Презентация "Химический состав крови"
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Булавина Елена Вадимовна

Данная презентация посвящена теме "Химический состав крови". Презентация по английскому языку для медицинских колледжей. Специальность 31.02.01 Лечебное дело. Кровь - это жидкая ткань, циркулирующая по сосудам, осуществляющая транспорт веществ в пределах организма и обеспечивающая питание всех клеток организма. 


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Слайд 1

Blood chemis t ry Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы «Медицинский колледж №7» Презентация по дисциплине: Английский язык по теме:«Химический состав крови»

Слайд 2

BLOOD COMPONENTS BODY DEFENDERS OXIGEN TRASPORTERS LIQUID CARRIER PLUGS Most people only think about blood if they cut themselves. But this life-giving liquid flows continuously past every cell in the body. Blood keeps the body working normally by making sure that its cells are kept in warm, constant surroundings. It does that in three ways. As a transporter , it delivers food, oxygen, and other essentials, and removes waste. As a regulator , it distributes heat, keeping the body’s temperature at 37’ С (98.6’F). As a defender , it helps protect the body against diseases. Blood has two main components: liquid plasma and blood cells – red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets – are all made inside bones.

Слайд 3

BLOOD COMPONENTS Blood consists of plasma and cells. Plasma makes up about 55 per cent of blood. Plasma consists mostly of water, in which many different substances are dissolved. White blood cells and platelets make up less than 1 per cent of blood. Red cells , for far more numerous than white cell of platelets, make up about 44 per cent of blood.

Слайд 4

BODY DEFENDERS White blood cells provide a mobile defense force against bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens – the tiny living things that cause diseases. If pathogens get inside the body, white blood cells spring into action. Carried to the site of infection, they squeeze through capillary walls and into surrounding tissues. There are three main types of white blood cells. Monocytes and neutrophils track down, surround, and digest invaders. They live for a few days, less if they are busy fighting infection. Lymphocytes release chemicals called antibodies that immobilize pathogens so they can be destroyed

Слайд 5

OXIGEN TRASPORTERS Red blood cells are ideally suited to deliver oxygen. The haemoglobin they content has the remarkable ability. As red blood cells make their one-minute round trip around the body, haemoglobin picks up oxygen where there is plenty of it – in the lungs – and unloads oxygen where there is little of it - around the body’s cells, which greedily consume it and constantly demand more. Also, their unique dimpled shape provides a large surface through which oxygen can be very quickly picked up or unloaded. After a life span of 120 days, having traveled around the body some 170.000 times, a red blood cell is worn out, inefficient, and surplus to requirements. It is dismantled in the spleen and liver, and the useful parts are recycled.

Слайд 6

LIQUID CARRIER Watery plasma makes blood liquid and contains more than 100 dissolved substances. Plasma plays a key part in blood’s 24-hour delivery and removal service. It delivers food, such as sugars (for energy) and amino acids (for growth and repair), to every cell. It removes poisonous wastes, such as carbon dioxide. It carries chemical messengers called hormones that regulate the way cells work. Plasma proteins include germ-killing antibodies and clot-making fibrinogen.

Слайд 7

PLUGS Platelets are cell fragments, not complete blood cells. Their job is to help protect the body by stopping blood from leaking out of damaged blood vessels. If a hole appears, platelets stick together to plug it. They also cause the blood to clot, or thicken at that spot, and stop it spilling out.

Слайд 8

Do you know that … An adult body contains about 5 liters (1.1 gallants) of blood. Every second 2 million red blood cells are made… … and the same number are destroyed.

Слайд 9

This blood sample has been spun at high speed to separate blood’s two main components. It shows, at a glance, how much of blood consists of plasma and how much of cells. Yellowish plasma makes up about 55 per cent of blood. Plasma consists mostly of water, in which many different substances are dissolved. White blood cells and platelets – seen here as a thin pale line between plasma and red blood cells – make up less than 1 per cent of blood. Red cells, for far more numerous than white cell of platelets, make up about 44 per cent of blood .

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