Тренировочные задания по дисциплине "Деловое общение на иностранном языке"
тест по теме

Журавлева Виктория Владимировна

Лексико-грамматические упражнения для студентов экономических специальностей СПО 


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Предварительный просмотр:

1 Put the words in the right order to make questions

  1. is name  your What?
  2. work do you for Who?
  3. turnover What company’s the annual is?
  4. hotel many in rooms are How the there?
  5. name and Could give telephone your number me you?
  6. time train the does next leave What?
  7. there a to Is this plane Tokyo afternoon?

2 Match the numbers on the left with those on the right

  1. 194                         a quarter past nine in the evening
  2. 9.45 a.m.                b one thousand, nine hundred and forty five
  3. 1945                       c quarter to eight in the evening
  4. 9.15 p.m.                d one hundred and ninety four
  5. 1,945                      e nineteen forty five
  6. 19.45                      f nine forty five in the morning

Now  write these numbers in words

  1. 1998
  2. 10.30 a.m.
  3. 78,340
  4. 7.45 p.m.

3 Complete the mini-dialogues with these words: control, based, single, lounge, key, head, shower, ticket, factory, check in, employ, safe

In a hotel

A: So, that’s a 1 …..room with a 2 …    

B: Yes, that’s right.  For two nights.

A: Here’s your 3…Your room is on the 1st floor.

B: Thank you. Is there a 4…in the room for my valuables?

In a company

A: Is this the 5…office?

B: No, we are 6…in Ankara.

A: How many people do you 7….here?

B: Thirty-five, and another 150 in the new 8…

In an airport

A: Is this the 9….desk for Milan?

B: Yes, could I see your 10… and passport, please?

A: Excuse me. Where is the departure 11…?

B: Just go through  passport 12…, and you’ll see it, sir

4 Make questions from these phrases using the verb have/has

  1. ….many competitors?
  2. ….your company/ factories abroad?
  3. ….a subsidiary in Voronezh?
  4. …your head office/ many employees?
  5. ….a big market share?

5 Choose the right variant

  1. Have you got much/many luggage? No, just some/any/a suitcase
  2. I’ve got some/any/a new information for you
  3. Are there some/any/a rooms free tonight?
  4. How many/much wine can we import to France?
  5. Mary usually has some/any/a potatoes and some/any/a glass of   tomato juice for dinner

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