Контрольные срезы по лексико-грамматическому материалу
учебно-методический материал

Шевченко Виктория Ивановна

Контрольные срезы по лексико-грамматическому материалу разработаны для проверки  освоения изученного матерала по учебному предмету БУП.04 Иностранный язык. для студентов 1 курсов по профессиям 15.01.05 Сварщик (ручной и частично механизированной сварки (наплавки)) и 15.01.20 Слесарь по контрольно-измерительным приборам и автоматике . Контрольные срезы проводятся в конце изучения темы и разработаны в двух вариантах. Они  состоят из: 1) контроль лексики; 2) контроль грамматического материала; 3) контроль перевода и понимания текста.


Предварительный просмотр:

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Описание человека» (My appearance)

Вариант 1

1. Переведите с английского на русский следующие слова и выражения

1) with glasses

2) slim

3) strong

4) pale skin

5) dark hair

6) blue eyes

7) round face

8) with a beard

9) tall

10) curly hair

           2. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного

1. Mum is ... than Dad.

a) older; b) the oldest; c) more old.

2.  Olga's hair is ... than Jim's hair.

a) short; b) the shortest; c) shorter.

3.  I am ... than my friend.

a) slower; b) slow; c) the slowest.

4. My book is interesting. But your book is

a) interestinger; b) more interesting;

c) the most interesting.

5. The weather is hot in summer in our

country. But in Africa the weather is the ....

a) hottest; b) hot; c) hotter.

 6. My friend is a smart girl. She is the ... in our class.

a) smart; b) the smartest; c) smarter.

7. Your car is comfortable. His car is ... than yours.

a) more comfortable; b) the most comfortable; c) comfortabler.

8. This music-group is popular. But the ... group is the "Beatles".

a) popular; b) most popular; c) more popular.

3. Прочитайте предложения. Если предложение составлено правильно, напротив него напишите right, если неправильно – wrong. Неправильные предложения исправьте.

  1. I’m busier than my little sister.
  2. London is more old than New York.
  3. My friends are the goodest in the world.
  4. Do you know the shortest way to the station?
  5. This exercise is more difficult than that one.
  6. Be attentiver at your lessons, please.
  7. She is the most pretty girl in the class.
  8. The boy is as taller as his father.

4. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст. Выполните задания к тексту.

The most popular English personalities

 Prince William Arthur Philip Louis was twenty years old on June 21st 2002. He is a very popular member of the Royal family and looks like his mother. Princess Diana. Like his father. Prince William went to Eton College, exclusive boys - only boarding school. He left it in 2000 and then went to Chile to help in charity project with Raleigh International.

 At the moment he is studying Art history at St. Andrew's University in Scotland. The Prince likes to be active and loves sport, especially swimming, tennis, skiing, rowing, and cycling.

After University Prince William is going to join the army or navy. This is a family tradition. The prince does not want to become King, but one day in the future people will call him King William the 3d of England.

1. Эти утверждения верны (true) или неверны (false). Исправьте неверные утверждения.

1) The public like Prince William very much.

2) There are no girls at Eton College.

3) Prince William is Irish.

4) Like his father and grandfather. Prince William is going to join the army.

5) The Prince wants to become King.

 2. Ответьте на вопросы                          

1) How old is Prince William now?

2) What are Prince William’s hobbies?

3) What is the family tradition?

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Описание человека»

Вариант 2


1. Переведите с английского на русский следующие слова и выражения

1)  nice

2) with a moustache

3) plump

4) well-built

5) grey hair

6) green eyes

7) long face

8) with glasses

9) short

10)  snub nose

2. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного.

1. My brother is ... than your brother.

a) the tallest; b) tall; c) taller.

2. Peter is the ... in our class.

a) taller; b) tallest; e) tall.

3.  I am ... than he.

a) strong; b) stronger; c) the strong

4. The elephant is ... than  the mouse.

   a) the biggest; b) big; c) bigger.

5. She is the ... in the world.

a) beautiful; b) more beautiful; c) most                     beautiful.

6. This car is ... than that one.

  a) more expensive; b) the most                expensive; c) expensiver.

 a) more old; b) the oldest; c) older.

7. This film is as ... as that one.

a) more interesting; b) interesting; c) most interesting.

 8. You are a lazy boy. Peter is ... than you.

    a) lazy; b) the laziest; c) lazier

3. Прочитайте предложения. Если предложение составлено правильно, напротив него напишите right, если неправильно – wrong. Неправильные предложения исправьте.

  1.  You are the most beautiful in the world.
  2. Baseball is the popularest summer sport in America.
  3. Yesterday he started to feel more bad.
  4. Soon it began to get more darker and it was time to go back home.
  5. He said that money was the most important to him.
  6. This film is gooder that one.
  7. Mary’s answer is correcter than yours.
  8. Can you come earlier next time?

4.  Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст. Выполните задания к тексту.

The most popular English personalities

 Prince William Arthur Philip Louis was twenty years old on June 21st 2002. He is a very popular member of the Royal family and looks like his mother. Princess Diana. Like his father. Prince William went to Eton College, exclusive boys - only boarding school. He left it in 2000 and then went to Chile to help in charity project with Raleigh International.

 At the moment he is studying Art history at St. Andrew's University in Scotland. The Prince likes to be active and loves sport, especially swimming, tennis, skiing, rowing, and cycling.

After University Prince William is going to join the army or navy. This is a family tradition. The prince does not want to become King, but one day in the future people will call him King William the 3d of England.

1. Эти утверждения верны (true) или неверны (false). Исправьте неверные утверждения.

1) The public like Prince William very much.

2) There are no girls at Eton College.

3) Prince William is Irish.

4) Like his father and grandfather. Prince William is going to join the army.

5) The Prince wants to become King.

 2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы

1) How old is Prince William now?

2) What are Prince William’s hobbies?

3) What is the family tradition?

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Моя семья»

Вариант 1

1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык.

  1. Our family
  2. their aunt
  3. your niece
  4. their nephew
  5. their grandfather
  6. your grandchildren
  7. his granddaughter
  8. our mother
  9. his daughter
  10. my sister
  11. our grandparents
  12. her mother-in-law
  13. my close relatives
  14. twins
  15. his great-grandson

2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в настоящее простое время (Present Simple) и дополните предложения.

(to get up, to study, to watch, to go, to live)

1. Ben _______ at 6.30 every morning.

2. They _______ very hard at school.

3. He _______ television after school.

4. You _______ to work every day.

5. I _______ in Moscow with my family.

3. Образуйте отрицательную форму следующих предложений.

1. They often walk in the park.

2. Pete always helps his mother.

4. Дополните предложения вопросительными словами do или does.

  1. _______ they play tennis after school?
  2. _______ your mum surf the Internet?
  3. _______ Tom like his sister?
  4. _______  she work at school?
  5. _______ you want to play chess?

5*. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

There was once a very rich sick lady whose husband had died, and whose children had married and gone to live in foreign countries. When she reached the age of 80 and was too old to look after herself, she went to live in an expensive and comfortable hotel near the sea in the south. This rich old lady had a pair of nasty dogs which she loved dearly. They lived in the hotel with her and went wherever she did. There was a young waiter at the hotel who did everything he could to help the old lady and be nice to her. He even pretended to like her unpleasant dogs and offered to look after them in his free time. He fed them, cleaned and looked after them, took them for daily walks for some years.

The young waiter did not doubt that when the rich widow died she would leave him a lot of money, to pay him for everything that he had done for her dogs. But when she died a few years later he soon discovered that she had left him only two things which she loved most in the world, and she thought he loved too ― her dogs. All her money and jewellery went to her children, who had never done anything for her.

  1. Which of the given statements is true?
  1. The old lady had no children but she had a husband.
  2. The old lady had children but she had no husband.
  3. The old lady had neither children nor a husband.
  1. Why did the old lady move to a hotel?
  1. She couldn’t take care of herself
  2. Life was too expensive in her home town.
  3. Her children asked her to do so.
  1. How did the young waiter treat the dogs?
  1. He really loved them and took care of them.
  2. He hated them and did not look after them.
  3. He disliked them but took care of them.
  1. Why did the old lady leave the dogs to the waiter?
  1. She thought he would be happy with them.
  2. She wanted to punish him.
  3. She loved the waiter most of all in the world.
  1. What did the waiter expect to get from the lady after her death?
  1. Her dogs.
  2. Part of her money.
  3. Nothing.

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Моя семья»

Вариант 2

1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык

  1. his cousin
  2. her uncle
  3. our grandmother
  4. her husband
  5. his wife
  6. her grandson
  7. their parents
  8. her father
  9. their son
  10. your married brother
  11. my father-in-law
  12. your distant relatives
  13. twins
  14. their great-granddaughter
  15. our parents

2. Дополните предложения, используя глаголы, данные в скобках

(to play, to do, to drive, to live, to listen)

1. I _______ my homework every evening.

2. My cousins _______ in London.

3. My Uncle Mike _______ a bus.

4. They _______ football at the weekend.

5. She _______ to music on the bus.

3. Образуйте отрицательную форму следующих предложений

1. You play football every Sunday.

2. Kate lives in this town.

4. Дополните предложения вопросительными словами do или does

1.        _______ your friends often walk in the park?

2.        _______ they play tennis every day?

3.        _______ Jane work at the hospital?

4.        _______   he usually clean the flat?

5.        _______ you love your family?


5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы.

There was once a very rich sick lady whose husband had died, and whose children had married and gone to live in foreign countries. When she reached the age of 80 and was too old to look after herself, she went to live in an expensive and comfortable hotel near the sea in the south. This rich old lady had a pair of nasty dogs which she loved dearly. They lived in the hotel with her and went wherever she did. There was a young waiter at the hotel who did everything he could to help the old lady and be nice to her. He even pretended to like her unpleasant dogs and offered to look after them in his free time. He fed them, cleaned and looked after them, took them for daily walks for some years.

The young waiter did not doubt that when the rich widow died she would leave him a lot of money, to pay him for everything that he had done for her dogs. But when she died a few years later he soon discovered that she had left him only two things which she loved most in the world, and she thought he loved too ― her dogs. All her money and jewellery went to her children, who had never done anything for her.

1. Which of the given statements is true?

а) The old lady had no children but she had a husband.

b) The old lady had children but she had no husband.

c) The old lady had neither children nor a husband.

2. Why did the old lady move to a hotel?

a) She couldn’t take care of herself

b) Life was too expensive in her home town.

c) Her children asked her to do so.

3. How did the young waiter treat the dogs?

a) He really loved them and took care of them.

b) He hated them and did not look after them.

c) He disliked them but took care of them.

5. Why did the old lady leave the dogs to the waiter?

a) She thought he would be happy with them.

b) She wanted to punish him.

c) She loved the waiter most of all in the world.

6. What did the waiter expect to get from the lady after her death?

  1. Her dogs.
  2. Part of her money.
  3. Nothing.

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Описание жилища» (My flat/my house)

Вариант 1

1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык

1) block of flats

2) entry phone

3) wallpaper

4) to be on fashion

5) central heating

6) wall unit

7) dressing table

8) to arrange

9) study

10) flat-screen TV

11) cosy

12) bedroom

13) comfortable



2. Вставьте правильную форму глагола «to be» (is/are). Переведите данные предложения.

1) There ... three bananas in the box.

2) There ... some butter on the plate.

3) There ... two chairs near the table.

4) There ... a cat under the sofa.


3. Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы следующих предложений.

1) There is a big tree in the garden.

2) There are 11 players in a football team.

4. Выберите правильный перевод вопросов на английский язык

1) Около стены есть диван?

  1. Are there sofas under the wall?
  2. Is there a sofa near the wall?
  3. Is there a table on the wall?

2) На стенах много картин?

a) Are there many pictures on the walls?

  1. Is there a picture on the wall?

с) Are there flowers on the wall?

             5. Соотнесите английские предлоги с русскими:

  1. in the middle of
  2. under
  3. in the corner
  4. next to
  5. between
  6. in front of
  1. между
  2. в середине
  3. ниже, под
  4. спереди
  5. в углу
  6. рядом с

6*. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы.

My family lives in a big house. There are five rooms in the house: a living-room, dining-room, bedroom, children’s room and a study. Also there is a hall, kitchen and a bathroom in the house. The living-room is the biggest and the nicest in the house. The dining-room is smaller than the living-room, but bigger than the kitchen. The bedroom is as big as the children’s room. The bedroom and the children’s room are the coziest rooms in the house. The study is smaller than the bedroom, but it is very comfortable. The kitchen is bigger than the study. The bathroom is not so small as the hall. So the hall is the smallest place in the house.

  1. How many rooms are there in the house?
  2. What room is the biggest in the house?
  3. What is bigger: the dining-room or the kitchen?
  4. What is smaller: the study or the bedroom?
  5. Which room is the nicest in the house?
  6. Which rooms are the coziest in the house?
  7. What place is the smallest in the house?

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Мой дом»

Вариант 2

1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык

1) modern conveniences

2) running hot and cold water

3) stylish

4) rubbish chute

5) stool

6) to be out of fashion

7) bedside table

8) cosy kitchen

9) hall

10) fireplace

11) furniture

12) carpet

13) built-in wardrobe


2. Вставьте правильную форму глагола «to be» (is/are). Переведите данные предложения. 

1) There ... a dog under the table.

2)There ...  many sweets in the box.

3)There ... a picture on the wall.

4) There ... some books near the bag.


3. Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы следующих предложений.


1) There is a good film on TV tonight.

2) There are seven days in a week.

4. Выберите правильный перевод вопросов на английский язык.

1) В вазе много цветов?

a)        Is there a flower in the vase?

b)        Are there many flowers in the vase?

c)        Are there sweets in the vase?

2) Под столом есть кошка?

  1. Is there a cat under the box?
  2. Are there a cat under the table?
  3. Is there a cat under the table?

              5. Соотнесите английские предлоги с русскими:

  1. in the middle of
  2. under
  3. in the corner
  4. next to
  5. between
  6. in front of
  1. между
  2. в середине
  3. ниже, под
  4. спереди
  5. в углу
  6. рядом с


6*. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы.

My family lives in a big house. There are five rooms in the house: a living-room, dining-room, bedroom, children’s room and a study. Also there is a hall, kitchen and a bathroom in the house. The living-room is the biggest and the nicest in the house. The dining-room is smaller than the living-room, but bigger than the kitchen. The bedroom is as big as the children’s room. The bedroom and the children’s room are the coziest rooms in the house. The study is smaller than the bedroom, but it is very comfortable. The kitchen is bigger than the study. The bathroom is not so small as the hall. So the hall is the smallest place in the house.

1.        How many rooms are there in the house?

2.        What room is the biggest in the house?

3.        What is bigger: the dining-room or the kitchen?

4.        What is smaller: the study or the bedroom?

5.        Which room is the nicest in the house?

6.        Which rooms are the coziest in the house?

7.        What place is the smallest in the house?

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «My working day (Мой рабочий день)»

Вариант 1

1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык

1) working day

2) to get up

3)  to have four classes a day

4) different subjects

5) to do morning exercises

6) to have dinner  

7) to come home

8) break

9) my groupmates

10) to go to the canteen  

11) to go to college by bus

12) to clean the room

13) to surf the Internet

2. Переведите выражения с английского на русский, обращая внимания на предлоги времени.

  1. on Monday morning
  2. in the evening
  3. at eight am
  4. for breakfast
  5. in time
  6. from five till six

3. Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы следующих предложений

1)  It was the best day in my life.

2) They were in Turkey last year.

4. Заполните пропуски подходящей формой глагола «to be» в Past Simple (was/were)

1. He … at Minsk last week.

2. My friends … on holiday in Brazil last month.

3. The weather … nice yesterday.

4. They …not at college last Monday.

5. You … happy.

6. I ill last week.

7. We … tired after the journey but we ... not hungry.

8. The shops … not open yesterday.

9. Last year Kate … 18 years old.

10. When I … a child, I … afraid of dogs.

5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы.

After her husband had gone to work, Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom to do some cleaning. But she was too excited to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going out with her husband to a fancy-dress ball. She intended to be dressed as a ghost. And as she had made her costume the previous night, she wanted to try it on.

After putting it on, Mrs Richards went downstairs to see if it would be comfortable to wear. Just as she was entering the dining-room there was a knock on the door. She knew it must be the baker. She had told him to come straight in and leave the bread on the kitchen table.

Suddenly she remembered she had a strange costume on. But as she had no time to change her dress she hid herself in a store-room under the stairs.

The baker entered the house and finding nobody in put the bread on the table as he had been told. On leaving the house he mixed the doors and opened the store-room door. He let out a cry and jumped back. In vain she tried to call him to explain the situation. In fear and panic he took to his heels slamming the door behind him. "A ghost! A ghost!", he cried running down the street."

1.        Why didn't Mrs. Richards want to do housework that morning?

a)        She had something. else to do.

b)        She had some guests.

c)        She wanted to have a rest.

2.        Where was she going in the evening.

a)        on a trip to Italy

b)        to the airport

c)        to an entertaining party

3.        When did she make her costume?

a)        a week ago

b)        the night before

c)        two days ago

4.        Why did Mrs Richards hide in the store-room?

a)        She wanted to watch him.

b)        She didn't want to speak to him.

c)        She didn't want to frighten him.

5.        What did the man do when he     saw him?

a)        He attacked her.

b)        He rushed out.

c)        He walked out proudly.

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «My working day (Мой рабочий день)»

Вариант 2

1. Переведите на русский язык слова и словосочетания

1) to take (have) a shower

2) classes start at nine o’clock

3) to wake up

4) classes are over

5) to get dressed

6) to take a bus

7) to have supper

8) to do homework

9) to miss lessons

10) to help about the house

11) to go for a walk

12) to clean teeth

2. Переведите выражения с английского на русский, обращая внимания на предлоги                            времени.

  1. on Sunday evening
  2. in the morning
  3. at four pm
  4. for supper
  5. on time
  6. from nine till ten

3. Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы следующих предложений

 1)   You were at the skating rink yesterday.

2)  She was a champion last year.

4. Заполните пропуски подходящей формой глагола «to be» в Past Simple (was/were)

1) She … in the café yesterday.

 2) The books … in the bag.

3) We … at the concert last night.

4) The hotel … very comfortable and it ... expensive.

5) Where ... you at3 o’clock yesterday morning?

6) I … in Moscow last week.

7) I phoned you yesterday but you … not at home.

8) George … not at work last week because he … ill.

9.) They … so happy to see me.

10) You … not at the concert last night

5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

After her husband had gone to work, Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom to do some cleaning. But she was too excited to do any housework that morning, for in the evening she would be going out with her husband to a fancy-dress ball. She intended to be dressed as a ghost. And as she had made her costume the previous night, she wanted to try it on.

After putting it on, Mrs Richards went downstairs to see if it would be comfortable to wear. Just as she was entering the dining-room there was a knock on the door. She knew it must be the baker. She had told him to come straight in and leave the bread on the kitchen table.

Suddenly she remembered she had a strange costume on. But as she had no time to change her dress she hid herself in a store-room under the stairs.

The baker entered the house and finding nobody in put the bread on the table as he had been told. On leaving the house he mixed the doors and opened the store-room door. He let out a cry and jumped back. In vain she tried to call him to explain the situation. In fear and panic he took to his heels slamming the door behind him. "A ghost! A ghost!", he cried running down the street."

1.        Why didn't Mrs. Richards want to do housework that morning?

a)        She had something. else to do.

b)        She had some guests.

c)        She wanted to have a rest.

2.        Where was she going in the evening.

a)        on a trip to Italy

b)        to the airport

c)        to an entertaining party

3.        When did she make her costume?

a)        a week ago

b)        the night before

c)        two days ago

4.        Why did Mrs Richards hide in the store-room?

a)        She wanted to watch him.

b)        She didn't want to speak to him.

c)        She didn't want to frighten him.

5.        What did the man do when he saw him?

a)        He attacked her.

b)        He rushed out.

c)        He walked out proudly.

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Sport and health» («Здоровье и спорт»)

Вариант 1

1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык

1) to train in clubs and sections

2) sport competition

3) cycle races

4) player

5) to win

6) physical training lesson

7) to go in for sport

8) skiing

9)  international championship

10) to take care of health

11) winter sports

12) team

2. Поставьте глаголы в прошедшее простое время  (Past Simple)

  1. Be
  2. give
  3. play
  4. write
  5. read
  6. go
  7. sing
  8. invite
  9. speak
  10. win
  11. want
  12. clean
  13. work
  14.  break

3. Переведите предложения. Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы данных предложений.

1)  We were at the sports ground yesterday.

2) You won gold medal last year.

3)  He was a good football player.

4)They organized sports competitions two weeks ago.

4. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени (Present Simple or Past Simple)

1. They (to play) tennis every day.

2. They (to play) basketball yesterday.

3. He (not to live) in Dubai.  

4. He (not to live) in Dubai last year.

5. You (to swim) in the swimming pool twice a week?

6. You (to swim) in the swimming pool yesterday?

5. Прочитай текст. Вместо пропуска выбери подходящее по смыслу слово.  


There is a certain type of(1) ______ called rugby. The game is called so because it was originated at Rugby — a well-known English public school. As well as common football it is a game played by two(2) _____ of fifteen (3)______ each. The game takes place on a field 100 meters long and 80 meters wide. There are goal posts at both ends of the field. Rugby is played with an oval or egg-shaped ball which can be carried by hands and kicked. The (4)______ is passed from hand to hand in order to be thrown across the goal line. It is a rather violent(5) ______, which is why the players must be big and strong. Another requirement for the players is to wear helmets, masks and chest and shoulder padding.

Game, football, players, teams, ball.  

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Sport and health» («Здоровье и спорт»)

Вариант 2

1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык


1) to lose

2) horse races

3) to jog in the morning

4) skating

5) popular kinds of sport

6) to do morning exercises

7) opponent

8) sports ground

9) to play in the open air

10) summer sports

11) sport competition

12) swimming pool


2. Поставьте глаголы в прошедшее время

  1. walk
  2. dream
  3. wash
  4. bring
  5. like
  6. skate
  7. speak
  8. meet
  9. go
  10. watch
  11. make
  12. cook
  13. play
  14. listen

3. Переведите предложения. Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную формы данных предложений.

1) They were at the stadium yesterday.

3) You went to sports school last year.

2)  He was a good boxer.

4) He watched sport news on TV.

4. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени (Present Simple or Past Simple).

1. I (to go) to the gym at seven o'clock every day.

2. I (to go) to the gym at six o'clock yesterday.

3. John usually (to listened) to sport news.

4. Yesterday John (to listened) to pop music.

5. They (to like) to skate on Sundays?

6. They (to like) to skate last week?


  1. Прочитай текст. Вместо пропуска выбери подходящее по смыслу слово.  


Cricket is a popular summer sport in Britain. There are many cricket clubs in the country. Cricket (1)____wear a certain uniform — white boots, a white T-shirt and white trousers. One cricket (2)______ takes a terribly long time. There are two teams of 11(3) ______ each and test matches between national teams can last up to 5 days. The spectators have to be very patient. The game is played on a pitch with a wicket at each end. The (4)_____ of the game have changed over the years. It is a game which is associated with long sunny summer afternoons, the smell of new-mown grass and the sound of leather (5)_____ beating the willow cricket bat. Cricket is more popular among men, but it is also played by women and girls.

Players, ball, game, rules, player.  

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Hobbies» (Увлечения)

Вариант 1

1. Переведите на русский язык следующие   слова и словосочетания:      

1) to pass (to spend)  free time

2)  pursuit for men

3) to collect coins

4) popular occupation

5) entertainment

6) playing chess

7) post cards

8) to surf the Internet

9) leasure

10) horse riding

11) diving

12) to be fond of music

  2. Поставьте предложение в вопросительную и отрицательную форму в Future Simple

1) They will play tennis next Monday.

2) Kate will go to the cinema tomorrow evening.

3. Поставьте глагол в одно из времен системы Simple:

  1. I (to visit) my grandmother next week.
  2. Boys (to speak) English at the lesson yesterday.
  3. He always (to help) his parents in the garden.
  4. We (to watch) this film 2days ago.
  5. They usually (to play) football on Sundays.
  6. Jane (to go) to Moscow tomorrow morning.

4. Исправьте ошибки в предложении

  1. You will call me?
  2. Did you met your friends at the station?
  3. He usually come home at 6 p.m.
  4. You does not speak English.

5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы.

The Theatre Royal in Drury Lane is one of the oldest theatres in London. Today most people call it Drury Lane by the name of the street in which it stands. The theatre has many traditions. One of them is the Badeley Cake, which began in 18-th century. Robert Badeley was a pastry cook who became an actor and joined the Theatre Royal. He was a good actor and the plays in which he acted were always a great success with the people of London.

When Robert Badeley was very old, he left some money to the theatre. Robert Badeley asked to buy a cake and offered a piece of it to each actor and actress of the theatre on Twelfth Night is the sixth of January, the twelfth night after Christmas.

So, after the evening performance on the Twelfth Night, the actors and actresses come down into the hall in their stage and eat the Badeley Cake.

  1. Why is the theatre called Drury Lane?
  1. It is founded by Drury Lane.
  2. It is situated in Drury Lane Street.
  3. It is one of the oldest theatres.
  1. What is Badeley cake?
  1. It is one of the theatre’s traditions.
  2. It is a cake baked by Badeley.
  3. It is a performance.
  1. Before he became an actor Robert Badeley
  1. was a butcher
  2. worked in an office
  3. worked in the kitchen
  1. What did Badeley leave the money for?
  1. for paying the best actor
  2. for treating every actor to a piece of cake
  3. for buying a cake after the New Year
  1. Why did the actors and actresses come down into the hall?
  1. To change their clothes
  2. To see each other
  3. To have a break


 The first stamp in the world was an English stamp. It was made in 1840 to pay the postage on letters going to different parts of the country.

Stamps are always interesting because they have pictures on them of the countries they came from; pictures of animals and birds living in jungles or on far-away islands; and pictures showing people dressed in their national costumes.

 A stamp collection is not only a good textbook of history and geography. It is also a source of information on many other subjects.

Sometimes there are mistakes on stamps. For example, the St. Kitts and Nevis stamp, issued in 1903, showed Christopher Columbus looking through a telescope, an instrument which was unknown in his day. On a German stamp, issued in 1956 in commemoration of the composer Schumann, the music printed on the stamp was not written by Schumann. The people knowing music well saw this mistake at once.

   Определите верны ли следующие предложения. Выберите T, если утверждение верно и F, если неверно:

  1. The first stamp in the world was made in the USA. T F
  2. The first stamp appeared in the 19-century. T F
  3. A telescope was already known in the time of Columbus. T F
  4. In 1956 a stamp in commemoration of Shubert was made. T F


Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Hobbies» (Увлечения)

Вариант 2

1. Переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык

1) to collect matchboxes

2) pursuit for women

3) knitting

4) popular occupation

5) to pass (to spend) free time

6) stamp collecting

7) entertainment

8) cooking

9) pastime

10) to be fond of travelling

10) fishing

11) reading

12) to go in for sport

  2. Поставьте предложение в вопросительную и отрицательную форму в Future Simple

1) I will invite my friends next Sunday.

2) They will meet me tomorrow morning.

3. Поставьте глагол в одно из времен системы Simple

  1. He (to translate) this text last week.

2) I (to watch) TV almost every evening.

3) She (to study) at college next year.

4) We (to go) to the cinema yesterday.

  1. My friends (to come) to Moscow tomorrow evening.  
  2. Jack often (to visit) his friends in Moscow.

4. Исправьте ошибки в предложении

  1. Is Ivan will go to work tomorrow?
  2. We go to a movie yesterday night.
  3. Kate drink a cup of black coffee every morning.
  4.  They does not play football every day.

5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

 The Theatre Royal in Drury Lane is one of the oldest theatres in London. Today most people call it Drury Lane by the name of the street in which it stands. The theatre has many traditions. One of them is the Badeley Cake, which began in 18-th century. Robert Badeley was a pastry cook who became an actor and joined the Theatre Royal. He was a good actor and the plays in which he acted were always a great success with the people of London.

When Robert Badeley was very old, he left some money to the theatre. Robert Badeley asked to buy a cake and offered a piece of it to each actor and actress of the theatre on Twelfth Night is the sixth of January, the twelfth night after Christmas.

So, after the evening performance on the Twelfth Night, the actors and actresses come down into the hall in their stage and eat the Badeley Cake.

  1. Why is the theatre called Drury Lane?
  1. It is founded by Drury Lane.
  2. It is situated in Drury Lane Street.
  3. It is one of the oldest theatres.
  1. What is Badeley cake?
  1. It is one of the theatre’s traditions.
  2. It is a cake baked by Badeley.
  3. It is a performance.
  1. Before he became an actor Robert Badeley
  1. was a butcher
  2. worked in an office
  3. worked in the kitchen
  1. What did Badeley leave the money for?
  1. for paying the best actor
  2. for treating every actor to a piece of cake
  3. for buying a cake after the New Year
  1. Why did the actors and actresses come down into the hall?
  1. To change their clothes
  2. To see each other
  3. To have a break

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Shopping» («Покупки»)

Вариант 1

1. Переведите на русский язык следующие   слова и словосочетания:      

1) to go (do) shopping

2) baker’s

3) ready-weighed and packed

4) department store

5) to buy

6) to change money

7) greengrocer’s

8) cash desk

9) customer

10) pasta

11)  size

12) apple juice

 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени и в нужной   форме (Present Simple or Present Continuous)

  1. It ________ (snow) now.
  2. Every day father _________ (leave) the house at half past eight. 
  3. Now we __________ (sit) in armchairs and (watch/are watching) TV.
  4. It _________ (rain) now.
  5. My brother ________ (talk) to Tom now. 
  6. She _______ (write) letters to her mother every week. 
  7. In summer we usually _________ (go) to the seaside. 
  8. We always _____ (spend) the summer in York. 
  9. Father _____ (sit) on the sofa now. 
  10.  Не often ______ (go) to the cinema.

3. Составьте отрицание. Make the sentences negative.

  1. We are watching a television programme now.
  2. We watch television every day. 
  3. Mr Johnson is eating his lunch now.
  4. Mr Johnson always eats at that cafe. 
  5. It is raining at the moment.

4. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их. Correct the mistakes.

  1. We doesn’t go shopping every day. 
  2. We are have a good time now.
  3. He like black coffee.
  4.  At the moment Peter is work in Russia.
  5.  Do she often buy apples?

5. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в Present Continuous:

This is a holidays. There are a lot of children have rest. Little boy (to climb) the tree but his mother (not to see) it. There are some women here, they (to stand) nearby and (to talk). Little children (not to swim), they (to help) to tidy up the rooms. They (to swept) the floor and (to make) the beds. They (to play) computer games.

5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

A farmer came to town to do some shopping. He had bought what he wanted and was going to leave the shop, but the shop-keeper would not let him go. He said: “Look here, farmer Jones. I have some very good bicycles to sell. They are very cheap. I can sell you a very good bicycle for $35. I’m sure it will be very useful. You can ride around your farm on it every day.”

“Oh, no,” said the farmer I do not want a bicycle. With this money I can buy a cow. And a cow is certainly more useful in my farm than a bicycle.” “But you cannot go to town on a cow,” said the shop-keeper. “That is funny!” “Well, I do not know what is funnier,” said the farmer. “To ride a cow or to milk a bicycle.”

  1. Why did the farmer go to town?
  1. to meet his friend
  2. to by a bicycle
  3. to by some necessary things in the shop
  1. Why didn’t the shop-keeper let him go?
  1. he wanted the farmer to buy a bicycle.
  2. The farmer had forgotten to buy a bicycle.
  3. He wanted to take $35 from the farmer.
  1. What would the farmer rather do with money?
  1. go to the restaurant
  2. buy some grass for his cow
  3. spend his money on buying a domestic animal
  1. What did the shop-keeper find funny?
  1. having a bicycle
  2. going to the village on cowback
  3. going to town on foot
  1. What did the farmer find more useful?
  1. to have a cow to milk it
  2. to have a bicycle for going to town
  3. to spend $ 35 on a bicycle

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Shopping» («Покупки»)

Вариант 2

1. Переведите на русский язык следующие   слова и словосочетания:      

1) shop assistant

2) counter

3) butcher’s

4) to sell

5) underwear

6) customer

7) orange juice

8) to pay

9) shoe department

10) in cash

11) a bottle of milk

12)  a pound of butter


2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени и в нужной   форме (Present Simple or Present Continuous)

  1. I ______ (write) an exercise now.
  2. He ______ (help) his mother every day.
  3. Look! Kate ______ (dance) now.
  4. The children ______ (eat) soup now.
  5. My father ____ (read) magazines very often.
  6. My mother _______ (play) the piano now. 
  7. I ______ (sit) in the waiting room at the doctor’s now.
  8. My parents __ (go) to Italy every year.
  9. We __ (have) lunch now.
  10. He __ (listen) to pop music at the moment.

3. Составьте отрицание. Make the sentences negative.

  1.  I am going to the cinema now.
  2. My sister walks to school every day.
  3. She is talking to Pete at the moment.
  4.  We go dancing every weekend.
  5. Ray drinks very much coffee.

4. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их. Correct the mistakes.

  1. She eating an apple at the moment.
  2. We doesn’t write letters very often.
  3. They is swimming at the moment.
  4. Every day Kate go shopping.
  5.  Do she usually buy fruits?

???Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в Present Continuous:

This is a summer camp. There are a lot of children here. Some boys(to play) football at the playground. Other boys (watch) the game. The weather is fine, the sun (to shine) and some children (to swim) in the like and (to laugh). The girl (to sunbath). One girl (not to sunbath), she (to sit) under a tree and (to read) a book.

5. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы.

A farmer came to town to do some shopping. He had bought what he wanted and was going to leave the shop, but the shop-keeper would not let him go. He said: “Look here, farmer Jones. I have some very good bicycles to sell. They are very cheap. I can sell you a very good bicycle for $35. I’m sure it will be very useful. You can ride around your farm on it every day.”

“Oh, no,” said the farmer I do not want a bicycle. With this money I can buy a cow. And a cow is certainly more useful in my farm than a bicycle.” “But you cannot go to town on a cow,” said the shop-keeper. “That is funny!” “Well, I do not know what is funnier,” said the farmer. “To ride a cow or to milk a bicycle.”

  1. Why did the farmer go to town?
  1. to meet his friend
  2. to by a bicycle
  3. to by some necessary things in the shop
  1. Why didn’t the shop-keeper let him go?
  1. he wanted the farmer to buy a bicycle.
  2. The farmer had forgotten to buy a bicycle.
  3. He wanted to take $35 from the farmer.
  1. What would the farmer rather do with money?
  1. go to the restaurant
  2. buy some grass for his cow
  3. spend his money on buying a domestic animal
  1. What did the shop-keeper find funny?
  1. having a bicycle
  2. going to the village on cowback
  3. going to town on foot
  1. What did the farmer find more useful?
  1. to have a cow to milk it
  2. to have a bicycle for going to town
  3. to spend $ 35 on a bicycle


Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Man and nature» («Человек и природа»)

Вариант 1

1. Переведите на русский язык следующие   слова и словосочетания:      

1) weather

2) to change for the better

3) frosty morning

4) heavy rain

5) windy

6) summer

7) cold climate

8) in danger

9) to survive

10) rare species

11) to hunt animals

!2) World Wildlife Fund

2. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму                                                                      Present Perfect.

  1) They have just seen this film.

  2) Mike has already been to London.

3. Употребите Present Perfect.

   1) They (just/ buy) the flowers.

   2) My sister (already/ go) to the museum.

   3) I (not yet / be) to Spain.

   4) The bus (just/stop).

4. Составьте предложения из этих слов. Переведите их на русский язык.  

   1) has / Misha / in the sea / swum /not /yet/.

   2) you / met / famous / have / people / ?

   3) built / already / has / he / a house /.

   4) just / they / have / in the park / walked /.

 5. Переведите с русского на английский следующие предложения.

   1) Мы уже  ходили в кино.

  2) Мой брат только что закончил работу.

  3) Дети ещё не были в Лондоне.

6. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы, выбрав единственно правильный вариант ответа.

Living in the City

Living in the city has both advantages and disadvantages. From one hand, it is always easier to find a good job or to visit interesting places and exhibitions. There is also a good choice of public transport. From the other hand, the noise and pollution level in big cities is really high.

As for me, I quickly become tired of it. I live in Krasnodar with my family. It’s the biggest city in Krasnodar region and its capital. It is also the cultural, political and social center of the region. I should say that the city is really beautiful and many people from smaller towns and villages come to work and study here. What they like about the city is that there are lots of interesting things to do and places to see.

They also like job and study opportunities. There are lots of good universities and large companies in Krasnodar. There are also many ways to spend the weekends, for example, visiting a museum, going to the cinema or theatre, shopping, eating in good restaurants, going to concerts, etc. If people want to relax they go to parks for a walk or to read a book. In general, the city offers various opportunities and you never get bored.

However, there are some disadvantages as well. Sometimes it’s difficult to find a cheap apartment, so living in a city becomes very expensive. The roads are full of cars which pollute the air and the traffic is really heavy on weekdays. Public transport is also over-crowded. That’s why many people leave the city at weekends. They try to relax in the countryside, where the air is much fresher and there isn’t any noise from cars. We also go away each Saturday and Sunday to visit my grandparents.


  1. What is easier to find in the city?
  2. What ways to spend the weekends are there in the city?
  3. Where do many people go on weekends?

Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу

по теме «Man and nature» («Человек и природа»)

Вариант 2

1. Переведите на русский язык следующие   слова и словосочетания:      

1) weather forecast

2) to change for the worse

3) bellow zero

4) heavy snow

5) sunny day

6) cloudy

7) winter weather

8) hot climate

9) to protect nature

10)  extinct

11) World Wildlife Fund

12) to kill animals


 2. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму в Present Perfect                                                                    

   1) We have just called the doctor.

   2) He has already bought a new flat.

3. Употребите Present Perfect.

   1) They (already/ learn) the poem.

   2) He (not yet/ come) back .

   3) We (spend) all money.

   4) The postman (just/ bring) the newspapers.

4. Составьте предложения из этих слов. Переведите их на русский язык.                        

1) just / has / Misha / football / played /.

2) you / have / money /  found / already/?

3) Moscow / has/not / he / been to /.

4) we / just / bought / this book / have /.

 5. Переведите с русского на английский следующие предложения.

  1) Я только что встретил Майка.

  2) Моя сестра уже сделала домашнюю работу.

  3) Ученики ещё не перевели текст.

6. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие за ним вопросы.

Living in the City.

Living in the city has both advantages and disadvantages. From one hand, it is always easier to find a good job or to visit interesting places and exhibitions. There is also a good choice of public transport. From the other hand, the noise and pollution level in big cities is really high. As for me, I quickly become tired of it. I live in Krasnodar with my family. It’s the biggest city in Krasnodar region and its capital. It is also the cultural, political and social center of the region. I should say that the city is really beautiful and many people from smaller towns and villages come to work and study here. What they like about the city is that there are lots of interesting things to do and places to see. They also like job and study opportunities. There are lots of good universities and large companies in Krasnodar. There are also many ways to spend the weekends, for example, visiting a museum, going to the cinema or theatre, shopping, eating in good restaurants, going to concerts, etc. If people want to relax they go to parks for a walk or to read a book. In general, the city offers various opportunities and you never get bored. However, there are some disadvantages as well. Sometimes it’s difficult to find a cheap apartment, so living in a city becomes very expensive. The roads are full of cars which pollute the air and the traffic is really heavy on weekdays. Public transport is also over-crowded. That’s why many people leave the city at weekends. They try to relax in the countryside, where the air is much fresher and there isn’t any noise from cars. We also go away each Saturday and Sunday to visit my grandparents.


  1. What is easier to find in the city?
  2. What ways to spend the weekends are there in the city?
  3. Where do many people go on weekends?

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