Мамедова Светлана Яшаровна

сайт учителя английского и японского языков


Профессия: учитель

Профессиональные интересы: самосовершенствование

Увлечения: путешествия

Страна: Россия

Регион: Хабаровский край

Населенный пункт: Хабаровск

Место работы: маоу сш с уиоп №80

Звание, ученая степень: -


Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:

Учитель иностранного языка специализируется на обучении школьников, студентов или взрослых, составляет учебные программы, объясняет материал, ищет подходы к учащимся, чтобы помочь им добиться лучших успехов в освоении языка.

О себе

I would like to describe my teacher of English. Her name is Olga Leonidovna, she is thirty five years old. She is a beautiful tall woman, she looks very young. She has got short black hair and grey eyes. She likes to wear stylish designer clothes and high heels and her clothes are always neat and clean. She is married and has got a little daughter.

Olga Leonidovna is very kind and calm. She doesn’t show bad attitude to pupils, even when they disobey. Her voice is soft, she seldom speaks loud. Sometimes it is difficult to hear what she says. But if the class is quiet, it’s okay.

Olga Leonidovna started to work at our school a few months ago and she gives a lot of lessons every week. I like her lessons, they are interesting and informative. It is easy to understand her explanations. She always gives bright examples. We learn new grammar rules by watching presentations. The presentations are prepared by Olga Leonidovna herself. Sometimes we watch movies and cartoons in English, it develops our hearing skill.

She speaks English all lesson long. At first, it was difficult to understand her, but then we got used to it. She wants us to speak English all the time, too. It is the most difficult task for me, but I do my best. I know that this practice is very useful.

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