Ig Nobel Prize winners.
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Ig Nobel Prize winners.

   Аward ceremony of the Prize - a playful equivalent of a Nobel Prize. In English it is called Ig Nobel, which translates as "shameful" - ignoble.

   Ig Nobel Prize has been awarded since 1991 and, according to the organizers, is to identify achievements in science, which initially cause a smile, but then make you think.

   For example, all more or less large mammals spend almost the same amount of time to perform the act of urination? Get Prize in Physics graduate from the US state of Georgia Institute of Technology, using a high-speed shooting, we found that almost all mammals, the body weight of more than 3 kg on average takes 21 seconds (plus or minus 13 seconds).

Chemical weapons.

  The development of chemical weapons have long paid a lot of attention.  And in 2007. «Air Force Laboratory behalf of the Wright brothers» received the Ig Nobel prize for the project of creating a new chemical substance. This substance is able to act on the psyche, decomposing discipline in the squad of the enemy. But the same substance may have a strong sexual excitation, promote homosexuality.

   Also, the guys from the Air Force lab proposed the creation of chemicals, the smell of which attract a large number of fleas, wasps, bedbugs, beetles, rats, tigers, and even rhinos. In a word, throw the enemy forces of nature.

  To implement their plans, "the Air Force Laboratory behalf of the Wright brothers' wanted $ 7.5 million. It is not known whether they have financed, but the Ig Nobel Prize guys got.

How dinosaurs walked.

   Ig Nobel Prize for Biology got Dr. Rodrigo Vazquez of the University of Chile for his work, which proves that if the chick on its back attach a small counterweight, as an artificial long tail, it will move like tyrannosaur.

" Chick walking a little squats and the steps it has become a a little more because of the shifted center of gravity. And he need crane your neck to balance the tail. Of course, we have no way to verify, how dinosaurs moved, but we have this opportunity – chick with counterweight "

Unusual sausage.

It is hard to imagine that inspired the, Raquel Rubio, Anna Hofre, Belen Martin, Teresa Aimery and Marguerite Garriga, but they were able to invent a new method of manufacturing summer sausage. It is known that for the preparation of delicious sausages requires a special enzyme – probiotic, which the they been able take  from children's faeces. That they describe in their scientific work «Characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from feces of newborn babies.»

My advice to you, will be in Spain - do not buy local sausage.


I.  Connect the word with its translation.

Air Force  [eə] [fɔːs]                                          жуки

enzyme    [ˈɛnzaɪm]                                           ВВС

rhinos   [ˈraɪnəʊz]                                              совет

fleas   [fliːz]                                                       осы

bedbugs   [ˈbɛdbʌgz]                                         возбуждение

wasps   [wɒsps]                                                 противовес

beetles  [ˈbiːtlz]                                                 фермент

excitation    [ˌɛksɪˈteɪʃən]                                  блохи

summer sausage  [ˈsʌmə] [ˈsɒsɪʤ]                   что вдохновило

advice    [ədˈvaɪs]                                              клопы

counterweight   [ˈkaʊntəweɪt]                           носороги

that inspired    [ɪnˈspaɪəd]                                 сырокопченая колбаса

mammals [ˈmæməl]                                          млекопитающие

II. Create sentences with words from the previous job.

III. Answer the question.

 1.  On what a new chemical substance is able to act? 

 2.  That requires for the preparation of delicious sausages?

 3.  What chick needs to be done to balance the tail?

 4.  Since what year Ig Nobel Prize  awarded

 5.  If I weigh 5 kg how many seconds will take act of urination?

IV. Cross out the words that are not in the text.

imagine                                    cockroach

uniform                                    creative

squad                                        prebiotic

squats                                       advice

initially                                     crane

chicken                                     usual

V.  Translate into Russian.

Yes, it looks like a chicken with a plunger on its rear end, but the researchers concluded that its strut was "consistent with" how dinosaurs would have walked. Specifically, how a two-legged non-flying dinosaur, such as a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

VI. Fill the gaps with the following words.

- If the chick on its back ... a small counterweight

- Throw the enemy … of nature

- Using a … shooting

- That they describe in their … work

- In English it is called Ig Nobel, which translates as … - ignoble.

- They were able … a new method of manufacturing

- In the … of the enemy

- … almost the same amount of time.

VII. Перевести на английский.

Высокоскоростная съемка, специальный фермент, химическая субстанция, игривый эквивалент, по словам организаторов, не покупайте местную колбасу, заставит вас думать, силы природы.

VIII. Arrange the given sentences in chronological order.

1    He need crane your neck to balance the tail

2    The same substance may have a strong sexual excitation, promote homosexuality.

3    Get Prize in Physics graduate from the US state of Georgia Institute of Technology

4    That they describe in their scientific work.

5    Dr. Rodrigo Vazquez of the University of Chile for his work got Ig Nobel Prize.

6    Guys from the Air Force lab proposed throw the enemy forces of nature

IX. A brief retelling by  keywords.

ceremony. "shameful", make you think, act of urination, chemical weapons, smell attract, enemy forces, counterweight, center of gravity, Spanish scientists. manufacturing summer sausage, children's faeces.

X. True or False

1 .Ig Nobel Prize awarded for achievements in science, which only cause a smile.

2. Marguerite Garriga wanted $ 7.5 million.

3. A high-speed shooting need to make summer sausage.

4. Chick need crane your neck to balance the tail.

5. «Air Force Laboratory behalf of the Wright brothers» received the Ig Nobel prize.

6. Summer sausage promote homosexuality.