Индивидуальные задания для контроля знаний по теме: “Пассивный (страдательный) залог в английском языке”.
методическая разработка

Водолазская Ирина Евгеньевна

Индивидуальные задания для контроля знаний по теме:

 “Пассивный (страдательный) залог в английском языке” разработаны для студентов колледжей


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Предварительный просмотр:

Индивидуальные задания для контроля знаний по теме:

 “Пассивный (страдательный) залог в английском языке”.  

Passive Voice

 (материал разработан для использования на занятиях по английскому языку для студентов колледжей)

Автор материала:

Водолазская Ирина Евгеньевна (КГА ПОУ «ДВГГТК»)

Владивосток, 2024

Card 1

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. Everything was arranged in time.
  2. You are wanted on the phone.
  3. The boy was given a lot of presents on his Birthday.
  4.  Jane will be asked to file the papers tomorrow.
  5. The speakers are being listened to very attentively.

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. The postbox (to empty) every day.
  2. The letters (to deliver) yesterday.
  3. The telegram (to send) tomorrow.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1.  Every four years people elect a new president in the USA.
  2. The police caught a bank robber last night.


Card 2

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. The dog was being looked for everywhere.
  2. I was asked to do the translation of the article.
  3. The children are allowed to play computer games.
  4. The singer has been given many flowers after the concert.
  5. The situation will be described as very dangerous.

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. The stamps usually (to postmark) at the post office.
  2. The letter (to deliver) next week.
  3. I (to give) an invitation to the party last week.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1.  Sorry, we don’t allow dogs in our Safari park.
  2. The postman will leave my letter by the door.

Card 3

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. I was introduced to all the guests.
  2. A lot of presents were given to my brother yesterday.
  3. All that damage has been given by the flood.
  4. The church will be built of wood.
  5. Everything was explained to me.

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. This house (to build) two years ago.
  2. The book (to send) to us next week.
  3. Milk (to drink) by little children every day.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1.  My mum made a delicious cherry pie for dinner.
  2. George didn’t repair my clock.

Card 4

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. We were not told to give the English translation.
  2. Jim will be allowed to miss classes on Friday.
  3. The hospital was designed by Kazakov.
  4. He is being asked to take part in the discussion.
  5. The tourists are asked to gather in the hall.

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. I (to ask) many questions at the lesson yesterday.
  2. Jane (to send) to Moscow next month.
  3. Flowers (to sell) in flower-shops.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1. My son can write some more articles about football.
  2. You must clean your bedroom tonight.

Card 5

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. I was taught to play the piano at a music school.
  2. Excuse me, you are wanted on the phone.
  3. He was appointed president of the firm.
  4. The date will be agreed on next week.
  5. Three specialists are being interviewed for the job.

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. He (to pay) a lot of money at his new job.
  2. The letter (to receive) yesterday.
  3. This book (to publish) next year.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1. A homeless dog bit Sammy.
  2. The Customs officers must check your luggage.

Card 6

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. All these houses were built of wood.
  2. Various art schools have been represented in this museum.
  3. Nothing can be done well without preparations.
  4. This company was set up a few years ago.
  5. The film is much spoken about. 

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. Books (to sell) in a book-shop.
  2. This monument (to set) up a few years ago.
  3. We (to give) the task tomorrow.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1. The Customs officers must check your luggage.
  2. They sell flowers everywhere before Woman’s Day.

Card 7

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. He has never been taught to play the piano.
  2. You were asked many questions, weren’t you?
  3. His recent work has been talked about at the conference.
  4. This monument will be designed by a very well-known architect.
  5. I am always invited to his birthday parties.

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. The tickets (to bring) next week.
  2. I often (to invite) to the cinema.
  3. The letters (to receive) yesterday.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1. He will finish this work in 3 hours.
  2. You can see this castle from a long distance.

Card 8

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. These problems are often discussed.
  2. The house was built long ago.
  3. All the documents are kept in perfect order.
  4. Everything will be arranged in good time.
  5. America was discovered by Columbus.  

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. My sister always (to help) at school.
  2. The dictation (to write) next week.
  3. My bag (to buy) last year.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1. You can see this castle from a long distance.
  2. Mary introduced me to all the guests at the party.

Card 9

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. The matter has not been settled yet.
  2. The problem will be solved in the near future.
  3. The mail was sent off yesterday.
  4. The match is being shown on TV now.
  5. The new equipment has already been installed.

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. His books always (to read) with great interest.
  2. I (to give) a cup of coffee yesterday morning.
  3. This test (to check) next week.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1. They put up this monument three hundred years ago.
  2. They have tested all the machines.

Card 10

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. The question was asked several times.
  2. The match has been put off.
  3. That film will not be shown on TV.
  4. The bill has been paid.
  5. Our plans were changed a little.

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. This work (to do) tomorrow.
  2. The cup (to break) yesterday.
  3. Our dog (to play) with in our family every day.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1. They will repeat this TV show soon.
  2. They started the company 10 years ago.

Card 11

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. The table has been made with simple tools.
  2. The ground is covered with snow.
  3. The furniture will be made of expensive wood.
  4. The discussion was interrupted.
  5. The work must be done as soon as possible.


II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. This rule always (to forget).
  2. The book (to translate) next year.
  3. Our car (to repair) last week.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1. She has changed everything in the design.
  2. They are interviewing the delegates of the conference.

Card 12

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. The city was destroyed during the war.
  2. The reason has not been found yet.
  3. Serious damage was done by the flood.
  4. The mistake will not be made any more.
  5. The film is much spoken about.

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. I (to bring) a new computer game tomorrow.
  2.  He (to tell) something interesting every day.
  3. John (to ask) to help his classmates yesterday.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1. They hold these contests every 5 years.
  2. My teacher asked me to take part in the discussion.

Card 13

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. Your order will be fulfilled in a week.
  2. The house is still being built.
  3. This book has been translated into Russian.
  4. The delegates are being interviewed now.
  5. This monuments were put up three hundred years ago.


II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. I often (to send) to the South.
  2. My friend (to help) with his German tomorrow.
  3. I (to teach) to swim last summer.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1. A discussion will follow the lecture.
  2. We have settled the matter very easily.

Card 14

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. The problem has already been solved.
  2. No decisions will be taken.
  3. The goods are packed.
  4. The discussion was interrupted.
  5. The table is made of expensive wood.

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. I always (to help) about the house by my children.
  2. Sam (to advise) to join to a sport section last week.
  3. Mike (to ask) to tell about his journey tomorrow.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1. Snow covered the ground.
  2. The policeman fired the driver for exceeding the speed limit.

Card 15

(Passive Voice)

I. Translate the following sentences into Russian and define the Tense:

  1. The work must be done as soon as possible.
  2. The plan will be changed a little.
  3. The ground was covered with snow.
  4. The mail has just been sent off.
  5. His article is much spoken about.

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in Present Indefinite Tense, Past Indefinite Tense or Future Indefinite Tense. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. My parents (to show) my marks every Saturday.
  2. The doctor (to ask) to cure me tomorrow.
  3. I (to give) this medicine yesterday.

III. Paraphrase the sentences using Passive Voice:

  1. We have already sent for the doctor.
  2. They translated all the sentences.


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