Geographical Survey
презентация к уроку

Галкова Ирина Александровна

The United States of America is the 4th largest country in the world after Russia, Canada and China. It lies in the central part of the North American Continent between the two oceans: the Atlantic Ocean in the East and the Pacific Ocean in the West.


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Слайд 1

United States of America

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Geographical Position The USA territory consists of 3 separate parts The United States Alaska Hawaii The US border on Canada and Mexico The US washed by Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico

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Nature The US is mostly situated in the temperate and subtropical zones. Alaska lies in the sub-arctic and arctic zones. The southern part of Florida and Hawaii are situated in the tropical zone .

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Coasts The coastline length of the US proper is 22,860 km. The Atlantic coast is mostly lowland and greatly indented. The Pacific coast is mountainous, in the northern part cut by numerous fiords.

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Relief The Appalachian Mountains – Аппалачские горы The Atlantic Lowland – Приатлантическая низменность The Central Plains – Центральные равнины The Great Plains – Великие равнины The Mexican Lowland – Примексиканская низменность

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The Cordillera – Кордильера The Brooks Range – Хребет Брукса The Yukon Tableland – Юконское плоскогорье The Aleutian Range – Алеутский хребет Mount McKinley – Гора Мак Кинли (6193м)

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The Rocky Mountains – скалистые горы The Columbia Plateau – Колумбийское плато The Great Basin – Большой бассейн The Death Valley – Долина смерти The Colorado Plateau – Плато Колорадо The Cascade Mountains – Каскадные горы The Sierra Nevada – Сьерра Невада The Willamette - Уилламетт The Californian Valley – Калифорнийская долина The Coastal Ranges – Береговые хребты

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Climate The northern part of the Pacific coast enjoys a moderate climate of temperate zones with a cool summer and a rather warm winter The southern part of the pacific coast has a Mediterranean climate: a hot, cloudless and dry summer and a cool and rain winter The climate on the Atlantic coast is continental-marine with cool summer and rather warm winters

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Inland Waters Mississippi Missouri Ohio Hudson Columbia River Colorado River Great Lakes ( Великие озера): Lake Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario The Niagara Falls ( Ниагарский водопад)

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Vegetation Pine – сосна Fir - ель Silver-fir - пихта Lime - липа Ash – ясень Oak - дуб Maple - клен Tulip-tree – тюльпановое дерево Magnolia - магнолия Laurel - лавр Sequoia - секвоя Red-wood – красное дерево

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