Gerund and Infinitive (A)
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Gerund and Infinitive (A)



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Gerund and Infinitive (A)

I. Choose the right sentence:

1. a) To eating is pleasant.    b) To eat is pleasant.       c) Eat is pleasant.

2. a)I asked her speaking slowly.  b) I asked her speak slowly.  c) I asked her to speak slowly.

3. a) I remember reading this article. b) I remember to read this article. c) I remember read this article

4.  a) My sister misses going to the mountains every weekend.

     b) My sister misses go to the mountains every weekend.

     c) My sister misses to go to the mountains every weekend

5.  a) Jane started to sing.  b) Jane started singing.   c) Jane started to singing.

6.  a)  I prefer to drink hot tea.   b) I prefer drinking hot tea.  c) I prefer drink hot tea.

7.  a) I'd prefer to drink hot tea. b) I'd prefer drinking hot tea. c) I'd prefer drink hot tea.

8. a) Let's to have dinner now. b) Let's have dinner now. c) Let's having dinner now.

9.  a) I'd rather go to bed.  b) I'd rather going to bed.  c) I'd rather to go to bed.

10. a) We'd better going now.  b) We'd better go now. c) We'd better to go now.

II. Fill in    to / -

  1. I enjoyed  ____meeting you on Sunday.
  2. She promised not ____ call me early in the morning?
  3. Mike and Alice stopped ____ have breakfast in the cafe.
  4. I must_____  finish it now.
  5. My teacher will make me _____ do the task now.
  6. I was made___  do the task now.
  7. We're sorry ____ hear the sad news.
  8. She's ready ____ start!
  9. Children go ____ skating every winter?
  10. It's nice ____ being with you.

  1. Fill in the right form and translate.
  1. Tracy enjoys ( cook ) healthy food.
  2. Tony dislikes (drink) milk.
  3. (Eat) chocolate can be good for you.
  4.  I’m looking forward to (attend) the dinner party tonight.
  5. I’m tired of (do) household chores all day.
  6. Jessica doesn’t mind (try) new food.
  7. We avoid (go) to expensive restaurants.
  8. I hope (become) a chef some day.
  9. This café is great!  It’s worth (wait) in the queue.
  10.  I’d like (send) Molly an e-mail now.

Gerund and Infinitive (B)

  1. Gerund or Infinitive
  1. My grandpa went on  (work) as an architect until he was in his eighties.
  2. The couple tried (to live) abroad but they didn't like it.
  3. After university Sam went on (to become) an artist.
  4. Schoolchildren need (to get up) early.
  5. Is she fond of  (to read)?
  6. There is no harm in (to leave) this place.
  7. It's up to you  (to decide).
  8. They want me (to help) them.
  9. My friend brought me a novel (to read).
  10. What do you think of (to invite) them to the party?

  1. Correct the mistakes:
  1. Leonard loves to riding.
  2. My cousin stopped to exchange a few words with her gardener.
  3. Remember buying some strawberry.
  4. I insist on to come in time.
  5. Mary has decided to apply for this job.
  6. Try using a pen instead of a pencil.
  7. We were surprised to know that.
  8. The doctor advised me taking this medicine.
  9. I heard a little girl to play the piano.
  10. I tried not to looking at the dead body.

  1. Open the brackets:
  1.  I’ll never forget …………………….. (sail) down the Volga on that lovely summer day.
  2. I am so sorry; I forgot …………………….. (let) you know.
  3. Don’t forget …………………….. (remind) them about the party.
  4. I remember …………………….. (see) you somewhere.
  5. Did you remember …………………….. (water) the plants today?
  6. We regret …………………….. (tell) you that you have failed this exam.
  7. He regrets …………………….. (make) that mistake; now he doesn’t have money.
  8. After learning Spanish, she went on …………………….. (make) dinner.
  9. They went on …………………….. (discuss) this question for hours.
  10. I’m sorry …………………….. (interrupt), but can I ask you something?
  11. Bob was sorry for …………………….. (shout) at his little sister.
  12. He stopped …………………….. (smoke) when he realised how dangerous it was.
  13. Amanda stopped …………………….. (have) a quick snack and then continued translating the article.
  14. You should try …………………….. (exercise), you may feel better.
  15. They tried …………………….. (lift) that tree trunk, but it was too heavy for them.
  16. Being a doctor means …………………….. (help) people.
  17. I am sorry; I didn’t mean …………………….. (hurt) you.

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