Elizabeth I of England
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Булавина Елена Вадимовна

Эта королева вошла в историю Англии как величайшая правительница. Она смогла изменить ход истории и в одиночестве правила страной более полувека. Елизавете досталась разрозненная, разделенная религиозными распрями страна, и она смогла превратить ее в могучую державу.

Елизавета была дочерью короля Генриха VIII, который признал ее незаконнорожденной, и Анны Болейн - женщины, которую обезглавили за измену. Большая часть англичан, да и все остальные европейские страны, считали право Елизаветы на трон нелегитимным. Однако она все же приняла корону и стала выдающейся королевой Англии.

Ее биография хранит множество секретов. Всем известно, что до конца своих дней она осталась невинной девой и передала трон сыну своей главной соперницы Марии Стюарт. Как она прошла этот путь от непризнанной дочери до величайшей королевы Англии? В этой статье мы расскажем всю историю Елизаветы I.


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Elizabeth I of England

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Elizabeth I - the last Tudor monarch - was born at Greenwich on 7 September 1533, the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn.

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Her early life was full of uncertainties, and her chances of succeeding to the throne seemed very slight once her half-brother Edward was born in 1537. She was then third in line behind her Roman Catholic half-sister, Princess Mary. Roman Catholics, indeed, always considered her illegitimate and she only narrowly escaped execution in the wake of a failed rebellion against Queen Mary in 1554.

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Elizabeth succeeded to the throne on her half-sister's death in November 15 58.

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Her 45-year reign is generally considered one of the most glorious in English history. During it a secure Church of England was established. Its doctrines were laid down in the 39 Articles of 1563, a compromise between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. Elizabeth herself refused to 'make windows into men's souls ... there is only one Jesus Christ and all the rest is a dispute over trifles'; she asked for outward uniformity.

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Elizabeth's reign also saw many brave voyages of discovery, including those of Francis Drake, Walter Raleigh and Humphrey Gilbert, particularly to the Americas. These expeditions prepared England for an age of colonisation and trade expansion, which Elizabeth herself recognised by establishing the East India Company in at the very end of 1599.

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Elizabeth I of England knighthoods pirate Francis Drake

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In 1588, aided by bad weather, the English navy scored a great victory over the Spanish invasion fleet of around 130 ships - the 'Armada'. The Spanish Armada was intended to overthrow the Queen and re-establish Roman Catholicism by conquest, as Philip II believed he had a claim to the English throne through his marriage to Mary.

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The Spanish Armada

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Mary was also a temptation for potential invaders such as Philip II. In a letter of 1586 to Mary, Elizabeth wrote, 'You have planned ... to take my life and ruin my kingdom ... I never proceeded so harshly against you.' Despite Elizabeth's reluctance to take drastic action, on the insistence of Parliament and her advisers, Mary was tried, found guilty and executed in 1587.

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Death sentence signed by Elizabeth I

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The image of Elizabeth's reign is one of triumph and success. The Queen herself was often called ' Gloriana ', 'Good Queen Bess' and 'The Virgin Queen'.

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Elizabeth chose never to marry. However, the 'Virgin Queen' was presented as a selfless woman who sacrificed personal happiness for the good of the nation, to which she was, in essence, 'married'. Late in her reign, she addressed Parliament in the so-called 'Golden Speech' of 1601 when she said: 'There is no jewel, be it of never so high a price, which I set before this jewel; I mean your love.' She seems to have been very popular with the vast majority of her subjects.

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Elizabeth I of England

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Mary Queen of Scots

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Elizabeth I of England

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Elizabeth I of England

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Mary Queen of Scots

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Francis Drake

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Elizabeth I

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Ann Boleyn

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She died at Richmond Palace on 24 March 1603, having become a legend in her lifetime. The date of her accession was a national holiday for two hundred years. James VI of Scotland was Elizabeth's successor and became James I of England. James VI and I King of England, King of Scots, and King of Ireland

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