой деятельности обучающихся, средства театрального искусства создавать условия для формирования интереса для обучения иностранному языку.

Театр-объединение ,которое может организовать свою деятельность в комплексе самых разнообразных форм ,видов занятости, методов развития творческого потенциала личности  его актуализации.

В театре дети:

Учатся коллективной работе;

Учатся общаться со зрителями;

Учатся работе с партнерами;

Учатся творчески преломлять данные текста или сценария на сцене;

Учатся работе над характерами персонажей, мотивами их действий;

Учатся выразительному чтению текста на иностранном языке, работе над репликами, интонацией;

Учатся самокритике, веселому складу ума, умеющему подмечать и остроумно выставлять особенности  нравов ,поведения и обычаев;

Приобретают навыки критически оценивать как литературные произведения в целом, так и литературных героев;

Создают характер персонажа таким, каким они его видят ;

Методы работы: Создаются 7 творческих групп

1группа: Литературная(подбор литературного произведения);

2группа:Костюмеры (подбор костюмов для выбранного спектакля);

3группа: Художники –оформители (декорации для спектакля);




7группа:Рекламное агентство (изготовление афиши, реклама спектакля)

Театр- стартовая дорожка для формирования успешности.

Работа театральной студии на английском языке включает в себя разделы:

1.Театральная игра.

2.Культура и техника речи на английском языке.

3.Работа над спектаклем( отработка ролей, расстановка аспектов, подбор музыкального сопровождения, разработка декораций и костюмов).

4.Репетиционный период.

5.Премьера, (если требуется коррекция), а затем показ.

6.Основы театральной культуры

English Party “We love English”

Звучит музыка, песни на английском языке. В зале собираются зрители, жюри, участники. Появляется ведущий (Compere), музыка стихает.

        Compere: Dear friends! Ladies and gentlemen!

        I’m very glad to meet you here? In this beautiful hall to welcome you to the evening party “We love English”.

        Today we’ll speak  English, listen and sing English songs, listen and play English joker and games, and dance English dances/ in other words, we’ll enjoy English language today. So, we begin…

        Now I’ll present to you the participants of our party, the pupils of our school love English and know it. So meet…

        Now we are going to divide the participants into two teams. And that’s why I ask the participants to come out to my table and take a card (blue or red) and than take their seats at the tables (marked blue and red). So now we have two teams I want to introduce our honorable jury who will judge today’s contest…

        So, now we are ready for the first task of our contest. Attention, please. (звучит музыкальная заставка)

I. Now you have to think of names for your teams, to choose a captain and draw a symbol.  Is the task clear?

Everything necessary for this task you have on your tables. Ready, steady, go! Good luck!

White the teams are getting ready with their tasks, I want to address to you, dear fans.

Have you already decided what team you will be shouting for? If yes, you will be able to help your team win the contest.  You will be asked question, you will try to guess the words in charades. And the points you win will be added to the score of this or that team.

So will we try? OK, let’s begin.

  1. Which of the English fairy – tale characters said, “I have just been thinking. And I have come to a very important conclusion. There are the wrong sorts of bees!”

(Winnie-the Pooh)

  1. What English literary character pronounced “To Be or Not to Be”?


  1. What books did Lewis Carroll write for children and frown - ups?

(“Alice in Wonderland”, 1865 and

“Through the Looking – Glass,

And What Alice Found There”, 1871)

  1. Who are the main characters of Arthur Conan-Doyle’s detective stories?

(Sherlock Holmes and Dr, Watson)

  1. How many little dwarfs are there in the fairy-tale about Snow White?


  1. Who is the author of the play “Pygmalion”?

(George Bernard Show)

  1. How many persons was there the boat with J.K. Jerome?

(Two, Harris and George, to say

nothing of the dog)

  1. Where clouds appear wise men put on their cloaks.


  1. All the world's a stage.


  1.  And all the men and women are payers.
  2. There is no darkness but ignorance.

(The 12-th Night)

  1.  Wake hot a sleeping wolf.

(Henry IV)

Compere: So, I think our teams are ready and they will present their names, emblems and captains. The first team –begin, please.

        The jury will decide whose name and emblem is the best. (Max. 5 points.) Add the points won by the fans.


II. And now I’ll ask captains of the teams to come up here. They will take an envelope with the task.

  1. The task is to make a step and give a word on the topic from the envelope. Your task is to give as many words as you can. In other words, you have to go as far as you can. For example: sport – football, basketball, tennis, goal, goalkeeper, penalty and referee.


  • Seasons;
  • Home.
  1. The second task of the captains is to say the tongue – twister best and as quickly as possible.

She sells sea – shells on the sea – shore,

The shells she sells are sea – shells, I’m sure.

III. Our next task is as follows.

You will be given reproductions of two pictures: “Little Roque” by Joshua Reynolds, a great English painter of the XVIII century; “Eskimo in a Kayak” by Rockwell Kent, will have to bring them alive in a couple of minutes.

        Meanwhile – the word of the jury for the captains’ contest. (Max. 4 points.) Any comments? What is the score? Are the teams ready? So here you are! And now jury, your score. (Max. 2 points.)

IV. And now we pass to the next task (Drama).

The captains of teams will take envelopes with the texts of short jokes. In several minutes they have to stage them.

        Is the task clear?

  1. An absent – minded writer was very busy at desk one evening. Suddenly his son come into the room. “What do you want?” asked the father. “Oh, daddy”, said the boy, “I only want to say good night”. “I have no time”, answered his absentminded father. “Tell me tomorrow morning and if I’ve time, I’ll listen to you.”
  2. A big fat man called at the house of the woman well known for her charity.

“Madam”, he said in a sad voice. “I wish to draw your attention to a poor family in our street. The father is deed, the mother is too ill to work, and nine children are always hungry. They will be turned into the street if you don’t help them. Their tent is about twelve pounds”.

        “How terrible!”, exclaimed the woman, “May I ask you who you are?”

        The fat man put his handkerchief to his eyes and said, “I’m the landlord. They live in my house.”

        White the teams are getting ready with their plays I’ll ask the fans to guess the words in charades. Ready? Listen!

  1. My first is what boys and most girls wear on their heads in cold weather,

My second is the third person singular personal pronoun,

My third is an adjective –forming suffix,

My whole is the chief city of a state.


  1. My first is a preposition,

My second is a synonym of receive,

My whole is the antonyms of remember.


  1. My first is what we say when we agree,

My second is the first syllable of the word “terribly”,

My third is the antonym of “night”,

My whole is the day before today.


  1. My first is what we do after we up,

My second is the suffix of Participle I,

My third is the letter, which comes after “s”,

My fourth is a preposition,

My whole is the capital of a state.



The floor is given to our honorable jury. (Max. 5 points.)

(Звучит вальс)

V. Compere: Do you know what it is?

Yes, certainly, waltz. By the way, slow waltz was born in England. Have you heard such a name Waltz-Boston? It is from English.

Several other dances also bear English names. So now you will listen to the music, dance (yes, perform a dance) and afterwards tell what dance you have performed) and what that word means in English).

Ready, steady, go!

По очереди исполняются мелодии:

  1. Rock-n-roll – буквальный перевод «покачивать и перекачивать»;
  2. Quickstep – быстрый шаг;
  3. Foxtrot – лисичий шаг;
  4. Shake – трясти (сь)

После каждой мелодии спросить, что участники танцевали, и от чего исходит название.

VI. Compere: Our next task will deal with the Sights of London. You will be given pictures with the most famous places of in London. You will try to show them, so that the other team can recognize it. Is it task? O.K.

Tower Bridge.

Nelson Column in Trafalgar Square.

And the teams ready? Yes. Here you are!

So jury, the floor is iveng to you (Max. 3 points.)

The total score is: ……….

VII. For our next task I will need a boy and a girl from each team. The boy will sit on the chair. His eyes will be blinded with a scarf. The girl will get a card with commands written on it. She will read and the boy should fulfill them. The first command is “Stand up!” and the last is “Sit down!” If the boy cannot sit down, the girl may help him, but only with two more remarks. And the last command, nevertheless, will be “Sit down!” Is that clear?

5 steps


4 steps

4 steps

5 steps

Cards for girls

Stand up!

Go 4 steps forward!

Turn to the right!

Go 5 steps!

Turn to the right!

Go 4 steps!

Turn to the right!

Go 5 steps!

Sit down!

Stand up!

Go 4 steps forward!

Turn to the left!

Go 5 steps!

Turn to the left!

Go 4 steps!

Turn to the left!

Go 5 steps!

Sit down!

The floor is given to our jury. (Max. 4 points.)

The total score is …

VIII. Compere: And now our final task. Do you like to sing? Certainly, you do! Do you like to sing English songs? We’ll see it now.

Every team should choose the best singer and send him or her to the tape recorder. The competitor will put on earphones. He will hear the song all the sing it holding the microphone closes enough to his mouth.

There will be 2 tours in this contest. So let’s begin/

  1. It is my hear, my shoulders and my legs,

And my legs,

My hear, my shoulders and my legs.


It is my hands, my fingers and my arms,

And my arms.

My hands, my fingers and my arms.


  1. I am a robot,

I am a robot,

Look at my arms,

Look at my arms,

Look at my arms,

I am a robot,

Look at my arms,

My arms go up and down.

I am a robot,

Look at my legs,

Look at my legs,

Look at my legs,

I am a robot,

Look at my legs.

My arms go up and down.

I am a robot,

Look at my head. (Twice)

I am a robot,

Look at my head.

My arms go up and down.

  1. Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away.

How it looks as though they’re here to stay.

Oh, I believe in yesterday.


  1. Любая современная песня на английском языке.

Compere: so, for songs our honorable jury will give a maximum 5 points.

And while they are getting ready with a total score, the teams may sing their songs.

I want to thank all those who helped to organize this party: the participants, the jury, the fans, our teachers, pupils and our sponsors who prepared tasty presents.

The total score of our contest is… in favour of…

But I think there are none who lost in this contest. Because (all together) “We love English”

(Звучит музыка)