Active and passive voice exercise
тренажёр на тему

Пасенко Вера Васильевна

Active and passive voice exercise

Sentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the passive voice.

1. He teaches English.

2. The child is eating bananas.

3. She is writing a letter.

4. The master punished the servant.

5. He was writing a book.

6. Who wrote this letter?

7. Somebody cooks meal every day.

8. He wore a blue shirt.

9. May God bless you with happiness!

10. They are building a house.

11. I have finished the job.

12. I sent the report yesterday.

13. She bought a diamond necklace.

14. Somebody had stolen my purse.


1. English is taught by him.

2. Bananas are being eaten by the child.

3. A letter is being written by her.

4. The servant was punished by the master.

5. A book was being written by him.

6. By whom was this letter written?

7. Meal is cooked by someone every day.

8. A blue shirt was worn by him.

9. May you be blessed with happiness!

10. A house is being built by them.

11. The job has been finished by me.

12. The report was sent yesterday.

13. A diamond necklace was bought by her.

14. My purse had been stolen by somebody.



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Предварительный просмотр:

Active and passive voice exercise

Sentences are given in the active voice. Change them into the passive voice.

1. He teaches English.

2. The child is eating bananas.

3. She is writing a letter.

4. The master punished the servant.

5. He was writing a book.

6. Who wrote this letter?

7. Somebody cooks meal every day.

8. He wore a blue shirt.

9. May God bless you with happiness!

10. They are building a house.

11. I have finished the job.

12. I sent the report yesterday.

13. She bought a diamond necklace.

14. Somebody had stolen my purse.


1. English is taught by him.

2. Bananas are being eaten by the child.

3. A letter is being written by her.

4. The servant was punished by the master.

5. A book was being written by him.

6. By whom was this letter written?

7. Meal is cooked by someone every day.

8. A blue shirt was worn by him.

9. May you be blessed with happiness!

10. A house is being built by them.

11. The job has been finished by me.

12. The report was sent yesterday.

13. A diamond necklace was bought by her.

14. My purse had been stolen by somebody.

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